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Contain And Eradicate

October 7, 2019 by Tim

I know, I know, my petty is showing.

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5 years ago

I guess i’m thankful I’ve never heard of whatever this Masked Singer is, and now I don’t want to google it either XD

5 years ago

Captain ? I need some context here …

Liam Price
Liam Price
4 years ago
Reply to  Remi

Masked Singer is a show where celebrities dress up in suits to hide their identities, give several vague clues about themselves, and then sing a song. The panel of judges are supposed to try to guess who it is over the course of multiple performances.
For some reason Tim hates it I guess?

5 years ago

Thank god someone feels the same way…

5 years ago

I had no idea what this was about, so I googled it. Now I wish I hadn’t.

5 years ago
Reply to  geraintwd

Just did the same thing… Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish I hadn’t. Surely this has to be the bottom of the barrel for “reality tv” by now?

5 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

There is not bottom. It can always get worse.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Cuboci

I’d buy that for a dollar.

5 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

Ok, now i really don’t want to google it.
Can you give a summary though?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ciary

They’re just being dramatic. It’s just a show where someone performs in a mask, and people try to guess who it is and sometimes it’s a celebrity or actual performer. It’s not smart, but it’s not like … something that should never be googled.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ciary

its nothing actually bad, just a little weird. ‘Famous’ people hide themselves in costumes and sing, other celebs have to guess who they are – thats it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ciary

I read a summary. It’s celebrities in ridiculous full body costumes competing in a singing contest. And hints are given as to their identity. I guess you’re supposed to guess who the singers are while the contestants compete for…I dunno what. And whenever someone loses they take their mask off or something. That’s about it.

And yea, from the trailer I’ve seen it looks like utter trash.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  Sanquin

Eh, I’ve seen worse. Usually without costumes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sanquin

I was blissfully unaware of this thing. Until now.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sanquin

Sounds like this is based on a popular Chinese TV show, but there they have popular/famous singers vs each other. Only heard about it because Jessie J won the Chinese competition a year or two ago making her quite famous over there.

5 years ago
Reply to  Psybite

It was originally Korean. Then they made a Chinese version. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

Definitely scraping the sludge at the bottom of the barrel, no wonder it’s a biohazard.

5 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

It’s bad, but is it really worse than Temptation Island? To save you from having to Google, couples go to a resort where they’re surrounded by attractive singles trying to get them to cheat on each other.

5 years ago
Reply to  CaptCode

This would 100% fall apart if a poly couple went there. XD

5 years ago
Reply to  CaptCode

my best friend is a girl and if we knew about this we would have totally gone to bamboozle them.

5 years ago
Reply to  geraintwd

No kidding. I’m starting to understand why narcissistic tendencies are more prevalent and acceptable when things like that show are becoming popular.

5 years ago
Reply to  geraintwd

same here
juste another creepy “talent” show

5 years ago

The advertising for it (or maybe only the Australian version) is too heavy to ignore if you watch any TV at all, but I can safely say I have never, nor intend to ever, watch the show.
Please send several of those response teams here ASAP.

Matt Bradock
Matt Bradock
5 years ago

I imagine the Foundation is already processing the show for SCP classification due to being a cognitohazard, and the MTF teams are out doing exactly this.

5 years ago

T-Pain clapped cheeks on this show and you’re all fucking cowards for not being able to admit it

White Rice
White Rice
5 years ago
Reply to  Clev

T-Pain can only compensate for so much mediocrity. He’s the one guy with a bucket trying to put out a wildfire (or the one guy with a bucket trying to keep the titanic from sinking; either way, he’s the only bucket-wielder while everyone else either has kerosene or a drill)

5 years ago

Honestly, when I first saw a commercial for this it reminded me of something the Capital would put on the air in order to entertain people until the next Hunger Games. On a real life comparison, now I understand why I saw a group of late teenage/early twenty-somethings singing and dancing to each other in Wal-Mart while wearing those horrible furry heads at 2:00 AM. I just went home. I’ll get my groceries without any of that, thanks.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ceuden

Wow you are soft. Seeing Teenagers have fun and leaving with out your food.

You haven’t lived till you’ve been kicked out of a walmart you’ll never have to go back to. Jousting with brooms and the mobile scooters was my thing with friends.

