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Missing Pieces, p9

August 23, 2024 by Tim

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27 days ago

Tusé 😀

27 days ago

You litereally can Lucas. You can stop being a vigilante.. and have more of those toasts every morning.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
27 days ago
Reply to  DahrAmahr

That would leave Ethan alone in the crusade, and we all know how Ethan does when he’s left to his own devices.

26 days ago

Of course, Ethan seems to also be slowly adjusting to not going back to the crusade either so……

Some honest talks with not just Ben but Ethan and himself may be in order. Lucas has admitted before that he may not want to do the “Analog & D-pad” thing forever. Maybe he needs to start asking himself if Ben represents the off-ramp on the road he’s on. If so, start sounding out Ethan on the idea as well as sounding Ben out on his feelings on unregistered supes.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
27 days ago
Reply to  DahrAmahr

Or, you know, be honest with him.

Heck, you can even feel the situation out beforehand. Kind of like what Ethan unintentionally did with Emily. See what he thinks of Supers.

If he intends to make this a real thing, it’ll come out eventually, one way or another. Even if he puts the mask aside. Something will happen and there will be a gunman and Lucas acts without thinking and suddenly Ben knows that ten years ago, Lucas gave up on his dream because he didn’t trust him.

27 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

He’s a cop. Being honest with him would put him in the ethical quandary of either reporting a lawbreaker he has feelings for or looking the other way and damaging his oath and integrity. It’s easy for someone on the outside to think “Just tell him,” but it is significantly more difficult when the lives being affected by your decision are yours and your loved ones.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
25 days ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

He’s not a lawbreaker. The laws of this world specifically cover caped supers. That’s why folks like Deathblood exist: they’re people who *abuse* the amnesty that the law provides while fighting criminals.

When it comes down to it, Ben and Lucas are doing the *same thing* – one as an officer, and one as a totally legal masked vigilante.

And IMHO – if you’re in a relationship that you feel you *can’t* be honest with the other person, that’s a relationship you shouldn’t be in, regardless of how good his french toast is.

27 days ago

A little French toast, a little French kissing, ooh la la~

27 days ago

theres always the option of fixing the “un” part of the problem. might come with some baggage, but not out the window

27 days ago
Reply to  Pulse

Speaking of which, what was their reason not to get registered? I’m sure it came up at some point, but cannot remember…

27 days ago

Dont quote me on this, I think they wanted to stay anonymous, and the registry puts your name out there. I could very well be wrong though, they may not have discussed it.

27 days ago

Yea, they are actively breaking the law by not registering, yet they have encountered the police without any consequence. (Or maybe they havent? I think i remember a strip where they handed over some thiefs?)

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
27 days ago
Reply to  Arcatus

They have encountered the police before.The difference between being unregistered and being registers, besides the government knowing who you are and where you’re working, is protections. There was mention of some “vigilante laws” way back that Lyla said offered them “little to no protection” or some such thing, so there IS a measure of legal protection that they have, but I presume being registerd means you get stuff like city funding and health benefits and such.

25 days ago

The main trade-off is that letting the government tell you what to do allows some (undoubtedly finite) leeway for collateral damage.

27 days ago

Once more, the fastest way to man’s heart is by his stomach

27 days ago

French Toast?!? That’s easy. Try doing a good omelette!

27 days ago
Reply to  Drew

that’s pretty easy too tbh

26 days ago
Reply to  leduk

Fritata? Biscuits and gravy? I was going to say gumbo, but trying to keep it breakfast related.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
27 days ago

Hm. … you know, I think there’s a completely unrealized game idea here that would make millions. The spiritual successor to “Cooking Mama.” It’s “Cooking Daddy.” Basically the same thing. Only instead of Mama there, it’s Daddy, a muscled thirtysomething with stubble and a tight T-shirt walking you through cooking steps in his low baritone. Hell, make it VR, and Daddy will even come up behind you and guide your hand as your chop, mix, sauté etc. I mean, hell. Cooking Mama released in 2006 and was a hit to seven-year-old girls everywhere. Those girls are, what, 25 now? How… Read more »

26 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

You could say the audience is baked in…

24 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m turning 40 this year. I’d buy this!

27 days ago

Lucas seems a tad emaciated in the first panel

27 days ago
Reply to  Sian

That’s why he’s so desperate for more toast.

27 days ago
Reply to  Sian

He’s starving for love, obviously.

27 days ago

Waaaaaaaitaminnit…that would be one way to find out if Ethan really was back to mortal. If there was enough of the serum to at least synthesise some more, Lucas could take it and see whether he lost his powers. Best case scenario, he doesn’t and it can be surmised that Ethan is fine. If Lucas does lose his powers, he’s back to normal and can just pursue the relationship guilt-free. Of course, if he lost his powers then he may feel guilty at every tragedy that he could have prevented had he not taken the gamble. And the worst case… Read more »

26 days ago
Reply to  DrewJH

The Troll had said that Ethan’s DNA could be found everywhere, hinting that serum was based on Ethan’s DNA. So making some for Lucas would take a medical chemist and a DNA specialist. I still think it was an attempt to mind-bang Ethan into just quitting the Superhero gag, and not an actual “cure.”

26 days ago
Reply to  DrewJH

Judging by his slip in panel 2, I’d wager Lucas’s real issue with relationships isn’t actually related to (hiding) his powers, but more to getting hurt from a previous real relationship. The secret identity might be a concern too, but he’s also using it as a front to hide his real problems. Lucas solving his powers (or Ben gaining them, or finding out anyway) wouldn’t really solve anything.

27 days ago

Well only one recourse for it now. Have to give the boyfriend superpowers!

26 days ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

I’m wondering if he isn’t one already, and approached Lucas because he was tired of hiding himself. Maybe looking for a team-up too?

MH Veteran
MH Veteran
26 days ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

What if the boyfriend is Deathblood? Unlikely I know, but this guy has been so perfect for Lucas that I wouldn’t be too suprised he’s been hiding a secret also.

25 days ago
Reply to  MH Veteran

Called that in an earlier comic! Mostly due to Ben having a red shirt, being an oathbreaker paladin in BG3 and a cop. So he knows how the justice system is failing and in games he can act out of oaths in an easier way.

26 days ago

Welp, calling it now: the fourteenth of the month, Ben has a run-in with Zeke.

26 days ago

I know its a bit cliché, but what are the odds than later on, there’s a scene of Ben recognizing Lucas in costume, and talking to him about it, and going “how could I not recognize the man I’m in love with?