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The Struggle

September 6, 2021 by Tim

I endeavor to be a good sport when playing competitive games, and for the most part I think I succeed. It can be a close call sometimes, though.

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Vincent Price
Vincent Price
3 years ago

I used to get real competitive during Advanced Warfare’s weekend tournaments. I did earn more than a few weekend wins for my family’s group, though. I stopped playing COD Multiplayer and started sticking to Zombies when I realized I couldn’t stop getting angry at my team, though.

3 years ago

you managed to find a game with decency?

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

The comic doesn’t say anything about decency from other players.

3 years ago

One of the reason I don’t play multiplayer games. I get angry too much when I loose. And I loose often. That’s the other reason: I suck and I know it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phaet

Many years ago ,I was good enough on some of the classics like MOH to be regularly high on the tables and accused of cheating even though i played clean, well no bots installed on the comp anyway :P.
I won’t go anywhere near a multiplayer shooter nowadays, the years have robbed me of reaction time and desperation to win. I think the paranoia was a good part of the edge, without it you’re just a blip on some kids kill count.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phaet

You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s “lose”.
“Loose” is when something isn’t tight.

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Maybe … Phaet’s game isn’t … tight?

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Also: my english isn’t perfect 😀 Not my native language. But that’s something I can learn.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phaet

I tend to avoid ranked mode in competitive multiplayer games for the most part as that’s where most of the toxicity is created at.

Last edited 3 years ago by Urazz
3 years ago

I got sick of my brother gloating when he’d win at Super Smash Bros. So I just adopted a sullen ‘I expected to lose’ attitude that really rubbed him the wrong way. I feel bad for doing it, but for all his smugness it felt good knowing if he won I still won in a way. These days I only tend to cuss out the game programming when I feel it’s a little too skilled. About the only game I’ve cussed at other living beings was Fall Guys, and only because some just liked being jerks, waiting by the finish… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Drakin

Part of the reason why I stopped playing Fall Guys is that lag can play a big factor on if you win or lose. I’ve had matches where a guy grabbed me and one of us lagged and his character letting me go was delayed because of that and it resulted in me getting eliminated.

3 years ago

breathe in, fart out

3 years ago

Happens all the time. Who are rhe cheaters and who the true players? Only the mods know for sure.

3 years ago

They are all cheaters but me….except when I win, they are all n00bs then 😛

Last edited 3 years ago by lechuckGL
3 years ago
Reply to  lechuckGL

Don’t forget that all the people that are a higher rank also have no life!

3 years ago

Most than once I have congratulated ab adversary after an almost imposible headshot. I’m really bad at that, but I have seen friends doing it, so I know is possible, but not one of my skills

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

It also depends on how often they pull if off as well.

3 years ago

They’re about to add VOIP to Tarkov. I can’t wait for it.

3 years ago

Please pardon my ignorance here. I do not do many co-op/multi player games like this.
But I did do the multi-player maps for Halo Combat Evolved. I had fun and I do not recall any toxicity while I was there. I will grant these were probably very primitive maps compared to today.
Was it that toxic then and I didn’t notice?
Or did the toxicity build up over the years?

3 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

Did you perchance have voice chat turned off during that time? Because If I had a nickel for every time I was told that my mother was a whore, I could have paid for college.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aceman67

i usually replied youre too broke to afford her rate

3 years ago
Reply to  Aceman67

I don’t have a mic or camera even now. Between lack of need and the indications of them being remote hacked. Better to leave them on the shelf.
But I will take your response as, yes it has been toxic for a long time.
Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

Between Halo and MW2 lobbies you learned to check your feelings at the door because someone was going to come for you eventually.

3 years ago

I started playing Valorant a while ago. I started playing in Asia/Oceania because of a couple of friends who live in Australia, but later I created an account in Latam since I live there and when I play alone I want a better ping. I can say that the Latam community is really toxic compared to the Asia one.

3 years ago

I continue to not understand complaining about “noob weapons” or “noob characters” and so on. If it’s overpowered, then it should be top tier, not a noob weapon, right?

If it’s regular or underpowered, then surely you need to be at least good enough at the game to use it, right?

What constitutes “noob” or “leet” in this context? Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it just seems like a contradiction in terms.

My best guess is that “relying on top tier” is considered something noobs do. Would that be accurate?

3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Not really…. mostly it’s just somebody being a sore looser and projecting their own inadequacies onto whoever killed them. (For the short and not-so-sweet version of it)

Last edited 3 years ago by Logan
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Youre thinking one-dimensionally. It’s not just “how strong or weak is it?” but also “how easy to learn/master is it?” and also “how versatile is it?” among many different factors. In addition, each weapon/skill/character should have counters. It’s like a game of rock-paper-scizzors. A good game is balanced, so no one has a truly unfair advantage. A ‘noob weapon’ would be unbalanced, either allowing someone to get a lot of kills without much skill, often without having reasonable counters. Or, it might be a reasonably good skill, that just works great in every situation. Think Psychic-type, in Pokemon Gen 1.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

One of the ‘noob-cannons’ I experienced the most was the grenade launchers in CoD4 and MW2. Because of their lethality, the ease of restocking the ammo and how you could just fire it sort of at the enemy and get a kill, the only substantial skill required was map knowledge and then you could easily do well. Had the devs balanced the weapon properly, it would have been fine, but due to how broken it was it had pretty much no barrier of entry to use or do well with, literally meaning it was a cannon that ‘noobs’ (back then… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaogen
3 years ago

Lord of the Games: The Two Egos

3 years ago

I know this struggle all too well and while I also mostly succeed there are some times where I just let the toxicity flow. Specifically when I get revenge on the one arsehat who T-bagged me.

James T
James T
3 years ago

I feel you man. Took me more than 10 years to get where I am now and still I fail to maintain PMA occasionally. The Road to Reformation is a long one..perhaps it doesn’t end.

Weeden Wainbow
Weeden Wainbow
3 years ago

If it’s COD especially since Cold War screwed everything up there’s decent chance you’re right on the assumption of cheating. I mean once you come in 2nd to someone who’s invisible and essentially invincible outside of the gas and fire it’s hard to keep composure and the will to play more. Not even counting people who just straight up stream aimbots, wall hacks, etc and just make new accounts when banned.

Last edited 3 years ago by Weeden Wainbow
no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

This is why I never played multiplayer with a mic on. Also, muting everyone else is the first thing I’d do. I just don’t want to contribute to or hear that crap. Let me swear at my TV alone.

3 years ago

Decency to me is just not using a Mic so I can swear at the person without them ever hearing it. I feel better, I don’t make the game more toxic. Win win. Though I guess I don’t get that angry anyway, it’s more grumbling out loud, there isn’t much feeling behind it unless I know they are hacking or grieving. I rarely actually get mad at other players, but then again I don’t care about my KDR which I’ve noticed is behind a lot of people’s anger. In FPS games I only really get angry when I can’t spawn… Read more »