About CAD Mobile

November 10, 2010 by Tim

Thanks to Apple crazy fast approval speed (*cough*10 days*cough*), an update for CAD Mobile is now available in the App Store.

Outside of the usual “bug fixes and optimization” stuff nobody ever reads, version 1.0.2 has one important change. When reading purchased content, your location will now be saved so when you come back, you won’t have to swipe 500 times to go back to where you were. That was (outside of an Android version), one of the most requested feature and to be honest, something that should have been there to start with.

If you want to get the full change list, grab the update or get the app for the first time, just head to the app page.

If you need help with CAD Mobile, we have an awesome support page available.

For those wondering, we’re currently working on porting the application to other devices. I’d like to take a moment and thank Lisa and the team at Palm for their awesome help and support. After going thru Apple’s “our way or the highway (and we don’t care what you think)” structure, it was a real pleasure to work with such an awesome group of folks. There’s going to be a CAD Mobile for Palm devices very shortly. An Android version should be coming soon after that.

If you work at RIM or Microsoft and want to be as awesome as Palm is, please email me at [email protected]. We’d love to get CAD Mobile running on your smartphones as well.

As always, if you want to get in touch with me or see what other crazy projects I’m working on, you can find me on twitter as @fuitad.

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