Well, if that was the case, then we’d shortly after have an Emily coming through a dimensional rift from the world of CAD 1.0, with spider super powers.
That would be cool.
Dr. Cynic
5 years ago
And with this wonderful relationship turn she has effectively placed herself in the “Gwen Stacy” area.
5 years ago
He….He saved it? The Sonofabitch saved it! by being honest and sincere… Who is this new Ethan? I like him.
5 years ago
I really – like…REALLY – enjoy the story so far. I totally didn’t see this coming. I guess I’m still of the opinion that Ethan cannot make “grown-up” decisions.
It’s great how he manages to tell the truth without straight out confessing about his secret identity (and Lucas’, of course)
5 years ago
All the cake talk gave me diabeetus.
Love the character growth.
5 years ago
She’s going to end up being the anti-machine anarchist, isn’t she?
Daniel Sørensen
5 years ago
Hey Tim
Is the format of Analog and D-Pad gonna be this instead of a comic volume from now on. Not that I mind. I like this story, except that, I think Ethans inteligens and personality is too similar to cap 1.0. Other than that, I like the more heavy subjects in this run.
I believe that Scott is Carlie’s fiance. Lucas is gay, and doesn’t really seem to be bi at all, so I highly doubt that Lucas and Carlie.
James Rye
5 years ago
“Especially the unlicensed ones…”
So before I said that she might had powers of her own and accidentally hurt bystanders with it, but what if she was the one who hurt her mothers leg? Like if my own superpower happened to hurt maybe nearly kill a relative of mine I would also see powers with mixed feelings and powers of others as a danger as unlike your own you cannot control theirs.
More likely to be Scott, no? So Carlie died, Scott is wheelchair-bound? I would guess these are things that Tim will be covering in the comic, though I’m half-thinking there were at least some earlier hints in this direction.
Also, standing on cake is very bad for the cake. Much better to not put your feet in it, so it’ll taste less like foot when eaten. Loving the comics, Tim!
It seems Scott did have his own rabbit hole’s worth of backstory, but he isn’t related to Carly’s story. Based on one of the Thanksgiving stories, that woman is directly related to how he lost his legs, but she was implied to still be alive.
Because I read that completely differently; I kind of assumed it meant that the woman wasn’t alive. After all, one doesn’t normally say that one is “allowed” to date after a few years, or that the ex “would want them to” after a while. Presumably, the living ex wouldn’t care.
On the other hand, it’s a common to comfort someone going through the grieving process and considering dating again to let them know that so-and-so would have wanted them to move on.
in addition to this, The way Ethan talks about the shooting here implies the robber shot both but only his sister died. at least one can read it like that.
Chris K
5 years ago
Are these heroes licensed? Better head the the Hero Association like Siatama…
Bob Kaelin
5 years ago
All these arcs make me sad. Such growth and character development from Ethan and I keep waiting for it to be all thrown away when he goes back to Lilah.
Please don’t go back to that.
5 years ago
Ethan made an actually legitimate and compelling argument. I’m impressed!
One never knows what one can do until one is forced.
5 years ago
Emily is a moderate pro-Flanist, but is willing to try Cake.
5 years ago
This is what I don’t get about her argument and the universe presented: How does licensing a hero stop, prevent, or limit the problem Emily sees? A licensed hero is just as likely and possible to cause the same problems. What is there to stop them, actually stop them, from anything? Lose the license? So? They still have the powers and can just remarket/rename themselves and go about it anyway without a license. Who’ll stop them? Licensed super heroes? Not likely, because creating criminals out of law abiding citizens isn’t a good luck…it’s 1984 and the Thought Police. Using terminology… Read more »
Emily’s logic is that if people have been processed through a regulation system, then the more trigger happy ones will not be a problem. If they are unlicensed, then since you have to take them on their word before they do anything they may well turn out to be villains trying to appear good to get away with things. (I think the term is antivillain).
There’s little to no gun control analogies or really any intentional parallels that I am aware of.
We don’t have all the info about how this superhero world works yet, but I’m guessing the licensed heroes are covered for damages, like an insurance provided by the city, and then are expected to operate within certain parameters. Unlicensed heroes would be the ones flying around causing damage and chaos that no one is prepared to fix or pay for. Given Emily’s stated issues with heroes, it would make sense that she would especially dislike the unlicensed ones.
It makes a lot of sense if they have a strict licensing practice. If for example, you have to take a test to prove you know how to use your powers safely and you have to have insurance to cover accidental damage, then that greatly reduces the concerns she has. If they just rubber stamp anyone who shows up and that is it, then you are right, though we need to know the actual system before we judge it.
5 years ago
When in doubt, appeal to emotions.
