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Console War, p85

June 23, 2021 by Tim

I’ll be streaming Disco Elysium tonight, June 24 at 8pm EST, starting a new game. If all goes well, audience participation should be enabled, allowing you to vote on dialogue choices! Swing by and say hi/hang out with us for a bit!


Once again Sony decided to skip participating in E3 in any direct fashion, instead allowing their presence at the show to be strictly games that “also happen to be” coming to the system. While I assume we may get a Sony-only conference this summer to show off some of their system’s big hitters, not participating in E3 really let Microsoft steal the show (and the press) with their really strong offering.

We’re nearly a year into this console generation already, and most people still haven’t gotten their hands on one. That’s a lot of potential customers that could still be swayed one way or another, and I think Microsoft’s Game Pass continues to be one of the best deals in gaming. So far Microsoft is coming out swinging and appearing to position themselves in a much stronger place than they did last generation.

I don’t know if Sony got used to dominating the last cycle, but if they keep letting Microsoft shout from the rooftops about their exclusives and day-one Game Pass library with no interference, I think they’re going to find themselves fighting an uphill battle.

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3 years ago

sony wants to get in on nintendo’s turf of the on our terms announcements. may or may not be a good idea for them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Nintendo gets away with it because they’re not trying to directly compete with the other two. They’re off in their own little Nintendo world, and that’s fine.

Sony on the other hand is going head to head with Microsoft. The whole “you already know how cool we are, we don’t have to tell you” thing may have worked eight years ago, but today Microsoft is in a much stronger place and Sony can’t afford to just slide any more.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

Nintendo is 100% competing with the other two. They may like to say they aren’t, but they are. Let’s not keep playing into Nintendo’s fantasy. We all know we go to the store and have the choice between Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation to buy these games. All three are in the business of selling us video games and video game subscription services. That’s directly competing.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Oddly enough, I agree with you. The main difference is they’re going about it a slightly different way, making a system that isn’t basically a PC clone. But the fact that they work to get certain titles day-and-date, as well as timed exclusives to certain titles, shows that they’re responding to the other.

After all, Switch gets my money for pretty much every Indie title, and pretty much every multiplat. AAA multiplats might play rougher, but by God I’ll actually have time to play them. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.

3 years ago

Uh huh. Except most people who own an Xbox or a PlayStation, will also see a need to get a Switch, With Xbox and PlayStation, it’s basically one or the other for most people. There’s not much of a reason to get both unless you’re really into games. Whether or not you have an Xbox or PlayStation, people will still see a pretty decent reason to get a Switch. Whether it’s portability, the sheer number of ports, or the exclusives (the lack of power is all the more reason why the Switch is an additional console you get, rather than… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Exactly. Nintendo isn’t directly competing. Most people are buying either an XBox or a PS5, but buying an XBox/PS5 and a Switch.

It’s like any other industry. Motorcycles technically compete with cars in the personal transportation market but realistically the cars companies are mostly competing with each other and motorcycles are an ‘also there.’

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

I agree with you that XBox and PlayStation are far MORE in competition. They have the greater amount of shared software titles, so a gaming customer is far more likely to be in an either-or situation. This isn’t an on/off, either-or situation. Microsoft and Sony are competitors of each other to a greater degree than Nintendo is with either of them, because their product is far more similar. Just as Nintendo and Sony are competitors of each other to a greater degree than Microsoft and Nintendo are, because Nintendo and Sony fight over the Japanese market and share many of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

All of that is false,Nintendo is infinitely far MORE in competition. No, Nintendo has the greater amount of shared software titles. A gaming customer is far more likely to buy the switch. This IS an on/off, either-or situation. Nintrndo is much of a greater degree than Sony and Microsoft is with each other and with Nintendo. Nintendo’s product is far more better and similar. Nintendo and Sony are not competitors of each other. Nintendo is crushing Sony and this is fact. Nintendo is DOMINATING the Japanese market unlike Sony and they have most of the better titles. Nintendo doesn’t compete.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

Uh no, most people are buying a Nintendo switch. Not a PlayStation 5 or Xbox series X/S. Motorcycles don’t compete with cars in the personal transportation market and the cars companies aren’t mostly competing with each other and motorcycles aren’t an also there.

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

All of that is false. Most people don’t own an Xbox or a PlayStation, because they mostly own a Switch. They already saw many reasons to get a Switch. With Switch, it’s the definitive console for most people. And there is much of a reason to get all three consoles. No dude people will always see great and perfect reasons to get a Switch. It isn’t because of handheld reasons, the number of ports, or the exclusives, it’s because it’s a great console that is literally better than the PlayStation and Xbox. The switch doesn’t lack power and no the… Read more »

3 years ago

Dude Nintendo is not competing with them. You may think that they are but they aren’t. How about you stop calling it Nintendo’s fantasy and call it the truth? Nintendo is not competing with them and that is why they are winning this console war. No it isn’t competing. Stop lying. Nintendo isn’t off in their Nintendo world. They are already winning but they don’t know it yet.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
3 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

This is such a silly argument. Just because Nintendo isn’t targeting the specific genres the other companies aren’t that doesn’t mean they aren’t competing. Steam is ALSO a competitor in these markets.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

Steam is not a competitor in these markets and it DOES mean Nintendo isn’t competing.