5 years ago
Reply to  MacLeod

Full up polo games on bikes with baseball bats and cherry balls. Good times…

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

Okay, even I’ll admit that I want to go in there with two or three friends and our full HEMA gear to hold a mini tournament with the Wiffle Bats off the shelves. Do you think I should go for it?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ceuden

If you do then make sure it’s a Wal-Mart not near you that you aren’t likely to shop at. Even if you don’t normally shop at Wal-Mart, you should try to avoid getting banned from any stores near or in the town/city you live in just in case you do need to shop there.

5 years ago
Reply to  MacLeod

My summer time fun used to be beating each other with pool noodles at Walmart when I was in college.

5 years ago

Disposal in 1/2 an hour or its free. Because at Pyro Inc. when you need us, you Need us.

5 years ago

Eughhh, please, take it out at the source. Someone always tunes into it in the breakroom at work. I can block out most noise while I’m reading, but those ridiculous modulated voices break straight through, and then make it 10x harder to block everything else out.

James Kite
James Kite
5 years ago

I believe it originated in Korea

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

My wife watches it; I don’t. Though it’s not about this one in particular; I just hate singing competitions. My coworkers at work also watch.

Eh. IMO, every single singing competition show is hokey and groan-inducing; this one is just honest with itself. Plus, mystery component makes it a little fresh.

And if you really hate it, just imagine every singer is a big pinata, and you’ve got a bat.

5 years ago

Don’t forget, we’re in season *2*…

5 years ago

Eh, I watch it for the neat costume designs. The lion, the bull, and the rabbit looked amazing in the last season.

5 years ago

MY wife started watching the last season and realized it is just a vehicle for C list celebrities to use as a launch point to promote whatever new thing they are doing.
Plus it’s got Jenny McCarthy, so I can’t even stand seeing the ads for the show let alone watch the actual program.

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  TBone

Yeah…Jenny McCarthy is the only thing keeping me from satisfying my curiosity about that show. I really can’t support anything with her in it.

5 years ago

My wife & I watch the show together. The first season was entertaining, but the “celebrity” judges are annoying at best. This second season is still entertaining to watch the contestants, but about half the costumes are kind of ridiculous this time (a Christmas Tree & Ice Cream Man). Also the people they’ve unmasked so far this year all but one we both said “Who is that” even once they said their name. If there ever is a 3rd or heaven forbid 4th season (who am I kidding this show will probably go on for many years but I won’t… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Speak

My wife is TV obsessed and got me to watch this with her last year and again this season. We DVR it so we skip a LOT of the crap/fluff as the core isn’t a terrible idea IMO. But completely agree on the judges and host, with only Robin Thicke being mildly acceptable. I generally have my phone up and only am half paying attention, but the shots of the audience 100% into it are pretty funny and really the judges could simply go away. It really could be a 30 min long show.

5 years ago

Sounds about right

5 years ago

I’m afraid I agree. Some of the things they are showing on TV these days are only just entertainment. Some things shows should have all footage destroyed in the most brutal way possible, preferably with fire, lots and lots of fire.
I have actually turned to SBS World Movies (I’m in West Australia for reference) and the ABC for things to watch that are actually worth it. That and Anime and reading books.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mickk

+1 for the reference making me chuckle

5 years ago
Reply to  Mickk

Commercial TV in general is a frightening thing here in Oz, with the constant screaming about limited budgets I think they actively look for the worst and cheapest crap to fill the broadcast hours.
ANYTHING that is “reality” TV is anything but, scripted falsehoods and cruelty just filled with fools willing to accept being mistreated and under/unpaid to get on air and be famous. I think you named the best two channels available apart from stream/pay TV if you take that option.

5 years ago

Man… even though it’s a comic, and is a still frame, I just immediately pictured him slow walking as he dons his frames. You convey so much with your art dude. Well done.

C. Mage
C. Mage
5 years ago

It seems like TV execs are in a constant one-upmanship contest to find out who can make money with the stupidest drek on TV. There’s a reason why I don’t watch TV anymore.

5 years ago
Reply to  C. Mage

Yeah, I really don’t watch TV all that much either. Maybe to watch the local news occasionally but I rarely ever watch TV for long periods of time like I used to as a kid.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago

I gotta say, I’m amazed by the vitriol to the masked singer here! I haven’t seen the show, but I thought the concept was neat.

