
November 26, 2007 by Tim

We’ve announced three new tournaments for Digital Overload 2008 today, Rock Band, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (as long as it makes its release date) and a Magic: The Gathering booster draft. We’ll be announcing the remaining tournaments over the next couple of weeks.

Don’t forget if you get your registration/payment in by this Friday (November 30th), you get an event t-shirt free with your badge. If you register after Friday, you can still get a t-shirt, but you’ll have to pay for it.

Not sure what Digital Overload is all about? Picture you and 600+ other gamers in a giant convention hall for a few days, playing games, winning free stuff and goofing off. That’s pretty much the gist of it. And it’s been a blast for the past two years, and we’re working extra hard to outdo ourselves again this year. It’s going to be a blast, so start planning. And don’t forget to hit the forums to find room/ride shares to cut down on travel costs, and to ask any questions you may have about the event.

In gaming news, I wrapped up Assassin’s Creed Saturday evening, with just about all of the achievements I cared about (those flag collection achievements can jump off a boat for all I care). It was an enjoyable game, despite its faults. Hopefully they can build on that for the sequel. However, with absolutely zero replay value, the game now goes to the shelf.

With that out of the way, I can get back to Mass Effect and Rock Band. Oh yes, Rock Band. It blows Guitar Hero completely out of the water, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t know how Red Octane expected Guitar Hero 3 to compete, but it doesn’t. Once you play Band World Tour, you’ll never go back.

My girlfriend and I started a 2-person band, The Irish Car Bombs, with me on drums and her on guitar, and its a blast. Hopefully they’ll push through that patch that is supposed to bring BWT online soon, because that really would cinch the deal.

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