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Call Of Honor, p3

March 29, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

Easy solution. Return the package to sender, as it was shipped to the incorrect address. It’s technically the correct thing to do, and delays the other store’s shipment enough that by the time they get it in, the early buyers rush will be over already. No moral dilemma here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dethdukk

That’s Lawful, but not Good

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Lawful Evil is more fun anyway. You get to be right, while being all kinds of wrong.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

It’s plenty good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

I call it “Lawful Good Enough”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

As someone who works for the posting office, Sending it back would be considered Lawful Neutral, regardless if you know where its supposed to be sent, as you are technically not doing anything good or anything bad, you are strictly just following the law on how to handle packages that are sent wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dethdukk

I think it was miss delivered, but delivered to wrong address might take a day for UPS to figure it out. However, it was addressed to the other store, so Ethan committed a felony (I think that applies even if not USPS) by opening it and disposing of the evidence if he did not sign could very well be the least onerous.

Imperator Ruscal
Imperator Ruscal
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

It isn’t a felony if not USPS — through a package carrier it would be a civil dispute (you could be sued, and owe damages if they can prove you willfully and with intent of harm opened the other person’s package — but a quick “i opened it because it was in the received bin and the standard assumption is that the delivery agent performed their task properly” is enough to get out of that, assuming you don’t damage the contents and contact someone [delivery service or intended recipient] to make an effort to make whole).

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

It’s not a felony or even a crime for Ethan, yet. The responsibility falls on the shipping company here initially. Had it been US Post Ethan committed a crime by opening mail not addressed to him – IF they can prove that he did so intentionally. That only applies to US postal mail though. For Fedex and UPS the crime here would be misdelivery resulting in stolen property. Ethan has received that stolen property and if he doesn’t take prompt action to rectify it he’d be guilty of possession of stolen property under US Law.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric the White

I think you can’t even say it’s stolen property. It is simply mis delivered. Stealing implies taking it willfully and not intending to return it. No one in the chain has meant for this to happen. It is at best lost to the owner. The whole question now is: is Ethan going to steal it. If intentionally not returning it, he’s willfully appropriating the items. If destroying it or other tampering, he’s liable for damages. He knows it is time sensitive, so even returning it to the carrier service could be construed as a wilful act of damaging the other… Read more »

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Nearly all crime in US Law has to do with intent. At the moment Ethan hasnt had any intent so there is not crime. If he decides to burn it? There is intent to destroy property that doesn’t belong to him- a crime. If he decides not to return it? Same thing.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

As others mentioned, intent is a key part of the criminal justice system for stuff like this. Sure, his comments after the fact probably would raise some eyebrows, but if all humans were judged based on what they *wish* they could do, most of us would be in jail right now. ?

1 year ago

I’ve heard the dark side has cookies.

1 year ago
Reply to  ShonaSoF

True, but the light side has bacon

1 year ago
Reply to  Shruen

Real or Canadian?

1 year ago
Reply to  Shruen

The light side has that thin microwave bacon. The Dark side has real, thick cut bacon. ?

1 year ago

Bacon cookies

1 year ago
Reply to  Nirnex

Chocolate Chip Bacon cookies

1 year ago

This last line is just perfect. Thanks !

1 year ago

Nobody said being the good guy doesn’t suck at times.

1 year ago

An alternative that’s just as right. Return to sender. They’re not a courier, they’re a video game store. Megagame can order more after they get their refund.

1 year ago

Well don’t be nice and take it to them just return to sender. That will be fully legal and you will delay the delivery to the dicks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stuart

Legal? He opened it. Already a felony.

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

From what I can find, that law doesn’t apply if it was delivered to you and all you did was open it, because it’s considered conceivable that you would open it without checking the recipient. Now, if he were to burn them, that would be considered Obstruction of Correspondence. But returning to sender is actually the lawful thing to do, and it’s the correct response in this case. Giving it to them directly, on the other hand, wouldn’t leave a paper trail and would open them to be accused of mail theft, unless there’s any proof that it happened.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rex Vivat
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

Depends on who it was shipped through. It is a felony under federal law to open mail not addressed to you if it was sent through the USPS. That doesn’t apply to other delivery companies.

