Nobody told me

December 1, 2003 by Tim

So I downloaded and installed the America’s Army v2.0 patch last night, thinking that it had been a while since I’ve played, and would check out the additions. I try to fire up a game, and I find that my password isn’t working with my username. I went to the official site and used the retrieve password function, and they had all been changed.

Not only that, but all of my training and statistics were gone. Did I miss the announcement about doing a player wipe, or is this just my stroke of bad luck here?

Either way, the Special Forces additions were pretty fucking cool. I’ll probably get into it here and there over the course of the week.

Work is kicking my ass right now. Mostly shipping. I expect that within a couple of weeks I can have every order sent out, and then I plan to sit back and re-organize the way I operate that merchandise side of this business. It’s grown so fast that my simple methods just aren’t working anymore. They slow things down more than anything.

I’m also trying to work on a few projects as Holiday gifts for you guys. They aren’t going to do anyone much good if I can’t get them done before the end of the month.

Also, if you haven’t heard, they’re at it again. It will be interesting to see Arnold’s take on this one.

I am still considering creating an organization for us sane gamers to voice our opinions in a debate environment. It’s currently on a back burner at the moment, and I doubt I’ll get to it before January. But it is still on my mind. If you’re a web designer and want to collaborate on this with me, feel free to drop me an email. Serious inquiries only please… a website like this would require some complicated features. No “hey, I can use geocities!” please.

Also, you all need to be reading Konsekai: Swordwaltzer. I’m serious about that.

Check out Van Von Hunter as well.

And finally, if you’re looking for some affordable hosting to start up your web comic or whatever other project you have in mind, take a peek at FuitadNET for your hosting needs.

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