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Brannigan, p4

December 5, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

ah, there is how it ties together.

Kenneth Marticelli
Kenneth Marticelli
2 years ago
Reply to  Merida

Just once I’d like it if the spambots could read the room

James Stakey
James Stakey
2 years ago

They don’t have eyes, and unfortunately, no one has taught them to read Braille.

2 years ago

At least they can read the ROM

2 years ago
Reply to  Merida

cease your existence if at all possible

2 years ago

oh, wow, even though it’s “just” a comic, that really hit hard… wasn’t expecting a dose of pain with my Monday morning coffee

2 years ago
Reply to  Harinezumi

Yeah, I never thought a web”tragic” would be a thing.
*sad badum-tss’

Don’t leave me hanging, bro. ✋

2 years ago
Reply to  Dom

Condolence five. ✋

2 years ago
Reply to  Harinezumi

Pain…you want it? …It’s yours, my friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Harinezumi

I made the mistake of reading this at work and they’re wondering why I started crying during a meeting. Tim, if you read this: Well played. (slow clap)

2 years ago

That’s how the best intentions can actually be behind BOTH their positions and actions.

And we all know, what road is paved with good intentions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

The M25

2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

I have no personal experience of the M25, but will take Pratchett and Gaiman’s word that it is a demonic symbol of great evil power 🙂

Smol Bear
Smol Bear
2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

This is the best answer ever

2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

Awesome. Just what I planned for. I knew about M25, and its presence in fiction like MAC089 pointed out. But I didn’t remember enough details to look it up.

So, I trusted some of you would mention it 🙂 Thanks.

Good omens is on my to-read list. I’ll get to it, eventually.

2 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

You need more upvotes. Sadly I could only give one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Remind me, what road is paved with bad intentions? Oh wait, same one.

You know which road is also paved with good intentions? The one going in the opposite direction. Quite arguably a lot more. Contains bad ones too.

Of course none of that matters because a stylized expression based on a fiction holds no actual truth value. Intentions, they’re just good pavement!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dorander

*Blasts AC/DC outside your home with a boombox, dressed in the Black Mamba suit*

Btw, I replied to you in the previous strip a few hours ago.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago

… goddammit Tim.

I think I need a drink, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Tell me about it. And it’s not even 9am where I am.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daemone

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

it’s 5 oclock here! Just… 5 am…

2 years ago

Monologue (?) is going to start hunting street heroes…

2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

gaius van baelsar?

2 years ago
Reply to  jack

Such devistation.

2 years ago

Says a lot that he (somewhat) experienced what Scott experienced. Even more that they are both shedding tears about it. There’s hope for both of ’em.
Damn, Tim’s storywriting is top-notch. You can’t convince me otherwise.

2 years ago

oh no… the feels!
The Feels!!! O.O

2 years ago

Layered like an onion. Teary like one too.

Good stuff.

2 years ago

I do love the arc, I really do. But I can’t help but feel a bit sceptical about Ethan’s feelings towards the gang. They weren’t *just* bad people. Ethan got shot no questions asked as soon as he fished something out of his pockets, and that’s ONLY because he fished it our earlier than when they were planning to kill him anyway (by Albie taking him out the back first). Yes Ethan can respawn, but I think that’s screwing with his sense of perception in this case. He’s someone’s son and brother too. And it wasn’t even him messing in… Read more »

D Harshman
D Harshman
2 years ago
Reply to  Derptastic

Are…are you Deathblood?

2 years ago
Reply to  Derptastic

It’s not just the gang he’s shedding tears for though. The whole thing is a metaphor for his own painful experiences and it’s worth mentioning he went into the situation in a bad place mentally and I’m sure seeing people die is pretty traumatic too. With all these things compounding, I get why he’s crying.

I think also that the strain of others being able to die and he can’t might be starting.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Derptastic

Agreed, Ethan seems to have forgotten how rotten this gang was throughout this whole thing. Like I keep saying, they were the villains. Deathblood rattled off a whole list of violent crimes the members had committed before this encounter, and it just went in one ear and out the other. Ethan also seems completely clueless to the fact that he was abducted off the street (or alley, or warehouse district, or whatever it was) and their intent was to kill him. They did kill him, several times. If Ethan was just a normie looking for a lost dog or child,… Read more »

2 years ago

Yeah, I venture to say, he still hasn’t even come close to what Scot’s been through.

