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May 13, 2022 by Tim

I feel this is basically an intrinsic law of the universe: If you comment on the internet that you found any level/boss/game challenging, there is at least one condescending person out there that has to chime in to tell you how they didn’t find it difficult.

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Brian Jones
Brian Jones
2 years ago

That is one of the reasons I won’t play Elden Ring as I “know” that I would have an impossible time of it.

Wesley Riot
Wesley Riot
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

i think…. it’s not that bad? I’ve done a bit of Dark Souls and a little bit of Bloodborne and those are much, much, MUCH harder

2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

It depends on how you define “difficult.” I would say that if you exploit the full range of tools that Elden Ring gives you to make the game easier (even if you don’t co-op), it is definitely easier than the other From games. The level farm is easier and less tedious, you have summons by default even without multiplayer, and the cheese builds are MUCH cheesier. HOWEVER, if you approach it like other people enjoy saying the “correct” approach to other From games is (mostly no horse, no spirit ashes, usually melee and rolling only without farming souls) the last… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  CritDoge

I really don’t understand this concept of “correct way to play Elden Ring”. I haven’t played it but it keeps coming up anytime I look up discussions of the game to see if it’s worth it. It seems it isn’t even a discussion over difficulty settings or permadeath settings, it’s about actual mechanics or builds. Like saying you can’t say you beat Diablo 2 if you used anything but the Barbarian

2 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

That’s exactly it, any build can beat Elden Ring with enough practice and patience. There is no “right way” except what feels fun and rewarding for you. I’ve finished it 6 times as of last night with 6 different builds and each one had its challenges and successes. Its an amazing game as long as you don’t let anyone ELSE influence how YOU want to play it.

2 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

barb may be easy, but the sorceress is the cheesy OP way to win in diablo2:)

2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

Can’t tell if joking or if unironically proving the point made in the comic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

Pfff, scrub. I beat it playing with my feet, blindfolded, upside down suspended over a tank of ornery flounder. Git GUD!

2 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

Suspended over it? Casual peasant. I did it using my nose, playing inside a tank filled with ravenous lobsters!

2 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Were you also being death-spinned by a croc when doing so? No? WEAK!

2 years ago
Reply to  wkz

I did it while swimming in a tank of pressurized hydroflouric acid strapped to a falcon 9

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

I’m not joking when I say this: Elden Ring is an absolute JOKE difficulty wise. Literally just put ALL of your points into Vigor and let your summons deal with the boss while you occasionally throw a hit in when they draw aggro It’s pathetic and I don’t understand how people are having such a hard time with it. In all of those rage clip compliations I’ve seen, the people struggling ARE NOT LEVELING THEIR VIGOR, not using a shield, barely using summons, and then they wonder why they’re dying so much. Seriously. Play the game and you will be… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

LOL there we go! We have our winner of the missing the point award for Friday, May 13th, 2022 people! Give him a hand!!!

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey

You people are the ones missing the point. You play wrong, don’t think about what it is that you’re doing wrong, and then blame the game for being “too hard”

But keep on going shieldless with no vigor, getting killed in one hit to things are really damn easy, because you think you’re Ongbal and the way to play is to roll everything perfectly

Elden Ring seriously is brainless easy and people getting upset when it’s pointed out to them will never make sense to me. VIGOR. SUMMONS. SHIELD. That’s it. The game is PISS FUCKING EASY.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Doubling down on missing the point only serves to demonstrate how much you’ve missed the point.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  CheeseIt

Not explaining how I’m missing the point isn’t helping anything.

Guy says he thinks the game will be impossible without even trying. I explain that the difficulty of these games are ABSURDLY OVERRATED and they are, in fact, very easy as long as you use all of the tools the game gives you, and he would be FULLY CAPABLE of beating these games WITH EASE.

Seriously. Mimic and Tiche LITERALLY SOLO BOSSES FOR YOU. It’s a pathetic JOKE how easy Elden Ring is.

