
May 30, 2008 by Tim

June is shaped up with some pretty decent releases.

Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out soon, which I’ve been hearing really good things about. I’m definitely looking forward to the title for multiple reasons. First, I haven’t played a Metal Gear Solid game since… well, Metal Gear Solid. After playing Metal Gear Online for a couple of weeks, I’ve got good first impressions of the title in general. And finally, it’s always nice to have a game on the PS3 that I’m really looking forward to. After MGS4 is out, I guess I’m left with… Little Big Planet.

Ninja Gaiden 2 releases next week, which I will probably pick up, find I can’t get past the first or second stage, and then never play again. But it looks like those first two stages will be waist-deep in blood! (My own…)

Or maybe I’m not as bad a ninja as I think.

The new Alone in the Dark comes out in late June. I’ve been keeping an eye on the title, and while it’s far too early to tell, it would be great if it turned out to be a good game. The graphics are up there, as is most of the animation. Looks like a fun game, but I’ve heard some bland voice acting and the driving sequences look like they leave a bit to be desired. But we’ll see soon enough.

The Incredible Hulk (movie and game) is coming out this month too. For some reason every time I mention that I’m looking forward to this movie, people give me weird looks. I’m trying not to judge the film based off of Ang Lee’s version (which wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the worst super hero flick ever either). The Incredible Hulk, just like Iron Man, is being spearheaded by Marvel themselves, and they’re attempting to “restart” the Hulk movie the same way Batman Begins did for DC, so I’ll give them a clean slate. Plus it’s got Edward Norton, and this guy’s an old hat at playing characters with multiple personalities.

The trailers looked good, and I also found this sneek peek clip that looks pretty promising. Possible spoilers… I guess.

Maybe it’s too much to hope for three great super hero movies in one year (Iron Man, Hulk, and Dark Knight), but a guy can dream, right?

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