“I’ve seen a few rando murderers getting murdered, being perfectly safe because I can respawn at any time” vs “The woman I planned on spending my life with died in my arms, while I lay on the floor bleeding, never being able to walk again”

Sure, not a pleasant experience, but not nearly comparable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

While not the same amount of pain, it is a start and it is enough to learn empathy.

While I only buried my parents and my sister, I can imagine how much more it would hurt if it was your spouse or your child.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lrbearclaw

Yeah, ok, I take that. And to be fair, Ethan does acknowledge that in the last panel. I kinda misread that on the first go. I thought he said, basically, “And now I totally went through the same thing you did”.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
2 years ago
Reply to  Derptastic

While I agree with your sentiment about the gang in general, i feel you are neglecting Ethans trauma. Despite the situations he has been in he has never seen another human murdered in front of him. For Ethan, in that moment, good and bad didnt enter into it. A life was snuffed out. Sure they were violent criminals, if the way they dealt with Ethan is any indication they have murdered before and would have again. This doesnt diminish that he witnessed a human life being exterminated. What i am actually slightly more curious about is if this will make… Read more »

2 years ago

I did not know a webcomic could be this emotionally distressing. Superb storytelling.

2 years ago

And this strip is another reason why anyone who calls comics a “lesser kind” of art/storytelling can shut the hell up.

2 years ago

Did your mom never tell you that its not nice to make strangers get feel … well.. feelings for drawn characters?
Uncool bro! 🙁

Do like the story arc though. But i am on a strict no drinking route, so thanks for that! :/

2 years ago

“They were still people” I just can’t with this. It means nothing. I just can’t defend Ethan here, the views in this comic are so naive and insane, I’m from a different country and culture and learn English online but this silly insane naive view is just too common in the west for some reason. Is always the innocent and at least people that don’t hurt others that get the short end of the stick and the Bad people that keep claiming “Justice” Deadblood is 100% right on this one and he can get away with it because well he… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  GurrenLagann

Batman doesn’t kill because a LOT of people forget he is in fact deputized, same as any police officer. You don’t see it brought up in the newer movies, but it is still canon. He captures villains, then turns them in along with evidence of their crimes for prosecution. He does *NOT* send them to Arkham, though he does take those who escape from it back to it. Otherwise he hands them over to the G.C.P.D. The reason for this is it allows him to do what he does without the police going after him, as being deputized means he… Read more »

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

He also has personal reasons for not killing. Many continuities have Batman claiming that if he started killing his enemies, he’d essentially be no better than they are, and he’s not wrong since murder is, you know, a crime.

2 years ago

Very true, my comment was more pointed at the very specific case of the Joker that the previous commenter mentioned. The Joker is *not* insane, as has been proven on a number of occasions: Is The Joker Legally Insane? – YouTube You also have the entire factor that the Joker *wants* Batman to kill him, because it would mean the Joker was right all along, that the Justice System doesn’t work and that law has no meaning. Batman refusing to kill the Joker is his way of showing he believes the power to make decisions lies with the people as… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  GurrenLagann

It certainly says something about Tim’s writing that people are falling in on different sides of the argument. That said, I disagree… Ethan’s view of them still being ‘people’ is valid. Your point is whether or not they forfeited some right to the public ‘justice system’ by their actions. Ethan seems to be arguing that they are still ‘people’ and deserved to be arrested; according to his personal morals . Similar to ‘Batman’ I suppose.. It’s definitely an interested discussion once it reaches the point of our personal morals and what we ‘feel’ we should do. Rounding it off; well… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  OHJayDub

Sadly, irrespective of the (fine) quality of Tim’s writing in these arcs, it’s rather easy to get people to rise to the defense of the death penalty if not simply summary execution.

playing it safe
playing it safe
2 years ago
Reply to  GurrenLagann

I work for a large hospital that is our region’s only Level 1 trauma center. We’re not in a terribly violent city, but gang violence is a thing, and as the trauma center they are treated here. This situations are often messy (both literally and figuratively) with injuries on both sides and no innocent parties. We treat them all the same. In Boston, the bomber was treated for his injuries just as his victims were for theirs. This is what gives us the moral standing to call the actions of others reprehensible. If we acted the same as those that… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago

If we acted the same as those that we judge”

Sorry, no, not even close.

