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Gotta Go Fast

April 28, 2023 by Tim

In the very near future, I’m going to be launching a Kickstarter for a fun, quick card game I designed. This will be my first non-CAD-related Kickstarter.

When I put out a book of the comics, it’s 100% for you, the people that read the comic. You’re the only people I need to tell about it, the only people who would care. CAD readers are the audience for CAD books, and it’s as simple as that.

For this project, though, I have no idea what to expect. I’m certain there’s some crossover, some percentage of my audience that enjoys tabletop card games, but I can count on nothing, assume nothing. I may need to reach further. So I’m going to ask for your help.

Obviously I’d appreciate it if you would check it out when we go live. But more than that, I need to get as many eyes on the game as possible, in the event that the percentage of CAD readers interested aren’t enough to get us to our goal. So when the project launches, I’d ask you to consider sharing it around, on social media or wherever. Expanding the reach beyond my typical boundaries may be the difference between making it happen or not.

You can use the above link to be notified when the campaign launches, but I’ll give you a heads up here as well. I don’t know what will happen with this, if it will do anything or not, but I’ve had a lot of fun designing and playtesting the game so I’m excited for this next step regardless.

I’m excited for Jedi: Survivor. Jedi: Fallen Order was great. Not perfect, but great. And Survivor looks even better. Gameplay looks tight, reviews so far are very positive, and I can’t wait to wield Cal’s lightsaber(s) again.

Buuuut… from the moment I pick up the controller, I know I won’t be able to ignore the ticking clock in the back of my mind. The sound of May 12th speeding in my direction.

It’s not rational, it’s artificial and self-imposed, but it happens when two (or more) games I’m dying to play release too closely to each other. I know myself too well. I know that if I stop playing game A to dabble with game B, nine times out of ten I don’t make it back to game A for years. And if I postpone game A until after I’m done with game B, by that time game C will be out, then game D, etc, and it’ll be years before I get to game A…

But I’m not panicking yet…! I think I can do this. Two weeks should be plenty of time to finish Survivor… should be. Depends on the collectables situation. Three weeks would feel better, but I think two is doable. Ponchos I could ignore, but I think this time they’ve got some cool outfits to find. We’ll see.

I certainly don’t want to rush through Survivor or anything, but Tears of the Kingdom is a pretty hard GOTY-sized monster to ignore. The track (my free time) can’t accommodate them both simultaneously, so I’ve got to make two weeks work if I don’t want Jedi Survivor getting obliterated.

I can do this.


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1 year ago

I suppose one of these days I should actually finish BotW. I had the usual problem, trying to 100% but losing interest in the game first 😛

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

I only finished it recently because I was doing something else in Hyrule Castle, wasn’t paying attention to where I was, climbed a wall and “Sanctum: Calamity Ganon”

“Oh…well I guess we’re doing this then”

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

The only way I’m going to be able to finish games is if I quit trying to 100% them. I’m done with all of the divine beasts, pretty sure I have all of the shrines, and only have a few more shield slots to open. However, I haven’t played it in 2 years and feel like I’ll need at least 10 hours to remaster the mechanics just to be ready for endgame.

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

The important thing is to have fun, anything else is extra.

1 year ago
Reply to  RblDiver

well, for me I likely wont ever get to finale on botw or skyrim, and think same will happen to tok; but that wont sotp be enjoying it to fullest …both botw and skyrim have like thousand hours in, just enjoying exploring ,combating standard stuff etc and avoiding finale so it wouldnt end

1 year ago

You really hit the nail on the head this time! I’m honestly considering just wishlisting star wars for now, I won’t be able to enjoy it fully in the timeframe, and not even Jedi mind tricks could keep me from playing the latest Zelda on release day(and I don’t expect to be able to put it down either!)

1 year ago
Reply to  Amarant

I plan to finish TotK first and then by then maybe they’ll have optimised Jedi:S. Would rather play that on PC.

