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Analog and D-Pad 06.04

December 16, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

Maybe Ethan should walk around with a suicide implant, suicide if no action is taken in x time

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

If he was doing ONLY super-hero things and nothing else in his life OR if he wasn’t well… Ethan – that would work great, I expect. But those are some pretty big “if”s…

The Aussie Bloke
The Aussie Bloke
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

He has teeth, and tongues bleed a lot…

Also, knowing that he’ll resurrect immediately at full health will likely dampen any inhibition about going that route

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

But with Ethan being Ethan, he would probably want to test it out to see if it works and end in a loop.

5 years ago
Reply to  Cheez

I don’t think he forgets anything when he dies. One usage would be enough of a test.

5 years ago
Reply to  Diamond655

Nah not forgetting, just being himself he’d want to experiment with it like that time with the blood draining, or if bored set it off to get out of a situation or a way of fast travel home. Actually thats a cool idea, say he’s across town and needs to rush home, jump down an alley go kaboom and you are home a few seconds later.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s a neat idea, but what if he only gets 100 lives total? Pus it would have to be at least an 8-10 hour timer to allow for sleep, being sick etc.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

How about something that can kill him if a shock of more than X is applied? He gets tased, it goes off and he dies/respawns. You could consider a delay, but then the trick becomes can your opponent remove the device before it kills you without killing you…

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I imagine that it resets him with items in the state he was just before dying. So with an implant in his head about to kill him Infinite suicide loop.

5 years ago
Reply to  Evan

He could use something so simple as cyanide capsule – no overcomplicated timing, no need for using his hands…

5 years ago

Shit just got real

5 years ago

Interesting. At first, I though it was silly to target Ethan first, since he is generally more difficult to take out, while Lucas has already proven to be no match for Zeke. It would make sense to deal with Lucas and then maybe use him as bait for Ethan. But now I get a different perspective: Ethan’s offense relies entirely on gadgets and I assume he doesn’t keep his pockets perpetually full of that stuff. Lucas, on the other hand, is fully armed 24/7, making him less vulnerable to surprise attacks. Now I’m waiting for Scott. He seems to be… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Ethan is basically an immortal version of batman, just without any fighting skill đŸ˜€

5 years ago
Reply to  Arigas

What instantly came to my mind upon reading this was the last panel of this page here:
Yes, very much batman đŸ™‚

5 years ago
Reply to  Arigas

I feel like “batman without the fighting prowess or intelligence” is like describing an animal as “like a horse, but without the running and the hooves and it doesn’t eat grass… and it’s not that big” and like… so… a housecat?

5 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Scott is going to go grab himself some magic legs and get all Popeye on the Red Ring.
Meaning he’s going to be Iron Man.

5 years ago

Calling it now, Zeke and Ethan are going to bond where ever he is being taken to and Zeke ends up rescuing him. Zeke specifically said they would have plenty of time to talk meaning he is going to be locked up somewhere and Zeke will likely visit him.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott

No, Zeke means talk as in MAKE you talk. As in, torture. As long as they keep him secured, killing him a thousand times over is easily done, since he’ll just respawn constantly a few feet away. If he wasn’t armed before he died, he wouldn’t be armed afterwards. THAT is why immortality is such a sucky power if it doesn’t come with any other ability.

5 years ago

Interesting perspective on their powers. The one who is less of a threat gets resurrection abilities so he can be more of a threat….never thought about it that way, but yeah, that’s pretty diabolical

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

Let’s hope Lucas got a light sleep. I don’t wanna imagine Ethan without Lucas around…

5 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

That or he’s actually out having a one-night stand.

5 years ago

Don’t the bots communicate over WiFi? Would make more sense for Zeke to be saying these things to Ethan (so that we still get the exposition)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Fotis

I’m wondering about that. The subordinates seem to communicate between each other without vocal means, as they never speak but work in sync. Zeke is the only one that speaks, and he gives orders.

Likely, I’m guessing the subordinates were designed to have logic to follow vocal commands so they could be controlled by a human. Zeke, however, was designed to act as commander, and so perhaps the best communication is not through a bluetooth connection, but using the same vocal cues, as his internal AI, including logic, reasoning, and problem-solving, may be foreign to the AI of the subordinates.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fotis

If I was designing battle bots, no way would they communicate over WiFi or have any interface at all besides a locked wired access port. They’re far too hackable if they have any wireless access.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fotis

Auditory communication does have some benefits for intentionally short-range usage.

5 years ago

that last bit of dialog was just hilarious.
poor Ethan, can’t be taken seriously by the villains.

White Rice
White Rice
5 years ago

So, a fun little detail I just noticed (and probably missed when they first arrived) is the folding of the bot’s tops. Right over left instead of the standard left over right seems fitting, as they were never alive to begin with.

5 years ago
Reply to  White Rice

Or maybe they just identify as feminine? Women’s tops go right over left.

White Rice
White Rice
5 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

I was going off of them being quasi-ninjas (and how one is dressed for a funeral), but that’s also a possible reason for it.

5 years ago

Zek’s arms in the first panel bug me. He went from arms at his side to moving one behind his back and the other up to block Eithan. It seems like he purposely moved to a weaker fighting position to look cool.

5 years ago
Reply to  marfar

I disagree, he’s just pulling his arm back to disguise the electrofist, and prepare for a punch.

5 years ago
Reply to  marfar

Or it could be to hide the electrodes deploying. He has it behind the back for the first block. Then as he’s parrying and exposing ethan’s back he cocks the punch. We get the closeup to show the electrodes but that could all be one motion for him. Ethan might react differently if he knew a stungun was in play to disable him without triggering his power. If he instead jumped away and called out instead of rushing in they risk lucas being awake and forewarned. Then agian it would have made more sence to just zap him when they… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  marfar

You know how bad guys will fight the good guys one handed to be arrogant and show how much better they are?

Yeah like that. It fits with Zeke’s character.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Tim, you absolute, magnificent jerk. I am so simultaneously angry and thrilled that you made Zeke the big bad recurring villain.

My only hope is that Ethan still has his old GameCube out and Zeke gets momentarily distracted.

5 years ago

Is it bad that I hope Evil Zeke joins their team because Ethan “lawyers” him into it?

5 years ago

The bots are designed to be controlled by “The Master”, who can’t natively communicate via WiFi. It makes sense that there’s voice commands. Now, the important question is how they designate whose orders they listen to. Is it voice-based, facial recognition, some form of IFF transponder, etc.? Can Ethan build a Zeke mask and impersonate Zeke’s voice well enough to give new orders.

Also, I would be greatly surprised if Lucas and Scott didn’t have some sort of tracking device on Ethan. I’m sure he’s wandered off to practice and gotten lost before.

Lt. Kettch
Lt. Kettch
5 years ago

It’s not the best choice to attack the overpowered android with your fists, but…
You tried your best, now try to rest

5 years ago

and now we get to find out if Scott’s evul penguin security system is worth its salt

The Schaef
The Schaef
5 years ago
Reply to  Tonkin

“Coop, your security isn’t worth a damn! Everybody’s got a gun!!”