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A Difference Of Opinion, p8

March 27, 2019 by Tim

My wife: “You should get a flu shot.”

Me: “‘YoU sHouLD GeT a fLU ShOT.'”

So… yeah, I have the flu.

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5 years ago

ahah damn, Tim, I feel ya
caught that strand at the start of the year (literally the first week) and that mofo floored me hard
getting my shots from now on lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Sometimes it just doesn’t work. I got my flu shot this year, and just spent the last two days asleep. It’s better than nothing though, so is definitely worth doing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I have never gotten a flu shot, and haven’t had the flu (as far as I know) since I was in the single digits of age. A friend of mine, gets the flu every time he gets a flu shot. (I know, I know, he doesn’t really get the flu, he experiences the symptoms of a heightened immune response to the antigens in the shot. He doesn’t care.) Everyone is different.

5 years ago

it just seems weird to me that the people that I know who get flu shots are from developed countries.
or if they are from my country, they’re rich. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


5 years ago

You should have gotten a flu shot. A flu shot does nothing when you already have the flu 😉
Enjoy it while it lasts (which will be a while still)

2 years ago

It helps protect you from other strains. The flu mutates rapidly, almost as rapidly as Covid or the Common Cold.

5 years ago

There’s the Ethan we all know.

5 years ago

I’ll leave it to you to figure out if I mean the character or the author 😉 Feel better, dude.

5 years ago

Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water. Sip and gargle it.

5 years ago

Man, i don’t screw about with the flu, or pneumonia. I get the pneumonia vaccine every 5(or 7, can’t remember) years, and the flu shot twice a year 😛 I almost never get sick.

Which is good, considering that you can in extreme cases get kidney damage from the flu/pneumonia 😛

Yeah, don’t ask how i know 🙁

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

I wonder if this damage is covered by that poor guy’s insurance but Ethan surely cannot pay for it. XD
Or maybe later we get an “Omake” where we see such a Superhero Insurance guy approaching our two Vigilantes during their tour and asking them if they already got insurance and if not if they want some to cover the damage their fights might cause.^^

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I would think that the insurance would be for homeowner’s, kinda like flood insurance. I think the city would also have an insurance policy for vetted superheros who would cover homeowners for official business related fights versus vigilantes uninsured which would then fall on the homeowner to cover.

Brian Boyes
Brian Boyes
5 years ago

After the mention of licensed superheros yesterday, I wonder if Ethan and Lucas are registered? Do you have to be to get insurance?
Sort of like in The Incredibles, where there was a government (?) organization looking after the superhero aftermath.

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian Boyes

they are not registered it has been stated multiple times.

5 years ago

I work in a single room with 250 people.
You don’t just get the flu once. You get it multiple times.

Flu shots are pretty much mandatory unless you actually want to be sick.

5 years ago

If you believe in vaccinating your kids, you should get your flu shot! Tim, come on! CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid all gave out either free or reduced cost flu shots this year! You really had no excuse! It sucks dude, but you did it to yourself…

Shrek D'Ogre
Shrek D'Ogre
5 years ago

I would not tell anyone to skip getting the flu shot.
I don’t get the flu shot.
I have never had the flu.

Clean living I guess, and a ton of luck.

Plus Lysol, “I put that $hit on everything”


5 years ago

After you get a flu shot, remember to ask about a flu prevention shot.

5 years ago

Diffrerence between a flu shot and a vaccine is the flu shot is a guessing game as to what the flu strain MAY be that year. Also, most people don’t get the flu so it’s a non-issue.

5 years ago

Curious, if Ethan dies, his clothing and such disappear and respawn with him. Would his grappling hook? Would it be easier and quicker to just kill him than try to untangle it?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Skorpeyon

Don’t think so. It’s tied to returning Ethan back to his last healthy state.

So in this case, where he intended to move with the grappling hook but instead ripped a dish off its mounting – right now, he’s in his healthiest state. If he picked up the dish and jumped off the building to his death, I’m assuming it’d respawn in the same tangled mess.

5 years ago

I highly recommend past you to get a vaccine. 99*10^(ERROR#:CIRCULAR DEPENDENCY ERROR)% of the time it works better than actually getting the flu. Present you is gonna have to wait it out though.

5 years ago

If I have the ability to turn terrible lamps into gold, then I would just carry those around and leave them as an apology for breaking your good lamp. Also, I’d buy lamps wholesale and then melt them down once they are gold and sell them for lots of profit.

5 years ago

Feel better dude. Whole family had it 2 weeks ago, no fun.

5 years ago

Honestly if you didn’t want your satellite dish grappled you’d set up some other convenient grapple points.
But actually do you think anyone sets up super-friendly roofs? Of course it risks helping villains as well but I imagine with so much property damage happening people would start building things more sturdy…

5 years ago

I avoid a lot of illness by virtue of being kind of a social hermit and working a somewhat isolated desk job. I’m not a neat freak, give zero frags about hand sanitizer, and don’t shy away from trivial grossness. Basically I give my immune system troops plenty of practice and rarely end up going to war. But when I do go to war, it is goddamn CATACLYSMIC. Also, haven’t had a flu shot in like a decade. And the last time I got one, it gave me the flu. My immune system doesn’t follow the natural order. Like most… Read more »

Harold Wong
Harold Wong
5 years ago

I BET You gOt it from the kid, those little germ magnets, giving germs access to your DNA to compromise your immune system.

5 years ago

MYTH: You can catch the flu from the vaccine.

The flu shot is made from an inactivated virus that can’t transmit infection. So people who get sick after receiving a flu vaccination were going to get sick anyway. It takes a week or two to get protection from the vaccine. But people assume that because they got sick after getting the vaccine, the flu shot caused their illness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I think that was directed at the other Tim above that said the flu shot gave him the flu… Which is not possible, of course.

Alex Waltman
Alex Waltman
5 years ago

I’ve had the flu shot 4 time in my 29 years on this earth and I have gotten the flu every year I have gotten the flu shot…no more flu shots for me. Hope you get better soon Tim

5 years ago

I am thinking that Emily will end up being a superhero herself..

5 years ago

I think he was referring to the other Tim who posted a couple hours before.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim


5 years ago

Feel better Tim! I feel you-I hate the flu. That being said, get better and keep up the great work!

5 years ago

Have Lucas’ eyes always been green? They seem especially so in panel 3.

Maybe it’s a recent development – they were black a few issues ago.

Jess Sagui
Jess Sagui
5 years ago

On the flip side I hope that Ethan can process Emily’s view of superheroes and be more contentious of collateral damage while he’s out vigilanting

*watches Ethan fail to untangle his grappling hook from someone’s shit*

… nevermind.

5 years ago

Hmm okay. I guess because I was looking at the cover of Analog and D-Pad issue 5, which clearly has his eyes being black.

5 years ago

Note Tim, The Flu shot doesn’t necessarily prevent you from getting the Flu, it just makes it more likely you won’t get it. And if you do get it, it won’t be as bad if you get the Flu without the Flu shot

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

I have the same thing – if I don’t get a flu shot, I catch the flu. Every time. Feel better soon, man.

5 years ago

Get well soon Tim!!! You have my sympathy.

5 years ago

I hope you get well soon! I’m worried, it has been a while and no word or comic from you.