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The Force Awakens

December 23, 2015 by Tim

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6 years ago

The movie kinda sucked, tbh. It didn’t really add anything new beyond the cast, and the plot was similar in style to Terminator Genisys: blend the first three movies together and then bake it into something that looks presentable. Starkiller Base (name borrowed from Galen Marek’s codename from The Force Unleashed) is just Death Star III but now it’s a planet instead of a moon and the superlaser can blow up multiple planets. The Resistance is just a rehash of the Alliance, and the First Order is just a rehash of the Empire. At least the books had Imperial remnants… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  AdderTude

Rogue one was really good barring the fact that everyone died. My issue with that was that the people who got the plans weren’t said to necessarily have died, they just weren’t brought up again. I expected a death or two but it feels like they went out of their way for character deaths. Everything else was almost spot on. I disagree with your reasoning for TFA being considered bad; it’s the first Star Wars in a really long time and so they wanted to make it be as not going to ruin everyone’s expectations as possible. Hence, they modeled… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

They had to die though, that’s the only way to explain why none of them were revered live members of the resistance when A New Hope starts.

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago
Reply to  IKJ

Plus the deaths were poignant, showing the amount of sacrifice required so that the struggling Rebellion could live to fight another day, and eventually turn the tide against the Empire.

2 years ago
Reply to  AdderTude

Actually Starkiller was the name of a secondary character from I, Jedi (really great book) whom Luke failed while training, went on a Dark Side rampage and took out an entire system with his stolen Imperial prototype ship. Later he recanted and Luke helped him put the ship inside a star so nobody could ever use it again. I took the base name to be an obscure reference to that character. To Hamstermer: Rouge One was a fantastic Star Wars movie, but it had one major flaw: no Bothans. “Many Bothans died to bring us this information” was completely ignored… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Awesome

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t many Bothans die to get the information about the second Death Star in Episode VI? Not the first Death Star in Episode IV?

6 years ago

To AdderTude: The name “Starkiller” was the original movie protagonist’s original last name (which was changed to Skywalker at some point, but early Luke Skywalker concept art from the 70s (or McQuarrie’s female variant) was labeled “Starkiller Hero” And of course you cannot compare 20 years of writing novels to a single movie. But on the plus side, there’s no Troy Denning to ruin what was established before. The “hommages” were a little heavy-handed (especially that Kylo Ren and Snoke communicated the same way Vader and Palpatine communicated in Empire), but the main thing that bothers me about the movie… Read more »

4 years ago

If you took the prequel trilogy and edited it down to one movie, you could make a pretty darn good movie. If you took the sequel trilogy and edited it down to one you, you’d still have a steaming pile of garbage. Nothing interesting happened in those movies, and all of the lightsaber battles were so, so bad. Kylo Ren and Rey were both absolutely terrible at wielding lightsabers, and they just kept showing us these two dipsticks flailing about. The kid from that Star Wars Kid viral video from way back looked better with a lightsaber than these two… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  megamawax

Yup. Still a racist mysogonist hahaha

3 years ago
Reply to  Timmeh

Bruh when did this dude say anything racist or misogynistic you soggy flannel

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  Timmeh

Yup, still a retard

3 years ago

Unfortunately this has aged quite poorly as the sequels have been increasingly worse, the most obvious being the shit Rey’s origin has been through.

3 years ago

Yeah, this is still true (except for the overblown disdain for the prequels, which are in many parts better than the originals). Rian Johnson may have killed Last Jedi with hist “subverted expectations” but The Force Awakens is amazing movie. It’s basically The Last Hope, but better.