“I’m going to blow up a lot of innocent people” and “I’m not going to treat a sociopath” are not even remotely acting the same.

Why do people always want to ignore the innocent people harmed and stand up for the criminals?! Especially using such utterly bad logic like this.

James Stakey
James Stakey
2 years ago

It’s less about “standing up for the criminals” and more about “upholding the rule of law”. If we define “criminal” as “anyone who breaks the law,” Death blood is, in fact, another murderer, as Ethan states in the comic. He is operating outside the law, killing people who, yes, are criminals, but he is ignoring the governmental justice system to do so, based on his own whim. By the laws, this makes death blood just as guilty as the gang members he just gunned down. Ethan was going to collect them and turn them in to the police, effecting their… Read more »

playing it safe
playing it safe
2 years ago

No one is ignoring the innocent people harmed. Think about that tragedy. Think about the maimed and mutilated people that would have flooded the Boston hospitals. No one is ignoring that. You can’t witness something like that and ignore it. That said, people who are capable of an act like that do it because they feel that the lives they take are worth less than their cause. We, as whatever society you belong to, turn a blind eye (or at least a blurry eye) to violence in the name of whatever we believe in. Maybe you’re American and accept all… Read more »

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago
Reply to  GurrenLagann

YOU are calling US naive and insane? YOU, who literally just advocated mass murder simply because those who died were operating outside the law? By your logic if someone who shoplifts a candy bar runs across The Punisher and gets shot, they deserved it. Do you have any concept of the reasoning behind degrees of criminal activity? it’s because actual justice ensures that the punishment fits the crime. But sure, go ahead and keep on with that crappy worldview where jaywalkers apparently deserve to be riddled with bullets because they committed a crime. Also, Joker did not in fact die… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago

That’s a nice bit of growing up for Ethan. I was convinced he was just going on a rant on how he was right and Scott was wrong, but I stand corrected.

Kudos, sir.


2 years ago

I definitely like this ethan better. The original ethan was obviously a wonderful break in seriousness in our lives, but this one incorporates both the casual joy that is ethan, but also the dark reality of being human in an imperfect world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrispy

I will always miss the old Ethan, I liked the whole old timeline better. But I can see your point, this Ethan is more mature and that is interesting.

Robert L
Robert L
2 years ago
Reply to  Paula

What whole timeline? No plot went on longer than what? 25 strips?At least until the last arc, which was frankly is what got me excited about this version.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert L

They dated, married, got pregnant, had the miscarriage, kept going. Also, Wintereenmas happened every year. There was an all different thing with Zeke. Frankly, I do not remember which was the last arc.

2 years ago

“I CAN see it from your perspective, and it still looks wrong from that angle.”

Smol Bear
Smol Bear
2 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Yeah understanding why someone’s trauma made them do something bad doesn’t mean they didn’t still do something bad. At the end of the day we’re responsible for handling our trauma triggers, and the consequences of our actions are ours alone.

2 years ago

One of the rare few good uses of the whole “Trigger-Happy murderous Hero is bad” trope, as it actually shows the psychological consequences of someone acting like that.

2 years ago

Bam! That was excellent!

2 years ago


2 years ago

Yaaayyy!!! Common ground! Tim, you are an amazing writer and I am constantly sucker punched in the feels. I was here in the beginning when it was a nerdy comic with watermelons and random ninja, but stayed for the amazing stories you weave. Your art has grown along with your writing and I’m glad you can do something you love full time. I have enjoyed watching you grow as an artist and storyteller, and I can’t wait to see where you take us. Thank you so much for sharing your art and stories with us.

