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Brannigan, p6

December 9, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

I hope Ethan has the sense to ask how far Scott wants to take it. Ask Scott directly if they should just be killing anyone they think is a threat. Highlight the result of the path of pre-crime murder; the pain and suffering you will cause people’s families when you kill them because you think they could be a threat. Show Scott what a miserable world is created through such logic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jon

There is now peace, for I have slain everyone I see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

The killer is in the room with you, look in the mirror

2 years ago
Reply to  Jon

My Companion mother makes 50 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal Computer). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time however last month her check was 11,500 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal Computer) for 9 hours per day.
For more detail visit this article..

Last edited 2 years ago by P2Mc28
2 years ago

Damn, this is getting deep. Good writing Tim.

2 years ago
Reply to  Derfman1963

Came here to say that. The writing, the character development, the drawing. Everything is spot on on this page

Matt Braddock
Matt Braddock
2 years ago

Well, this comic definitely evolved over the years.
I remember when the punchline was Zeke’s optical driver being built into his crotch.

Tim has certainly come a long way.

The Legacy
The Legacy
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt Braddock

Granted, the optical drive could still be installed in its crotch. We just don’t know about it yet. ?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Today it’s more likely he has a USB port for plugging in external drives. You can use your imagination with today’s NVMe portable drives. Haha.

2 years ago

This development rocks. The followers of the “old” comic now see the development of why Scott will become Ethan’s Nemesis. No longer just because he is a Apple fanboy. Well played Tim, well played

2 years ago
Reply to  Edwin

I do still hold out hope that Scott doesn’t become a villain. i like the dynamic they got now of being allies who just butt heads every so often. Plus the idea of taking two enemies and making them friends in a new incarnation has always facinated me. Would love to see some Zelda game where the latest incarnations Link, Zelda, And Ganondorf are all friends and fighting side by side for example.

2 years ago
Reply to  Edwin

Apple fanboy? Wasn’t scott a Linux guy? I honestly forgot.

The Legacy
The Legacy
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Linux is correct. Also had a pet penguin who turned out to be the brains of the operation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Yes you are completely right. Too long ago and all things i don’t get/have got mixed up in my had a the same?it was the Linux, penguin thing

2 years ago

Scott can see the source of the irrational parts of his position. To me, that means he’s still far from “the dark side.” Those who’ve actually crossed into that territory, can be distinguished because they don’t see their personal experiences, beliefs and opinions as such anymore. They see them as absolute laws that can be used to perfectly judge everything and everyone, and as the ultimate argument for taking it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner. They act like there’s this one truth, and they own it, and it gives them the holy duty to trample over anyone… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

He may still be faintly aware of his position, But he’s crossed the line. He’s taken that first step- And a big one at that. He betrayed his friends trust, He lied to both friend and potential foe, He assumed foe with no chance of proven innocence.. He’s just taken that first step over the line, yes; But he’s already done it. And even having done it he STILL is in that headspace that IF he can be the person he needed then; To be that answer someone else needed, He’d almost definitely do it again. He judged, He jury’d,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Noa

I get your point, and I see how both yours and mine can coexist as they’re both valid.

I see an irony, here. Every last thing you said about Scott, to condemn his behavior… Applies to ZK, as well.

If you see ZK’s potential to change, in the fact he’s not too far gone… By the same logic, you’ve gotta see the same in Scott.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noa

The line…. is a line. It is not a one-way force field that prevents you from stepping back over it again. My point is that Scott may have judged, jury’d and executed, but he is even right now reflecting and exploring from that single experience the consequences and morality of his actions, even as he is talking about his “justified” viewpoint. It is very much still possible he may find his way back. He’d have to live with the one time he stepped over, and he likely have an eternal enemy now, but circumstances are still not too far gone… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Scott has killed. He will kill again.
He is off the deep end already, and these are just excuses to justify what he deep down knows is wrong.

Because what if Zeke evolved, and saved lives instead? Those won’t be saved now. Scott is full of shit, because he only answers the questions that soothe his guilt.

Scott is a murderer. Period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

You have some major flaws in your logic.
Scott has NOT killed, he blew up a computer.

What if Zeke “evolved” and did exactly as it has stated the plan was? Those people will not be killed/enslaved now. Scott may have just saved the world from a machine with the intent and capability to destroy humanity.