5 years ago
I’m happy to have been proven wrong about Ethan’s likely reaction here, now I hope to be proven wrong that Emily isn’t the real supervillan. XD
5 years ago
I love that this definitely feels like it’s building to some plot point, but there are lots of options: Gwen Stacy storyline (least likely, cause cliche) She turns out to be the villain (I’m seeing that as less and less likely) Ethan saves her She ends up agreeing with him on heroes then gets killed in crossfire and he 180s causing us to have Ethan vs Lucas The million other story lines I haven’t thought about While I miss old universe, I’m still digging new universe and learning more about these characters and seeing where it goes… and now just… Read more »
5 years ago
I hope she turns villain and doesn’t turn into Gwen Stacy.
5 years ago
Huh… Ethan has purple eyes. I never noticed that before.
5 years ago
I have this fear that when it comes time to tell her about his powers Ethan isn’t going to TELL her.
Rather he’s going to impale, shoot, crush, etc himself to “show her.”
5 years ago
If Emily wants to win Ethan over I feel she needs to tell him that cake is a lie. Cliche yes but this is Ethen
5 years ago
And then she will revealed to be the troll sister or something similar XD
Does it matter?
5 years ago
This was a nice comic to read in the start of the day. Thanks.
Jonathan Corbett
5 years ago
You know, when you look at it, he “likes” superheroes because of a “what if?” situation, she hates them because of cold, hard facts and evidence. In the real world, she’d tell him off, and point out that likely a superhero would have gotten said junkie to shoot his sister anyways, only this time as a hostage…
The difference is that they like each other and want it to work, an appeal to emotions met with such an insensitive response would be both out of character and sink the relationship, would it be potentially true,yes, but it would she would feel awful about trampling all over his feeling that she told him to open up about. It could still happen by accident in the real world though.
5 years ago
Yay Ethan. Peter Pan syndrome is finally starting to crack a lil 🙂
Nothing makes you feel good like hope in a good story.
Richard Weatherfield
1 year ago
To think if he’d come clean here, he and Emily might still be together. But then we wouldn’t have the current interactions with Lila.
This relationship is getting stronger and stronger. I’m really hoping she doesn’t die.
spoiler alert, we all die eventually
Ethan does so on a daily basis. Has not stuck so far.
Im really looking forward to her reveal as a skin suit of zekes
Impossible. She hasn’t called him “fleshbag” once.
Man, this is a really awesome story.
I’m kind of glad that we’re seeing a different relationship grow, instead of retreading Ethan and Lilah.
And anyways, pie > cake any day.
Depends on what Pie.
Either way, hasn’t it been established that the cake is a lie?
That’s why we have cheesecake. It’s cake AND pie.
You, sir, are a king among men.
How long will i take until he ‘returns’ to Lila? 🙂
This relation is build on sand.
I really like her. I’m gonna be sad if she doesn’t stick. It’s gonna be Gwen Stacy all over again.
Well, if that was the case, then we’d shortly after have an Emily coming through a dimensional rift from the world of CAD 1.0, with spider super powers.
That would be cool.
And with this wonderful relationship turn she has effectively placed herself in the “Gwen Stacy” area.
He….He saved it? The Sonofabitch saved it! by being honest and sincere… Who is this new Ethan? I like him.
I really – like…REALLY – enjoy the story so far. I totally didn’t see this coming. I guess I’m still of the opinion that Ethan cannot make “grown-up” decisions.
It’s great how he manages to tell the truth without straight out confessing about his secret identity (and Lucas’, of course)
All the cake talk gave me diabeetus.
Love the character growth.
She’s going to end up being the anti-machine anarchist, isn’t she?
Hey Tim
Is the format of Analog and D-Pad gonna be this instead of a comic volume from now on. Not that I mind. I like this story, except that, I think Ethans inteligens and personality is too similar to cap 1.0. Other than that, I like the more heavy subjects in this run.
No, I still intend to use the comic book format for the bigger “super hero” stories.
“You and I have different experiences with superheroes… especially the unlicensed ones.”
There’s a lot of weight/backstory to that I expect.
Great comic Tim! Im really enjoying this new stories.
I have a question. Was Lucas Carly’s fiancé?
I believe that Scott is Carlie’s fiance. Lucas is gay, and doesn’t really seem to be bi at all, so I highly doubt that Lucas and Carlie.
“Especially the unlicensed ones…”
So before I said that she might had powers of her own and accidentally hurt bystanders with it, but what if she was the one who hurt her mothers leg? Like if my own superpower happened to hurt maybe nearly kill a relative of mine I would also see powers with mixed feelings and powers of others as a danger as unlike your own you cannot control theirs.
Mmm, the plot thickens!
Was Carly’s fiancé Lucas maybe?
Great coic Tim. Keep up! I really enjoying this new format.
More likely to be Scott, no? So Carlie died, Scott is wheelchair-bound? I would guess these are things that Tim will be covering in the comic, though I’m half-thinking there were at least some earlier hints in this direction.
Also, standing on cake is very bad for the cake. Much better to not put your feet in it, so it’ll taste less like foot when eaten. Loving the comics, Tim!
I very much doubt that, coz Lucas isn’t very much interested in women.
