I skipped stages 2-4 when Rinoa was released in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius >.>
3 years ago
I’m on stage 2 with Genshin Impact.. and none of the above when it comes to Fate Grand/Order …because they fucking EARNED my money. Been playing that game for almost 2 years straight have laughed… cried.. been enraged by and vindicated by the elaborate story that is woven by them. When you put in more work to your story telling than most pay-for Triple A titles.. yeah okay you get paid for a job well done.
2 years ago
Pft. I’ve been playing World Of Tanks for almost 11 years and the only real money I ever spent was for clan prizes for a contest I ran. I’ve never bought a single thing from them for my own account.
And yes, I’m far behind everyone else who has been playing the game while spending money on it.
Shit. I made be on stage four with Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
I skipped stages 2-4 when Rinoa was released in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius >.>
I’m on stage 2 with Genshin Impact.. and none of the above when it comes to Fate Grand/Order …because they fucking EARNED my money. Been playing that game for almost 2 years straight have laughed… cried.. been enraged by and vindicated by the elaborate story that is woven by them. When you put in more work to your story telling than most pay-for Triple A titles.. yeah okay you get paid for a job well done.
Pft. I’ve been playing World Of Tanks for almost 11 years and the only real money I ever spent was for clan prizes for a contest I ran. I’ve never bought a single thing from them for my own account.
And yes, I’m far behind everyone else who has been playing the game while spending money on it.