Martijn Takke
Martijn Takke
1 year ago

Hey Tim, I’ve been reading your comics for years, not since the very beginning but close to it. Never really commented, but I feel I should now. Me and my wife are avid boardgamers, and have an Insta account called @themeeplepeeple through which we share our opinions about and experiences with our games, and also (p)reviews of (upcoming) new games that will hit crowdfunding. We’d be more than happy to have a look at a prototype of your card game and put a spotlight on it, if that’s something you would like. Also, there’s alot of popular Insta boardgaming accounts… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Martijn Takke
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago

I guess if we suddenly get another series of The Starcaster Chronicles, we know that Tim decided on “Why not both?”

1 year ago

God, do I KNOW that feeling. I am trying to get done with the DLC for HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: BURNING SHORES.

But I have so many real-life obligations grabbing my attention!

1 year ago
Reply to  NeonKnight

I’m in the same boat, but I tried to play through both games before doing it. I’m… not doing well. Still just maybe 10 hours in to FW base game. So many things to try to accomplish. Good problem to have I suppose.

1 year ago

In the Venn diagram of console owners and hand held owners, I am in the part of the circle that doesn’t also own a handheld. Also in the Venn diagram of frugal gamers and gamers who buy games on day one, I am in the part of the circle that can wait until Black Friday. I’m just chillin’ at the train station.

1 year ago
Reply to  DeusFever

Looking at the reviews, it seems like waiting for a discount wins out again. Jedi Survivor is sitting at 44% positive on steam, due to bugs and stuff. Not only does waiting get you steep discount, but often times the games are less buggy and some times even include bonus content for free.

1 year ago

I found Jedi: Fallen Order to be meh at best. I’m not even jazzed about Survivor. I probably won’t even open it up in the download store.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joel

It is at 44% on steam right now. Buggy launch mess strikes AAA games once more.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joel

I feel you, exact same. Some soul-light wanabee in the star war universe: meh.

1 year ago

You Can do this, but remermeber you aren’t alone. Get the competent family members involved on the condition that you are present with them when they play then multitasking is possible, and any grind time can be sped up. Did that with some RPGS and online games myself, was great fun for all.

1 year ago

I suppose I think of “Being a Jedi” as more of a power trip to some degree rather than a case of the “Dark Souls Vulnerability” thing, I couldn’t get into the gameplay of Fallen Order very much.

1 year ago

Not really a problem waiting Jedi survivor out.

The first one was very, very bland fare and the new one seems to have a bunch of problems, so I’ll gladly wait for it to make its way to Gamepass eventually.

1 year ago

Are you going to release the last 3 console wars posters before you launch your game? I’ve had three blank frames on my wall for a long time now.

1 year ago

I often back Kickstarter games, so I will definitely check it out!

1 year ago

I’m in an MBA program. We got 6 weeks off for spring break. Classes start back up May 12th.

It feels unbearably cruel.

1 year ago

1. I don’t have friends to play tabletop games with, otherwise I’d be all into the various CAD, C&H etc card games (like Cards against Humanity).

2. I’m likely going to keep playing Valheim or go to the gym more now that I’ve begun exercising, but I might play Tears of the Kingdom after my brother is finished with his playthrough.
FOMO is a part of us all but I hope to minimize it.

Michael Livote
Michael Livote
1 year ago

Sorry Tim, but you sir are screwed ?

1 year ago

Well crap, I haven’t even played Fallen Order, but it’s supposed to be the most KOTOR-like star wars game to date? I might have to jump on that…

1 year ago

I am on the same page, but the train I am on is called Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. Seriously couldnt Nintendo have waited with that DLC till after Zelda?

1 year ago

Honestly, just shelve Jedi: Survivor for now because you won’t be able to move for TOTK news and discussion when it comes out. I was really excited for Last of Us to finally come to PC, but I was working on Mass Effect 3 (a decade late, I know) and so determined to finish that first. Lo and behold, Last of Us launched with tons of problems, and I’m now quite content to wait sone more until it’s fixed and on sale. Trying to savour something on a tight deadline sucks, it’s like those fancy restaurants that do set “seatings”… Read more »

1 year ago

Better than me. I can’t play Jedi: Survivor because I don’t have a PS5. I know this sounds like a first world problem but with all my friends splaying it and gushing I’m feeling quite left out.