2 years ago

the day it went from a Comedy to a Drama. still evolving Tim. keep going

2 years ago

So Ethan resembles Bruce Wayne morals and Scott resembles Thomas Wayne’s ones – in their respective superhero versions…

2 years ago

Since everybody is giving their opinion anyways… It’s good to see Ethan understanding things from Scott’s perspective, but it’s still a pretty far gap. Deathblood was wrong to kill the gang, but the they were far from innocent, having only failed to murder Ethan because of his power. However, I’d say that Scott has made himself (in a way) as bad as Deathblood, the thugs, and whoever killed Carlie. Zeke, while powerful, was an innocent himself. His only crime was being raised (programmed) to hate humanity by a maniac who also hated people. Zeke was essentially a child, and still… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Austyn

Yeah – that was one of the things I was thinking about. I do not agree with Deathblood’s whole thing of ‘they’re bad people, they deserve to die’ – especially as he justified it because of “countless incidents of violence and intimidation” and an active assault warrant, none of which carry a death sentence. But they did at least commit acts of violence against innocent people of their own volition. Did Zeke commit any crimes after he was disconnected from his programmer? I don’t remember him doing anything. I remember him expressing intent, but he seemed to be working with… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Worst Zeke did after getting their freedom to move back was grab Ethan and threaten him after he broke Zeke’s eye. Lucas and Ethan managed to talk them down before they did anything, though.

(also, just a reminder, Zeke decided they’re a they, not a him)

James Stakey
James Stakey
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Technically, Scott neglected to disable the perimeter fence trigger when he was asked to buy d-pad(for the life of me can’t remember his name). Scott was reaching for the control to turn the explosive off when Zeke crossed into the main room of the store.

2 years ago

Well, I don’t say this often…

But holy fu*k Tim, the writing is top notch.

2 years ago

Dang. That’s deep.?

Kudos on the excellent writing.

Guy Incognito
Guy Incognito
2 years ago

I was wondering if it was going to turn out that Ethan had accidentally killed Deathblood in defending the gang, and could therefore now understand Scott’s position. Obviously not the direction it went but this revelation works really well too.

2 years ago

Oh shit, things just got serious.

You’re not about to reboot CAD again are you?

2 years ago

For those remembered are never truly gone. *Raises glass! To those gone before!

2 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

First words, then whisky?

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago

Whiskey makes a lot more sense now…

Jane S
Jane S
2 years ago

I played several scenarios through how I expected this to go, and never saw this coming. You’ve gone from those three panel comics in 2003 where you had Ethan arguing with Lukas about if they should include a melon in the strip, to this complex interplay between characters.

Wow, Tim, wow. You have come a very long way in your storytelling. Bravo.

Del Cox
Del Cox
2 years ago

With this context and going back and looking at the page where Ethan comes home, you realize the significance of the blood on his costume. He respawns clean and standing upright. Since it’s made clear Deathblood didn’t try to avoid shooting him, if he has someone else’s blood on him, it’s because he was trying to help them while they were dying.

James Stakey
James Stakey
2 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

That’s a good catch, I didn’t add that up myself

2 years ago

This is where the ball enters Scott’s court. Ethan is now able to see it from Scott’s position and can see where Scott was coming from. At this point, Scott needs to be able to truly admit, without defensively using “whataboutisms”, that he failed to move beyond his confirmation bias concerning the Zeke situation. If he can do that, the relationship can be mended. If Scott is still unable to admit where he went wrong…. Well, he’s the one who told Zeke that, if they truly have free will, they have to decide how they want to use it.… Read more »

2 years ago

Man, this story line keeps getting better and better.

And it’s so great to have been here for most of CAD’s existence – reader since 2006 – and see how wonderfully Tim has grown as an author.

2 years ago

Huh. Did not expect that. Nicely done.
Also, obligatory “Today is my birthday”

2 years ago

Daaaamn…. I’m glad Ethan has more thoughtfulness in the reboot. I can empathize with Scott, but I still feel that he handled things very badly.

2 years ago

One thing that hasn’t been explored yet is that while this is the first time Ethan has seen someone killed in front of him with nothing he could do about it…it’s not the first time he’s almost seen it.

And that was Scott’s fault.

I don’t think we’re kissing and making up quite yet here.

Troy D Bird
Troy D Bird
2 years ago

Great use of negative space on that bottom frame, btw. Excellent for the emptiness of the moment.