Two n’ four

February 11, 2008 by Tim

Today is more of the stuff I have to keep talking about or people will complain they missed out because “I didn’t know”.

Twenty-four days until Digital Overload. Which means only eighteen more days to register. You have to have a paid account to sign up for tournaments. Some are already filled (but you can get on a waitlist), and some like TF2, Universe at War, UT3 and Texas Hold’Em only have a few open spots left.

Also when you register, you have the option of ordering an event t-shirt. If you want one, I suggest ordering it now, so it’s guaranteed, and you get it when you check-in for your badge. We will probably have some extras to sell at the event, but I can’t guarantee what sizes, and we can’t start selling them until the majority of reserved shirts are picked up (read: not until around mid-day Saturday).

Speaking of t-shirts, I am pretty astounded by the sheer number of emails I’ve gotten from people asking to actually purchase the gag t-shirt I posted yesterday. I’m half-tempted to actually put it up for sale, just because, well… I don’t hate money.

Anyway, tournaments are only a small slice of what goes on at Digital Overload. We’ve got plenty of raffles and trivia contests lined up so you can win some neat swag. We’ll be giving away some free badges to Digital Overload 2009, and a couple of seats for you and a friend to attend a celebratory after-event dinner with myself and the rest of the Digital Overload staff Sunday evening.

Also, we will be offering Spectator badges at the door again this year for $20. A Spectator badge allows you to come into the event and hang out, but you are not allowed to enter or exit with any stuff, or participate in any tournaments, raffles or contests. Spectators are still required to sign the event waiver, so Spectators under the age of 18 have to have the waiver signed by a parent/guardian and bring it with them. The age limit of 16 for the event is still enforced for Spectator badges, and as with all check-ins, a valid photo-ID is required.

Also, the early-adopter’s price of $19.99 for the second season of the Ctrl+Alt+Del Animated Series ends on February 15th (I know it says March 1st on the site, but I’m told that’s a typo). If you order season 2 now, not only do you get twelve episodes of season 2 over twelve months, but you get all twelve episodes of season 1 immediately.

What’s that you say? You’d rather wait for the DVD in 2009? A perfectly viable plan of action. However subscribers are offered the DVD at half-price. So subscribing now not only gets you the episodes as soon as they are available, but at the end of the season you only pay half price to get the whole collection with bonus features on DVD.

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