Sorry for the later-than-usual page. Entered the time wrong in the scheduler.
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15 days ago
The late update only shows that many like what you do. Otherwise they wouldn’t get worried or frustrated. Glad it was something mundane.
15 days ago
Nice 4th wall break in the last panel, like Ethan developed the ability to read the comment section…
15 days ago
I look forward to every update for these two, and i cant wait for their next big super encounter! You do an amazing job of writing these comics and i just wanna say your comic is one of the highlights of my day
The late update only shows that many like what you do. Otherwise they wouldn’t get worried or frustrated. Glad it was something mundane.
Nice 4th wall break in the last panel, like Ethan developed the ability to read the comment section…
I look forward to every update for these two, and i cant wait for their next big super encounter! You do an amazing job of writing these comics and i just wanna say your comic is one of the highlights of my day
I appreciate that 🙂
Glad it was just a technical snafu and not an emergency of some kind. Stay warm folks, it’s brisk out there.
Tim, just admit you were working on time travel… its okay. We’re with you.
Yeah, DeLoreans are hard to find these days.
Nonono, that’s not okay at all. We’ve read Cad 1.0, time travel leads to bad stuff!
No worries! It just means I get CAD two days in a row now.
Prediction: Ethan will sacrifice himself for another, dying, but then will find out he still had his powers all along.
I’m surprised Ethan managed to get through this conversation without misquoting Sam and telling Lucas he wants him to be his mom.
“Lucas, I want you to be just like Sam’s mom to me. You know, to whisper in my ear and stuff like that”