Me saying these things is NOT the same as being one of those “HAHA GET GOOD” people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Your literally doing what the character in the comic is doing. Thats why people are saying your missing the point

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

the point:
there will ALWAYS be ONE person who HAS to say “it was easy for me” to someone who found something difficult FOR WHATEVER REASON

like you just did.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago

I’m saying it’s EASY FOR EVERYONE

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

I’ve played the previous dark souls, still don’t level vigor beyond a standard 40ish(trying to stay around lvl 100-120), and generally roll through most stuff, its STILL easier to roll through everything in this game than it was in previous ones, however I think parrying was made harder than previously, but I plan to dedicate a character to learning the parrying timings after my current one so maybe I’m just “mad cuz bad” at it rn.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

I have been fighting and dying to these same guys till I get a pattern down for them. And I don’t trust the ghost girl that offered to be a maiden for me. So what are points and where is this horse I hear about? Because I am apparently doing this wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

@Marth Koopa I’m playing Elden Ring now, my first From game, and it is NOT easy. Not by a long shot. It’s stressful, demanding and oppressing. I’m persevering, and I get that part of the fun is overcoming obstacles, I can feel that as I continue, but this game (and whole sub-genre, I bet) is definitely not for everyone, let alone easy for everyone. The most important tip I can give to newcomers is: treat death as just another game mechanism, a bit like Planescape Torment. Embrace death as your friend, and try to reduce your frustration from dying. I’m…still… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey

Guys he’s trolling, and flat out lying, don’t feed it it. I doubt he’s even played the game beyond the first zone.

2 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey

*Throws animated zombie hands.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

still will be un no thanks because I know it’s not true

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

It’s because it’s a FromSoft game, so it’s a rule that everyone has to act like they’re really difficult. Even though they’re all quite easy if you know what you’re doing and are willing to learn the systems in order to figure out what you need to be doing. But whenever you bring that up, people either say “BuT YoU’Re eXpLoItInG ThE GaMe aNd nOt pLaYiNg pRoPeRlY!” or they make up some crap about how having to know how to play the game properly is what makes it difficult. Because apparently all of those other easy games that you can… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Right, sure. People cry for years about these games ‘needing’ an easy mode and when the game basically hands one to you without telling you it is you suddenly wanna act like you aren’t playing easy mode.
Play the game how you want dude, but don’t act like the game was easy just because you used every single crutch the game threw your way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I like games with ‘Easy’ or ‘Story’ modes. I mostly just want to go through the story and beat a few things on the way. I don’t want to fight my way through (with many disappointments, restarts, redos, lost gear and money, etc). I like cheat codes. I want to just go in, play, have some fun, go back to the real struggle each day in the real world. I won’t buy a game that won’t have an easy game. As a programmer, I get nothing from video games related to success vs. any particularly difficulty. If I get beaten:… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

…and the condescending guy in the comic strip has arrived!

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  Slaphappy

Not being condescending

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

maybe not intentionally but you sure sounded like it

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Uh, yes, not going of their way to use every single crutch the game offers usually does make it harder, but they aren’t neglecting anything the previous games offered. They didn’t use the ‘easy-mode’ options because that’s not what they went into the game for. I capped myself at 125 because its entirely completable at that level and basically threw away like 10mil leftover runes because it’s how I wanted to play. Had I used those runes on levels It would have been a joke, but that’s not what I play the game for the first time through, so I… Read more »

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

There are no “crutches” in these games, only tools you can use in whatever way you want to beat them

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Congratulations, you’re the loser featured in the comic strip.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago

I’m not the same. I don’t brag about being better, I just tell people they are putting themselves into a self-defeating mindset and falsely reaffirming their belief the games are difficult over every little mistake. I try to tell people they are BETTER than they think they are and they are FULLY CAPABLE of beating these games that aren’t anywhere near as difficult as they think they are.

I encourage people, I don’t belittle them.

Dan Skelley
Dan Skelley
2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

And yet every word you’ve spoken is belittling.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Skelley


2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa


Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Encouraging people to play a game because it isn’t as hard as they think it is and they are fully capable of beating them isn’t belittling. It is the exact opposite

2 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

I mean, people enjoy challenge. Not using summons, or using glass cannon style builds are styles people enjoy. Elden ring has so many bosses that create so many different fights that different styles get punished by some bosses more than others. There is no right way to play elden ring, just the way you find the most fun, even if it makes parts (or all) of the game exponentially harder. Maybe it makes no sense to someone with an elitist attitude, but just because you like turtling behind a shield, doesn’t mean other players will too. For a lot of… Read more »

Capt Code
Capt Code
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

This is why I’ve avoided Elden Ring, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne. They look cool, but I just want to be able to progress through a game with light challenge. I usually play on Story or Easy modes. Actually, that’s probably the real reason I don’t like online shooters.