Marty Hartwick
Marty Hartwick
1 year ago

I’ll be honest, after BoTW, I think I’m all Zelda’d out. Obviously this new direction is successful, so more power to them, but I couldn’t stand BoTW. It was like an RPG-lite, Action-lite, open world-lite, story (very) lite. Just felt like it was trying to be everything and didn’t deliver more than mediocre results in every category compared to “good” games in each of the aforementioned categories. BoTw2 would normally go on my “buy when 75-80% off” but since Nintendo is allergic to sales, probably means I won’t ever play it, unless the kids decide they’d like it for Xmas… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Marty Hartwick

yeah I didnt love the last zeldas. I think the last I really, really enjoyed was majora’s mask.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marty Hartwick

Bummer! I’ll be honest, I had a blast with it and it gave me great joy. I’m eagerly awaiting this new one! I hope you have some other releases coming up to look forward to.

1 year ago

Don’t get me started on the backlog of games I bought but have not finished(or even really started). I typically don’t buy games on release, especially the big $60+ AAA games. If I am going to let them sit for a while anyway, may as well get them at a discount and play at my convenience. Not to mention there are a ton of complaints about jedi survivor running like crap, which is common for these big games these days. Get the game a year from now and it will be cheaper and the bugs will all be sorted out.… Read more »

1 year ago

The death of many games were the release date as much as anything, same could be said of movies and TV but games the most of all. In that case, it’s who hyped their game the loudest and longest got the bulk of the buyers. Any other game released at the same time got ignored and forgotten, I’ve lost track of how many great games died because they lacked the hype that the biggest devs used to get our attention.

1 year ago

ah the benefits of being a broke bitch and only getting a couple games every now and then. youll never have this problem

Chris j
Chris j
1 year ago

You’ll be reet, just main the story, forget the treasure hunts and crack on

Jacob Field
Jacob Field
1 year ago

Well, if you’re getting Jedi Survivor on PC, good news! Apparently, the game isn’t actually going to be PLAYABLE until after you’re finished with Zelda Tears, so no conflict! *sigh*

1 year ago

Man 2 weeks is tons of time unless you have a wife and kids and other commitments ow you do ahh yea thats a tough one. To me i do not mind if 100% completion of a game is a distant pipe dream so long as i managed to enjoy the main questline or what ever objectives i felt were fun

1 year ago

There must be some way of converting this to that trolley problem illustration!

1 year ago

Make an inbox, and play them in the order in which they are received…

1 year ago

At least for me, there wont be trainwreck to come; for SW game, it carries logo of EA, eg I will happily skip over, and get to also skip any shittery EA pulls

1 year ago

Cant you delay game b until game a is done? I didnt see that as an option

1 year ago

Judging by release day, as per EA custom, it’s going to be a good year or two before the game is playable. You have plenty of time, Tim!

1 year ago

tbh I absolutely disliked the first jedi game, and I played zelda for like 10h, so I dont feel concerned at all. I’m wishing you luck anyway! And no stress, they just are videogames (I feel old saying that). And you dont have to play them the day they’re out….

Last edited 1 year ago by leduk
1 year ago

Considering Jedi Survivor is a trainwreck on PC, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tears of the Kingdom does much better, unless it too releases as a trainwreck.

I don’t preorder games anymore, nor do I get any games at launch, so I avoided that mess. Jedi Survivor looks like one of those games I’m going to get when it’s on sale now and the optimization of the game will be most likely complete.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urazz

I highly doubt Tears of Kingdom will release as train wreck, 1) its switch only ,2) its from nintendo first party and 3) its new mainline entry to one of their top series

Last edited 1 year ago by raven0ak
1 year ago

“We must go faster, must go faster, GO GO GO!”

1 year ago

Jedi Survivor runs like dogshit on PC, DO NOT GET IT ON PC! a fucking disgrace! So many awful ports lately.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sweetos

this and the last of us seems to be so awfull on pc… better wait and play something else instead.

1 year ago

Thanks for these game related comics. These are really fun to come back to.