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The Starcaster Chronicles 12.14

November 14, 2023 by Tim

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11 months ago

You sir, are technically correct. And that is the best kind of correct!

The Legacy
The Legacy
11 months ago
Reply to  Twiwot

NRA: “Write that down!! WRITE THAT DOWN!!!”

11 months ago
Reply to  Twiwot

It isn’t a firearm, but it’s a WMD. Which WMDs arnt firearms either – they’re a class of their own.

11 months ago
Reply to  Twiwot

Yeah, this line is basically saying, “You can’t LEGALLY do anything to me for just having this.”

But here’s the thing. Can they do ILLEGAL things to Cort?

11 months ago

You tell him!

11 months ago

Oh… do you want to talk about law… let’s play

11 months ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

I mean Cort’s issues were with “obeying the law” not “knowing the law”!

11 months ago

Well, it was nice knowing Cort.

11 months ago
Reply to  Alex

doubtful. he is packing a deathstars little brother on his wrist. and he knows how to control it a bit better now. anyone comes up to try to disarm him, might have a problem. and that problem would be summarized as “did you order original recipe, or extra crispy. i want to know how much to leave for the coroner.”

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymouse

While I am uncertain if he has this level of control, it is also possible that the device itself will act to protect the wearer, which is a whole extra bag of variables unknown.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymouse

Your use of the specific word “disarm” is especially entertaining, given the context.

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymouse

You could have joked with “dis-arm” right there and you missed it…

11 months ago

well….technically he isnt wrong. i mean if theres only like 6 of them in existence, how do you classify something like that? a one handed weapon? 2 handed? heavy artillery? or “OH SHIT HE IS ABOUT TO *BOOM*

11 months ago
Reply to  anonymouse

It’s an armed weapon.

11 months ago
Reply to  7eggert

Of all weapons this is the most fitting to say is harmless until “Armed”

James Kite
James Kite
11 months ago
Reply to  anonymouse


Weapon of Mass…Dammmmmnnnnnnn ?

11 months ago

Guess the next part will be to make him a marshal again. Solves the civilian part and the being fugitive part in 1 go.

11 months ago
Reply to  Hans

Ah, yes, the “little known, seldom used, reactivation clause”!

11 months ago
Reply to  Hans

If he gets a chance to explain about the corruption

11 months ago
Reply to  7eggert

Nah, they’ll just clear his file.

11 months ago

They’re testing each other out, full of mistrust. Which is understandable and logical, if problematic.

The real problem right now though, is that their egos are sneaking in as well. They seem more concerned with being right and trying to prove the other wrong, than doing what’s right for everyone.

And regardless of motivation, that petty immaturity ALWAYS leads to disaster when the stakes are this high.

So, I hope they outgrow that soon enough.

Last edited 11 months ago by Rolando
11 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

Somehow I reckon the Vicen is the (far more) mature and diplomatic guy in the room with an agenda of “Stop being a danger to everyone please. We have a war on”

Quel might be sorely tempted to give Cort a thick ear right now though he’s been very good at self restraint too

11 months ago
Reply to  Stephen

You could be right. Then again, you’re talking about A POLITICIAN. Having the kind of ego that is perfectly happy risking the lives of others to indulge itself, is pretty much a job requirement.

We KNOW Cort is a good guy at heart. Also, Speck and Nyrah are sensible advisers.

This politician… TBD. And his advisers… More politicians.

11 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

This guy is less a politician and more of a General. Commander in Chief or head of Department of Defense.

