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Graphic Violence

August 30, 2019 by Tim

In my wife, I have a lifelong video gaming buddy; she will happily play most titles with me if I invite her to. We raided in WoW together for years, we play board games together, etc. But she is not so avid a gamer on her own to have developed any sort of controller-button muscle memory. Thus quicktime events tend to be her Kryptonite.

We really enjoyed Until Dawn when it came out. In fact, we immediately reloaded it and played through it a second time to try for a better ending. So we’re really excited to get into Man of Medan this weekend, especially since the game is now officially supporting controller passing in couch-co-op mode, something we were doing anyway.

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5 years ago

LOL its a good thing he has that blanket, because with comments like that, he’s gonna be sleeping on that couch for quite a while… 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Medica

…just according to keikaku two comics ago.

5 years ago

My fiance loves watching Let’s Plays, mainly Mark and Jack, and Until Dawn was one of our favorites to watch along. She told me about this game and we are stoked to start watching it.

5 years ago

That’s my wife too man. Love that she plays games with me, but man she hesitates Everytime before pushing a button. It kills me to watch.

5 years ago

Someone is going to be sleeping on the couch for the night I think.

5 years ago

I hand my controller to my wife for the QTE, she’s a pro at it. I… get really annoyed with them.

5 years ago

Thats a pain I’m familiar with.
‘turn left hun’…. ‘no.. not that left.. your other left’.

Every single time :S

5 years ago

Maybe the key is to let her handle the conversations and you take care of the QTEs and that way you get a perfect runthrough.

5 years ago

Quote by Sheogorath:
“That woman wielded fear like a cleaver………….or did she wield a cleaver, so
people feared her?”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Honestly though, if your wife’s kryptonite is a terrible game mechanic that just refuses to die, that’s not so bad.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago

There’s a fourth panel to this comic. Maybe you didn’t draw it. Maybe you didn’t even write it, but it’s there. Looming. Is Tim banished to the couch for his brazen insolence? Does his wife cast aside his criticism with a smile and a sly remark about his own inadequacies as a gamer, husband, sexual partner? Does she laugh? Cry? Leave? Are they joined by a blinking, sleepy child requesting a drink of water, but secretly hoping to stay up late with Mommy and Daddy? Maybe it’s best we don’t get that fourth panel. Maybe it’s better if we all… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

The fourth panel is Tim’s wife waking up this morning, getting the kids ready for the day, checking her phone, then stepping into his office and smacking the back of his head as she says “Seriously? You put THAT in your comic?”

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

That is a very long and involved fourth panel. It is also wonderful.

I choose to believe this is the way this vignette ends.

5 years ago

Love events during a cutscene where it’s like “Heavy drama & moral decision: do you let him go with a warning or kil…”
Me: “Click; nope. OMG, I wanted to kill that dude forever ago.”

5 years ago

I feel her pain. I’m a PC gamer (keyboard and mouse), so any time I’m asked to use a controller, I’m SOL vs people who use them all the time. I have no clue where the right-hand buttons are in relation to each other = P Oh for the days of simple button layouts…

But keyboard QTEs I’m fine with.

5 years ago

Honesty is best in a relationship…

5 years ago

I feel this, so so much. My wife loves playing video games with me, and is counting down the days until Borderlands 3 comes out because it means quality time popping the heads of bandits. (She always plays sniper characters, I’m mildly concerned…) But yeah, she didn’t grow up playing games, and doesn’t really do single-player games, so hasn’t had the desire/need to develop that muscle memory. If a game tells her to push a button she usually ends up dying because she has to glance down at the controller to remmber which button it is… =p

Vincent Price
Vincent Price
5 years ago

I don’t think Tim would write jokes at his wife’s expense if she didn’t have a good humor about her. This is a cute comic.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

Agreed. That was meant more tongue-in-cheek.

5 years ago

It’s really funny, top frame, facial hair it’s Tim. Bottom frame blanket pulled up, it’s Ethan.

3 months ago
Reply to  Joey

Oh shit. I looked and you have a point.

5 years ago

why is this still called quicktime events? those games are not longer based on apple quicktime! *insert walled garden joke 10325 here*

5 years ago

In sick at QTE on controllers. I develop the muscle memory of what button to push on a per game basis. I also own all the consoles so it is more valuable to remember “top button” that y or square…

Lastly, I blame sony for making me this way. I had the buttons in hand with SNES and Genesis… the change to shapes made me give up, heh.

5 years ago
Reply to  SmCaudata

Oh wow how amazing. You’re good at pressing button prompts and remembering basic button locations. You’re an epic gamer!

5 years ago
Reply to  MarthKoopa

Oh wow how amazing. You’re good at taunting people in the internet and remembering to be an ass. You’re an epic asshole!

5 years ago
Reply to  leduk

Mocking cringe inducing morons is one of the best things about the internet

5 years ago
Reply to  SmCaudata

Square is left, top is triangle dingus

5 years ago

This is like my husband and me, he does like/play some games, but he is not used to a controller so… he refused to keep playing Until Dawn with me, rather just watched me play and help decide. I bought this game yesterday because of this comic, I don’t always keep up with game news, so it was a nice surprise. And read a bit about the co-op, the online co-op sounds interesting too. But I’ve convinced the husbs to play with me again, since the extra settings for press (instead of button smash) and no qte time-out made him… Read more »

5 years ago

This was the exact situation when me and my fiancée played this yesterday. Three deaths, all hers.

5 years ago

Same experience, reversed genders. I got my husband into console gaming when we were just dating. He’s improved a lot, but it can be painful watching him play Detroit! x.x

5 years ago

We made a Doom 3 Co-Op. One of us steered the marine through the darkness while the other one tried to kill demons. That was a lot of fun and we managed to beat several levels this way.
There was no other way for me to play Doom 3 anyway.

3 years ago

Insert reference to Candace Flynn playing a video game here.

(“Actually, you just paused it…”)