
April 19, 2005 by Tim

Ugh, I have been so busy with work lately I’m even starting to forget what day it is.

I’ll be up in Boston next weekend at Anime Boston, so if you’re nearby, this would be a good chance to come out and say hello. I’ll have the last of the first print run of Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume One with me, as well as some posters and whatever else I can scrounge up. I’ll be in the dealer’s room. I will probably also have a panel or two at some point over the course of the weekend.

Start thinking of everything and anything you want to know about Ctrl+Alt+Del or webcomics now, anything you want to ask me at the panel. Brian and I will be filming extensively at Anime Boston for the CAD Documentary DVD that we hope to release later this year. So we need lots of good footage of the panels, and I always run my panels on questions, so start thinking of them now. I don’t want to get asked “Where did Chef Brian come from?” twelve times.

Also, I released that wallpaper I had been talking about. Grab it below.

One game at a time
One game at a time
1280×800 (Widescreen)

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