3 years ago

so far nintendo gained domineering point from e3
on preorders top-10, nintendo seized 6 out of 10 slots, and dominated top 5 solo(metroid dread seems to be nuclear bomb level thread to sony/ms)

Last edited 3 years ago by raven0ak
3 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

if they had dropped some info on prime 4 it would have put nintendo as the winner in this comic. hell a botw2 release date would have nailed that too.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

I honestly think Nintendo decides at the last minute on what to add or subtract, depending on who shows what game. Just as Sony clearly always adapted their presentation to counter whatever Microsoft was doing. Nintendo does this thing several times a year, so it’s almost a mistake to overblow E3 unless they really need to oversell the system. Doing that essentially takes the thunder out of another Direct.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It isn’t a mistake. It doesn’t take the thunder out of another direct. Nintendo won E3

3 years ago

I think Sony is confident about their market share and that they are cutting back on marketing and possibly using that money to rather manufacture more units. Anyone that has tried to buy a PS5 online will have noticed that as batches units come up for sale, they are snatched up within minutes.

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

According to availability tracking, neither of the next gen XBoxes are selling as fast as the PS5’s. In fact, Series S rarely sells out at all due to it being a digital only version of the Xbox 1. Nice try, but the numbers still favour Sony by a large margin.

3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls

All of that is false, all of the next gen xboxes are selling as fast as the ps5s. Series S always sells out and it isn’t a digital only version of the Xbox one. Sorry but no the numbers still favor Nintendo by a large margin

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You are right, and I didn’t mean to imply Series X wasn’t selling; I was merely looking at this from Sony’s point of view and trying to find an answer for baffling behavior. The only thing I can think of is E3 is not as high in their priority list as it is for other manufacturers who have spent a lot of money and effort preparing for the event and accompanying media coverage. As I see it, the reasons can be either incompetence (oops we forgot E3 was happening) which seems unlikely, or it was a conscious decision, in which… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  gnarph

He’s wrong and you aren’t looking at from Sony’s point of view. Nah Sony is going to lose and Nintendo is going to win. And no it isn’t a pretty cool return on an investment. They aren’t going to have more units to sell dude.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Not true. Sony needs to pinch pennies to make more. And no the switch is next gen.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

IIRC, Nintendo was most-watched and most-talked about, though XBox’s presentation was far better, IMO. I don’t think I’ve seen Microsoft pull put a show like that in ten years. Hats off to them.

As long as E3 has gamer consciousness, it’ll be a battlefield. I think that the cost of ‘losing’ E3 is just too high to everyone. No one likes bringing out your A-game, only to have it shouted out by someone else’s.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Hell no. Nintendo’s presentation was FAR better. Nintendo pulled off better shows every single E3. So no. EVERYONE likes bringing out your A game and no it won’t be shouted out by someone else’s dude.

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

When you are so certain of your superiority that everything else sounds like lunacy to you. Had a good kek, nice strip. xD

21st Century Peon
21st Century Peon
3 years ago

“the refurbary”
*golf clap*

3 years ago

Similarly, I would like to point out Triple-E vs Tripoli.

3 years ago

the denial is strong with this one

3 years ago

When first i read “refurbary” i had to think of the “furby”.
Shook my head and reread it, it sunk in! Coffee seems to have missed its target. 🙁

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

Nah, Sony won. I don’t even like PlayStation anymore because of how arrogant they’ve gotten again (BTW, great portray of that arrogance in this strip), but they won. They’re the only ones who didn’t waste my time with a weak show. The only winning move truly was not to play. Xbox did an exceptionally bad job. They had a bunch of trailers that were so vague I don’t know what genre most of the games are, so I don’t even know if I’m going to want to play them or not. And they had a bunch of “coming 2022”. Oh… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by no thanks nintendo
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Ironically, “I wish I hadn’t wasted my time watching this” is basically how I feel after every single State of Play.

Sony used to be the high point of E3 with the biggest bang. If they want to convince gamers to ditch E3, they really need to start bringing their A-game some other time.