I’m pretty sure Scott was Carly’s fiancé, though I don’t believe Tim’s gone out and said it. It’s clear at least that Scott was injured at some point, that he had someone who he was extremely close to, that the relationship ended dramatically, and that he’s close enough to Ethan and Lucas to be a regular for Thanksgiving but doesn’t really have the closeness of a childhood bud. God, can you imagine? If it was Scott – both he and the woman he loved, shot, robbed. If that was when he lost the use of his legs… he would have… Read more »
It seems Scott did have his own rabbit hole’s worth of backstory, but he isn’t related to Carly’s story. Based on one of the Thanksgiving stories, that woman is directly related to how he lost his legs, but she was implied to still be alive.
Are you referring to the 2017 Thanksgiving? https://cad-comic.com/comic/home-cooked-p1/
Because I read that completely differently; I kind of assumed it meant that the woman wasn’t alive. After all, one doesn’t normally say that one is “allowed” to date after a few years, or that the ex “would want them to” after a while. Presumably, the living ex wouldn’t care.
On the other hand, it’s a common to comfort someone going through the grieving process and considering dating again to let them know that so-and-so would have wanted them to move on.
in addition to this, The way Ethan talks about the shooting here implies the robber shot both but only his sister died. at least one can read it like that.
Are these heroes licensed? Better head the the Hero Association like Siatama…
All these arcs make me sad. Such growth and character development from Ethan and I keep waiting for it to be all thrown away when he goes back to Lilah.
Please don’t go back to that.
Ethan made an actually legitimate and compelling argument. I’m impressed!
One never knows what one can do until one is forced.
Emily is a moderate pro-Flanist, but is willing to try Cake.
This is what I don’t get about her argument and the universe presented: How does licensing a hero stop, prevent, or limit the problem Emily sees? A licensed hero is just as likely and possible to cause the same problems. What is there to stop them, actually stop them, from anything? Lose the license? So? They still have the powers and can just remarket/rename themselves and go about it anyway without a license. Who’ll stop them? Licensed super heroes? Not likely, because creating criminals out of law abiding citizens isn’t a good luck…it’s 1984 and the Thought Police. Using terminology… Read more »
Emily’s logic is that if people have been processed through a regulation system, then the more trigger happy ones will not be a problem. If they are unlicensed, then since you have to take them on their word before they do anything they may well turn out to be villains trying to appear good to get away with things. (I think the term is antivillain).
There’s little to no gun control analogies or really any intentional parallels that I am aware of.
We don’t have all the info about how this superhero world works yet, but I’m guessing the licensed heroes are covered for damages, like an insurance provided by the city, and then are expected to operate within certain parameters. Unlicensed heroes would be the ones flying around causing damage and chaos that no one is prepared to fix or pay for. Given Emily’s stated issues with heroes, it would make sense that she would especially dislike the unlicensed ones.
It makes a lot of sense if they have a strict licensing practice. If for example, you have to take a test to prove you know how to use your powers safely and you have to have insurance to cover accidental damage, then that greatly reduces the concerns she has. If they just rubber stamp anyone who shows up and that is it, then you are right, though we need to know the actual system before we judge it.
When in doubt, appeal to emotions.
I’m happy to have been proven wrong about Ethan’s likely reaction here, now I hope to be proven wrong that Emily isn’t the real supervillan. XD
I love that this definitely feels like it’s building to some plot point, but there are lots of options: Gwen Stacy storyline (least likely, cause cliche) She turns out to be the villain (I’m seeing that as less and less likely) Ethan saves her She ends up agreeing with him on heroes then gets killed in crossfire and he 180s causing us to have Ethan vs Lucas The million other story lines I haven’t thought about While I miss old universe, I’m still digging new universe and learning more about these characters and seeing where it goes… and now just… Read more »
I hope she turns villain and doesn’t turn into Gwen Stacy.
Huh… Ethan has purple eyes. I never noticed that before.
I have this fear that when it comes time to tell her about his powers Ethan isn’t going to TELL her.
Rather he’s going to impale, shoot, crush, etc himself to “show her.”
If Emily wants to win Ethan over I feel she needs to tell him that cake is a lie. Cliche yes but this is Ethen
And then she will revealed to be the troll sister or something similar XD
This was a nice comic to read in the start of the day. Thanks.
You know, when you look at it, he “likes” superheroes because of a “what if?” situation, she hates them because of cold, hard facts and evidence. In the real world, she’d tell him off, and point out that likely a superhero would have gotten said junkie to shoot his sister anyways, only this time as a hostage…
The difference is that they like each other and want it to work, an appeal to emotions met with such an insensitive response would be both out of character and sink the relationship, would it be potentially true,yes, but it would she would feel awful about trampling all over his feeling that she told him to open up about. It could still happen by accident in the real world though.
Yay Ethan. Peter Pan syndrome is finally starting to crack a lil 🙂
Nothing makes you feel good like hope in a good story.
To think if he’d come clean here, he and Emily might still be together. But then we wouldn’t have the current interactions with Lila.