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Console War, p88

September 13, 2021 by Tim

Live: Got work done early to play some DEATHLOOP and also some Streamraiders, a dungeon raiding game everyone can participate in via a browser!

Xbox has been looking pretty strong this year with some of their previews, and especially on the strength of GamePass and studio acquisitions. But Sony’s showcase last week definitely brought the PS5 back into the fight in a big way.

While we probably all knew we were going to get another Spider-man at some point, seeing it confirmed was nice. Wolverine was a legit surprise I was not expecting (though can some of the other X-men get the spotlight for a change?). And while there has been talk of a KOTOR remake for years now, I would not have bet on it to be a PS5 console exclusive.

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3 years ago

Unfortunately, it’s a remake, not remaster, so there will be changes, and I don’t know how to feel about that. The interviews I’ve read with one guy sound promising, he’s a fan of the series and genre and this is the game that opened that gate and they want to pay homage to that.
But it’s Disney owned, and after the way they butchered the new trilogy, and talks of the same writer being on board with kotOR means I have a bad feeling about this…

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

yeah, at this point we can expect it to be named knights of old rebublic, its theme is star wars, and thats where similarities with KOTOR (old) and KOTOR (new) end

Little smile
Little smile
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

One of the new writers was a writer for the “Mary Sue” site. one that spew alot of hatred against Star wars fans on twitter. plus they already mentioned in an article that they wanted to write the game with a “modern audience in mind’
Yep every hope that it will be even close as good as the original one just went puff.

3 years ago
Reply to  Little smile

Making a story with a “modern audience in mind” is basically just marketing speak that means that the story will be one giant unsubtle message against racism.
On the one hand, I’d like to see how they’d do that in Star Wars. On the other hand… sigh.
Remember when stories against racism used to be good? Like Star Trek? You know, when writers actually tried, and as such actually got a healthy message across? I remember.

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Pepperidge Farm remembers

3 years ago
Reply to  Little smile

Wait, really? Oh. ew. :/

And to think they shut down the fan remake for this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Little smile

Knights of thew oke Republic … lolz

3 years ago
Reply to  Muppet

ppl who will refuse to play that game wont be missed for sure

3 years ago
Reply to  leduk

They’ll be missed in the profit/loss part of the spreadsheet

Philosopher In A Vest
Philosopher In A Vest
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I mean small screen Star Wars has been great, The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars, Bad Batch, etc. I think a lot of people focus too much on the new trilogy as how bad it’s gotten and completely ignore the other stories Mouse Wars is letting happen.

3 years ago

The issue is the writer is kinda well known for having a pretty vocal *ahem* left-ward bent and said that they prefered another bioware game over Kotor.

While not completely damning it isn’t what anyone would call a good set-up either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Critic

Well even David Banioff and DB Weiss wrote a really good game of thrones series, when they were using premade material(Then wrote it off a cliff when they ran out of material). So I don’t think it is too hard to write a good story, when you just need to copy stuff already there.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

At least I still have the original KOTOR, which coincidentally I am about to replay for the first time in a long time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

we’re in 2021. I’m glad it’s a remake and not just a remaster with better graphics. the gameplay got really old.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Was it the mechanics or the story that made KOTOR popular.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vukodlak
3 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Both, I’d say. The core of the mechanics were based on the old D20 Revised pen & paper RPG rule set. So, those of us that came from that *really* understood how to play it better (and even break it/make OP characters). And, Revised was, arguably, one of the better rule sets on the past.

Jason Tompsett-Ince
Jason Tompsett-Ince
3 years ago

Based on how well Spiderman did I thought Nightcrawler would have been a great choice for video game due to how close in action Spiderman and Nightcrawler are.

3 years ago

Except Nightcrawler is very much a devout pacifist. He rarely actually fights directly and uses his powers to keep the others safe more often than not. Would be a lot of fun, just hard to imagine a game like that without tons of direct combat.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

I’ve only seen X-Men movies (as in, no comics), but didn’t Nightcrawler kill someone by teleporting them in front of a train in Dark Phoenix? (granted, he seemed really angry at the time, but still)

Is it different in the comics?

