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Identity, p21

May 17, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

baby steps lucas, at least now they wont be on landmines

3 years ago

Not exactly reassuring. I may be reading too much into this but Scott didn’t actually say he would disable the failsafe, he just said they wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

Cameron Nicholls
Cameron Nicholls
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

I’m hearing undertones of “it” being “Zeke” as well. Methinks Scott is about to do something potentially unwise.

3 years ago

I hope so, the story feels like running out of cards to play…

3 years ago

I’ve sort of been waiting for this. In the old strip Scott was sort of an antagonist. Imagine them falling out and Scott as a new tech villain who literally designed all their tricks. Makes for a really interesting and sympathetic villain

3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Yes, I also read that as “Don’t worry about it, *I* will, by which I mean I’ll just leave the failsafe in place”.

Someone suggested on the last issue that it might come down to a “Someone has to leave the group, and it will be either Scott or Zeke” moment, and unfortunately, this seems what this is building towards :/

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

With the emphasis on “I’ll,” it sounds twofold. Either Scott is planning on doing something drastic and major (you don’t have to worry, because bot go boom) or he’s switching to a more elaborate plan that puts more responsibility on his own shoulders to manually trigger it if something goes wrong.

Either way – I feel like Lucas is now on the “outside.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

My money’s on the second scenario, since Scott probably understands by now that doing something drastic would lead to a substantial falling out with his friends. Being a programmer, though, he would likely avoid dealing with things manually.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

“I’ll take care of it” I’m thinking he’s just gonna trigger it since they aren’t willing to believe “he’s too dangerous to exist”.

Anon E Moose
Anon E Moose
3 years ago

“You won’t have to worry about the failsafe anymore” because he’s going to blow up Zeke

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon E Moose

Or rat him out back to Eugene

Vincent Price
Vincent Price
3 years ago

I do not trust Scott.

Giuliano Berlato Marques
Giuliano Berlato Marques
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

I keep remembering his previous version’s “Penguim Incident”

Erik Marques Schroeder
Erik Marques Schroeder
3 years ago

Thank you, I thought I was the only one remembering that.
Also maybe it is relevant to point out that the old scott as an slave to the linux penguin, was enemy to anything windows, even zeke as a previous Xbox.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

You know, it is entirely possible Scott is flagging an actual, present but hidden threat in terms of some form of programming not yet detected or backdoors for control not yet detected. Everyone seems to be talking of ‘They’ve got zeke now’ as if there’s no chance he still could be murderbot *even against his wishes*. The obvious move is for Scott to do something nefarious (based on prior Scott iterations). I suspect Tim may be using that past history to throw us a red herring that we think will happen based on prior knowledge. The reality is we don’t… Read more »

3 years ago

who bets zeke explodes the second he gets out?
“but you said”
“I say a lot of things, Lucas…”

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Given how he lied about getting rid of the bomb in the first place, I wouldn’t take his word at fault value either. But as his friend they’re not expecting to be lied to by him.

Giuliano Berlato Marques
Giuliano Berlato Marques
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I would bet Zeke gets out, does not explode and says to a dumbfolded Scott “What? I bypassed that punny failsafe ages ago.”

3 years ago

And then he has revenge on Scott, covers up his involvement and we have a whole new skeleton in the closet…

3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

what is zeke gonna do to scott? cure his paraplegy so he can break his spine again?

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I mean, kill him?

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Put his skeleton into that closet … only the skeleton

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
3 years ago

I still need to get used to Lucas referring to Zeke as “them”, since I initially think of him talking about multiple people

3 years ago

Well there’s the ‘Robot’ Zeke and now the ‘Switch’ Zeke. Or does Lucas know about that? Ethan does.

3 years ago

And this will be where this chapter ends…..

Ambiguity of the English language.

3 years ago

Sooooo… scott gonna become a super villain?

3 years ago
Reply to  wilddeath

I hope not. He already did that in the last incarnation of the web-comic and I for one would like to see a slightly different take on his character here.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
3 years ago
Reply to  wilddeath

I don’t think so either. Not unless the results of his actions either scar him or such. At worst outed he might get drawn in to work with Zeke’s creator to “stop Zeke”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blue Griffin

that seems like a highly likely outcome. IF scott is so scarred by it that he rejects a huge portion of his morality. ohh i hope scott gets in tight with numbnuts eugene and sends zeke in to play with him after realizing hes a tool.

3 years ago
Reply to  wilddeath

Everyone is the hero of their own story ;).

Bobby the Boy
Bobby the Boy
3 years ago

Alright, poll, who thinks Scott’s just going to blow up Zeke?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby the Boy


3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby the Boy

Try to. Fail, but try nonetheless.

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
3 years ago

why, that’s not an ominous way to say that at all!

