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Downtime, p20

March 11, 2024 by Tim

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5 months ago

Well, that was a shocking twist.

Tim Tucker
Tim Tucker
5 months ago
Reply to  Willess12

For someone with a huge backlog, I certainly wouldn’t have predicted a 2023 game to be picked either.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 months ago
Reply to  Tim Tucker

If it was me, and I was given the ability to force any game from the backlog…

… literally any game at all…

… we’re picking up where Emily left off with JRPG exposure therapy.

At the very least, it’ll be cathartic for Scott.

5 months ago

I hope hes got a spare battery handy, its going to run out of charge really quickly.

Kat Gaea
Kat Gaea
5 months ago

Why do I suspect that while Ethan went too cautious, the people round him aren’t cautious enough… Scott is totally going to accidentally give Ethan a heart attack with that shock taser stick isn’t he?

The Legacy
The Legacy
5 months ago
Reply to  Kat Gaea

Hey, what better way to see whether his superpower is still active or not? 😁

5 months ago
Reply to  Kat Gaea

He damn near gave Ethan a heart attack just by SHOWING the shock stick.

It does make me wonder if he’s intending this session to try and test Ethan’s powers in a more controlled manner (ie in a way he can be manually revived just in case….)

5 months ago
Reply to  Terry

Luckily this is a superhero comic because irl that is not even close to controlled.

5 months ago
Reply to  Kat Gaea

I think that would be too easy. We have an interesting dynamic where he can’t ‘use’ his powers. We haven’t seen any conflict arise from it, except some personal discomfort. But his powers were for fighting crime. There’s many situations to imagine where he’ll feel guilt that he isn’t out there protecting people. He got killed a few times trying to protect criminals. How would he feel if someone like his sister had been in danger? Or a child? Even then I wouldn’t kill him and respawn. You would want him to succeed and go fight crime, never knowing if… Read more »

5 months ago

This reminds I could also get Dredge off my backlog. Too bad there’s no one around with authority to enforce 😀

5 months ago
Reply to  Gabriell

Ditto… It looks like an amazing game.

5 months ago
Reply to  Gabriell

It is a simple fun game, and I don’t think you will be disappointed if you play it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Gabriell

On my steam account I have 7 games I play often, 15 games when I need a break from those, and 47 I have in backlog…. (face-palm) Sadly I’m 64 and games just aren’t as fun when my hand-eye coordination isn’t what it was 20 years ago…

5 months ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

I’m turning 40 this year and I’m already feeling that…

5 months ago

I found the solution: I mostly play games where this doesnt really matter. Solo game or turn based games or strategy games…

5 months ago
Reply to  Gabriell

Highly recommend it, super fun and beatable in 1-3 play sessions depending on how good you are. It’s very bite sized and leaves you wishing it was longer but it’s absolutely worth the play through. Upgrading your ship is satisfying and the sanity mechanics are top notch.

5 months ago

Ask and you will be given. Now less complaining and more push start button

5 months ago

Forced enjoyment … reminds me of the simpsons where nelson tells bart how he has to eat …

5 months ago

explaining this to the date would be hilarious.

5 months ago

And the taser turns out to make Ethan respawn without killing him?

5 months ago
Reply to  MAC089

Incidentally, I tried to edit my comment, and the system complained about my perfectly valid email address without giving me any way to change it.

5 months ago
Reply to  MAC089

Oooooh i’ve had that error too recently!

5 months ago

Dear Tim: I really like this Scott and I do understand why he did what he did. PLEASE don’t get rid of him or turn him into a villain.

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe

Does it have to be so absolute? I think many of us would agree that a “failsafe” on Zeke was necessary, and thus agree with Scott. Those events are still to pan out and in Zekes point of view Scott is certainly a villain already.

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe

Scott did what he did in an effort to protect, misguided as it was. A villain does things regardless of who or why it hurts. I can’t condone what he did, but I understand it. When you lose someone you’re close to (his sister) like I did, you have a knee-jerk reaction to ANY threat. Hurting Zeke was that reaction, he refused to believe Zeke was alive, and couldn’t accept that he was no longer a threat.

5 months ago

Oh joy, I almost forgot how fun it is to anticipate Ethan getting tased 😀

5 months ago
Reply to  Maxwell

That’s not a tazor, it’s a cattle prod, they can literately cook a toad or a crayfish. I seen it done. We have cows, trust me it’s WAY worse than a tazor… My brother-in-law is a prankster and I’ve had a “taste” of what it feels like… A tazor uses very high voltage and almost no amps, a prod is designed to get through a cows hide, MUCH more amps! And leave blisters…

5 months ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Interesting, not a native so I thought “tazed” means “electrocute someone with a tool designed for it”… plus “prod” doesn’t really give me that image of cooking an amphibian with it. I hope neither You nor our beloved protagonist gets any blisters to deal with.

5 months ago
Reply to  Maxwell

He got me on the bare calf, so yes I had 2 small blisters from it. A tazer uses 50,000 volts at 0.002 amps (0.2 milli-amps), hurts and can scramble your nerves but harmless. A prod runs at only 10,000 volts but carries 0.02 amps, if your heart gets more than 0.06 amps it’ll stop. We use an electric fence to keep the adults in, that one runs 14,000 V @ 0.02 amps, trust me you’ll take a knee if you’re not careful! We have a herd of the larger cows, the bull weighed 2300 lbs! You have to have… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Growing up we had cows and also the electric fence with 14k V @ 0.02 amps. We never worried about the cows but one summer had a new bull in the field and worried that he would just run through it, since he didn’t know and respect the fence yet.
Luckily he was curious and wrapped his tongue around the fence before the next pulse hit… He stayed far away from the fence after that.

5 months ago

I’m gonna be just as giddy seeing this play out as when my friend showed it to me :-3

5 months ago

Tim, i really like Scott as he is now. He had his ups and downs but pleases me so much seeing him as a close friend and family member to Ethan and Lucas.They have deep scars but also deep ties. Hope he doesn’t side with a dna-altered, crazy-alien-penguin and turns into a supervillain…

5 months ago

“It puts the game on the screen, or it gets the shock again.”

5 months ago

Nobody else find Lucas a little hypocritical here? He told Ethan many times that it was an error to date a reporter and even exhort him to try and date someone else to forget about Lila (The whole Emily fiasco) even though Ethan still wanted to try to be closer to Lila and was falling for her. He insisted he should let it go and forget about her for the sake of their secret identities and to protect their safety. And here he goes making the same mistake by dating a cop and risking everything. And nobody seems to call… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Johnny

oh, 100% and I think Lucas knows he is being a hypocrite. which makes it even worse.

robert d
robert d
5 months ago
Reply to  Johnny

but he already called himself out on it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Johnny

big difference is: lucas isnt an idiot, where ethan totally is one. A lovable idiot, sur, but still an idiot.

5 months ago
Reply to  Johnny

Lucas is lying to himself by saying its a booty call. Ethan wanted a romantic relationship from the very beginning. While the arguement can be made he’s a hypocrite regardless, the perceived relationships are entirely different

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
5 months ago

Nothing like a cattle prod to make your decision stick.

5 months ago

Or cause short-term memory loss… depends on where you use it. Behind the ear would do it. We had a bull (who became freezer bait) that was very aggressive, at one point he kept trying to horn me, so being fed up, I took the prod in with me and when he thought he had snuck up on me, I used it between his eyes, dropped to his front knees and seemed to forget what he was doing! Never tried that again. We butchered him shortly after that, when he rammed a young heifer through the hot fence gate to… Read more »

5 months ago

to be honnest, I’d rather get shocked than play dredge…