Maybe if they ever hit Game Pass (well, other than Bloodborne, of course) I’ll give them a try.

Last edited 2 years ago by Capt Code
2 years ago
Reply to  Capt Code

I maintain that if you actually want players to see your story, provide multiple difficulty modes, damnit. Fuck elitism.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alcor

I agree, but that’s where its worth noting the Fromsoft games usually lack a serious story. Most of the time the ‘story’ is there just to explain the world and justify the journey, with the rest of the info only existing if it interest you enough to search for it.
Tbh, I don’t think Miyazaki really cares that much if people catch the story on their first time through.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

OH how wrong you are. There is a rich and crazy story to elden ring. In fact this is just about the most direct a fromsoft game has been about presenting the story to you. Elden ring, like other souls games, present the story through exploration rather than cutscenes and forced dialogue. TBH I don’t do the story exploration myself because it does take some dedication, but I HIGHLY recommend looking at lore videos created by youtube creators like vaatividya. Most souls games have deep and rich lore, and elden ring is no different. Fun fact: The world in the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

Miyazaki actually wants players to piece the story together from different fragments they acquire and even stated so at one point, it’s about collaboration

Last edited 2 years ago by Humsterr
no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Alcor

Not only that, but also make sure that I can change the difficulty whenever I want via the options menu!

I will not start the game over to select a lower difficulty. If I can’t drop it at the point in the story I already reached and continue from there, I’m going to stop playing the game.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

I fell in love with elden ring, although I love challenges. That being said, elden ring has a LOT more mechanics that previous souls games. If you don’t want to fight something head on, a lot of times you don’t have to (excluding a few optional end-game mega-bosses). There’s actually been entire runs done with sitting on the sideline while special summons you can use beat the game for you. IronPineapple on youtube did a fantastic video showing it off. You can craft poison arrow type stuff for sniping, utility to make you darn near invicible, or just summon other… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

Elden Ring looks fun, but I know I’d get super frustrated because I suck at those sorts of games.

Craig Lillie
Craig Lillie
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Jones

But I beat it in one day! 😀

2 years ago

“If thou art good at something – thou must spend thy life shoving other people’s faces into this fact, for thy content and fulfillment shalt depend on this henceforth.” (one of the tenants of the Church of Gaming, apparently)

Wesley Riot
Wesley Riot
2 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

i know no one likes the pedantic shit who corrects internet comments, but it’s ‘tenet’

2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

Actually, that’s totally justified here. That was a brain fart on my part

Lord Hideous
Lord Hideous
2 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

The original way works, if the one saying it lives in the Church (y’know, deep in the basement, with the unused shower and piles of Mt. Dew cans and Cheetos bags. He probably banged your mom too. :P)

Last edited 2 years ago by Lord Hideous
2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

That’s one of the other tenets of the Church of Gaming so I’ll allow it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

Thou art good at spelling on the internet. Shove away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wesley Riot

Maybe the Church of Gaming doesn’t have tenets, but rather tenants and one of them (probably Bob) said “If thou art good at something…”

2 years ago
Reply to  Imjustabill

If Tim reads this, we need a comic detailing all of these tenets and tenants.

2 years ago

Of course they beat it at first try, but in their fourth or fiveth try of the game, knowing all the skills you need, the optimal combination of objects, etc…

2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Nah, different things feel hard to different people, I’ve noticed. I can be genuinely perplexed about what someone else finds hard, because it really was no challenge to me…while another thing that someone else didn’t consider at all difficult gives me considerable trouble. So it’s really believable that on the boss you struggled with, someone else went through on their first try and found it disappointingly easy. One semi-example of this is the ending of Mass Effect 2. I’ve heard some people found the right choices difficult to figure out; meanwhile they all seemed incredibly obvious to me. On the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mnemnosyne

Warframe and games like Elden Ring definitely have that thing where your build can make a HUGE difference, too. Especially in Warframe where each gun/frame/mods you have can massively alter how much ease you have in a number of spots.

