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Savoring The Challenge

March 24, 2025 by Tim

My wife doesn’t play a lot of video games these days, but there’s still no one I’d rather play a Hazelight game with. Even if it means being stuck in the gunner seat of a flying car that she slams into a wall for fifteen minutes straight.

In fact, Hazelight’s co-op games (A Way Out, It Takes Two, Split Fiction) are such favorites of mine I’m happy to take longer to reach the end because I don’t want them to be over.

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4 days ago

the caveat of coop games
either you learn to play with your feet or you suck it up and stay patient with your gaming partner

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 days ago

I hear that… except for me, it’s kind of like playing on Ironman Mode. That being, if it just becomes too frustrating to her, (i.e. she dies too often) she decides it’s not a game she likes and we’re done. And then it’s not like I can just continue on by my lonesome. I’ve really wanted to try It Takes Two, but I don’t want to be halfway through that game only for it to end. The one caveat to that, seems to be 2D platformers. Rayman Legends, Yoshi’s Wooly World, your random Kirby game, she’s down for. Probably because… Read more »

4 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Have you tried Sackboy or Nine Parchments? Parchments is my absolute favorite couch coop game for people with different skill levels.

I hear you on the complicated ones though. No way my partner is playing Split Fiction with me. I played It Takes Two with a friend, we’ll play Split Fiction at some point too.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 days ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It Takes Two is really fun but can be frustrating, only benefit is with that one having online play it’s not as bad. Another game to try is Unraveled 2, it’s more of a 2D game and my nephew and I played through it. Was on sale when we were looking for something to play and kept us occupied for awhile, and you can play it on your own by switching between the two characters if she decides she doesn’t wanna play it.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
4 days ago

I had an amazing time with SF. To the point I want to play ITT next. Shame I can’t cross play with my friend though.

4 days ago
Reply to  Blue Griffin

ITT is miles and leagues better than SF, I thought. SF is still good, don’t get me wrong, but ITT was great.

I’m actually low-key bummed that I played ITT before SF, because all that did was make me enjoy SF less than I probably should’ve. SF has a lot of problems that just weren’t there in ITT.

4 days ago
Reply to  Chris

Funny. My wife and I had the opposite feeling. ITT was super fun, but felt like SF was a step forward in almost every direction. ITT’s story was incredibly flat for us, and while SF’s isn’t groundbreaking, we were more engaged in it.

3 days ago
Reply to  Robfather

To each their own, of course, and story enjoyment is highly subjective anyway. I just thought SF was a lot more difficult than ITT. My girlfriend struggles with platformers, and she did fine on ITT, but struggles immensely on SF, to the point it becomes frustrating for her rather than fun. Also encountered a ton of glitches, bad respawn spots (for her since she dies a lot more) causing immediate and unavoidable deaths and syncing issues between our two games. None of that was ever an issue on ITT for us, but we can’t go 15 minutes in SF without… Read more »

4 days ago

Ooooh !!! I had forgotten about DST coming earlier in the US !

Yeah for early comics !

4 days ago

The stare of co-op horror

4 days ago

Oof, now that’s just mean!

4 days ago

Hmm. Tim Hit asterisk twice ** if your wife is reading this/was reading the notes while you were writing them.

4 days ago

I finally got It Takes Two in the steam sale after I got my girlfriend hooked on overcooked.

Spoiler free: we beat the first boss, and it was a bit more… graphic than expected? Thus far my girlfriend had some trouble with the controls and such, but when she needed to do the final blow, with her inexperience with the controls inching slowly towards it…

It wasn’t an elation of beating the first boss. That’s for sure. Let’s hope she wants to pick it up again.

4 days ago

My wife is an amazing sniper but get a bit nervous when the thing become personal. In Gears of War and Borderlands we have a very harmonious relation

4 days ago

LOL, that’s legit. Watched someone get stuck on that piloting part for 30+ deaths because she couldn’t handle inverted controls but didn’t want to stop the game to change the option. Fun times, would change nothing. 😆

Nuclear Anomaly
Nuclear Anomaly
4 days ago


4 days ago

She reads these right? Well, guess you needed a break on the couch anyway.

Will B.
Will B.
4 days ago

Wait. Wives will play video games? Lies. Lies, I say. Been married 30 years and I simply refuse to believe this hoax.

3 days ago
Reply to  Will B.

That’s strange, I was just thinking how much I lucked out by having a husband who was open to learning how to console game 😉

Terrycloth Monkey
Terrycloth Monkey
4 days ago

This is why my wife and I play open world building games. Don’t Starve Together, Core Keeper, Factorio, etc are favs.

the dude
the dude
4 days ago

Mind blown when I show the nephew a game, PC based SWTOR. Kid had no idea how to keyboard/mouse

3 days ago

I’d object to the stereotype except that it’s clearly autobiographical!
In our marriage though, I’m the one who grew up with console games, and my straight male husband has been playing catchup all this time. He’s getting pretty decent now!
Prior to that though it was always more enjoyable to add that social aspect than it was frustrating to have to play at a slower pace or remind of control settings.

3 days ago

My wife and I play co-op Halo. I prefer the harder difficulties whereas she just likes rushing in and blowing things up. I usually play ranged support trying to kill enemies gunning for her and if she dies she can just respawn on me and dive back into the fray. Ironically we stopped playing against each other because I got tired of walking around a corner and getting a gravity hammer to the face, and she got tired of stepping out into the open and getting sniped. Camp fests are much less exciting.

3 days ago

As a friendless single I feel kinda left out

3 days ago

I thought hardcore is beating it all alone.

3 days ago

The struggle of something like being really into video games is the standards for what you expect a newbie to do grow as you get more skilled as well. In my 30s now, been playing since single-digits, so unless the mechanic is REALLY complex or weird a lot of tutorials are like ‘yep yep yep yep yep got it’. I don’t expect a new player to say, beat a Dark Souls boss. I don’t even expect them to beat the first enemy without dying a few times. I *do* expect them to just… not… walk off the edge of the… Read more »

3 days ago

I feel that one. GF ‘wanted to try’ dark souls but never has the patience. Found the co-op mod… so my tank in the front going ‘i’m gonna set off a trap’ while they follow along going pew at every little thing. LOTS of XP from killing everything but its taking time.

2 days ago

haven’t played Split Fiction yet, but we played the other 2.

A Way Out was such a kick in the teeth.. the ending was brutal, almost ruined the experience for me, tbh. I feel there should have been a third way to handle that.