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A Difference Of Opinion, p6

March 22, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

I wonder if am the only one who thinks she will end up turning into a super villain.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lily

If it’s true that she doesn’t like cake then yeah she’ll definitely be a villain. Only somebody evil could hate cake.

5 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

Hey! I hate cake. Or rather modern cake. It is a coloured sponge with a plain sugar frosting in various colours but all taste equally bland. If I had to be a villain over cake it would be to bring back cake from when I was a kid! When chocolate was rich and orange frosting meant orange flavour!

5 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

Are you talking about supermaket cakes?
Because where I live you can buy cakes in dedicated shops, or you can make it yourself.
Now I want cake, great

5 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

The cake is a lie!

5 years ago
Reply to  Jesper

Somebody had to say it…

5 years ago
Reply to  Acnari

The Enrichment Center is committed to the well being of all participants. Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Lily

If it wasn’t for panel 3, then no way. But that pose, those glasses… add a tiara, a dark cape, and maybe a pair of gauntlets, and you’ve got something sinister.

Jan Tuts
Jan Tuts
5 years ago
Reply to  Lily

Who makes sure your packages are late, broken, soaked, opened with the most important stuff missing, signed off but never delivered, always delivered to your neighbours despite specifically asking not to do that multiple times, etc.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jan Tuts

How is that different from normal package delivery?

Jan Tuts
Jan Tuts
5 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

The other delivery people are her goons, obviously.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lily

Egad, I hope not. That trope is so overdone at this point that I’d probably eyeroll into an alternate dimension if it happened.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lily

Lily, it is the BEST reason to hate superheroes, usually, kinda sorta… .

5 years ago

That would be awesome! Maybe wounded by Ethan in an accident while or after they break up and when he tries to help her she recognizes him.
After seeing that he lied to her all along and believing he tried to kill her she snaps.

5 years ago

cake > superheroes

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Don’t lie.

If you can’t be truthful with her, then break it up. You’ve forced this into the open. She deserves a real response. She also deserves to know why this is so important to you.

On the other hand, I hope Lucas understands, because if you out yourself you’re also outing him.

5 years ago

Normally, I never comment the comics, but I noticed something unrelated and I really wanted to mention it.

Tim, have a look again at “Nice Melon” (/comic/nice-melon/) and now .. My god, the changes over the years just struck me right now. It’s amazing how your work has evolved. My hat(s) off to you, sir..

That’s it.. just wanted to say that.. *continue your usual program*

5 years ago

Perhaps I’m watching to much Team Fortress 2 relates stuff lately, but in case of this story arc I have the voice of Heavy Weapons guy in my ear, saying “Oh, this is bad!”.

The problem is, she doesn’t understand why he is upset about is and he normally has to keep his identity as a super hero secret (do we even know, how Scott came into this).

5 years ago

If Arrow taught me anything… you need to date people who know your superhero identity. Then you don’t have to lie about anything, including cake.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

The only thing running through my head after this scene is: “It’s the fi-nal COUNTDOOOOOWN!! Do-do-dooo-doooooooooo! Do-do-do-doo-dooooooooooo!” Their relationship is on a clock now.

5 years ago

To be truthful, I don’t see how given that they live in a superhero society how that isn’t one of the big questions. I mean they are readily available in that world, there are probably more people than just her that feels this way. So I don’t see how it wouldn’t be a major topic; like gun control, or abortion.

5 years ago

Love reading the comics, but I don’t get to stay current with them as much as I’d like, and often have to binge read to catchup.
What’s the deal with the navigation arrows, as they don’t seem to follow the story arc, or comic date order? Today’s ‘left arrow’ goes back to March 8th

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

You know what would be a real twist to the story? If Emily is not a super villain as everyone here assumes (so cliche~) but actually also has superpowers of her own but unlike Ethan made bad experiences with her power like people getting hurt by it for example thus she chose the “normal life” and because of her experiences she dislikes other supers being heroes because she knows of the consequences and either believes those people don’t care about the damages they do or even see it as necessary that others, innocent ones, might get hurt as long as… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

That would definitely be a change of pace. Someone who is so against superpowered individuals that she is not only against them, but refrains from using her own powers on principal. Heh, maybe later in life, she becomes a politician who tries to legislate laws against them and some opponent tries to out her as a superpowered, media latches onto it without the whole story, and they all ends up with egg on their face when it comes to light that she doesn’t ever use her powers on principal.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  Sigurther

Or Ethan manages to help Emily with her disdain for her own powers and she accepts them with all their side effects and they become a superhero couple. XD
And Lucas would suddenly be the third wheel.^^

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Like the homophobes who are secretly gay

5 years ago

This could potentially be the end of Ethan and Emily, which would set the stage for Ethan to talk to Lilah.