My recent example of this was going through Wolcen after my friends had just done so. Got through the whole campaign without dying whereas they did a few times. My skill? No, it was just my build seemed to work better out of sheer luck I chose it.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Mnemnosyne

Hard agree here. And it’s not just boss battles, but tough sections of a game. I was genuinely shocked when learning online that the Water Temple in OOT was almost universally hated. I loved it, thought it was a blast, thought the puzzles were intuitive and the dungeon had an awesome flow. It still is the high point of any playthrough.

Am I just better at video games than the normal guy? HAH, yeah, no. I just, for whatever reason, found that both easy and enjoyable.

2 years ago

I like the spider-sense visual.

2 years ago

One of my favorite things:
Oh it’s so easy, all you need to do is (list of nigh impossible, complicated things)

2 years ago
Reply to  atlachan

My favourite thing i’ve heard was someone saying not to learn parry timings for bosses because it makes them a joke.

Like, yeah, usually the highest risk/reward mechanics offer the best reward.

2 years ago

yeah, well at least Koreans are modest about their 6 fingers in each hand, additional joints and adrenaline boosters of a mongoose. I mean I’ve never heard a bad word from a Korean who stomped me in Starcraft 2 as if I were handless person playing with feet.

2 years ago

You spent a whole day on this comic? Man, I didn’t have that much trouble, came up with a joke and images in minutes!
All you have to do is brainstorm, get an original idea, draw and color. A kid could do it!

/s, if that wasn’t clear enough.

2 years ago

I beat the model helicopter level from whichever GTA it was, first time. My housemate came in just after I completed it and asked how many times it took. Just one, said I. It wasn’t really that hard. At that instant GTA crashed (before I’d saved).

I uninstalled the game a week later after exploding my eye balls trying, unsuccessfully to beat it again 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Spartacus

Similar story in my life, back when I was a kid playing San Andreas, I Unknowingly easily beat two notoriously hard missions (RC Planes & “All you had to do was follow the damn train!”). But that damn lowrider stuff, I probably had to try 30 times to get through the lowrider showdowns.

Also had a similar issue later in life replaying them, the RC planes was so hard I had to turn on the slo-mo hax

2 years ago

What’s even worse is when some part of game is just badly designed and any criticism of it gets brushed away by these trolls as “you just want an easy mode”. Terrible UI? No pause in menus? Bad inventory management? No quest log? Reclearing large areas on death? No respawn point in the boss room? All this and more that is wrong with FromSouls games is apparently me wanting an easy mode. I don’t want easy mode. I want to be challenged by the game, but I don’t want the game to mistake tedium for difficulty. Tons of household emergencies… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

I wouldn’t say the design is bad, it just different. Which can be found as bad, depending on your tastes and needs. True, the Soulsborne-games don’t allow pausing and it is punishing, by enemies respawning after you die. That design choice isn’t for everyone and the game might not suit every lifestyle, if you have little spare times for games. For me, I’ve been enjoying the challenge that comes in many forms. I was iffy about the lack of pause, until I learned to seek the spots (outside of bonfire/lantern/idol/grace, depending on the game) where I can leave my character… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

To be honest, I feel like you are trying to merge together objective facts (“this is bad design”) and your opinion (“I don’t like this thing”). And those are rather murky waters. I’ll take just one of the things you listed to exemplify my point, if you wish to go over the others – just say the word. “No pause in menus?” Does this get in the way of enjoying the game? In your case – probably yes, you went though the trouble of listing it here, after all. But is it an example of bad design or of a… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I just want to point out that the reason they don’t include pause in the main menu is probably because of the “always online” part of the game and not as an integral part of the difficulty or to get the player to set aside large slices of time just to play. That said, you can actually pause the game under certain conditions but it’s not clear if that was an intended way to pause the game or just a consequence of certain design choices. As someone who has done of lot of research into game design, most games have… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

Mmmh, I’d give you the bad inventory, and on the older Souls, the questionable UIs. A complete lack of current quest informations is also questionable (because there is a huge difference between a marker telling you exactly where to go, and a short text reminding you of what you did last, and what last information you got). But I firmly disagree that the lack of pause in menus and respawning ennemis in areas after death/rest making the path to the boss harder are bad design choices. It is however a matter of taste. First, I’d personnally eliminate the emergency issue,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Marseyais13
2 years ago
Reply to  Marseyais13

Honestly, I’m 100% the lack of a pause system is a technical thing rather than a conscious decision the devs made. I don’t think it’s coincidental the only singleplayer Souls-like they made had pausing enabled.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I agree for the oldest games, because technical limitations make sense for these. But they kept this lack of pause in Elden Ring in offline mode, and I might be wrong, but I doubt it is still simply because of a technical issue at this point. I admit this is just me assuming things simply because other games in the past that had both online and offline mode had a lack of pause while online, but a real pause in offline mode (I KNOW I played one before, but I need to look into it to remember which one it… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Marseyais13
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Marseyais13

Honestly, might just be from a game balance perspective, and to not actively reward people who choose to play offline by giving them an easier game.