Scott is a hero. Period

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddy

So you condone a murder while bringing flimsy excuses. Scott is a morally bankrupt murderer, evidenced by his actions and justifications. Period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddy

What defines murder? A human being? A sapient being? Zeke was showing signs of sapience, being equal in all other regards to humanity. The only difference being that his being wasn’t biological. People are after all, just biological and chemical robots with poorly understood code.

People have used similar excuses for atrocities throughout history. Because to them, their victims weren’t people or human, so it wasn’t murder.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddy

I don’t agree with your entire statement, but you do bring up a very good point that people claiming Scott crossed a line are missing. Zeke is not a human. Whatever existence is there is undefined in the world. Obviously Ethan has his own beliefs on the matter, but so does Scott. As readers, it’s easy to bias ourselves towards the more hopeful interpretation, but if we were really stuck in the situation without the higher narrative viewpoint being cynical about it isn’t unreasonable.

Robert L
Robert L
2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

I think this arc was created because Tim was tired of the folks that felt one side of the other was 100% right. They are both right, and both wrong. Hopefully they end up working together to openly resolve both of their concerns. First step for both is finding Zeke, they can build on that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert L

Scott’s ideas are right but he took things too far in achieving them. Scott went even further in being wrong when he lied to both Ethan and Lucas and decided the bomb should remain in Zeke unilaterally.

Lucas was wrong to lie to Ethan but he didn’t decide this alone, he decided it with Scott and they had the majority over Ethan in that decision. When Scott did that, both Lucas and Ethan wanted the bomb removed from Zeke.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert L

This is the gray area of a free society. On the one hand we have the freedom to be anything… on the other we have the freedom to be ANYTHING, literally anything. In free societies you have the responsibility to curb your base desires and not hurt others. Some would say we also have the responsibility to take care of others too. In a perfect society both statements would be true. Problem is no one, or thing, is perfect. This is why this grayness exist. All we can do as humans is keep pushing forward and do the best we… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

The only reason Zeke hasn’t (permanently) killed, is because Ethan can’t stay dead and Lucas got lucky.

I beliebe that actions and intentions should be judged independently of outcomes. Zeke tried his hardest to become a murderer. He just didn’t succeed.

If you don:t believe it, read the comics from December 2017.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

It’s irrelevant if Zeke did or did not do a thing. That’s a whataboutism.

This is about Scott, his actions, and the lies he told his friends and is now telling himself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

Scott and Zeke are at least in the same boat. Both have attempted and not succeeded to murder someone.

Can’t condemn one without condemning the other.

Scott might come out on top of this comparison though, because his attempted murder was against someone who attempted murder multiple times before and frequently threatened to do so again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

The actions of Zeke are irrelevant to the moral choices that Scott made. It’s not up to him to be judge, jury and executioner, it’s nither his right nor his position for any of those. You are defending a murderer, whose justifications are that he killed because he THOUGHT it was the right thing to do, simply because the person that he killed did something horrible as well. That’s never a justification, never a morally right choice to make. I am honestly appalled at all the people who would defend this, and extremely glad that in most developed societies in… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

It’s not irrelevant, nor is it a whataboutism. Whataboutisms are used to change the subject, to make a connection that isn’t there, or to shift the blame. No one is doing that here. We’re all staying on topic, the connection between Scott and ZK is definitely there, and no one is denying Scott has made some mistakes and is partially to blame here. Scott, while biased, is LITERALLY BASING HIS DECISIONS on proven behavior from ZK. How is ZK’s behavior “irrelevant” when judging Scott then? You’re not making any sense at all. You talk about Scott’s actions as if they… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Rolando
2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Trying to nuance the justifications of a murderer by bringing up whatever somebody else did is a whataboutism, exactly by your definition. It is also irrelevant, because what Zeke did does not matter for Scott’s morally bankrupt choices.Zeke is just a coincidental scapegoat he is projecting his own trauma on, and he would have done it regardless of Zeke’s actions. And exactly; Zeke’s actiuons warrant a legal sentence. Not a vigilante taking justice into his own hands, justifying his MURDEROUS INTENT by covering it up with emotional arguments that come down to “if only someone stopped them before!”. That’s now… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Also, just to point; I never said that Scott is beyond redemption. I have pointed out that his excuses are bullshit, and as such he is morally bankrupt murderer.

If you need to put words in my mouth to have an argument, you don’t have an argument at all.
But then again, I am very much in full disagreement with you, so I don’t believe you have any decent arguments at all anyway.