Last edited 3 years ago by Dagroth
3 years ago

I think the KOTOR remake was listed as a “timed exclusive” right? Which means other platforms will get it in about a year… Though that’s still better for the ps5 short term.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ste

Seems KOTOR remake will be available for PC’s also. Is a ps5 exclusive between consoles. But yea I also read timed exclusive somewhere

3 years ago

Sing a little song to yourself General. Sing until the tears stop.

3 years ago

can’t wait to see how they’ll massacre kotor

why do they keep giving star wars projects to people who hate the star wars universe?

3 years ago

Jennifer Hale is confirmed to be coming back as Bastila, so I am VERY happy with that. I’ll be eagerly awaiting it on PC.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

Eh, I don’t get the last panel. The second panel was my estimation of the show as well. Remakes of games I can already play don’t excite me (especially when everything seems to indicate this remake will be butchered and the original will remain the superior version), more third person open world games don’t excite me. The show was Sony re-committing to having absolutely no variety in their lineup of games. And since I’m not interested in the one genre they’ve decided to make, the PS5 is still completely uncompelling to me. Sony fanboys having a meltdown over Uncharted coming… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

I can get people really getting excited about it, since it was a great game. My issue is that with no game video and little details means the game probably isn’t coming out for 3-4 years at best and possibly 5-6 years. How excited can you be for a game not coming out for 6 years?

3 years ago

An “ordinance” is a law/decree

3 years ago
Reply to  SBlack

right, should be ordnance, then again tim wrote propoganda too
someone worked without having their morning coffee lol

3 years ago


3 years ago

Yeah, when I saw KOTOR come up, I had to check to make sure I was watching the right program. Had this minute of “Wait a second, that was on X-box wasn’t it? It’s been awhile, but I’m *pretty sure* it was X-box lol

3 years ago

As an X-Box guy, I wasn’t in a state of panic over the Sony showcase. Some good games in there, but nothing that I would say strongly tipped the scales. Still got Xbox exclusives like Halo to look forward to as well as the fact that Bethesda’s future works are likely hitting GamePass early on.

3 years ago

I don’t see the point of a KOTOR Remake on a console solo. Limited exclusive, maybe.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago

I’m not very familiar with consoles, which ones are those guys? (I can recognise Nintendo Switch, but that’s it)

As one of them mentions spies at Sony, I guess XBOX, or however Microsoft’s consoles are called these days?

Last edited 3 years ago by Dagroth
Christopher Kinnee
Christopher Kinnee
3 years ago
Reply to  Dagroth

Yep. Xbox usually has green eyes, playstation blue.

3 years ago

sounds amazing. sony can keep it…

“Bioware has hired Sam Maggs to re-write Knights of the Old Republic.

Maggs is a SJW activist that hates male Star Wars fans & constantly mocks the fanbase telling them to “die mad about.”

She was was asked about her favorite SW game in 2019 and said “Not KOTOR.””

3 years ago
Reply to  Oracle

I don’t get it. Why re-write? If they are rewriting the game then it won’t be KOTOR Remake, just a new game….

3 years ago

And I’m here, with my pc & my switch, not giving a fuck about console wars and exclusive because I dont even have the time to play all the game I have, not having finished botw yet…

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

Hope Deathloop also gets a comic strip, seems pretty fun from what I’ve seen so far.

3 years ago

I HOPE HK-47 is still in it calling everyone “Meatbags”

3 years ago

Wait, if the general is an older guy, shouldn’t he be a PS2 or PS3?

3 years ago

Ok, I am not going to get excited about KOTOR since it would probably be crappy as its a remake. Well, looks like I am getting old since I feel like most new AAA games are just copies of a copy and publishers are terribly afraid of something new. Anyway, PC is going to get em all sooner or later.

Universal Gamer.
Universal Gamer.
3 years ago
Reply to  Vivicector

I would not Bank on it completely. Yeah. Most your third party games will move to PC. And Microsoft and Sony are still making their own systems basically Computers with Customer Firm ware and graphics. But Nintendo. Who OWNS flat owns some of the most Successful Games of all time will never let legit copies be sold on Computer. Look up a list of the most successful Financially speaking games of all time and Nintendo has 10 of the top 20. Look up the Highest Grossing Franchise in history. Not just gaming but Generally. And Nintendo has Pokémon at the… Read more »