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Renown, p8

August 23, 2023 by Tim

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Stephen Donohue
Stephen Donohue
1 year ago

Awww Cute

1 year ago

Simply love the dynamic you are building between rebooted Ethan and Lilah. That slight smile she gives him in that last panel is so good, a perfect way to plant the seed for what might be in the future given more development.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mjolnir_Prime

This has been a slow burn. And I have to say I appreciate that.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Scortch

A nearly NINE YEAR slow burn.

I’m glad it was worth the wait!

1 year ago

Okay, that was actually clever. Go Ethan!

1 year ago

Tbh, I really don’t think these two need to be getting together.

It’s fine the way it is.

Just that their last reincarnations had a good thing doesn’t mean they have to to the same in this iteration.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack0r

I can see a sort of Lois Lane / superman sort of relationship forming, but that’s a ways off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pajuka

I can see them becoming genuine pals, to the point where she starts to fill the sister-shaped hole in his life.
Then: peril, of the tied-to-the-railway-tracks variety.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Original Ethan earned it. This Ethan has a LONG way to go to be at the same level of maturity that he’d be ready, or deserving, for a relationship. And with his current pace of “development” I doubt he will ever get there.

1 year ago
Reply to  JdW

You cannot earn a relationship. It’s not a reward for hard work.

1 year ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

/sigh. I suspect JdW meant “earned it” as in “proved himself worthy of it”, rather than “was due it as a reward”. The former meaning doesn’t imply that the relationship is owed, merely that the person has met some minimum bar of eligibility for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kaedys

Yes I did, I assumed that would be obvious, thanks for clarifying it!

1 year ago
Reply to  JdW

Say it with me, you never, EVER deserve a relationship with anyone. You cannot WIN a person. Even after years, it is completely reasonable for a person to say “yeah, i don’t want this.”

All you can do is cherish the relationships people have given you. Cherish those that want you in their life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Timmeh

“Earn” doesn’t always mean “deserve”. It can also be used in the sense of “worthy of”. The former implies a debt owed, the latter implies merely eligibility, not obligation.

1 year ago
Reply to  kaedys

Just gonna ignore the fact he straight up used the word “deserved” in there, eh?

Not that it matters. “Merely eligibility” is proof you need to work on your perspective. You can never determine your own eligibility, only the other person can. You don’t get to determine your worth to them, or anything. That’s 100% on them.

Stop dehumanizing women.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Of course, they don’t NEED to be getting together.

You don’t hang your entire fanbase on a “will they/won’t they?” storyline if “won’t they” is completely out of the question.

It would, however, deprive the fanbase from the much-requested Lilah / Emily slugfest, but maybe we can make up for that with a Lilah / Emily romance subplot.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Oooh, I’d love a WLW subplot! There was one brewing in the space comic before the redhead’s crush got blown up.

1 year ago

Might be kind of a funny twist if she started fan-girling over “D-Pad”.

1 year ago

He’s not been friend-zoned, and she wouldn’t be talking to him like this is this was just a “friendly chat”, I feel she likes him now that she’s figured out who he really is, not just some creepy stalker type pretending to be a super. She’s just trying to get to know Ethan AND Analog before making the decision as to what’s next. Either she’ll just show up to scope out their shop, or he’ll save her from a mugger, they will get closer over time, just like in the real world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Friendzone is something different. Friendzone is if you lead someone on. Never say no, but also never move further.

She did say no. Very clearly.

Hence, no friendzone possible, just being friends. And yes, a woman and a man can seriously be just friends.

1 year ago

I can see So MUCH troll fodder if they ever got wind of this. Everything from ‘Masturbation man shot down so hard he had to switch hands!’ to ‘But does he sleep with the mask on?’

1 year ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

‘reporter states she can’t stand the idea of being with armpit obsessed pervert.’

1 year ago

Her decision to avoid mixing dating and professional is especially backed up when you remember she’s a journalist, formerly for video games. I’m sure The Troll and others like him could wreak all kinds of disgusting harassment disguised as a crusade for “ethics in journalism”. *cough* gamergate *cough*
If it got out that a pretty and intelligent woman who writes about superheroes was dating one… I don’t need a comic to picture the kind of response that would garner from a certain subsect of the internet.