We ain’t going to find any common ground on this subject whatsoever,

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

He hasn’t even murdered anyone so you cannot use that term. You can try attempted murderer but even not positive that holds as he left in an existing failsafe that he did not put there himself and just didnt tell others was still on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

Not entirely irrelevant. Scott’s actions are a direct response to those attempted murders and statements about desired future murders.

2 years ago
Reply to  Killiak

Attempted. He did not kill although by leaving the failsafe in place he allowed the opportunity to occur yes. But he also didn’t manually pull the trigger.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vampyrr

Didn’t he modified the behaviour of that device to explode if Zeke left the room, at the very least? It’s not as if it could ever be taken as a “did nothing to help Zeke”… The steps were measured and taken, even if Scott used an already existing “trap”.

2 years ago

It says a LOT that Scott is self-aware enough how deep down the rabbit hole he’s in and how he wishes no one else is there with him. He knows his way of thinking is flawed, but he also feels it’s the right one. The more Scott talks, the more I see his Red Hood to Ethan’s Batman: Family who cares about each other but a core justice value keeps it strained. He’ll come around on Zeke, I’m sure….just not anytime soon. I don’t think he’d change his mind even if it showed Zeke making a selfless sacrifice situation to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  ThatGuy

Comic sidenote: Red Hood recently gave up the guns because (to paraphrase), while he believes that there are bad people out there and that they still need to die, death has a way of radiating outward to affect other people. As such, Jason is trying to figure out a new way. Relating to this comic, this goes back to where Ethan is talking about how he knows the Sun Devils were bad people but that doesn’t stop them from being someone’s beloved friend/family member. As for Scott, I was wrong. He does see Ethan’s perspective. He is even admitting to… Read more »

2 years ago

When you’re drowning, you’ll grab anything, even a snake.

2 years ago

Love the writing, hate Scott.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joel

Why? He is in a dark place, yet still able to see where he is and able to reason around it. He deserves empathy and understanding IMO eventhough I don’t agree with his conclusions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unicornlazers

A relationship requires empathy on both sides. Scott isn’t showing any empathy towards Ethan, isn’t making any effort to understand him and that’s a bad sign. Making traumas into measuring contests will sour any relationship and yet Scott doesn’t care. Now if they really want to end it all they should play Monopoly, that will do it.

Troy D Bird
Troy D Bird
2 years ago
Reply to  Arcslayer

He’s making a lot of assumptions about where Ethan is getting his “hope” from… without asking Ethan where he thinks it comes from. I’ve been there myself; not wanting to know anyone else’s answers, insisting you already have them, even though you freely admit that the ones you have are insufficient.

You don’t know, but I do!”

When you stop asking questions and start making assumptions… you’re in trouble.

Last edited 2 years ago by Troy D Bird
David K.
David K.
2 years ago
Reply to  Unicornlazers

Reason? What he is doing is not demonstrating reason. He’s willing to kill based solely on his decision of who or what is or is not a threat. That’s not reasonable.

And he has already tried to kill a sentient being. Fuck being in a “dark place”. Scott has already crossed the line and shown he’s willing to kill.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joel

same, exactly, but too many ppl in the comments are bloodthirsty

2 years ago

I really like the discussion about how the same tragedy affected 2 directly involved people with different results. Ethan’s sister death made Scott less sensitive to mankind’s flaws while making Ethan more human and trying to understand the whole human context, despite the individuals choices. They were emotionally hit differently, but how to compare the loss of a beloved wife with the loss of a beloved sister? The wife is our companion, the one we cherish and share everything about our lives… and a sister, someone we grew up with, that was there for us and vice-versa… Also, both had… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by HarvestDude™
Chris j
Chris j
2 years ago

I love the tone of this storyline. The gritty shit that hides behind the glamour of the usual superhero stuff. Really matured a lot since the first version of the comic. Love it tim, keep it coming

2 years ago

There is one critical difference between Scott and DeathBlood (as far as we know). Deathblood targets known criminals engaged in criminal activity. Scott talks about preventing something from happening in the future, which means possibly prejudging someone who may not have even done anything yet.

If Scott really feels this way, he might as well kill Lucas and Ethan. Ethan nearly got someone killed (unintentionally), and Lucas’s arrows are deadly if his aim is off.

