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Coverage, p3

September 20, 2021 by Tim

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Sven Klausmann
Sven Klausmann
3 years ago

Ahhh, that Star Wars easter egg ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Sven Klausmann

Is that even an easter egg? That quote is so renowned that it looks more like a giant-size Christmas tree in the middle of a plaza. In August.

3 years ago
Reply to  ocramot

Ocramot, well maybe two phrases together counts?

3 years ago
Reply to  ocramot

Two quotes. Count’em

3 years ago
Reply to  Chinthor

2 quotes and a paraphrase. The first bit in the last panel is definitely a reference to the “odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field” line and Lilah’s response is definitely a wordier “never tell me the odds”

3 years ago
Reply to  Sven Klausmann

Ya I want to avoid your house around Easter. Your idea of hiding an Easter egg clearly involves framing it in enough lights to be mistaken for an aircraft runway.

3 years ago

rules are to be disregarded by badass dead journalists that have a job to do

3 years ago

I don’t mean to sound like an asshole but that face of her going up the stairs is really poorly chosen for the situation she is in (going up the stairs).
I can imagine it must have been dificult to chose one but hot damn, this is not it.

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

Not everyone gets winded from going up a couple flights of stairs lol

Her expression just seems sorta determined to me, and very unfazed by the tentacles outside. As an intrepid reporter should be

3 years ago
Reply to  tempusfugit

Lol. that was not what I meant. My point was exactly that she should look determined, like she did on the motorbike.
Not sure how many people here have run up stairs lately but usually the torso leans forward, as well as the head.
The face looks blank rather than unfazed.
I did giggle at all the hate my comment got.

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

Yeah, I mean, if you’re gonna hate on slick, sexy, and strong; well then, you deserve the comments. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

well, consider that maybe her body is fit, and not fat/lazy slob

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

General advice: If there’s ever a situation you feel you need to start a sentence with “I don’t mean to sound like an asshole but…” you’re gonna sound like an asshole.

Last edited 3 years ago by reese
3 years ago
Reply to  reese

(or add any negative identifier like sexist, racist, etc.)

Markus Ziegler
Markus Ziegler
3 years ago
Reply to  reese

Absolutely. But sometimes, the world just needs an asshole!

Although, I’m not sure what the issue with this particular facial expression was. She may be climbing toward certain injury and possible death, but she’d do it again in a heartbeat! That’s what I’m reading into this image, and I think it’s exactly what Tim intended it to look like.

3 years ago
Reply to  Markus Ziegler

Thanks for the serious reply. You can see it’s a good one because you have very little upvotes. People just wanted you to pile on me.
The face is too blank. She should look determined and ready for adventure. And also, when running up the stairs I usually lean the torso forwards.
If you want an example just look at the first motorcycle panel. She looks brave and ready for a fight there.
The last face just looks odd and out of place.

Again, my opinion. Not trying to bash Tim (thus the asshole intro)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

I dunno, to me, it looks kind of like, “Convicted,” or “determined,” or maybe even “naive but sincere idiot about to be killed, thinking, ‘I’m a badass journalist with a job to do.’ “

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I approve of this change. It is now canon.

Wesley Riot
Wesley Riot
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim


3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well I certainly approve of this change.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I love how everyone and their mother just assumed I meant she should be exausted, you included Tim. That’s why I started with “I don’t mean to sound like an asshole”. That is a sitting idly in traffic face. She is about to face adversity and uncertainty. And you drew her arms wide apart which means she is running up the stairs. My perspective is that she should have a “ready for action” face while, obviously, making an effort since she is running. I didn’t mean she needed to look like she was struggling. Now, you can either think I… Read more »

Lil Sebastian
Lil Sebastian
3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

She just made a quip in that frame. I don’t usually quip with my ‘hiking a mountain to fight bears’ face. Unless it’s a really really good quip and I’m actively fighting bears.

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

I think you’ve completely forgotten that she’s a badass journalist that has a job to do.

3 years ago
Reply to  deeketr

Ok…. So what exactly should her face be after clearing a flight of stairs?

3 years ago

Hehe counter tropes. She had better Hope there aren’t any smaller beasties about.

3 years ago

And then she dies and the next journalist learns to take proper safety precautions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lily

Oh my, you’re an optimistic one.

“Get me that story!” “Yes boss” +1 more again…

3 years ago
Reply to  wkz

You mean “get me TO that story!”

3 years ago

To each Superman, a Lois Lane.

A young and hungry reporter looking for a break will take risks to get ahead, otherwise this would be a boring story about the rest of us that played it safe 😉

Imperator Ruscal
Imperator Ruscal
3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

but.. Lois wasn’t “a young and hungry reporter looking for a break.” She was already at the top of the field, a world-renowned investigative journalist who had by-lines on stories that affected nations and the world economy well before her first time seeing/writing about Superman. Sure she actively chased stories (that’s what got her to the top spot), but when she tells Perry that she can handle it he believes her because she has a proven track record of handling it; and she [mostly] pulls back herself prior to getting to far underwater (at least until she meets & starts… Read more »

3 years ago

Huh thanks, I never knew that about Lois Lane. I guess I assumed that she couldn’t be super important if she worked with farmboy Clark Kent. Most of my Superman knowledge comes from adaptations and second-hand.

Christopher Kinnee
Christopher Kinnee
3 years ago

Perhaps Lilah is playing Lois’ backstory, then. From when she was still a little green, but not afraid of a challenge.

3 years ago

I wonder if Analog and D-Pad are skirting the edges of this fight doing damage/crowd control and end up saving her life.

3 years ago

I know the bumbling idiot thing is the schtick, but I can’t express how badly I want her to finally get to see Analog in action being a competent hero.

3 years ago

She’s a lone wolf looking for trouble

3 years ago

The correct response to a Star Wars quote, even unintended and out of context, is an intentionally better Star Wars quote. This is the true measure that yes, Lilah is awesome and a badass in all timelines.

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago

I trust Lilah’s ability to walk up a flight of stairs, but DANG I would be uncomfortable so near the edge of that stairway with no railing, lol. I applaud her determination, and I’ll wait at the bottom to hear how it went, haha.

Also, I like her bike. Looks cool.

Last edited 3 years ago by Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

It’s got a center railing, the perspective just makes it hard to see next to her. If you look more towards where the landing you can see the edge there has a wall.
But I might still wait at the bottom of the stairs with you.

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

omg, you’re right. My perspective made my mind go all M.C. Escher on me, haha

3 years ago

Are we going the full Cloverfield? I predict something horrible will try to skewer her next page.

3 years ago

We all know how this is going to play out, right ? Lilah will get to the roof, the roof will collapse, Ethan will try to save her, she will end up saving Ethan, Ethan will die anyways and come back saying “meh, no big deal”, Lilah will freak out.

3 years ago

…Should have kept the helmet on.

3 years ago

I love how Lilah is doing the badass journalist route that gets most people in trouble, but then again anything for a story, right?

Going to say it here: Loving the comics but hoping Ethan doesn’t hook up with Lilah. I miss Emily and loved the original CAD comics, I just don’t like the idea of the base history repeating itself but in a different variant. But I’m not the story creator and it’s not my call to make.

Still going to enjoy the story regardless.

3 years ago

I kind of love how her motorbike of choice is a cafe racer.(people under, I dunno, 50, look it up)