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
3 years ago

Yes Rico. Kaboom.

Pocket Astronomer
Pocket Astronomer
3 years ago

Does anyone else hear a sound like a descending anvil?

3 years ago

Anvil, piano, coyote who was just standing on the edge of a cliff – who can tell?

Margaret Ann
Margaret Ann
3 years ago

I like the subtlety of the pronouns Lucas and Scott use. Their choices say a lot by saying very little.

3 years ago
Reply to  Margaret Ann

Do you know what subtlety is?

Rune Al'Dune
Rune Al'Dune
3 years ago

Lo and in the horizon there comes a figure draped in black and white. Carrying his vengeance like a burning coal he will break the Gates and draw Scott to his side. For here comes…Ted

3 years ago

oh man… i got a bad feeling bout this… like scott is gonna be the first person that zeke actually chooses to hurt, i mean, he will be emotional. but i digress.. i got a bad feeling about this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

Now that they have Zeke, technically they don’t need Scott anymore as they can take care of the tech stuff from now on. Basically, Zeke is everything Scott is but better. Might that be what’s on Scott’s mind as well?

3 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

Hell hath no fury like a genius scorned…….

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
3 years ago

Uhhhh, why do I have bad vibes about this? Scott, please just do what Lucas asked and don’t do what I think you’re gonna do…we got enough heroes-turned-villains out in the world as it is (played Spider-Man for Playstation for the first time a few days ago and seeing Doc Octavius’s descent into Doc Ock was nothing short of heartbreaking).

3 years ago

I totally understand the reasoning behind the decision, but I just don’t like the they/them pronoun simply for the fact that it pulls me out of my suspension of disbelief while I try to re-process that they/them is singular in this case and refers to Zeke. My brain is still wired that they/them is plural when reading, and to use it singularly causes my mind to stutter because the sentence structure is not plural; I have to think about it to understand it, thus pulling me out of the story. I understand that it is accepted grammatically, just so uncommon… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I personally like how the English language decided to handle it. In Germany there is a suggestion to use the pronoun “it” when you do not know the sex of a given person. Which feels weird, as if you are describing a thing, not a person. (So I could see Scott here, meaning Z-K when saying “it”).

Erik Marques Schroeder
Erik Marques Schroeder
3 years ago
Reply to  Gurkengelee

My german is quite low level but as far as I understand the “das” which is the neutral pronoum actually has no connotation of “animal, thing or whatever”. That connotation is an english thing. On other hand in Portuguese we don’t even have a real gender neutral pronoum, so everything is either male or female even if an object based actually in sonority of the word and not just actual sex. These kinds of rules are different everywhere.

3 years ago

While there are exceptions (“das Kind”, “das Mädchen”), generally neutrum is understood to be “non human”, I think. Maybe not as extreme as in english, it is still an underlying thing. Calling someone “es” could potentially be extremely offensive. (As a sidenote: Actually the Stephen King book is translated literally from “It” to “Es”, and the associations still work exactly the same as in the original).

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Don’t fight it…. 🙂

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Is this an American thing because here in Canada we were taught that They/Them can be used either singular or plural a loooong time ago

It’s not jarring to me at all, and is very normal

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s also biology. Generally, we’ve been wired throughout the span of human existence to recognize certain physical traits with male or female and when there is a mix, it feels a bit off (just because the long-held biological rules aren’t enitrely sufficient anymore). It’s the same sort of evolutionary leavings as the preference for young, healthy mates and the mating behaviour differences between men and women (I can’t say how that plays out in other genders as I’m ignorant of that). We are, at least those of us who recognize the justice and equity that demands we try, to step… Read more »

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I completely forgot about the fact, that referencing an unknown person, english uses they/them. Maybe this will help me getting used to it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Without prying, what generation are you part of and where did you go to school? I went to school from 7-12 in AB in the mid to late 1980s. They and Them were distinctly plural only. Of course, at the time, there were a few gay or lesbian folk around, but mostly being very surreptitious because of the lack of general acceptance, and I can’t recall any other alternatives (trans, no gender, etc). I will be happy to see trans and other folks have pronouns that aren’t clunky, but for now, as confusing as it is, They/Them will likely have… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  TomB

There were just as many around.
They just didn’t let you know about it out of self defence.

3 years ago
Reply to  TomB

They/them has never been plural only, and you were never taught that it was. Just take a look at Tim’s example. Here’s more:

“You’ve met my boss before?”
“No, I don’t think I’ve ever met them.”

“Someone was supposed to deliver a package this afternoon, have you seen them?”
“No, they haven’t come yet.”

You have been using they/them this way your entire life, and you were taught to do so. It’s not that hard.