Scott has to stop living in the past or he’s going to be the one killing people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ami

I don’t – Zeke constantly talks about how they want to kill everyone. Constantly. In the past, sure, the Master was controlling their actions, but they represented themselves as being absolutely delighted at the opportunity to kill Ethan and Lucas. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember them ever expressing any remorse over that whatsoever. If somebody immediately finds a strip where Zeke said “I feel bad about putting Lucas in the hospital”, okay, then I’m wrong. I don’t agree with Scott here, but I do think everyone acting like Scott is purely prejudging Zeke, including Ethan, is choosing… Read more »

David K.
David K.
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian

So talk with literally no action is enough for you to justify murder? Pretty dangerous precedent there.

Erik B
Erik B
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian

I mean, I can’t directly point to a strip where Zeke expressed remorse over their actions, but there is this one: This one shows them saying “technically, I’m not “allowed” to kill any of you”. Either because the Master wrote it into their code, or verbally indicated that wasn’t allowed. However, since being out of the Master’s control, Zeke has many times expressed their “mission” or whatever to end human life, yet they’ve never even tried to act on it. Not even once. They never left the store to go on a mad killing spree. In fact, never even… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Brian

The whole arc where Ethan talks about how death hurts every time and Zeke goes “I’m sorry, that must be scary” was a very big point for me, and if you’re doing a track record it’s pretty shortsighted to ignore the tiny length of that track record, as Zeke is maybe one year old?

2 years ago

Enjoying this villain origin story? Maybe we get some penguin themed costume going on?

2 years ago

That’s an incredibly myopic view of the world, glasses aside and all that.

2 years ago

Bravo Tim, this is much better than I expected, now please land this. Show us how Ethan, Lucas, Scott, and Zeke will, eventually, find balance and peace. This conversation can’t end in a satisfying resolution. Ethan ripped up Scott’s justification script before he really got going and it almost shocked Scott into listening. However, the raw emotion on both sides means that soon they’ll realize that any more talk is pointless. I hate Scott, his reasoning is that he should kill the future to save his memory of the past. Zeke can only be a weapon to him because hope… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Arcslayer

Name one time a US politician has been affected by real life enough to make a concerted effort to change it.

Only dubious example I can think of in recent history is Trump. For good or ill he really did try to make a change in how life and politics in this country works. Blew up in his face as the system fought back but he tried. All the rest talk a big game about change when they face a tough election/reelection but all are just another cog in the same corrupt machine once their position is secured.

2 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Agreed about all of the rest. But trump literally “drained the swamp” by putting people who were very clearly corrupt in power. He put the same people he “hated” back in control. He wanted to “change things up” because as you said,he was talking a big game when he was facing a tough election/reelection. He just never left the campaign trail.

Robert L
Robert L
2 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Good lord, you must be a troll. Trump has NEVER even admitted he could ever be wrong, much less actually change.

2 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

To be fair, all of that are things no president in recent history did. Would have been better though, if it stayed that way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Trump is not a good example of that and is an example of someone that did the opposite and knowingly made things worse for his own profit. He has a history of screwing people over even before he was in the White House. He wanted to be a dictator and stay in power even though he lost.

2 years ago

The fact that Scott is able to say it like this means one of two things. He’s either so far gone that Ethan can’t possibly reach him anymore, or he’s having a breakthrough and seeing his own mistakes for what they are.

Sadly, I’m not betting on the latter

2 years ago

Here’s the thing, Scott, isn’t wrong per say. Stopping a threat before it can inflict harm is a positive thing. However, he’s missing the hope/potential part. Yes, Zeke is a “threat” but he’s also a chance for good, and to deny chance is where he failed. The dark inside him blinds him to that.

2 years ago

In all fairness, we KNOW Zeke is a threat to humanity, Zeke has expressed that themself. I know it’ll be really difficult, but I really hope Scott and Ethan find a middle ground eventually (it’d be too forced to expect that on this storyline, but I hope so eventually).

Erik B
Erik B
2 years ago
Reply to  JustJoel

ARE they a threat though? Zeke’s never actually done anything threatening to humanity short of “grand plans” spoken to Ethan and Lucas basically. Even when they thought they had no physical limitation of space, when Scott enabled motor functions, they still chose to stay in the storage room of the shop, setting up their own sovereign kingdom. I’d say that’s a point in favour of not being so much of a threat.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
2 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

I would say it is still highly debatable. Zeke never left because of their own insecurity and never caused harm but CONSTANTLY threatened people. While thats fine and jokey its also very disturbing behavior. I am not saying “What if Zeke attacked?” Im saying “Zeke constantly threatens people with serious violence” and while those threats eventually ring hollow its not ok.

