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Out Of The Hot Seat

December 21, 2020 by Tim

We’ve seen some rough launches recently, but when’s the last time an AAA game got kicked out of the Playstation store for being in such a sorry state? Yeesh.

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rayniel cruz
rayniel cruz
3 years ago

Though not the PSN, i remember when the PC port of Batman Arkham Knight was removed from steam for 6 months. I was able to play it cause i installed it launch night, and my pc surprisingly had similar hardware to the ps4, so my experience was better than most.

3 years ago
Reply to  rayniel cruz

Difference here is that Arkham Knight was pulled by the dev/publisher so they can fix it (and they did and I do not regret purchasing it after it was re-listed) while this one was kicked out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lulu

Main reason for the kick was return policy that PSN didn’t want to fulfill

3 years ago
Reply to  Croaker

Theyre literally refunding people….

3 years ago
Reply to  Poop

That doesn’t change that this was pretty clearly a response to CDPR throwing PSN under the bus. That said, if someone made their screw-up my problem to compensate players for, I would stop selling their product too.

3 years ago
Reply to  Seshia

Seriously? Doesn’t CDPR actually pay them 30% for selling their game? Do You really think they wouldn’t be charged for the whole refund? The problem is that today’s global market treats projected income as money not only already earned but spent.

3 years ago
Reply to  rayniel cruz

My thoughts exactly.

There are a lot of Steam games that get taken down for one reason or another and never come back. The only reason this is getting so much attention is because how high profile the game is.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago
Reply to  fancypants

Thats why he said a triple-A game. Its not too surprising that a low budget small team game might get pulled. The biggest release this year, not so much.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  rayniel cruz

That wasn’t kicked out, it was willingly pulled by the publisher.

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 years ago

That IS kicked out; CDPR did not consent to the pulling of the game.

Blair Stewart
Blair Stewart
3 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

The person you are replying to, was replying to the person talking about Arkham Knight

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 years ago
Reply to  Blair Stewart

Oh. Whoops…

just me
just me
3 years ago

i would never expect that a 2020 game looks good on a console as on pc. PCMR 😛


3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

that’s the point, it’s a joke from a yahtzee video Tim, mocking the whole concept of fanboying over games platforms same as you do in you console war strips.

3 years ago
Reply to  ScubaStimpy

It’s a thing that was a little ironic when Yahtzee first said it, years ago. This guy is using it as a flex. That’s not a joke, that’s just being a dick.

Jokes are funny, and involve clever wordplay and not insulting people who are worse off.

3 years ago
Reply to  ArdentSlacker

yes because the tongue out emoji is used to denote a serious attitude rather than sillyness

3 years ago
Reply to  ScubaStimpy

There’s a thing in comedy where a joke fails to land, because it was badly told, or for the wrong crowd… or just ain’t funny. Just going “Hey, I made the face, so you know I’m not serious!… unless…?” doesn’t make it a joke, it reads as testing the waters. It doesn’t scan if you assume sarcasm. It doesn’t scan if you assume a joke. The thing that fits is the reason everyone else can see it’s not cool. You’re reflexively defending this not because you think there was a good joke, but because you don’t like the idea of… Read more »

william scott
william scott
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

def some missing context though. the master race comment is less a slur on consoles unlike console peasants which is and more an acknowledgement that a pc does more/is a work tool for most people vs a console which is just a gaming console these days. the reason pc gamers don’t get involved in console war is less they not able to fight and more they don’t care as they multi tasking. then again i find the whole my console is better than yours/screw mobile gaming mentality as just frat boying at its worst. gaming is gaming end of days.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’ve been a PC gamer most of my life (Like since CGA 4 color graphics) and also due to family had access to console. Here is my take. There are some games that are a fit for console.. that are fantastic, fun, and just don’t translate to a PC unless you add a controller. If you do that then aren’t you just emulating a Console? Flip Side – There are games where a mouse and keyboard rule where the game CAN be played but not as easily due to odd menu selections and weird cursor movements using a controller. 4x… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

i understand what you are saying and agree whole heartedly, but that isn’t what the commenter was doing from what i can tell it’s not like the tongue out emoji is used to denote an idea the author takes seriously, indicating it’s intent was to be a silly reference to a silly idea that for most pc gamers has only ever existed as a self deprecating joke.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  ScubaStimpy

Yeah, he meant it as a joke. As a dig at their expense.
But they’ve started using it unironically, as if they actually are a “Master Race” compared to other gamers. Do you think “just me” up there is taking the piss out of fanboyism, or is an honest to goodness fanboy? Because I’d certainly go with the latter.