But I am far to busy with the MTV’s The Challenge, HGTV, Stumptown, and the Good Place to watch this one anyways.

5 years ago

It is fine to dislike a thing, but this comic is promoting a hate ideal and I think you should take it down and maybe even apologize. You are literally burning someone that likes a thing you don’t like in this. Why even draw this? I may not agree with every sentiment you have produced before, but this is beyond an opinion, this is saying to a certain group, that they should feel bad for what they like. If you don’t like a thing, don’t engage with it. That is the other problem with this, the context is that you… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Hey Josh, while I certainly understand your reference point, I have a feeling Tim is merely depicting a hugely hyperbolic situation. Tim doesn’t strike me as the kind of fella to ACTUALLY want to set fire to people who enjoy a show.

I read this comic and infer that Tim thinks the show is bad, and found a humourous manner in which to show *how* bad he thinks the show is.

Cheer up, Tim’s not about to torch anyone!

5 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

well… sometimes I do.

5 years ago
Reply to  Josh

“If you don’t like a thing, don’t engage with it.”

A touch of irony there…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Out of curiosity, have you also written letters to Warner Brothers about the hateful way they depict coyotes who hunt roadrunners in their natural habitat?

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Josh

There was an intelligent way to disagree with this comic. That wasn’t it. It’s a valid point that people have a right to like dumb stuff. However, it’s an equally valid point that liking dumb stuff doesn’t make it any less dumb. It’s also a valid point that enough people liking a dumb thing can be actively destructive to society – see the Nazis, the Anti-Vax movement, and any number of immediately obvious examples for reference. Do I think the people supporting this sort of tripe are actively destructive to society? Well, actually some of them, yes. Do I think… Read more »

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

I legitimately didn’t expect an example of Godwin’s Law in a discussion of a webcomic critiquing The Masked Singer…

Good Job?

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  D Harshman

Nice try, but Godwin’s is intended to address a specific subset of argument Ad Hominem – which my post was not. Consider for a moment beyond the fact that someone put their name on a principle and called it a Law, for one second – why do people keep comparing each other to Nazis, and why is that actually a problem? It seems like the answer is pretty simple; it’s so you don’t have to actually use your brain. Call someone Hitler, and you don’t have to actually address or even hear any of what they say – sort of… Read more »

D Harshman
D Harshman
5 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

1) Your arguments being long does not make it right or well thought out. And, sentences with 40+ words make your arguments challenging to read. Consider editing yourself a bit. 2) Godwin’s Law is “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” You did, in fact, compare liking The Masked Singer to Nazis. So, Godwin’s Law does apply. 3) You are arguing that any group that thinks together are inherently harmful because nazis & anti-vaxxers think together, and they are harmful. This is a classic example of an Ad Hominum argument.… Read more »

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

I got done with all these singing gimmick shows. Didn’t even try to give Masked Singer a chance. Ads just shows it’s American Idol with masks and costumes. No thanks.

Closest I’ll watch to anything is America’s Got Talent since they actually do more than just singers on there and (maybe) Dancing with the Stars.

5 years ago

My Reaction to The Masked Singer:

The country is going down the toilet.
The Earth is dying.
We’re on the brink of possibly another World War


5 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

You could literally say this about every single thing we do for fun, including video games, and — oh hey — reading webcomics. Though yes, you are correct on your three doom points, but if you are so serious about “hey, why do we care about a masked singer?”, then I must ask you, “hey, why do you care about a webcomic?” As much as I love this webcomic, it is by no means any less frivolous than the Masked Singer.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Rich Celebrities dancing in outrageously over the top costumes for a program that’s so aggressively being pushed at people that it’s taken over half of my Facebook feed from Sponsored ads is….as frivolous as a webcomic I occasionally drop in to check on?

5 years ago

God’s work

5 years ago

Oh. My. God.

I shouldn’t have duckduckgoted it.

I am french but… most of the time, we got copies of this kind of TV shows. We have “The Voice” for exemple and it still have a decent popularity despite its progressive declining.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a translated version someday on RMC channel or even a made-in-france variant on M6 channel. These are two (terrible) channels, but idiots love them.