11 months ago
Reply to  Esc

It’s a political position, even when it’s technically a military one. That’s the reality. Look at all the highest-ranking military positions in our world, historically and currently. All that we can see, shows they behave like politicians, deal with other politicians, etc. Even when they wanna be otherwise, that’s what simple reality drags them to in most cases. He could be an exception, but I tend to not assume an exception is happening. All this, assuming Tim’s approach is more realistic and less idealised. Which has been the case, so far. I’m not saying that Command in Chief is actually… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

I see Cort’s reply as him not allowing the Federation to set the terms for this discussion. Cort is comfortable accepting that he is a fugitive, but he is standing there in front of the Vicen now to address the bigger problem. In fact, if not for the starcaster, he would not be talking to them now. Calling it a weapon (which it totally is, but is so much more than) seems like an attempt to push the balance of the relationship so that Cort is feeling disadvantaged to give the Vicen control. The fact that the Vicen calls it… Read more »

11 months ago

And this is where Cort becomes a Specte- I mean Law Enforcement Agent again

11 months ago

…has weapon of mass destruction attached to wrist…

‘technically, it’s not a firearm’

That’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.

11 months ago
Reply to  Duke

Think there is a plan here, but can’t quite tell what his aim is. Evidence clearly points to it as being capable of large scale destruction so there is no way they’ll just buy this. It’s a move toward something…but what?

11 months ago

*Voice from the Starcaster: ‘YESS! FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT! I Can talk as long as I’m not seen as a weapon all the DAMN time!!’

Last edited 11 months ago by Crestlinger
11 months ago

“A well regulated Planetary Settlement, being necessary to the prosperity of a free Galaxy, the right of the people to keep and bear Terraforming Devices, shall not be infringed.”

11 months ago

This is a risky tactic on Cort’s part, but it may also be a brilliant one. By nitpicking the definition of the Starcaster per Federation codes, he’s reminding her that he knows Federation laws well enough to invoke them in his own defense.

And he’s doing it over something pithy and unimportant; or in other words, he’s informing her that he can challenge her authority without actually challenging her authority. It’s a way to stake out some territory for himself in this conversation without escalating tension, which can be invaluable in the early stages of a negotiation.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ben

I sometimes wonder where the technicalities of the law give way to the practicalities of the situation in our own government. Arguably a government in this situation Should break the rules-

1st Securing the starcaster as pivotal defense is in service to it’s people, who are fighting a defensive war against genocidal colonists.

2nd- I think most people would not be happy if their government let an autonomous nuclear power run around inside their borders because they’re technically wasn’t a rule against it!

11 months ago
Reply to  Bloof

On the flip side, I think the people would NOT appreciate if their government pissed off the nuclear power to the point it got used on their people (not saying Cort would deliberately murder anyone just because, but say they try to take him down, his instinctive defensive reaction might cause many deaths where a more diplomatic approach could see him even agreeing to come back into the fold). My prediction is that there will be a little bit of a pissing match, but the Drang attack will cause Cort to work with the Federation again, possibly discovering some new… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Ben

Cort’s a little flea here. In such a galaxy the law really doesn’t help you when someone you know suddenly disappears. Which he will if he doesn’t do as they want him to do. How many people know he has the starcaster and how many people know he’s there? Going all Judge Dredd on Droma won’t do him any good. It is however good that he is not just bending over for them. I think not just saying “hey just cut my arm off and take it” is a good sign he is mentally strong enough to at least have… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Ben

How can you tell Vicen Droma is a “She”?

11 months ago

Quel is trying his best to handle this efficiently and absolutely NO ONE is making his job easier

11 months ago

That has never stopped the atf… no matter what reality we’re hashin’.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
11 months ago

It wasn’t designed to be used as a weapon, it just has the power to destroy planets. While obviously more dangerous than a normal tool like a hammer or screwdriver, it’s still just a tool you can be violent with.

A person
A person
11 months ago

Yes, yes… it is some kind of weapon. But do not ha enough dakka, so who cares

11 months ago

Don’t worry Cort! You don’t have a dog that the space-ATF can shoot.

11 months ago

So *that’s* the conversation *you* want to have Cort? Technicalities?

I know I’m biased because I’m looking at the story as a whole and Cort is looking out for his own life, but c’mon dude. The Vicen was even joking with you.