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June 25, 2021 by Tim

My wife and I recently finished It Takes Two, which was an absolutely fantastic co-op game (even if the central message is a bit naïve).

She doesn’t play a lot of console games, so the lack of controller muscle-memory made some of the more intense platforming a bit of a challenge for her, but fortunately the game is very forgiving with its checkpoints.

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3 years ago

until death do us part XD

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

You beat me to it 😛

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Unless necromancy is used then it might be longer.

Robert Rooke
Robert Rooke
3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

A necromancer is just a healer with bad timing. Personally though, if my wife had even an inkling of interest in playing a video game with me I would totally be just as patient.

1 year ago
Reply to  Robert Rooke

I always said when I tell others. There are no differences between a White Mage such as myself and a Necromancer. We both will raise our army.. and if it doesn’t do as we require. We will put them right back into the ground lol.

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

You can’t spell necromance without ROMANCE.

3 years ago
Reply to  SCIENCE!!

You’re a dying breed.

3 years ago

Someone should have warned them that Hideo Kojima was getting better at creating realistic experiences and had moved on to spider horror so realistic it’ll scare you out of your skin and web the remains.

3 years ago

He, this remind me in the Gears of War 4, there is a moment in wich you must run across a field evading the typical things that kill you in one touch. My girlfriend and me spent more that 40 minutes in that scene because one always was killed. “This way is easier” and “damn it, follow my lead” didn’t help XD

3 years ago

I’m impressed. The players died. Normally bodies go into a state of decay and then mummification. It takes ages for only a skeleton to remain. AND LOOK AT THOSE CONTROLLERS! They still look brand new! Now THAT’S quality I tell you! But then, I’m guessing that was actually the point Tim was trying to make. Love may decay, but game controllers are forever!

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

“Waiting so long that I’m now a skeleton” has been a meme format for like fifteen years, dude.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It’s 2021, i’ve been seeing that joke in cartoons since the 80’s when they were running reruns of cartoons from the 50’s.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

And? It’s refreshing as hell to see someone take that absurdity and run with it like this

3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

instead take a look on clothing; long enough to reach skeleton stage and clothing is still mint condition, that’s some quality not often seen

Aston Whiteman
Aston Whiteman
3 years ago

Did your wife write the script for this one..?

It is sweet.

3 years ago

I’m guessing Tim is going to be sleeping on the couch for a few days as a result of today’s comic. XD

3 years ago

I was skeptical of the game “it takes two”. The graphics where fluffy and colorful and i honestly tried it because a mate said it was good. And oh boy was i wrong. This is a classic case of me, judging a book by its cover. I am more an MMO/shooter player but on PC. So playing on a controller is pretty hard for me. But i had a blast! The puzzles, the co-op, the bosses. All of them where fresh experiences for me. The story … i mean… its not twilight bad, but i wouldn’t call it deep. But… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by evilleet
3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Twilight is the greatest love story of all time.

Kix Acelot
Kix Acelot
3 years ago

My kids got my wife into playing Subnautica on the Xbox and immediately stressed her out with their “helpful” advice about controls and where to go. Now she won’t play it when they are around which is terrible because she loves it.

Robert Rooke
Robert Rooke
3 years ago
Reply to  Kix Acelot

Similar issue with my kids wanting me to play Minecraft with them. I still do, but its painful listening to 2 kids fighting over how things look, and who’s building a cart track through the middle of the others project… usually devolves into E-Bloodsport…

3 years ago

I remember spending over a year teaching my mother how to play Timesplitters Future Perfect, just so I’d have someone to play with.
We both eventually got good enough to be able to play the game on hard mode together without any trouble.

She’s still terrible at all other games though.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Wife and I used to play Rayman: Legends and Origins all the time. Awesome couch co-op.

The whole “everything is dangerous and will kill you super fast” thing made it better. In single-player, you hit anything, you restart from the last checkpoint. In two-player, any player hit turns into a bubble free-floating on the screen, and respawns when the other player pops that bubble. You only restart if both players die at the same time.

So she -never- felt like she was slowing me down; and we both died a ton and were ‘rescued’ by the other. Great fun.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Relationship goals

3 years ago

That sofa must be synthetic 🙂

Teancum Quist
Teancum Quist
3 years ago

This was the exact experience my wife and I had playing it takes two a few weeks back. She laughed so hard at the last panel. Though not as much as she cringed when attempting to murder that elephant.

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago

Hey, I loved the central message! (Assuming we’re talking about the same thing; we just finished the snow globe.) Some relationships may have insurmountable hurdles that take awhile to rear their heads, but I’m sure plenty just need some rediscovery, and a magical trust-exercise adventure can certainly count towards that. Experiences can drift people apart, but that doesn’t mean they can’t drift back together. I mean for Pete’s sake, the goal of couple’s counseling isn’t naïve! I’ve really appreciated how reluctant they’ve been to be influenced; it not only draws out the story, but makes it feel a lot more… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Del Cox
3 years ago

Finished it with my boyfriend couple of weeks ago. Had a bit of laugh on his jumping fails but he got his revenge while I was doing Helltower. He played on friend-pass and didn’t bother with achievements, while I was on full game and got everything, so he just watched how I almost burn my chair. Anyway, we had our fun with the game and our not first but most successful co-op.

3 years ago

Me and the wife played the game as well.
She even cried a bit at the ending.