Even Yahtzee, in his Kingdom Come Deliverance video, said “I wish I’d named you something else now, like the PC Gaming Dick Slurp All Stars”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Take the Witcher III Switch port – it’s A-OK to expect more basic textures, lower framerate, simplified models, lower resolution, and less draw distance… because heck, it’s a less powerful system. But it still functions. It didn’t suddenly turn into Superman 64 and crash after character creation or delete your save or something. The bar for expected level of quality might be lower, but there’s still an expected level. If CDPR can put out Witcher III on Switch and have it be a reasonably good port, they can put out CP2077 on PS4 and XB1 and have it be a… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I know someone who plays on XB1 and they said it’s working fine. Makes me wonder if this is a lot more pebkac error than actual issues.

3 years ago
Reply to  GamerGirl

Consoles are only *mostly* identical. Over a console’s lifespan, they tend to change manufacturers for various components, especially video card. But, like, you’re saying “Because I haven’t seen this problem, it is probably the fault of the suffering” and that’s the worst take. It’s real enough for people to get refunds. For multiple storefronts to be on the customer’s side. But what, exactly, do you imagine these people doing “wrong”? It’s console, they aren’t running 15 background processes. They don’t have the full range of settings a PC does. They tell the console “run game” and that’s it. So you’re… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  ArdentSlacker

I play on PC, and I’m running a 1070FTW. It’s decent. I could do better with some settings turned down a smidge, but that’s not the game being crappy – that’s me refusing to adjust sliders to improve overall performance. I’m also running it on a card that what superseded what, two generations ago? It’s not obsolete but it’s not ideal. Again, not the fault of CDPR. I don’t find it painfully buggy, and what does bother me is likely to get patched anyway so I won’t sweat it. Am I getting my $60 worth? Absolutely. One of my roommates… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s hard to believe it’s that bad on PS4 compared to PS4 Pro. I’ve been playing it on Pro (over 50 hours, so plenty of time to get bugs) and the worst bug I have is one cyberpsycho mission won’t recognize that I’ve scanned all the things and spawn the miniboss. But I’ve read that’s an issue cross platform, so meh. And sometimes items get stuck below the ground and I can’t loot them, and coming out of camera control while crouched in a small space like a windowsill makes you stand up and then you’re stuck in the building… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  GlitcherGirl

I’ve been crashing pretty much every couple of hours on my base PS4. It’s been mostly minor bugs, aside from 2 progression stoppers. The satanic cyberpsycho ritual quest, and one where you do a drunk shooting game, and the game wouldn’t bring my pistol back up after taking a shot. The menus are a shitshow in so many different ways. Why did we need 40+ item clutters for food items when they all do the same shit? Why can’t I see how many of a thing I’m crafting? Hell, why can’t I craft more than one thing at a time?… Read more »

3 years ago

I tried to not let my hype grow, and rein in my expectations but it really saddens me that Cyberpunk got 2020’d. I thought of CDPR as the one AAA publisher that wouldn’t release until the game was well and truly finished. I wasn’t even upset at the delays, though I desperately needed the escapism, because I thought it was all for the greater good. What a fool I was.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

Yeah, the one thing to take away from this whole debacle is CDPR is not magic nor different than any other publisher.

They crunched their employees harder than ever even though they promised they wouldn’t. They put out a subpar product in order to hit the balance sheets so they would get a good stock evaluation price.

