Gotta assume in this case it’s not, and that it started the update. “Energy Saving Mode” lets you choose to update (though I guess if you do nothing for weeks it might force it…)
You can have it automatically apply updates while in rest mode though. So, unless you turn off the system entirely, disable the auto download feature, or your internet is out until you go to play, this shouldn’t be much of an issue.
Yeah, and in energy saving mode an alert Icon appears near the settings symbol and you can choose to download the update whenever you want.
The way I read this comic: update rolled out, and rest mode automatically started to update the console -> Tim Turned on his Xbox as this was happening. (why the update is already at 16%)
I thought the kid *was* the reason you were forced to crawl bleary eyed out of bed at 4am.
5 years ago
I’ve lived my life with very limited bandwidth. 500 mb takes one hour. Patches mean “I don’t play that today.” I know this pain and I do not have kids.
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Almost 95% of my gaming is on Switch BECAUSE as a dad I have zero time to sit down in front of a couch and progress in a game. Switch’s portability and ability to put me back in where I left off within seconds is my winner.
I don’t think I’ve ever had an update that took longer than three minutes, and you can play your game while it’s downloading.
5 years ago
I miss the days when you could just put the game in, press a button, and start gaming in less than 1 minute. It’s why I skipped console gaming for more than a decade up until the Switch.
If a person skipped ‘console gaming’ for a decade, it doesn’t automatically make them a PC gamer, especially as PSP, Vita, DS, and 3DS all had a presence in the last decade.
If you maintain your cartridges properly, they work perfect every time. You honestly should never blow into your cartridges. It can cause the game to fail which makes you think you need to blow more. But in fact, its not dirty.
Believe it or not, cartridge technology has improved somewhat in the last thirty-five years. And even back in the 80s, the number of hospitalizations connected to NES-based respiration overexertion was greatly exaggerated.
5 years ago
Me last friday I have about 3 hours before anyone is home. Time for some COD! New Patch, 67GBs 4 hours………..
5 years ago
I can relate SO MCUH with my shitty connection.
5 years ago
I had to do a triple take to see that this wasn’t Scott at first…
… and with that, I agree. Free time is never free.
Yeah, I thought that was Scott too. “Does Scott have time to game? Oh my god! He’s standing up. What the hell is goi– Oh.”
5 years ago
Life isnt fair……..
5 years ago
QFT! Qouted For muthafuggin Truth!
5 years ago
Oh hey there. Steam has been idle all night and most of the day waiting just for you! Would you like to babysit a lengthy featureless software update now or later? Don’t worry, we’ll happily wait however long it takes to make sure you wait for us.
I really should set up a scheduled job to restart steam just to force unattended startup updating.
5 years ago
That’s how I discovered that controller updates are a thing.
Michael Bulmer
5 years ago
Well I didn’t expect to be attacked today, but here we are.
Patrick DiSandro
5 years ago
“Simpsons did it”?
Or not the Simpsons, but I think Tim is about 8 months too late on posting this specific joke.
How long did you think it took him to finally have 25 minutes to play a game?
5 years ago
Hadn’t had that in like 3 month… maybe because thats when I started gaming on Stadia ….
And because I’m a dad, the small seletion of games doesn’t matter because I only finished 2 games in that time.
5 years ago
Moral of the story, don’t have kids!
5 years ago
I feel your pain; I’ll get a new game, do all sorts of coordinating to get the kids out of the house and the wife relaxing, and then I turn on the game and it’s Master Chief Collection all over again.
5 years ago
Time to break out the Genesis/SNES.
5 years ago
guys, I’v missed the January comics, but this month isn’t on the archives!
you jump from February straight to December…..
Yeah, I was wondering about that too! Has there been no comic in 2 months?
5 years ago
If it’s any consolation, the latest dashboard update is super awesome. Noticeably faster navigating around, and they have streamlined a lot of menus. I really wish Sony would give the PS4 a proper overhaul, it’s still years behind the Xbox dash for the most simple things. (Like setting up a multi player party, and inviting everyone in said party to a game).
3 years ago
And installing! Don’t forget installing!
3 years ago
That’s because you have shitty slow connections. Meanwhile in Romania we have 1Gbps speeds for 10$/month.
Never has a comic affected me so deeply
Rest mode is your friend. Or “instant-on” as xbox calls it.
Gotta assume in this case it’s not, and that it started the update. “Energy Saving Mode” lets you choose to update (though I guess if you do nothing for weeks it might force it…)
You can have it automatically apply updates while in rest mode though. So, unless you turn off the system entirely, disable the auto download feature, or your internet is out until you go to play, this shouldn’t be much of an issue.
Yeah, and in energy saving mode an alert Icon appears near the settings symbol and you can choose to download the update whenever you want.
The way I read this comic: update rolled out, and rest mode automatically started to update the console -> Tim Turned on his Xbox as this was happening. (why the update is already at 16%)
That’s also how I read it. Rest Mode can’t help you if you have the terrible luck to have turned the console on while an update was in progress.
I prefer the permanent rest mode I call “no kids” lol, lots of gaming time then
I agree it’s great no rugrats biting your ankles lol
Another reason why linux is the number one gaming platform – you have control over your own system 😛
Are XBOX updates that slow?
