Come on, we just need one enterprising Felyne to step up and fill this need in the convenience market. And with Hoarfrost Reach just opened? It’d be like printing money.
I’ve been hunting for so long that I’ve just grown used to managing my various helpful jars of liquids (though the Sandy Plains in Tri where you needed both Hot and Cold drinks always made me twitch a little), but I think I’m noticing it in early Iceborne because the fights are taking longer. Which means my Hot Drink is running out in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out with a stubborn Banbaro, and I don’t notice it until my Stamina is suddenly smaller than I remember.
Really, though, begging for minor convenviences is all I can find to complain about with Iceborne, especially when they’ve added so many little quality of life improvements. Dynamic difficulty scaling, the Seliana Gathering Hub has everything, you can fire your slinger with weapon drawn, and most importantly of all…
You can pet your fucking palico.
This, I cannot stress this enough, is long overdue. I don’t even fucking like cats, but this little guy has done so much work for me in my 150+ hours with World, he deserves some scritches.
Iceborne is just really impressive all around. It’s an expansion, but they could have called it a sequel and no one would bat an eye. That’s how much content they’ve added.
There is a warming gem that will negate the cold effect, making you not need to use hot drinks. Only downside is that it takes up one of your 4 rank gem slots.
It may as well not exist because I don’t know a single hunter that would trade a gem slot for such a minor convenience XD
It’s a 2 rank gem. I got it for free from the Commander. I find the convenience worth giving up a single minor gem slot.
We all get it for free from the commander. At most you have to drink once more if a fight runs long. I don’t think that convenience is worth giving up a gem that helps with downing the monster or survivability *shrug*
survivability? you mean gems that make you hit harder right?
faster you kill a monster the better you survive – ancient barbarian wisdom.
Mostly, but I still tend to hang on to a Divine Blessing gem a lot of the time. I’m a charge blade hunter, so mostly I’ve got pretty good defense against attacks I see coming, but the damage reduction proc has saved my ass on plenty of occasions.
Sigh, curse my PC-first policy, I’m not going to understand the joy and rage that so many others are experiencing until January. Still, I can live vicariously through Twitch and YouTube.
In the meantime: Borderlands 3
in 6 months time when it actually comes out on PC and not epic.
I think the best reaction video I saw to MHW was
The company is not responsible for any intravenous burns caused by hot drinks
Ouch … McDonald’s hot coffee directly to the veins?
New meaning to ‘heartburn’
How can you not like cats? They’re great companions and are incredibly loving and loyal if you put in the work, adopt one and give it a lot of love and you can see for yourself how wonderful they are.
Indeed. In my experience, the people saying cats are assholes don’t take care of their cat. I have two kittens at home whom I adopted. They were so shy and scared at first, but love and care made them come out of their shell. Now they’re friendly and cuddly as can be.
Thus the bets on who burns up first on the Canadian antifreeze known as Tim Hortons begin.
You… You don’t like cats? :/ I’ll try not to hold that against you.
Hmm. I can’t stand dogs. But cats are awesome.
If Steve Jobs actually had looked like that, Apple would rule the world right now.
Khajit has wares if you have the coin.
What’s with all the NRA ads? Not cool
I dunno, you tell me. Ads are usually served based on your location. We work with an ad exchange, we don’t choose individual ads.
Sigh, Central Illinois :/