Abysmal Blaze
Abysmal Blaze
2 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

It might have been a technical thing before, but at least in Elden Ring it’s a design choice, as there actually *is* a way to pause the game. While it’s easy enough to do consistently, it’s obtuse enough to believe it wasn’t intended to be used as a pause button.

2 years ago
Reply to  Abysmal Blaze

Are you talking about the ‘explain element’ or whatever pause? Because I’m wondering if that’s an oversight with them making that textbox treated as a tutorial window (much like the ones in the hole of knowledge).
That being said, what I mean by technical side is not that it’s impossible, but rather just that it might get screwy with the online component. Torrent was originally meant to be constantly around even when off him, but they had to change that too (probably to do with the online component, since you can’t ride when you aren’t alone)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

Without writing an essay… a key part of the Souls games, and other soulslikes, is because it’s not fair, and prevailing in the face of overwhelming, outright unfair odds an experience that the game cultivates, which very few games do.

I was exactly where you were once. Now, I wouldn’t change it. No pause means that in a horrible, unfair battle, if my avatar wouldn’t get a breather, I don’t either. Respawning further from the boss door means I have to be good enough to beat the enemies in this area without taking damage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It also kinda adds weight (no pun intended) to the encumbrance system. No point in having every equipped item add weight if you can switch them out whenever you want.
See an attack coming? Toggle in and put all your tankiest gear on, let the hit happen, then switch back.
They probably coulda worked out a better way to do it that would allow pausing but prevent that, but its easier for them to do it this way.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m not my avatar. Real life happens. If I have to stop playing suddenly because of some emergency or whatever, then I come back and I’m dead because there’s no pausing, that’s simply crap. If the game can’t respect my time, then I don’t respect the game.

“Sorry granpda, I know you fell down and need help. Sorry son, I know you’re choking. Sorry wife, I know you cut your finger making dinner and need to go to the hospital for stitches. But my avatar doesn’t get a break so I don’t either.”

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffff. ????

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago

As opposed to, say, just putting the controller down and helping them? I don’t think you get it. You die *a lot* in Dark Souls. Likely, you will have hundreds – plural – of deaths under your belt by the time you beat it the first time. And not just from bosses – from literally every enemy. The entire game teaches you constantly, and death is the best teacher. It’s part of the gameplay loop. Death isn’t a waste. It’s a minor setback, and if you return to where you died, you’re generally stronger than when you died, and have… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Eldest Gruff
2 years ago


  • if my grandpa fell down
  • if my son was choking
  • if my wife/husband is bleeding very seriously

…then I’d really don’t care what happens to my f*cking avatar.

But that’s just me…

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

Certainly sounds like you at least want an “easi*er* mode”. Sorry, but those things are just par for the course with FromSoftware games. You go into their games being expected to plan, expected to actually dedicate some amount of time to things like Boss Encounters. With the forknowledge that death & resting respawn most things (it IS one of the big gimmicks of their games). It’s ALL part of the challenge, and draw, of the games they make. Expecting them to cater their games to your sense of what “good design” is, based off other games you prefer.. and whinging… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Logan
no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

“I don’t want the game to mistake tedium for difficulty.” So many games and gamers make this mistake. It’s so annoying. Wasting my time is not difficulty, it’s tedium and I have a very low tolerance for it. This is especially prevalent among retro gamers. “You didn’t really beat the NES game if you used save states to avoid replaying half the game if you died!!” Piss all the way off with that mentality. I’m not one for save scumming, but you bet I’m dropping a save at the end of every level and reloading if the game tries to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirra

I mean, that’s part of what creates difficulty though.

You learn the paths, learn the enemies, and have to plan accordingly to succeed.