Keeping the games or destroying them would be crimes.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago

Lucas’s reactions here say so much about the difference between old series and new series. Old Lucas would be lowkey panicking because Ethan absolutely would do something drastic. New Lucas is just amused; he has full faith in Ethan to do the right thing.

1 year ago

Eh, stealing from any MecaCorp is basically doing a public good. Go team Ethan!

1 year ago

If you look to the abyss of dickness..

1 year ago

Well, the right thing to do would be to give it back to the delivery company when they show up and give them the package then. That way Megagame can’t say they didn’t get the package when they did when Ethan gave it to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urazz

And given the delivery company should take any returns to the depot/main office first, then process, then re-deliver to correct/ed recipient, it could be a key 3 days to still be a smiling tourist while not accepting full citizenship.

1 year ago

There’s a play on the phrase “Die a hero or live to see yourself become a villain” in this Arc but I’m blanking on it.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

I should’ve read the other comments here before posting, thinking I was so original. It won’t let me outright delete my post so…. whatever.


Last edited 1 year ago by Henchman Twenty1
The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago

At first I thought it was a reference to the original comics for a moment there. Rob is indeed the name of one of the store employees of the store that Ethan used to work at. But the store was named GameHaven, amd the owner was Barry. Could still be, though.

For reference:

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Nice callback, I forgot about Rob and Barry

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Lucas and Ethan bought the store iirc in the original. MegaGame or w/e was always the antagonist to the small store.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Merida

Oh! Right! I vaguely remember that name being an actual part of it, hence part of my confusion.

1 year ago

Stick a coupon to Their store to the back of every game. The orange Forever tags that never come off in one piece. Like ‘You’ve checked out Megatainment, come see us. bring this coupon undamaged and choose a reward. Quantities limited.’

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago

I’ll say it again: give it back to the delivery person the next day. The recipient of an incorrectly delivered package is under absolutely no obligation to complete the delivery themselves. It’s a kind thing to do for a neighbor, but 1) if the neighbor in question happened to be a dickhead I wouldn’t give them that courtesy and instead just stick it back in the mailbox or drop it off at a post office, 2) in this case it’s not a neighbor anyway, it’s a massive and competing corporation. You don’t have to go to Megagame and hand deliver… Read more »

1 year ago

In normal cases I would agree, but in this case I would argue they should notify Megagame and have them collect it. Ethan knows it is important for Megagame to get it today and probably as soon as possible. Willfully delaying it is willfully damaging the other company.

That being said, Ethan doesn’t need to go over there. Call them and notify them. Have them pick it up. He has his own store to mind where unexpected things can happen. Megagame has more manpower to spare and can hold the delivery company responsible for any damages.

1 year ago

You drop the box off at a Value Village. You know someone will benefit and your net karma is 0.

1 year ago

Ironically enough, Ethan is being EXTREMELY mature and wise there. A LOT of people who do shit to others, even occassionally, don’t even have the guts to admit to it. They’re all just cowards. They try to disguise it as something else. Come up with all sorts of bs explanations, to deny they’re being assholes. Claim that their motivation is justice, superiority, genius, whatever. Pretend their bs is not only ok, but some form of perfect and righteous truth 0_o But they try to hide THAT as well, because they don’t wanna be seen as arrogant, oh no. They wanna… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago

I’m calling it now. Ethan walks over there to deliver and it turns out they ordered five boxes of the game, not just one. Their shelves are fully stocked and ready to go.

Last edited 1 year ago by MusicManD
Junjie Xie
Junjie Xie
1 year ago

“hehe what if we give Ethan a box full of cd packages that have CoHVII on the outside and TurboTax 2021 on the inside”
“hehe that would be funny”
~Rad and Thob

Graveyard Shift Horror Podcast
Graveyard Shift Horror Podcast
1 year ago

return them with “used 50% off” labels.

Bo F
Bo F
1 year ago

Out of context, I just wanted to mention that I see that “Navigate All Comics In Order” & “”Previous comic in this series” near the navigation. And allthough I never had a problem with it, I think for a lot of people this will be handy.
I See you. Nice one! *thumbs up*
(and sorry if this has been up for a while.. just only now noticed it)