Ecstatic and exhausted

December 6, 2013 by Tim

So… I have certainly intended to do a proper comic for today. However, our son had other plans, and decided to show up two weeks early.

This handsome little devil, Flynn Hartland Buckley, was born yesterday morning at a healthy eight pounds even. Mother and baby are doing absolutely wonderfully, and we’re so thrilled to finally meet our little guy.

I had been working on a project to be ahead in comics for when he was due later this month, but it wasn’t ready. I thought I’d have a couple more weeks. Today’s filler sketch is all I could muster for today’s update. I honestly have no clue what I’m going to do for next week. I’ll work when I can, and I will post some sort of updates on the appropriate days, but I really can’t speak to what those will be. Maybe just filler. I’ll do what I can, but my priority right now is being with my family.

So please bear with me for the next week or two if I seem scattered or erratic, as we all get settled in and try to find a routine (and sleep).



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With the holidays coming up, a Black Friday/Cyber Monday discount, and free shipping, I know a SUMO Omni would make a great gift for a close friend or relative.

So head on over and check them out.


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