The inventory management is also pretty good, they even added some good quality of life shortcuts.

The no pausing thing is specifically to get rid of menu abuse tactics, that’s really all the difference pausing makes.

2 years ago

First DS3 run I killed Oceiros first try. On most subsequent playthroughs he cut me into ribbons 2-3 times. I’m objectively a better player now but sometimes luck favours the bold. It’s just the bias of those who get lucky without gitting gud

2 years ago

We all know that guy. Or we’re feeling very called out right now.

2 years ago

That or people needlessly insisting that the newest game in a series is ‘easier’ than the ones before, not realising that maybe the reason it’s ‘easier’ is because of QoL changes and their own experience being much higher.

2 years ago

True story: I was at a friend watching him try to beat the endboss of Mark of Kri for at least 15 min. Then I askes to try (first time playing the game). Beat the boss on my first try..

Sometimes the planets are just aligned the right way..

Michael L Livote
Michael L Livote
2 years ago

I find that when I beat a boss first time out it’s usually just sheer dumb luck. Going back in and playing again I almost all the time need a few tries to repeat that kill. I’m pretty sure it’s the same for many folks but not everyone will admit to it…..

Giuliano Marques
Giuliano Marques
2 years ago

Had this situation with Onimusha 3, my brother-in-law said that was the hardest boss and right on start on the fight I somehow connected 3 critical attacks chained and the boss died. Of course I gave him a condescending look and never admitted it was sheer luck.

2 years ago

…barely an inconvenience?

Chris Berry
Chris Berry
2 years ago

However, this does not apply to Metal Gear Rising.
Nobody ever beat Armstrong in one try!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Berry

Particularly if they were playing with a mouse… What a time to get hit with what’s almost a new mechanic, punished with instant death pretty far from the checkpoint!

Kix Acelot
Kix Acelot
2 years ago

I gotta say I loved playing Elden Ring but it was ridiculously difficult for me (but I’m old so that’s par). But I quit playing when my son showed me speed runs of it and I realized despite the 50+ hours I had already invested in the game I had barely scratched the surface of magnitude of the game. It was honestly demoralizing for me.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago
Reply to  Kix Acelot

That’s your mistake. Don’t watch speedruns; not until you’re done. The fact that you will never be as good as someone who’s devoted hundreds or thousands of hours to perfecting how good and well-timed they press buttons, should have zero impact on how well you enjoy and play the game. Because you don’t need to be that good; you just need to be good enough to win.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Plus those speed runs never look fun. One of my all time favorite games can be done in 10 min (Apparently its the fastest recorded speed run). Is it actually worth doing that just for a generic ending? Where is the game play? The role play element to it? MGS 2 can be done with just over an hour, but without the dicking about (playing with guards) where is the fun in doing that?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kix Acelot

You made the right choice. I’m doing a blind 100% completionist run and I’m 250 hours in. Final home stretch of legacy dungeons but it’s gonna be at least 20 more hours I think. Especially since I’ve got the dreaded Melania fight ahead of me.

2 years ago

Nuh uhhhh

2 years ago

Agreed. I myself couldn’t beat that boss at the end of dark souls tutorial. So after a week of trying I gave up. And at that time people spammed me with messages saying it was easy for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phaet

it took me a shitload of time too and I deleted the game just after that boss and never played a fs game ever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phaet

I just died, and moved on. xD

Usually these first bosses are there specifically to kick your ass in, and get you motivated to come back “Uber leveled” and return the favor, all while teaching you right off the bat that “this game is not going to be ‘fair’ to you”.

2 years ago

So true dude. Lol

2 years ago

I’m always able to prevent those comments when I post. It is super easy.

^(I really hope that the joke is obvious, because otherwise I’m about to get murdered in this comment section.)

2 years ago

Back in high school, my girlfriend had gotten super frustrated at one particular boss she says she’d tried probably 20 times. I picked up the game, and five minutes later beat it. She was both happy and pissed.

Cory B.
Cory B.
2 years ago

I avoid letting people like that get me down by remembering one thing… they’re probably lying.

2 years ago

HA! This is me with Melania! You guys had trouble with her? I way over leveled, used the most baby cheap build with the most baby cheap ash and had NO problem, didn’t even see half her moveset. git gud scrubs 😛

2 years ago

I dunno, it’s never bothered me too much. At least not with people I know or that are civil about it.

