Digital Overload After Party!

May 13, 2011 by Tim

Today’s artwork was drawn for the CAD board game that I’ve been working on (and will be testing in a couple of weeks at Digital Overload). For the most part, the prototypes will be a spartan affair… the barebones necessary to play the game and test the system. The hundreds of cards involved will not be finished products with artwork. With so much subject to change as a result of feedback, I need to know what cards make the cut before delving into the long process of drawing art for each one.

However there were certain elements that I really wanted present for the people testing the game, and these images for the character sheets were among them. I threw the artwork together in wallpaper format, which you’ll find at the bottom of this newspost.

I’ve also got a really awesome announcement about Digital Overload 2011 to make. Thanks to some really awesome people, and the perfect alignment of the planets, I’m really excited to announce the first annual Digital Overload After Party!

That’s right, after the event shuts down on Sunday evening (May29th), the party keeps going over at The 8×10 in downtown Baltimore!

All Digital Overload badge holders can head over there at 5pm after Digital Overload shuts down for free admission to a night of video games, booze (if you’re over 21) and music!

We’ll have video games on a projection screen hooked up to their sound system, and later in the evening we’ll have live music from some of the area’s awesome 8-bit chip tune bands! The band lineup includes:

Trey Frey

Math Panda

Forever The Win


Temp Sound Solutions

with visuals by


All Digital Overload badge holders get in free, but everyone is welcome to come to the afterparty! Cover charge without a badge will be $5! The After Party will run until 11pm and should be a lot of fun! And if you’re local to the area, make sure to check out PixelSeed and a great lineup of bands at Byte Nyte on June 4th!

I’m also really excited to announce that Microsoft will be hosting an XNA Workshop at Digital Overload this year, for anyone interested in learning about the XNA tools or game development.

This year’s Digital Overload just keeps shaping up to be a more and more exciting and action-packed event! I hope you’re planning to join us for the fun!

And here’s that wallpaper I promised you!






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