As it is, I’m still waiting to find out why I’m supposed to want a PS5. I know why I want a Series X – Microsoft saw to that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

well if you wanna take a crack at cyberpunk on playstation a ps5 is pretty much mandatory. thats a reason at least, even if rather weak.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Not a reason for PS5 over Series X. Or Series S, for that matter. Besides, if your sense of self-worth is low enough, you can always stream Cyberpunk through Stadia. Not like I’d be playing it longer than a few months, anyways. I’m not interested in 90% of Sony’s exclusives. Persona, FFVIIR, and HZD are pretty much it, and I’m pretty sure FFVIIR is a timed exclusive. Jak is pretty much dead. Spyro and Crash aren’t exclusives anymore. InFamous is MIA. And all the oddball Japanese games that used to be exclusively Sony, like Ys, are coming to Switch now.… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Soooo, to translate your long winded post: Microsoft bought all the franchises I care about, so I’m going to go polish their nob for a while, until they do what they always do and run their franchises (minus FORZA) into the ground.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Rake

If you haven’t noticed me before in the comments section. Long-winded is my thing. I’m not gonna give you a TLDR. You don’t like it, fine, downvote me, but don’t whine. And yeah. I go where the games go. If Sony doesn’t give me a reason to buy, I ain’t gonna buy. The only console I ever buy for first parties is Nintendo; the PlayStation or XBox I get for the third parties. And if suddenly those third parties are now Microsoft first parties? Well, problem solved. And if Microsoft runs ’em into the ground, it’s not like suddenly Sony… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Rake

All of that is false. Sony always run their franchises to the ground, not Microsoft.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Nope not a good reason dude. PS4 and PS5 and PlayStation sucks

Last edited 3 years ago by Nintendoman
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

No. NINTENDO is always the highest point of E3 with the biggest bang. Sony was never,

3 years ago

No one can always do an exceptionally bad job. That’s not what exceptional means.

And do you really think the pandemic had that much impact on the output of a purely digital industry? If it did, then several major players are woefully incompetent.

E3 sucked because it always sucks, and it always sucks because the industry sucks. Which makes the use of the word “exceptional” a hard sell for the entire subject.

3 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

Nope, E3 never sucked did and it doesn’t always suck and the industry doesn’t suck.

3 years ago

I couldn’t agree with you more on everything you said.

As a PlayStation fanboy, I too hate how arrogant they’ve become to the point where I don’t even want a PS5.
And looking at E3, everything was either teaser trailers, trailers for stuff we already know exist (there were a lot of trailers for games that have been out for years), or weak trailers for games that no one knows or cares about.
It was just an exceptionally waste of time. Although I did learn that Perfect Dark is getting a reboot. So not a complete waste of time.

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Nope. Ps5 sucks ass. Everything wasn’t teaser trailers and you didn’t know any of this stuff exists. There were no trailers for games that has been out for years, Nintendo did everything for every trailers and they had strong trailers, not weak ones. So no stfu

3 years ago

Wrong, they could’ve played by not going to E3 but releasing trailers and such for their games at the same time online and pretty much mock the companies taking part in E3 for wasting their money in such a crappy show.

Essentially, I think the past few years of E3 have been pretty subpar and crappy. All the game developers seem to release their best trailers and such outside of E3.

Last edited 3 years ago by Urazz
3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Nope. They wouldn’t work for Sony. Nintendo would still beat them. E3 was never subpar and crappy. Nintendo’s game developers released their best game trailers in E3

3 years ago

Yeah no Nintendo factually won. Sony has always been arrogant. And they didn’t win. They lost. Nintendo is the only one that won. And no Sony didn’t have any show while Nintendo had the strongest show. Not playing is not a winning move, it’s a losing. I’ve. Xbox didn’t do a bad job and the trailers weren’t vague, they were pretty good. Most of the games are from great genres. Many are going to play their games. Nintendo is the only one who did infinitely better and factually won E3 and this war, square Enid, and capcom didn’t do a… Read more »

3 years ago

Not sure I agree with that premise. If you are a single-console (ie normal) person which has to make a choice you are still going to have the same influences that you’ve always had: What exclusives do I want (for me it’s Gran Turismo so I’m not interested in a current-gen console for several more months at least – nice going Sony) and perhaps more importantly, which one will I find my friends on most of the time? I have maybe a quarter of an eye on the PC / XBox integration which has been dragging on for so long… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kyz

which console do i want for games i like? sheer quantity, switch. for its cost the others simply have no way of coming even close to the switch in value to me. friends? my friends are pc gamers, mute point for me. outright cost and longevity? well we have seen 2 switch models and those are tuned to specific markets, one the gamer (switch) and one the younger audience (switch lite). both not only cost less then the xbox or playstation but also are set models. ive stopped listening to xbox and playstation announcements cause its just new version after… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Nintendo has quality games dude. And the switch like and the main switch aren’t for younger audiences.

Warren Kelly
Warren Kelly
3 years ago

We’ve had an XBox One for a while now. I bought a PS4 a couple years ago, and a Switch around the same time.