PS4 updates have gone quite quick, so far atleast.
No clue, I have an XBOX360 and a Wii U that I got for free once, I keep them offline.
Xbox updates are faster than PS4 updates in my experience. Also, Xbox has less updates. PlayStation sure loves forcing updates that don’t do anything.
Cant wait for your games if you’ve got no games to wait for, right?
since when did windows get renamed linux ?
yup: no games to play, no updates needed 😛
ok, call me when youll have actual games
Yeah there’s nothing quite like the fun of spending 4 hours trying to get a game to run in a windows shell.
Instead you can spend those hours trying to fix your system after your updates break your install ?
OMG so true, so goddamn true. Every effing time I manage to sit down !
Ah well, who needs time to themselves right? You have us, Tim! You always have us… 😐
but… all we do is rant :O
That’s how we show we love him. <3
Now where is my next Console War update, Tim?
Poor Tim..
*does the “I don’t have kids and my S.O. is a gamer too” dance* <^-^^-^>
*slaps the auto-format for fucking up his dance* >:|
In the same boat as you.. And damn, it’s a nice boat.
Wife is not a gamer, toddler is barely 3 years old…
* cires in parent *
Hmm. Think I’ll just stay single, more free time.
That is what the average heavy user of PronHub says.
Perhaps we have a volunteer as tribute for the 79th annual divorce games, with the odds never being in his favor?
Try waking up at 4am each morning for a few more hours every day. You’ll have your game time then..
Clearly you are not a parent. If you get up at 4 so does the kid.
I thought the kid *was* the reason you were forced to crawl bleary eyed out of bed at 4am.
I’ve lived my life with very limited bandwidth. 500 mb takes one hour. Patches mean “I don’t play that today.” I know this pain and I do not have kids.
Almost 95% of my gaming is on Switch BECAUSE as a dad I have zero time to sit down in front of a couch and progress in a game. Switch’s portability and ability to put me back in where I left off within seconds is my winner.
I don’t think I’ve ever had an update that took longer than three minutes, and you can play your game while it’s downloading.
I miss the days when you could just put the game in, press a button, and start gaming in less than 1 minute. It’s why I skipped console gaming for more than a decade up until the Switch.
PC gaming has required installation and had patches longer than consoles….
Plus unless its an online game you just don’t update the game if you want to play straight away.
If a person skipped ‘console gaming’ for a decade, it doesn’t automatically make them a PC gamer, especially as PSP, Vita, DS, and 3DS all had a presence in the last decade.
those are hand held consoles…
Patch Notes:
We have replaced a texture to make it slightly darker, this texture is found only in one place under a table
also screw you Tim, no gametime for you
-The Dev
That never happened with cartridges…
No but passing out from excessive blowing on the cartridges or taking it out putting back in powering off then back on ate up a lot of time.
If you maintain your cartridges properly, they work perfect every time. You honestly should never blow into your cartridges. It can cause the game to fail which makes you think you need to blow more. But in fact, its not dirty.
Believe it or not, cartridge technology has improved somewhat in the last thirty-five years. And even back in the 80s, the number of hospitalizations connected to NES-based respiration overexertion was greatly exaggerated.
Me last friday I have about 3 hours before anyone is home. Time for some COD! New Patch, 67GBs 4 hours………..
I can relate SO MCUH with my shitty connection.
I had to do a triple take to see that this wasn’t Scott at first…
… and with that, I agree. Free time is never free.
Yeah, I thought that was Scott too. “Does Scott have time to game? Oh my god! He’s standing up. What the hell is goi– Oh.”
Life isnt fair……..
QFT! Qouted For muthafuggin Truth!
Oh hey there. Steam has been idle all night and most of the day waiting just for you! Would you like to babysit a lengthy featureless software update now or later? Don’t worry, we’ll happily wait however long it takes to make sure you wait for us.
I really should set up a scheduled job to restart steam just to force unattended startup updating.
That’s how I discovered that controller updates are a thing.
Well I didn’t expect to be attacked today, but here we are.
“Simpsons did it”?
Or not the Simpsons, but I think Tim is about 8 months too late on posting this specific joke.
How long did you think it took him to finally have 25 minutes to play a game?
Hadn’t had that in like 3 month… maybe because thats when I started gaming on Stadia ….
And because I’m a dad, the small seletion of games doesn’t matter because I only finished 2 games in that time.
Moral of the story, don’t have kids!
I feel your pain; I’ll get a new game, do all sorts of coordinating to get the kids out of the house and the wife relaxing, and then I turn on the game and it’s Master Chief Collection all over again.
Time to break out the Genesis/SNES.
guys, I’v missed the January comics, but this month isn’t on the archives!
you jump from February straight to December…..
Yeah, I was wondering about that too! Has there been no comic in 2 months?
If it’s any consolation, the latest dashboard update is super awesome. Noticeably faster navigating around, and they have streamlined a lot of menus. I really wish Sony would give the PS4 a proper overhaul, it’s still years behind the Xbox dash for the most simple things. (Like setting up a multi player party, and inviting everyone in said party to a game).
And installing! Don’t forget installing!
That’s because you have shitty slow connections. Meanwhile in Romania we have 1Gbps speeds for 10$/month.