CDPR’s legendary reputation is built on the fact they seemingly could do more with less, and it’s a cold realization that it means crunching polish laborers to sell games in American dollars and using the cost of living difference to profit.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

CDPR has shareholders and investors who want a return, just like any other corporation. That means they ultimately don’t care about the game, they care about putting out a product so the shareholders don’t cut their balls off. Although in this case, the shareholders might cut their balls off anyway.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

I wasn’t hyped for CP2077 at all, and only got it after all my friends got it and were playing non-stop. Sure, it’s a little buggy here and there, but my experience with the game is far and away better than all the claims I’m hearing from the internet. And my PC is 5 years old.

3 years ago

I only blame myself for falling for the hype but come on, the game isn’t that bad. I can’t help but wonder if Sony would have pulled the plug if it were a bigger publisher, I don’t need to name drop as I’m sure one comes to mind immediately. On the other hand this Charlie Sheen style publicity that CDPR is getting suits their “rebel” persona and might just save their butts if they are able to restore the respect of their supporters.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jono

Name any other publisher that told people who bought the game to go to Sony to get a full refund for a game they botched.

CDPR threw Sony under the bus, Sony is returning the favor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

CDPR told that if your seller do not want to refund then you should write to them and they will refund… how it is throwing anyone under the bus?

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Fair point, though it’s not like Sony has not enjoyed profiting from CDPR in the past and still continue to do so. I get it though, people are upset and I guess that’s their prerogative. I’m 20 hours in on a base PS4 and having a blast 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Only Sony are to blame for their own certification process and refund policy. If they’d tested the game properly and denied it in it’s current state and had a reasonable refund policy, the problem had been entirely on CDPR.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

CDPR lied to Sony(and microsoft) and told them they would have a day one patch to fix all the issues, so no, it’s not on Sony. The CEO also lied to all of us when he said the game ran great on consoles. Oh, and let’s not forget they hid a seizure warning in the EULA where they also had a joke about how no one reads them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

all of them. thats how stores work, you don’t get refunds direct from the manufacturer you get them from the store you brought it from, the manufacturer doesn’t know how much you paid for it just for a start and has no proof of purchase

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Bethesda, Fallout 76.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  GamerGirl

What about Fallout 76? Didn’t get pulled from the PlayStation Store. We’d all remember if it did, and Cyberpunk 2077 would be getting branded as “the second game to get kicked off the PlayStation Store”

But it’s not, because Fallout 76 didn’t get kicked, because Bethesda didn’t tell customers to ask Sony for refunds.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

This is exactly right. CP2077 wasn’t pulled due to quality. It was pulled due to refunds. We’ve seen worse games than CP2077 – Anthem bricked PS4s – and those games got to stay up. Why? Because those developers didn’t say “Sorry everyone, go ask Sony for your money back”

(hell, Sony was probably quite pleased with Anthem bricking consoles, it meant people had to go buy another PS4. More money for Sony that way)

3 years ago
Reply to  Jono

CDPR is a big ass company, with strong investors, and Cyberpunk is one of the best sold games ever. CDPR isn’t some little indie studio that Sony would look down upon, even if some fanboys tried to paint them that way because of their desperate need for some sort of “hero”. Yes, they would have pulled the plug. The game is an unprecedentedly bad state for most people, the requests for refunds are enormous (especially for Sony, a company that is not known for offering refunds), and CDPR has been acting unprofessionally towards them and seemingly even lied when the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Nayrael

It seems I’m not quite certain where the discontent lies. From the gamers that are disappointed with the title on the platforms they are using (performance), the expectations of the title based on what was marketed (hype) or the investors that funded one of the best selling games this year (margins)?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Jono

(d) All of the above

3 years ago
Reply to  Jono

The investors invest in the company not the specific title and “one of the best selling games this year” was launched so badly that the said company lost half of its value in two weeks.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago
Reply to  Sina

The market absolutely moves based on individual products. Take a look at what’s happened to Moderna and Pfizers stock in the last two months.

3 years ago

I’m pretty sure Sony did that for 2 reasons : they were pissed CDPR proposed a full refund to unhappy customers without asking them first, and they are not capable of doing it through their normal customer service tools. Because of that they just pulled the plug to get back at CDPR and be able to refund easily.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marnheus

Plus, refunds aren’t free for the store. Onlyfans had a major change to their TOS because *ONE* celebrity went on and scammed, and the chargebacks cost the company a pile of money.

