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Analog and D-Pad 06.03

December 13, 2019 by Tim

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Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
5 years ago

Wait, wai, wait. No cover art for this issue :O My life is a lie

The Schaef
The Schaef
5 years ago

Yeah, how did I miss until page three that this was a new issue?

5 years ago

“He is… not the best representative for our species?”

5 years ago
Reply to  wkz

yes he is

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  wkz

He is not the best but probably the most accurate representative of our species.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

He’s the best representative we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

5 years ago
Reply to  wkz

he is not the best representative of our species…but he is the one we deserve.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

I will never….EVER….get tired of seeing Zeke again. Still sad he’s among the villains, but I hold on to hope for a story arc where he joins the good guys (or becomes hero/anti-hero enough to get his own spin-off series).

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

Same here. Though to be fair, Zeke attacking humans isn’t too far of a stretch either.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

Zeke has always been one of the villains. He wanted to be better though. (unlike his girlfriend) Maybe that’s true of this one too?

5 years ago

Very sneaky, you even posted the first two pages under a different title so it would seem like another of the extras that you do, caught me totally off guard

5 years ago
Reply to  Merlin

what you mean …last two pages are titled “analog and d-pad”

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

They were named “Damages, p1” and “…, p2” earlier. They have been renamed since.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  firetech

The first thing I did when I saw the title here was go back – not because I wondered if Tim changed the name, but because in my memory they were called “Irreparable Damages,” which is a FAR more ominous title.

Thank you for setting that straight!

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

Still have it in RSS titled ‘Damages, p1’ and ‘Damages, p2’

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago
Reply to  Barmem

Not anymore.

Clifford Schwake
Clifford Schwake
5 years ago
Reply to  Merlin

I was wondering how far that story could go by itself

5 years ago

I expected this, but not now. Not like this 🙂

5 years ago

Red rings, but can’t ring a doorbell.

5 years ago

Oh, hai!

5 years ago

ALWAYS expect ninja’s.

5 years ago

Well, Ethan just had a brown pants moment! I know I would have… Or at least a yellow pants moment…

5 years ago

Those ninja robots are like ninjas!

Rare Queebus
Rare Queebus
5 years ago

I was confused for a bit, thinking that Zeke was once again part of the household…

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
5 years ago

Your honor, robot ninjas were not submitted as evidence prior to this trial, and would request that they be removed from consideration.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Woah. Catching him by surprise, in an enclosed space, without his gear, four against one. Two if Lucas wakes up, but let’s face it… sudden bangs, crashes, shouts, and furniture falling over likely isn’t anything he hasn’t heard before at 2 AM.

5 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

… I can’t fault your impeccable logic there. Heck, possibly even Ethan dying from sword wounds has happened (though previously it would have been self-inflicted)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

I’m trying to remember if Zeke specifically knows what his power is and how it works, or if he’s just offhanded experienced ‘what the…?’ moments. If he’s aiming to capture him, this gets FAR more dangerous.

5 years ago

so…. does he feign ignorance or go straight into attack mode with no disguise?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kasey

What would his “attack” mode be? Without his gear he’s a slightly below weight person in a wrestling match. He has no way to damage any of them, and they have proven they can pin him down pretty easily.

Lucas could at least escape this situation… ethan’s got nothing.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
5 years ago
Reply to  Kasey

I mean any normal human would freak out at robot spearing you me house in general. I’m assuming he knew this might happen though as they both realized his fingerprint was given to Zeke. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if Ethan just had random weapons/odds and ends ready to go incase zombie/fallout 3/other video game event he prepared to be ready for

5 years ago

maaan im so excited for whats coming… ive been waiting for this for 1.16ish issues.

5 years ago

The robot ninjas just snuck up on the entire fanbase.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben


Stephane Hebert
Stephane Hebert
5 years ago

Okay Tim, I don’t comment here very often, but I have to say, you have the best webcomic around. I’ve been following you for so long, and you always manage keep me captivated. I love your angles on videogames news, you always manage to make me laugh. A few weeks ago, we were talking about books with a few colleagues, and Ready Player One and Hunger Games were discussed. That’s when I remembered one of my favorites stories in recent memory, the Game Games Bowl. I sent them the link to grab the ebook and started reading it again just… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

i am not a big comics fan (in general) myself, however for the last 8 years, your comics have kept me coming back for every new comic you put out, not to mention the only comic i have actually spent good money on to support (example, your kickstarter box bookset from way back).
keep up the good work.

5 years ago

agreed, seriously, you’re in my top3 (with dark legacy and lfg). Keep going!

a different Tim
a different Tim
5 years ago

Nice feint with the last two titles. However, I’m concerned that Ethan’s blanket from panels 3 and 4 has vanished!

5 years ago

just assume he flung it out of frame in shock

Willaby Warhammer
Willaby Warhammer
5 years ago

One of the robot ninjas stole it…

Katrina Swales
Katrina Swales
5 years ago

I must admit it took me a second to go, waait, he shouldnt be there.

5 years ago
Reply to  Katrina Swales

Same. Forgot this version of Zeke was evil and just thought “Oh hey, is Zeke helping Ethan rehearse?”

5 years ago

In Heath Ledger’s Joker voice “And here we go”

5 years ago

I can just see Zeke in the background going “This is worth not killing him for a little bit longer…”

5 years ago

While reading panel 4, my brain briefly tried to think that Zeke was from 1.0 and this only there to mock Ethan’s roleplay/workshop efforts. Then I remembered 2.0 has a lot more detail and had an OSHIT moment before getting panel 5. Well played, Tim.

Now, how do killer robots deal with an opponent who doesn’t stay dead?

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I actually kind of wonder if that’s common knowledge they have about him or not.

5 years ago

No one expects the Robotic Inquisition!

5 years ago

… well, Zeke isn’t wrong.

5 years ago

Well, that escalated quickly.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
5 years ago

Plot bomb!

5 years ago

OH SNAP! I seriously thought this was going to be a shorter less story impactful arc, but nope! Into the plot we go, neck deep!

5 years ago

OK, now I’m really confused about where the story arcs break on this, by my count this is the 8th one but it’s labeled 6.

5 years ago

You might be shocked by how Zeke showed up so stealthily, but the REAL ninja skills come from Tim shifting from a mini-arc to the latest A&D D book in one fell swoop.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
5 years ago

Is this the issue where Zeke’s heated enigma algorithm repeating transistor gets upgraded 3 sizes bigger? Or a tale of digital krampus and he smashes your gaming system….

Oh oh oh! Maybe a home alone booby trap moment which I wouldn’t be surprised if it backfires.

Tom B
Tom B
5 years ago

I see what you did there…. Sneak Attack! Robot ninjas… all they need is a shark with some laser beams now… When I opened the comic, I read part way down, saw the first visual of Zeke and thought “Did I miss a post or two in the last few days?” and had to go back and look… the gear change was abrupt enough I thought I’d gotten light headed and missed the right turn in New Mexico… Well done. That’s how a surprise reveal is meant to happen – some soft shoe, a little legerdemain, and then WHAM! Right… Read more »

5 years ago

I momentarily forgot the plot and thought Ethan was mad about the “Series X” reveal.

5 years ago


My man
My man
1 year ago

Let’s Dance, Green Gobli- I mean X01