What I always find interesting is how different people’s experience is.

Like in Elden Ring I beat the two headed dragon in 3 tries, but my GF still hasn’t managed it. Meanwhile I died like 50 times to Malenia and she won that fight on try 10 or so.

Carl Schmidt
Carl Schmidt
2 years ago

Did anybody beat the Queen Valkyrie in God of War first try? Now that would be impressive…

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
2 years ago

It’s super annoying. On a related note, I’ve seen non-stop complaining about how easy the FFXIV raids are and how they were only challenging the first week but now the bosses fall over, so Square Enix needs to make content even harder to keep players engaged. Suddenly, this week SE brought the ban hammer down on prominent players who were displaying addons on stream, and the community seems to be up in arms about how the content is too hard to tackle without addons. So which is it? Is it so hard that everyone has to cheat, or do they… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Bernie Margolis
Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
2 years ago

As an avid FFXIV player who never watches streamers and doesn’t use addons, I’d say most new content is decently difficulty for the first 2-3 weeks before a tutorial video comes out teaching you the “dance steps”. Afterwards, it will be a pretty random chance if you Duty-Finder cause some randos know what to do and some don’t. Usually about a month or two in most other people know it and anyone who doesn’t will be taught within the first wipe. I enjoy all of it and am usually in after the tutorials but before everyone has it down to… Read more »

2 years ago

Let Me Solo Her

2 years ago

It definitely works across the board.

Probably one of the reasons so many people would rather die, than admit to a mistake/weakness/difficulty in something important to them. Be it games, general life choices, religion, politics…

The ever-present social pressure where, if you do admit it… Someone always shows up to arrogantly pester you about it.

It also explains why so many people would rather repeat the same mistakes forever, than make an honest attempt at changing things.

2 years ago

Skill/reflex based games will be hard for some, easier for others, and compassion/humility is a rare commodity on the garbage that is social media.

Last edited 2 years ago by ThatMageGuy
that guy
that guy
2 years ago

Okay, I have to admit that I am *THAT GUY* when it comes to Skyrim and lockpicking. I see people praising the skeleton key and I just have to add my two cents. And I’m only half ashamed.

2 years ago

As soon as you come to understand the ‘normal curve’, things like that don’t really amaze/surprise you any more. Or like play magic-tg and some of the odds… it’s like they are actually quite regular.

Del Cox
Del Cox
2 years ago

I don’t know what the big deal is. I never find those people annoying.

2 years ago

Today an ad that alternated between panda express and pampers was large and blocked the ability to read your post

Nameless Minion
Nameless Minion
2 years ago

That noob is so slow. I got to that guy’s house in *half* the time he took.

2 years ago

ive kinda been on both sides of this. sometimes im the one going “this boss is impossible!”, im looking at you raven beak…, and other times im the “what? you didnt just do it in one shot?”

2 years ago

“Pro sense is tingling…”

2 years ago

Me with pretty much everyone that declares Crash Bandicoot (any of them) is hard. I just… How? Everything feels pretty well tightly controlled that I just don’t get it…

2 years ago

*Hands them extremely low battery controller hooked up to barely functioning, flickering TV ‘Prove it!’

2 years ago

even more if they did find it diffcult
its a law of the internet to pretend everything is easy to make others feel bad (kinda hate souls for making that community bigger

2 years ago

lol I’ve been going through this exact conversation about Photoshop Flowey on /r/patientgamers this very day…

2 years ago

I don’t remember specific games or bosses, but more than once people discussed finding some challenge particularly difficult where I breezed through it effortlessly on the first try. Then I try to repeat my success only to find it now extremely difficult and that I’d only been lucky. Sometimes it seems to be a matter of pacing, like if you play the game a lot you build the right instincts and muscle memory, but if you play it slower or return to a half-finished game later, you’ve lost that attunement. This especially holds for games without continuation. Like if it… Read more »

2 years ago

It was super easy, /barely/ an inconvenience!

2 months ago

I had a roommate like that once.
No matter what boss/milestone I talked about he’d always respond with “Yeah, that one is easy.” “Wait till you reach XYZ, that’s real hard.” “But it wasn’t on the highest difficulty, so it doesn’t count.” or something allong those lines. It was infuriating.