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July 31, 2023 by Tim

I’ve now finished Series 3 of the Console War posters! All nine generations of consoles are done! Pre-order for Series 3 will be up soon (as well as a chance to grab Series 1 and 2 if you missed them)!

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1 year ago

Must said that I remember how broken was the barbarian when can do the swirl attack in diablo 2…and the other players had to…just deal with it for time and time and time…maybe I’m remembering wrongly for it was so many years ago (?) but now it is faster to see how the players cry…mean, Blizzard fix it

1 year ago

Forget Barbarians and Sorcerers, what about Blizzard’s murder of my childhood games?

Blizzard totally deserve a Super-supervillian status.

1 year ago
Reply to  wkz

Not to mention Blizzard’s murder of Kerri Moynihan. At least they paid her parents enough to drop the wrongful death lawsuit last year. Great timing as usual, just in time for the release of Diablo Immortal. Too bad the family and lawyers on both sides refuse to share any details about the case being dropped, must have been a hefty contract attached to that paycheck. And my god, that’s only one of the crappy things they’ve done in the last decade. People weren’t kidding when they said everyone would just keep forgetting every horrible thing Blizzard has ever done as… Read more »

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Realist

I don’t disagree with anything you said. If it helps, I’ve been boycotting them since Warcraft 3 Reforged. The only money I’ve indirectly spent on them is Carbot plushies, and the likely licensing fees he pays to them for the right to make and sell them.

Beyond that, I may play Blizzard games, but only ones that I already own, and don’t require a fee. That way I’m actually *costing* them money from server upkeep.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Yeah, Warcraft 3 Reforged was the breaking point for me. Anything after that just convinces me that I did the right thing in abandoning Blizzard.

Dan Major
Dan Major
1 year ago
Reply to  Realist

I must say thank you for sharing her name – I had not heard of the case but this article sure makes a good argument that by allowing him to continue there and allowing her harassment they contributed directly to her suicide:

I am glad I already boycott them because this would only add to it more.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan Major

In their own complaint, the Moynihans also accuse the company of resorting to “extraordinary efforts to suppress and cover up evidence” of sexual misconduct, including “by shredding documents and victim complaints and engaging in secret settlements with victims.” Amazing they were able to say this and then be complicit with doing the same thing themselves. I understand there must have been a lot of money on the table, and Blizzard probably made them feel like they’d never get anything but legal fees otherwise, but still, wtf. Makes me wonder if their lawsuit was just a play to get their own… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Realist

Which is why I am watching the Microsoft merger with vested interest (currently, it should only be the UK market holding out)

Given Microsoft-Zenimax and their statements to change management + unionize Activision Blizzard, it is hoped that the filth may be scrubbed a lot less than it is right now…

1 year ago
Reply to  wkz

With some of the things they’ve done over the years I’m surprised they weren’t in the Top 5 list already.

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

I heard this song many times before. And I saw this coming. I politely rejected all recommendations to base my Barb on that skill, that I got whenever I’d talk about my Barb online. Recomendations I’d get, even when I clarified I didn’t intend to change my entire Barb’s build. The probable “nerf,” was just one reason for my rejection. It’s ironic. All the people that know this world even better than I do, yet went for a build like that, and are now frustrated because the obvious happened once again. It’s always the same. The game has a ton… Read more »

1 year ago

You know, I know Ethan and Lucas seem to play the same games, but I wonder if there are any games that one would play that the other wouldn’t or just dislikes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nono

If I remember right from the old comic, Ethan disliked FPS and Fighting games. Dont think it was ever said in this one however.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alexye

Yeah, I remember two jokes I specially liked in CAD 1.0, where Lucas was shown to have more skill and interest in a specific FPS (Halo) or fighting game (Fight Night):


I see there’s a common thread, now. How Ethan sounds specially ridiculous, even for him xD

Ah, Heroes. Easily one of the best TV shows in the superpower genre, even after all these years. Then really bad. Then awesome again. Then bad again. And all that, in just 4 seasons. Such a rollercoaster.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nono

Not of the video sort, but Lucas does play certain miniature games, and Ethan has no real interest in joining.

1 year ago

I mean, he’s not wrong….I could totally see The Master as head of Blizzard, and Zeke having taken over would know what Ethan plays…

Just saying lol

1 year ago

I am convinced that all game devs are trolls, they just want us dead after all.
I’m also convinced that found hanging in the office of every game dev is a poster an old toy company’s slogan:

1 year ago

Better to squish everything out nice and even now while everyone’s having fun and it’s a pretty level playing field still to build up more evenly in the future. I’m ATVI though, not Blizzard, so just my opinion.

1 year ago

It’s no longer a sarcastic sideways comment. Literally every patch seems to have a new nerf in it as if they’re deliberately trying to unfun the game. I saw something online somewhere that made a comment that suggested bugs that impact the functionality of the game are ignored while bugs that make the game fun are patched asap.

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
1 year ago

“Wait, why is this on the list already? Oh. Right. Blizzard.”

Sabre Runner
Sabre Runner
1 year ago

I like my Necromancer. Even with the patch, I’m still slaughtering my way through elites 6-8 levels my seniors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabre Runner

I am a Necro main too, but the problem I am having isnt so much damage output after the nerf (though that came down a bit too) it’s def. survivability. Right before the patch, I was easily soloing mid tier 50 NMD as a level 70 necro. Now I am having a tough time surviving NMD in the low 40s. Just get one-shotted alot and my build has gotten “better” stat wise since then. Also as a note, I am not a min/max type of guy looking to eek every iota of power/armor/life whatever out of my character. I play… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Raptor
1 year ago

The need for constant “balance” patches is why I gave up playing western games and stick to superior Japanese games

Makes me sad to see Diablo like this because it was my first PC game

1 year ago

Add vanilla druids. I am still somewhat bitter about that.

1 year ago

I love how consistent Ethan has been in his paranoias, in all of his character incarnations

Phil B.
Phil B.
1 year ago

I played Diablo IV for a little over two hours, enough to where Blizzard won’t refund it, then uninstalled it and moved on. It’s so boring, I *hate* having to share the world with other players, and just wish I could play it in single player mode. I don’t care if it has to stay online for DRM purposes, I just really was living under a rock and didn’t realize that Activision had made an MMOARPG and not just a Diablo game. And the store, my god. You’d think we were playing something free to play with all the ad… Read more »

1 year ago

Plot twist, it actually is one of the trolls that just happens to work at Blizzard.

1 year ago

Is this when he finds out that Analog is now on this list curtasy of the Troll?

1 year ago

Geometry dash reference (god I am going insane)