Taking it off the store is putting a cap on liability.

3 years ago

It is quite sad they messed-up the console version so much. The game on PC is really nice. They should have released it on PC and on next-gen console only. With maybe a PS4 version later on, or somethig like that.

3 years ago

Remind me ME:A, which I liked, but was not as good as cyberpunk. And warframe is the best of its kind, by far.

3 years ago

But was it? I mean media coverage is one thing but official statements are another and they clearly say that PS shop removal was due to CDPR request as they made agreement with Sony… so well…

3 years ago
Reply to  Runaurufu

They said “A decision was made” but never mentioned by whom. The x-box store is offering full refunds as well but not taking it off their store, which means the removal was not cdpr’s decision.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lulu

unless the x-box store refused to pull it because christmas period lets milk these suckers for all their worth attitude.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Runaurufu

No official statement clearly says the removal was due to CDPR request. Quite the opposite. Official statements clearly say that Sony made the decision to remove the game.

I probably can’t link things, but if you search “Czasowe wstrzymanie dostępności gry Cyberpunk 2077 w PlayStation Store” on Google, you can find the report the CD Projekt board wrote that says it was SIE’s decision to remove the game.

3 years ago

well, all that amount of flak CP77 getting seems to be somehow proportional to the level of hype it has. It’s like gaming critics actually enjoy whipping CDPR and CP77. Frankly, for me it is nearly not as bad as gaming portals make it look like. I dunno, maybe because I’m playing CP77 on PC.. But amount of bugs (or to be exact, their magnitude) is not nearly that great. Nothing truly game-breaking. Yes, there are some weird textures, some objects sometimes stuck where trey are not supposed to be (either glass of champagne floating in mid-air or a rocket… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  snrk

trolls like to flame it, most of ppl I know are enjoying the game. And we’re far from a skyrim when it comes to bug.

3 years ago
Reply to  leduk

True, Skyrim was magnitue less buggy and actually finished…

John Swift
John Swift
3 years ago

I havent gotten it yet, nor do I have either next gen console but I thought this was done cuz the version for the older consoles just didnt work. Did they offer refunds and remove it from the store on the new systems?

Martin Seeger
Martin Seeger
3 years ago

I rather have a game that has problem but is fun to play than a game that works perfectly but is no fun.

And I am guilty of having tons of fun with CP2077. Especially the mission with the AI cars gone rogue had me rolling on the floor and laughing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Martin Seeger


3 years ago

I’d heard that Sony was refusing refunds, CDPR found out and was mad about it, so then Sony just pulled the game entirely.

Game works just fine on PC. If anything, there’s *too much* game; I’m not sure I can play anything else, now.

3 years ago
Reply to  CrushU

It runs fair well on the Series X too, and I agree, soo much time vested at this point. Barely moving the main story, just driving around getting cards, doing side missions, saving up for cars… and discovering all the “little things”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Casra

Better be careful, if you save file gets over 8mb it could get corrupted and that’s not fixable according to CDPR and I’ve heard they have planned expansions.

3 years ago
Reply to  CrushU

Play “too much” and your save file gets corrupted. If your save file hits 8mb, it’s gone. You’re gonna have to start over. Their advice? Don’t loot, don’t craft, rush through the story and start over a new character. I just finished the heist and went around clearing side biz and crimes in Watson, leveling my crafting, looting everything like I did in every other rpg, and my files is already at 3mb. Now I’m just farming eddies to buy perk reset because I already invested too much points in crafting >_<

3 years ago
Reply to  CrushU

I’m at 138 hours and still have lots of gigs, side missions, and events left over. I’ve had an awesome time all the way through, and the game’s strengths far outweigh its weaknesses.

(PC, one CTD so far, one stalled mission so far)

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  CrushU

“Game works just fine on PC.”

Except, you know, if you play the game normally, which includes crafting, and you craft so much that your save file becomes larger than 8 MB, which causes the save to corrupt and you to have to start the game over.

Johnny 5
Johnny 5
3 years ago

Cyberpunk… more like Cyberpuke. I get really bad motion sickness from this game.