2 years ago

While Scott somehow evolving into an antihero would be intriguing, my money is that he will find a way to the light.

Otherwise, Ethan has to invent his own gadgets, and nobody wants that.

playing it safe
playing it safe
2 years ago

We need the penguin

2 years ago

Ironically enough, anyone that condemns Scott for what basically amounts to prejudice… Should remember that such a logic also condemns ZK. After all, ZK is dangerous because he’s shown a keen interest in hurting/killing humans out of prejudice. Scott did take a step forward, in hurting ZK. But ZK has taken that step as well, by hurt at least one person (Lucas). And they both did it in a treacherous manner. I know I’m oversimplifying, in a way. But it’s there. And notice I wasn’t even counting hurting Ethan. But I should, because the fact ZK knows Ethan cannot stay… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Rolando
2 years ago

Scott, you didn’t see where you became the thing that someone else didn’t stop beforehand.

2 years ago

To be fair to Scott, he DOES have a point. A Sapient Robot can be a dangerous thing.They’re stronger, tougher, smarter, and faster then humans. if Zeke ever figured out how to replicate himself, things could get Terminator real quick.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
2 years ago
Reply to  TamTroll

This is a big crux to this situation. Zeke has never caused serious harm to anyone, not while under their own control, but they are highly capable. Couple with that how casually they threaten violence and death on people and there would be serious cauae for concern even if Zeke WASNT a robot. Im not saying “what if zeke attacked?” Like its inevitable, im saying “zeke makes constant threats about his very serious intent to do harm to people in general”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

Exactly. even if it’s just his own weird sense of humor, you can’t just let your guard down at it.

David K.
David K.
2 years ago
Reply to  TamTroll

So anything that is smarter, stronger, faster, tougher than humans deserves to die?

2 years ago

One, small, solace: Scott used the name ‘Zeke’.

2 years ago

Scott isn’t too far gone, he’s felt in a small way, the ramifications of the path he’s taken. If he continues he’ll lose friends, respect, and the legality of his actions will lead to if not villainy and/or prison time. Many bad cops go down the same path because they get tired of dealing with a weak system that lets true criminals go free and stick the self-helper in prison. They use the same logic to do some truly awful things. Planting evidence just because they think “they deserve it” or make deals with shady people to catch another. In… Read more »

2 years ago

I’m more invested in this comic than any tv series or movie right now.
This is perfection.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cam
2 years ago

Scott’s “I saw a chance to kill in a way that I could justify to myself, and I took it for the satisfaction of righteous murder” argument is compelling, but probably not for the conclusion he thinks.

2 years ago

Scott almost took his own life. He doesn’t realise how lucky he is. One shot, and its over. How many times has Ethan Died? He would feel and remember every death. Even if he wanted to die, he can’t. There is no getting away from his feelings. So all he can do is try to make the world a better place.

2 years ago

I love how the tone in the comics shifted. Scot just became a human to most commentators. And his fear of Zeke is now suddenly understood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Oh, I think we understood WHY before. He was just approaching it so irrationally that we didn’t accept it.

2 years ago

I see scott as the same evil he wants to stop and maybe should be stopped

2 years ago

I’m really loving this chapter. Panels 1 and 2 are especially great. Ethan pouring more whiskey for Scott shows that he’s listening to what Scott has to say, even if he will not ultimately agree. In other words, in that moment it it appears that Ethan isn’t merely reacting out of emotion. He has at least calm down enough to pour his brother a little whiskey.

2 years ago

I hoped that this arc would stitch the team back together, but Ethan and Scott seem to have entirely too different outlooks on things, and it may be irreconcilable.

2 years ago

Scott isn’t right because he’s emotional disturbed. He’s right because some men CANNOT be reasoned with. They can’t be bribed, bought, or placated. Some men want to murder you and rape your family. At that point, they eat lead. Good men don’t want to kill, their forced to to protect others and themselves. You don’t have to see them as less than human. Although some do to make them feel better. Death blood is a caricature and a straw man. You can’t punish someone for what they MIGHT do, cuz at that point they’re not guilty. You also cannot have… Read more »