3 years ago
Reply to  TomB

Just because it was true 40 years ago doesn’t mean that its true now. The problem lies not with the idea of learning something new, but with folks that don’t want to try because of falsely remembered rules about the word “they.” Would your high school English teacher have objected to Tim’s sentence about about pizza up above? Of course not.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

So, a sentient robot made out of a games console is fine for your suspension of disbelief but singular they pronouns aren’t?

Genuinely asking here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Musky

Well absolutely! I’m 100% down with fantastical things, I’m an avid reader and partaker of most geekdom (I’ve read this comic for over 15 years, need I say more?). Fantastical things has no issue with suspension of disbelief, but if Tim makes a spelling mistake, my brain pulls me out of the lives of these great characters and being a part of the whole thing, and suddenly I forget about the story for a second while I overcome the speed bump that pulled me out for a second. It’s the exact same with this new pronoun usage. It’s not wrong,… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

As someone who uses they/them pronouns it’s worth pointing out that singular they has been around since the 1300s, Shakespeare used it.
It fell out of disuse for known subjects but with the growing awareness that gender isn’t binary the use is growing again, and I always try and default to they/them until I know someone’s pronouns, because misgendering someone is horrible (again, speaking from experience)

3 years ago
Reply to  Orson

All this to say that it’s ok to struggle a bit with it as you retrain your brain to use singular they, but I can almost guarantee you that you will meet people who use they/them pronouns so working to normalize it is really important

3 years ago
Reply to  Orson

Again, this has nothing to do with normalizing anything except a change of a way of writing modern American English. The issue has not to do with gender (please don’t make anything a political/social issue here, and don’t try to bait people), its when a sentence/paragraph uses they/them in both singular and plural uses interchangeably, and you have to figure out which they is plural and which is singular in a sentence/paragraph and then read it over again once you’ve identified the subject(s) of the pronoun.

3 years ago

Why is everyone so negative about Scott here? I for one think he’s sincere and will keep his word (and not as sort of malicious compliance, but true to the spirit of Lucas’s request).

3 years ago
Reply to  toughluck

Maybe because he already deceived them once and the way I’ll is in bold and how what he says is worded in general? Of course his face doesn’t really give that intent and this could simply be a way to have tension until Analog and D-pad returns if this is the end of the chapter.

Last edited 3 years ago by Helldemon
3 years ago
Reply to  Helldemon

He didn’t really deceive them, He told Lucas about it, and I suspect that they keep TONS of things from Ethan just because its Ethan. That’s like not not telling your child that there is a package or Oreo’s on top of the fridge becuase they would either pester you to death or build a leaning tower of chairs to get up there.

3 years ago
Reply to  toughluck

I’ve ALWAYS considered him a bit of a dick despite his excellent name.

3 years ago

This is shaping up to be a good character-building moment. How does Zeke handle his first “betrayal”.

3 years ago

….People say we’re unfair to Zeke, but at least we don’t scramble for reasons bot to trust him….

The Schaef
The Schaef
3 years ago

Dellow Felegates…

3 years ago

Oh, Scott… What’s the penguin in your head telling you to do, now?

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago

I’m thinking he’s either gonna turn off the fail safe and shut Zeke down again like they did when they caught him, or we’re gonna find out how durable the stock room is in the event of a small explosion.

3 years ago

I appreciate that Scott is going against probably literally all of his better judgement based off both his personal experiences and also his working knowledge of programming and computers

3 years ago

Ominously ambiguous.

3 years ago
Reply to  BaufenBeast

And ambiguously ominous

3 years ago

“Scott care to rephrase that in a way that doesn’t sound ominous.”

3 years ago

This story is much more compelling than I expected it to be! I’m glad it’s more than basic superhero hijinks!

3 years ago

And so begins Scott’s villain arc…

3 years ago

Dynamite is Quite safe to build on ….in space.

Lord Circe
Lord Circe
3 years ago

And this is the danger of dogmatic thinking. You use your conclusion as a definition of reality, and you dismiss any evidence to the contrary, because you keep moving the goalposts with regards to what evidence you will accept.

3 years ago

I guess Scott is about to become a Lex Luthor. A friend and ally at first and then a nemesis, right after some disaster happens…

3 years ago

Y’all need to have a little more faith in Scott. He does trust Lucas. I think he’ll actually disarm the failsafe.. Just as soon as he finishes creating failsafe B: some sort of weapon for Ethan and Lucas to use in the event that Zeke went on a murder spree and the bomb didn’t do the job, which Scott started developing as soon as he got to take a close look at Zeke. His timetable for plan B has just been moved up, and he may not have time to run all the proper tests before it needs to be… Read more »

3 years ago

Almost 3 months later and still nothing new?

Orose Khan
Orose Khan
2 years ago

This aged beautifully