3 years ago
Reply to  Johnny 5

When I started playing, had some of it too… Had to tweak settings a bit to get higher fps – it solved the problem (strangely enough, it is not always the case for me. For example some first person shooters drive me nuts with motion sickness in 10 minutes, even wehn run on 60+ fps. Borderlands on PC for example.. I finished the game without any problems on XBox, can’t even dream of playing it on PC 🙁 )

3 years ago
Reply to  snrk

The field of view setting often is the culprit. The first game that made me really motion sick was Half Life 2. until I found out about that FOV. Console games usually run way below a FOV of 90. Bump it up as *much* as you can!
Anything below 90 makes your brain think you are running around with a looking glass taped onto your eyes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Johnny 5

Just disable motion blur, and grains.

3 years ago
Reply to  thirdchild

BTW I did it also along with tweaking graphics settings to squeeze 40-60 fps out ouf my GPU. Returned grains later on, but motion blur remained off, so maybe try disabling all that fluff altogether?

3 years ago
Reply to  Johnny 5

I heard there’s no way to disable head bob, which is bizarre for a modern game. They started slapping that bit of accessibility in over a decade ago.

Edric Leonson
Edric Leonson
3 years ago

Sony and MS are just as responsible. They perform functional testing of any game that is released for their platforms. They either didn’t test or they gave this game a pass, either way the blame is not just on CDPR.

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
3 years ago
Reply to  Edric Leonson

No, they tested it and came back with concerns to CDPR about its behavior in the base consoles, and they were told that the Day 1 Patch would fix the freezes and shutdown. But it didn’t, so the only error that MS and Sony did was trusting CDPR, they wouldn’t have approved the game if it was from any other publisher in Polland.

3 years ago

Don’t even patches have to go through fairly rigorous testing before they’re allowed to release? Not just to make sure that the game performs.. but also to make sure that the updated doesn’t do anything bad to the console itself?

3 years ago
Reply to  Edric Leonson

Certification testing is NOT QA TESTING.

Certification does not test for crashing or broken functionality.

Certification tests to see if it runs and all your icons and trademarks are good. If it doesn’t corrupt the save media. If it shows the appropriate logos.

If cert is supposed to catch these errors why have tons of games throughout time shipped and certed a game that crashes or has glitches or whatnot? Cyberpunk just has a higher density than most, and again, this is something that DOES NOT BREAK CERTIFICATION.

Edric Leonson
Edric Leonson
3 years ago
Reply to  Esc

There are two phases of testing. Compliance and Functional. Compliance testing is everything you said above, and making sure the B button is exiting menus, etc.

Functional testing is bug testing and completion testing. It includes a rabbit running through the game and getting 100% completion if possible. Most functional testing occurs over 5-7 days.

So you are incorrect. This game may have passed Compliance testing but it definitely would have failed Functional. It wouldn’t be the first game that failed Functional but was given a pass.

3 years ago

To put som balance into the discourse, I’m over 30 hours in and every second not playing Cyberpunk is spent thinking on playing Cyberpunk. This is not only my GOTY but up there on my list of favourite games of all time.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

second that… well… to be honest, those street punks are incredibly dumb enemies (not a great surprise if you consider the amount of substances they are constantly under). But the City, oooooh the City! ~%) (also, at last we have a game where russians sound like russians. I do not know how is it with other languages (nihongo, español), but kudos for hiring some guys who can speak russian, without accent, not some english/american guys and gals who just try to reproduce russian words without being able to reproduce slavic phonemes… OTOH some sentences coming from my speakers are really… Read more »

3 years ago

I wish there was this kind of backlash when rubbish console ports arrive on the PC. Dark Souls and Arkham Knight are well known examples. RDR 2 was an unoptimised mess as well. Suck it up console gamers.
But for all my schadenfreude, Merry Christmas and I hope this game isn’t waiting in a last gen owners stocking.

3 years ago

PC is really the ONLY way to go for a game as ambitious anyway, IMO.