5 years ago

Meh, not any worse than 99.7% of reality C-list celeb, (or even D-list famous for being famous Celebs) show out there.

5 years ago

Oh wow someone is enjoying something…lets destroy it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Hey if you enjoy the show, have fun. But realize for some of us, it’s like nails on a chalkboard (hence the figurative propensity to want to kill it with fire). Possible bad example.

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago

Oh boy, yet another comic with no context whatsoever, forcing me to google for something stupid if I want to get it. Do I have to start watching TV to understand this comic now?

5 years ago

For a moment, I thought this was poking fun at how overblown the whole Joker movie thing has become, but reading through the comments it seems that I’m incorrect

5 years ago

If they got rid of the host (how does Nick Cannon keep getting work?) and the judges (Ken Jeong was fine in Community, but he needs to dial his personality back about 90%), it would be tons better.

5 years ago

I like this show. It’s certainly not bottom-of-the-barrel when it comes to Reality TV. Yes, some of the celebrities can’t really sing (looking at you Tyler “Ninja” Blevins), but they get voted off pretty early, and by the later episodes, the performances are all pretty good. Last season our top 5 were T-Pain, Donny Osmond, Gladys Knight, Joey Fatone, and Rumer Willis, and honestly, any of them could have won (though T-Pain’s “Stay With Me” was probably the performance that won it for him). The costumes all look excellent. You can really tell that its a labor of love creating… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh dear God, that show looks like ass. And this is coming from a fan of bands like The Aquabats, the Radioactive Chicken Heads, and Masked Intruder.

5 years ago

It’s actually a pretty fun show. There are some amazing costume designs and it’s crazy how hard it is to tell who some of the singers are. Last season had Gladys Knight and I should know that voice, but put a mask on her, and my husband and I were debating for weeks about who was under the mask. Plus, we had no idea some of the other contestants could sing. Sure, there were some filler people in there who couldn’t really sing, but it was still overall fun and entertaining. But then again, I appreciate over-the-top theatrics, and a… Read more »

5 years ago

*shrug* shows fun, thats fine if you don’t care for it. Don’t see what about it generates so much hate.

5 years ago

I waffle so hard on this show; I really enjoy the costuming and trying to guess who the singer is, but the judges don’t add anything and whatever writing the show has is terrible. And it definitely feels like drag out the show longer than it needs to be just to fill time…

5 years ago
Reply to  Truzen

My wife enjoys it, and I will watch along, but she agrees with this 100%: she doesn’t feel the judges add anything (I laugh at Ken’s antics last season, but it was more laughing *at* him than *with* him.) As an artist, she loves examining the costumes and breaking down the designs, and the performances can be quite enjoyable; as said before, the bad performers get weeded out early, so watch just the later episodes. And we also agree that the DVR is your friend; skip the talk and go to the singing.

A nonny mouse
A nonny mouse
5 years ago

The Masked Singer is huge in parts of Asia. The singing really isn’t any better either. Ryan Reynolds did a rendition of “Tomorrow” on the South Korean version that provides an excellent example.

Much like Takeshi’s Castle or Ninja Warrior, I find it odd when a group reviles a television show type that has already drawn in a larger audience than the sum of said group.

5 years ago

I saw some of the episodes and I enjoyed them.

5 years ago

Just Googled the show because I never heard it before. Jenny McCarthy is actually a biological hazard to humanity.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago

I’m actually going to go against the grain on this one. No, I’m not going to disagree that this show is a festering pile of crap. It definitely is. However, from what little promotional material I’ve been forced to endure, it at least appears to be a slightly-more-honest-than-usual festering pile of crap. Every “reality” singing/variety competition I’ve seen for the last two decades or so have adamantly insistent that it’s competitors are “real” people, when in fact they’re plants. They’re professional or semi-professional performers – or at least people who have tried and failed as professionals – who simply haven’t… Read more »

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
5 years ago

the japan version MASKED SINGER where ryan rehnolds was dressed as a unicorn was funny…. ahhhh not the FLAMETHROWERS!

5 years ago

is this a reference to the tee vee? I didn’t think anyone under 40 still watched those programs

4 years ago

LOL. I tossed my tell-a-vision in the dumpster decades ago. And God it would be great if offing them was this easy.