Jerome Appel
Jerome Appel
5 years ago

My take, he’s gonna bring up his sister and Scott’s story. It’s the whole reason he is a superhero and IF a superhero were there… she’d probably be alive. That’s a great way to provide why he feels they’re important and won’t be giving away his identity.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Jerome Appel

Agreed. I really hope he goes that route.

I mean, he still needs to tell her the truth, but that answer is a bit more truthful as to why it’s so important to him.

5 years ago

HA! Emily’s face in the last panel!

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
5 years ago

Same old Ethan. Just as he’s starting to get somewhere serious his brain takes a major detour.

5 years ago

hmm, reply to comment function seems be lottery functions, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

But maybe Emily is actually archvillain analog and d-pad have fought against couple of time, magic 8-ball says “all signs point to yes”

5 years ago

Ugandan superhero, huh. I guess he brings the rains down in Africa.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Question: how disappointed would you have been if no one had caught that?

Better question: how many (as best you gather from people’s comments) don’t seem to get caught?

Ian H.
Ian H.
5 years ago
Reply to  Noitatohtori

That’s amazing!

5 years ago
Reply to  Noitatohtori


5 years ago

Honestly, I’d rather she didn’t become a villian, too cliche, but that’s up to Tim.

Really this is more an exploration into how leading a secret life can put stress on a relationship. Better done then the Marvel/DC takes on the issue but that’s just because I feel that they take there stories way too seriously.

Unless Ethan comes clean, their relationship is about to end.

5 years ago

This feels like more of a “Coming out of the Closet” storyline rather than a “She’s secretly THE SEDUCTRESS” or is the daughter of some heinous Supervillain thing.

I’m thinking that there’s still a 20% chance that Ethan will say he’s actually gay or something instead of that he’s an amateur superhero

5 years ago

Almost Ethan, ALMOST! For a second there I thought he’d confess…

5 years ago

Funny how Uganda actually is a country with very high rainfall. Must be that superhero.

5 years ago
Reply to  toughluck

Then again, it’s precisely an example how superheroes are useless.

5 years ago

“Emily, without going into too much detail, I support superhero activity in my offf hours. It’s important to me, because someone I know and love died when I could have done something about it, but didn’t or wasn’t able. I know how you feel about superheros, and now you know how I feel. I have strong feelings for you and don’t want this to come between us, but alternatively, it isn’t fair to either of us to stay in a relationship if this is going to become a major and irreconcilable point of contention.” Of course, we know due to… Read more »

5 years ago

If CW’s Flash has taught me anything, you should just tell every random person you have a conversation with what your secret identity is because doing so will NEVER come back to haunt you!

5 years ago

I feel like the only way she would be okay is if he reveals himself and explains that he is just trying to protect people, but he honestly has been struggling with how to best save the world considering he dropped a guy off a building and then accidentally fried part of a ship yard.

5 years ago

Shit. He’s gonna spill it and not only will his relationship go to hell in a handbasket, but it will probably have some long term ramifications as she will almost certainly let slip to somebody about it which will lead to who knows what kind of excruciating fuckery. Jesus, man, I hate it when a favorite character gets tortured like this.

5 years ago

For the love of Winter-een-mas Ethan, just rip the plaster off already!!

Chris M
Chris M
5 years ago

I wanna ask Emily “Since most superheroes got their powers by accident, if you suddenly found yourself with powers, would you be ok with NOT using them? Would you sit on the sidelines and let normal cops face off against a supervillian?”

5 years ago

Yes. She dislikes cake. Break up with her and talk to Lilah already.