3 years ago

Yeah, that was… WOW… Not since Fallout 76 have I been so glad I decided to wait until after launch to buy a game. Thank you Blizzard for distracting me with yet another massive time sink that has swallowed my soul whole…

… I think ‘thank you’ is the right thing to say anyways…

3 years ago
Reply to  GamerLEN

I’m glad now that I was already avoiding the game for various backlashes and millimetre-shallow representation. It saved me motion sickness and PS4 non-comp.

3 years ago
Reply to  GamerLEN

haha, speaking of being thankful, I heard that Fallout 76 is actually thankful that Cyberpunk has taken some of the heat off from them

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
3 years ago

It’s unfortunate that the hate for CP2077 is fueled by the likes of celebrity bloggers and Penny Arcade. PA goes as far as calling PC users ‘useless motherf***ers’ for enjoying the game while Tycho himself spews rabid hate for trivial bugs and the awkward refund issue. They also seem hell bent on comparing CP2077 to GTA5 (which I haven’t played yet). Well, I’m sorry to say that CP2077 seems more like a Fallout/Watchdogs 2 hybrid where realistic rubber tires and angry civilians who fight back against a cyber-enhanced mercenaries don’t exist.

3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls

I think you misunderstood that comic. The idea is that if you’re on a forum and are asking for help with the console version (let’s say PS4) and trying to see if it’s just you, or if there’s a widespread problem with the PS4 copy, and someone jumps into the discussion saying that it’s fine on PC, that person is useless. You weren’t asking about PC, and they’re comment provides no feedback on the PS4 version that you were actually interested to find out about from others.

3 years ago
Reply to  ArcSyn

^This. Chiming in saying “well I am not having any problems” to someone who is having problems is literally the most useless thing you can do. Its people who do that, regardless of what system they are on (as some console people have been doing this too) makes you a “useless motherf****r” by any and all definitions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls

The hate for CDPR is the result of them lying to their consumers, lying to the companies that sell their product, lying to everyone about not doing crunch, claiming they are the good guys when they had months of crunch with 100 hour work weeks.

They essentially gave no seizure warning after building a device for the purpose of causing seizures. Don’t forget trying to rush a game out they knew wouldn’t be ready and wouldn’t let reviewers actually review the game.

3 years ago

I’m playing it on Stadia and its great. But my GOD were the PS4 and Xbox One versions completely botched. And the reason it got pulled from PS1 isn’t really the “sorry state” its in. Sony wouldn’t really care about that. It’s because CDProjekt completely screwed Sony over by announcing the refunds without consulting Sony. Sony was left holding that bag and had to pull it out of economic considerations so that people wouldn’t continue to buy it and then demand refunds. I expect Sony is going to be coming after CDProjekt for every cent of those refunds. This could… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What, Sony doesn’t have any sort of refund policy?

How did they not run into this with Fallout 76?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Word is that Sony’s refund policy applies to pre-orders and “faulty” games (i.e. Anthem crashing consoles at launch). So since Cyberpunk runs, albeit shittily on the PS4, it technically wouldn’t qualify.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Ya, sadly Sony does have a shitty refund policy. Basically outside of the game being broken, once you’ve started the download you can’t refund it.

3 years ago

Warframe didn’t release with “Too Little content”, it’s been out since 2013.

It has plenty of content, it just has some particularly unfriendly new player gating that keeps them from the more fun parts or makes them take longer and older content is underpowered compared to newer content.

For anyone playing on Console: the upcoming operation demands a Necramech and a good Archgun. The Mausolon will do, but put a potatp on it.

At least the underlying game to Cyberpunk 2077 is still interesting and one I would love play once they fix it, Unlike Fallout 76.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Warframe when it first started out had very very little to do outside of a grind.. it’s only through all this time and iterations to their formula that they’ve got as much content as they have today. Yes it worked, it was playable, just wasn’t alot of meat on the bones to start with, so to speak. Same can be said for No Mans Sky.. yeah, you could say that it had an infinitely generated universe, but that universe was samey and boring, nowadays it’s got a far more colourful slew of things to do and see, it’s taken alot… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tracker

*To Warframe* – Yes. I know. I’ve been playing *Since 2013*, the entire game can be best described as “Grind, The Game” ?

