ConnectiCon 2004

July 12, 2004 by Tim

So imagine my surprise when I went to upload Monday’s comic last night, and I no longer had an internet connection. Turns out there was an outage in my area, and by 3am it was still out. I couldn’t stay up and wait for it, because I’ve got too much to do to risk being tired all day, so that’s why the comic was up late this morning. Hope you don’t mind too much.

I get so many requests for the arrow gag, it’s insane. Well there you go. The last one, ever.

I did actually manage, by working very hard over the weekend, to get all of the comics drawn for this week, so that I can head off to ConnectiCon guilt-free.

So let me tell you a bit about this weekend.

I’m leaving for the convention early Thursday morning, so Wednesday’s newspost will be the last one I make until I get back, unless I decide to use the computer at the hotel. The comics will still be updating on their own, though.

I don’t know what time they’re opening the doors on Friday, and I don’t know exactly when my panels are. They’ll release the schedule on their website a day or two before the start of the convention, in case of any last minute changes. You can go check the artist’s alley page to see where my table will be, however.

Now, ConnectiCon is a special con to me. It’s almost got a cozy feel, a) because it was the first convention I ever attended, and b) Matt and Briana, who run the con, are good friends of mine, who come and stay at my apartment and shit. Also, a lot of my friends will be there, fellow webcomic artists whom I only really get to hang out with at conventions, so I’m excited about that.

ConnectiCon has events going 24 hours a day, all weekend. This is a convention for me, and I’m technically working, but it’s also like a vacation for me, so expect me to be having fun. So if you see me, and I appear to be drunk… I probably am.

I’ll be at my table as much as possible. I’m going to have the book with me, for sale. I will be selling brand new t-shirt designs for Ethan and Lucas. I will be selling a brand new 18×24 poster, based on the cover art for the book. So feel free to come by my table and chat with me, say hello, ask me questions, whatever.

I’ll also be doing a few panels, at least one of which will be specific to Ctrl+Alt+Del. So you can come sit in a room with a bunch of other CAD fans and ask me questions. I can be pretty informal with my panels, so we can just joke around, discuss stuff, etc.

I’ll also be doing the webcomic challenge, which should be fun. It was difficult to choose five people from over three hundred entries, but here is the CAD Webcomic Challenge Team, in no particular order:

Kyle Rice
Pete Williams
Tony Vila
Lee Wilson
Kevin Reed

And myself of course. However, we never know when someone may be unable to make it, so I am keeping a list of reserves. If you feel you’re skilled at some of the events being held, and will be at the con all weekend, feel free to drop me an email.

It should be a fun weekend. I know I’ll be having lots of fun. There will be other webcomics there too. Mookie will be there, Brian and Brian will be there, Scott will be there, and Rob will be there. Should be a hoot.

Book shipping is progressing, albeit slowly. I expect to have my postage meter up and running today, which should speed up the process exponentially.

Back to work I go.

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