The XBox gets used daily. So does the Switch. The only time we use the PS4 is when we’re playing a Sony Exclusive game (or when I play Star Wars: Squadrons, since GameStop didn’t have the Xbox version when I bought it).

3 years ago
Reply to  Warren Kelly

It’s on Game Pass, with their deal with EA! Granted, your progress won’t carry over.. but its there, for “free” (along with 400+ other titles).

3 years ago
Reply to  Logan

It will carry over dude

3 years ago

My PS5 get’s used from time to time, the new Ratchet and Clank is… A-FREAKING-MAZING, but my Series X get’s a work out. Gamepass is… addictive.

3 years ago

Hell, got an announcement of a sequel to Mario + Rabbids, that pretty much cemented Nintendo winning to me. That first game had no right to be as good as it was. A jewel encrusted golden turd of that year that I really wanted to hate.
Couldn’t do it. Still hate the Rabbids, but turns out they’re better when they’re working off other characters rather than themselves.
Easily one of the best strategy games of the last five years, more hype than I ever thought I’d be for the sequel.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brown

It wasn’t a jewel encrusted turd. It was a jewel encrusted full course meal. And. NO the rabbids are better off working with the levee and with other characters.

3 years ago

To be fair I didn’t know many people cared about E3 any more. I completely forgot about it happening, until I read some article yesterday haha.
From what little I do understand though, E3 almost seems to be a Nintendo showcase, and anybody else who shows up there is just an extra. Either way, I’ll just keep waiting for a PS5. Hopefully I can find one at retail by 2025.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Luc

You do realize that 80% of the games shown before the Nintendo presentation aren’t coming to Nintendo, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

And 80% of that 80% is the same gritty themed military shooter or zombie game.

I mean, I know that’s not actually the case but goddamn, I could not distinguish anything that wasn’t an indie title from each other by the end.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  faaresemo

OK, I know *I* feel that way, but I’ve felt that way since the sixth generation. I felt pretty sure all y’alls loved your gritty-themed-military-zombie-first-person shooty clones.

I mean, I just look at some of this and just see variants of the same thing. TLOU… OK, post-apocalyptic gritty-themed-zombie-third-person-shooty-stealth game. With military folk, but they’re not the main character.

Then there’s Star Wars and Marvel games, which are always fun for y’alls, but I just look at them like all so much licensed garbage.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Right? It’s been like, years that it’s felt like all of that has saturated the AAA and AA markets. Like a decade even. TLOU1 came outin, what? 2013?

You’ve got a good point though, lots of fans out there do get placated by the licensed titles.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Nope, Nintendo is better, most didn’t like gritty themed military zombie first person shooty clones dude. Stfu dude

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

80% of ur games shown before the Nintendo presentation ARE coming to Nintendo dumbass.

3 years ago

It’s bizarre how many people stan for companies who couldn’t give a damn about you and often are abusive towards their customers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Greevar

Nintendo isn’t abusive to their customers. Microsoft and Sony are. Nintendo does give a damn about us.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago

Saying Xbox “won” is quite the stretch. They showed off absolutely nothing new or interesting, just the same old racing and shooter games you’ve already had for several decades.

Even Nintendo’s presentation was a joke.

It was the saddest E3 I’ve ever seen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

All of that is false. Nintendo’s presentation was epic and wasn’t a joke. Microsoft DID show everything new and it wasn’t the same racing after shooter games you have for decades dude, that’s literally Sony. Nintendo won E3 and it wasn’t the saddest E3.

3 years ago

I dunno, I’m pretty sure that Devolver Digital won this E3 by a landslide

3 years ago
Reply to  faaresemo

Nintendo won this E3 by a landslide

David Gibson
David Gibson
3 years ago

It does feel somewhat tacky to gush about all these cool games that are coming up right away that most people won’t be able to buy. There’s no worry about losing your marketing lead when you’re selling 100% of consoles produced before they hit the shelves. And when PS5 supplies have stabilized and anyone who wants one can get one, it makes more sense to advertise the new games. Another possibility was that after a year of the entire gaming industry working from home, the games announced in 2020 were bumped from being the big games of 2021 to the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  David Gibson

Most people WILL be able to buy. Ps5 supplies will never stabilize. And it makes more sense to advertise Nintendo’s games. All of that is false.

3 years ago

Sony really changed when they changed their main HQ from Tokyo to California.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

They moved to “wokesville”, and it shows! >__>

3 years ago

Actually looking at E3 this year, it appears nobody won. Take-2 especially.

3 years ago
Reply to  Prime_pm

Nintendo won

3 years ago

Since no one else has. How many of us have had managers like this?
Go on raise your hands.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

Dangit, only have two hands.

3 years ago
Reply to  nealithi

All of that is false. Sony and Microsoft has managers like these. Nintendo hasn’t.