*To CDPR* – I do wonder whose decision it was to split development between all 4 consoles. I realize that it was originally announced well before the upcoming Console Generation, but that sort of *massive* difference between performance on PC and the consoles it was originally designed to play on suggests someone internally decided to focus on consoles in the following order

PC > PS5 and Xbox SX > A Potato > PS4 & Xbox One

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Warframe has my soul in its claws

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Point of order, tenno – the upcoming/currently ongoing Operation does not require you to have crafted a Necramech, you can transference into one of the few dozen lying around in missions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Fallout 76 was released as a finished game. It was buggy and unpolished, but it was still interesting and engaging. Unlike Cyberpunk 77…

3 years ago

Welp, maybe, just maaaaaaaybe if the devs wouldn’t have received death threats when they tried to delay the release in order to polish it off, they would have. But damned if you do, damned if you don’t in the gaming community. There are too many people to be able to satisfy them all. If you push back release date half the community will bitch at you, and if you don’t, the other half will bitch at some bugs in the game. Everybody is responsible for this, MSFT, Sony and CDPR, even the gaming community itself, for over hyping and pushing… Read more »

Ffaelan Condragh
Ffaelan Condragh
3 years ago
Reply to  thirdchild

Why is this being down voted? Seriously people, DEATH THREATS! People got what the deserved. I like game and I can be patient waiting for the bugs to get worked out. Meanwhile Avengers is still a POS.

Ffaelan Condragh
Ffaelan Condragh
3 years ago


3 years ago

The down votes just prove my point.
People don’t like to hear the truth when it involves them, and makes them accountable for their actions and their consequences . They just like to point fingers outwards, and not look into what their own actions could have caused. Accountability is a word that will be gone from dictionaries in about a decade or two.

3 years ago
Reply to  thirdchild

Developers don’t release their games early just because few internet incels send some death threats. You underestimate the amount of death threats developers everywhere receive for anything. Giving in to the threats is a terrible business decision.

No, CP77 was released early because of CDPR’s greed. Because they wanted to rake in that juicy X-Mas money… CDPR and only CDPR is responsible for the failure of Cyberpunk 77.

3 years ago

Look, the game may have some flaws but lets me honest here. Cyberpunk did for me what my parents never could. Cyberpunk gave me a big penis.

3 years ago

i think we should apply the principle of charity here. cd projekt red have never burned us before. and i have my suspicions that they requested to be taken off the store until they fix the issue. i also have my suspicions that microsoft refused regarding the xbox until at least after the christmas period and then they will take it down temporarily too.

but that’s just guesswork it could just as easily be sony kicked them off.

3 years ago

Years ago I worked on a racing game being developed for PS2 in the early 2000s. It was a pretty fun game. In addition to squashing any gameplay bugs we had a near 100 page checklist of tests that would need to be passed before the game could be submitted to Sony, like load the game and then hard reset the console 30 times to see the save still loads. In the end it passed every test but was still rejected by Sony because it “Any new realistic racing game has to be better than Gran Tourismo or there is… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

That just sounds like a monopoly, not standards.

3 years ago

I’ve had a few bugs on PC, but nothing gamebreaking or progression hindering. Mostly it’s the odd NPC t-posing here or there or a graphical glitch. Biggest issues for me are the absolutely broken cop system that just spawns cops in your colon that come bursting out your rectum to shoot you in the back of the head with pixel perfect accuracy. And the AI that (rarely, but still) sometimes makes some NPC’s just “stop working”. You shoot them in the face and they don’t react. That kind of thing. Rarely seen it, but it happens a bit too often… Read more »

3 years ago

It’s not so much about quality of the game (there were/are much worse right now on Sony) but if you declare re-fund policy for the company that does not offer re-funds, the company get pissed and kicks you out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Guest

That’s more of a commentary on Sony’s ongoingly shitty business and consumer practices rather than the game.

But yes, CDPR needs to get Cyberpunk 2077 a fresh pair of pants and to wipe up the vomit. This isn’t a “Quick Side Project” like Outer Worlds was for Obsidian exactly.

3 years ago

waiting for the console wars comic where they drop a cyberpunk 2077 bomb and it backfires taking out sony forces.

3 years ago

Let’s be real, the game didn’t get delisted because it was buggy / unplayable. It got delisted because CDPR told people to go get a refund and Sony doesn’t have a real refund policy, so they got caught with their pants down when thousands of people started calling asking for refunds.

David Gibson
David Gibson
3 years ago

I just got myself Avengers. Opted for the PS4 version in the hope of Spider-man. I waited until now because $30 seems like a good price to pay: it’s low enough that I don’t feel too bad dropping extra for some cosmetics. But the game does seem to be in a sorry state. And now I worry about spending extra on it because I’m uncertain it will maintain its player base long enough to be fixed & expanded. It’s been a couple months and it doesn’t sound like there’s been real updates. They released a new character (the first in… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

“when’s the last time an AAA game got kicked out of the Playstation store for being in such a sorry state?” Never, including Cyberpunk 2077. It was kicked out of the PlayStation Store for the refunds. Sony doesn’t want to give people refunds, so they removed the game from the store entirely. Can’t ask for a refund if you didn’t buy it in the first place, and you can’t buy it if it’s not there. Anthem was literally bricking PS4 consoles and Sony still didn’t pull it from the PlayStation Store. They have never and will never care about what… Read more »

3 years ago

Is there a way to read cad 1.0 with the blog posts enabled too so that I can get a snipped of 2003 Tim while reading 2003 CTRL+ALT+DEL? They were still attached to each comic on the old site but now they’re all just blank, but the old blog posts are still available for individual viewing.

3 years ago

Nice to see a Warframe mention, been playing the game since it’s beta days. It sure has come a long way… still oddly buggy at times though.

3 years ago
Reply to  NiteZ

Isn’t it still in beta…? Been playing on and off for a few years

3 years ago

The reason it got removed from the store is because CDPR promised a refund if you were unhappy with the game, no matter what, while the PSN store has no such policy. So CDPR basically tried violating (or encouraged others to try) the rules Sony set up for their store to try to save their own ass.

Jacob Bielski
Jacob Bielski
3 years ago

I haven’t thought about Avengers for months. Do you still play that regularly, Tim? Is it actually still getting significant updates?

3 years ago

Personally I can’t help but chuckle at the people who have really gotten bent out of shape over this knowing that within a month they’ll have jumped to a new outrage train and a year from now they’ll likely be singing Cyberpunk 2077’s praises. Looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077 around March or April when it’s going to be awesome!

3 years ago

I don’t think Cyberpunk 2077 is really that bad looking…
I am playing it on an Xbox One Elite, but that’s just a slightly faster Xbox One isn’t it?

3 years ago

If nothing else they really need to figure out a fix for the “if your save file gets too big it corrupts and you lose it” problem. I’m not an obsessive completionist by any means but I usually complete a lot of side quests and exploratory content in games like this. If the game breaks because people are playing it too much that’s a completely egregious failure. Reminds me of when I bought Neverwinter Nights, I’d been waiting for months and bought it as soon as I could after it released. Got home, installed it, turns out that my computer… Read more »

3 years ago

To be honest: Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best games i have ever played and i am having a shitload of fun. Of course its a bummer that the game doesnt run on older consoles, but i really, really dont understand the shitstorm. For the vast majority of players the game runs fine.

3 years ago

I’m pretty sure it’s because of the corporate. Had it been a trashy EA title it’d have never been removed. CP2077’s glitchiness and bugs arise from it’s complexity. CoD or any other crap game has 100x times less content, and it’s still a mess.

3 years ago

Hey, it’s Warframe!

2 years ago

This style reminds me of another really good comic story strip thing. Bohemian something. Two robots on a quest to discover the meaning of life across the solar system. Can never remember the title.

1 year ago

I’m loyal to Warframe because even though there have been changes I didn’t agree with over the three years I’ve been playing, most of them were cosmetic. The shape of the console desks in the Orbiter, the mission end screen ui, that sort of thing. And the one big change they made, the really controversial one, was the removal of self-damage. Something I agree with to this day, amidst the rumours of ressurecting a mechanic that, in my opinion, should stay dead. I’ve given DE hundreds of dollars, likely over a thousand. But the math works out to about 53… Read more »