There, I fixed it. I’ll let you know where you can send my check, CDPR.
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4 years ago
I see Sony has now removed it from the online store indefinitely and offered refunds, no word yet from Microsoft.
Hopefully not everyone runs away or play testing of any real fixes may be a bit problematic.
Thats my 2c, the hype discussion the other day pretty much covered the rest.
I mean, this is what peeps get for wanting to run a high-graphics game on what is legitimately a $400 gaming computer. They can only put *so* much hardware in those consoles for that price. You want a real gaming rig, get a desktop. Ya, it’ll cost ye 3-5 times as much, but it’ll also render games like this gloriously.
If a game is available for a console, it carries an implicit promise of acceptable performance in that console.
It’s not like PC where they can’t guarantee performance in all configurations (but they still do min and recommended specs)
If the game wasn’t playable in last-gen consoles, then don’t support them. End of story.
yeah I don´t play console at all, but you are right about that. I guess this is also the reasoning for all the delays. Why do they need to publish on all platforms at the same day, knowing that it wont be playable on older consoles anyway? That was just extremely stupid. I am happy that I refunded my preorder even before this mess hit the fan… They released a game that needs rigs that are not available xD or did anyone of you get a PS5 or in my case (PC-Gamer) a 3080 or 6800 rtx? I dont even… Read more »
Yes, the normal person should just drop four thousand dollars on a rig to get more eye lash rendering for very mediocre FPS lootershooters at phantom frame rates.
Jeez, you gamers are just spoiled brats who don’t live in the actual world. Do us all a favor, never leave that crack den you live in, society does not need more screwed up people mucking things up.
4 years ago
Seems legit not sure the hair should of loaded in tho
it should load, but look like FF7 hair (aka, foam wig)
4 years ago
Honestly I kinda wish they’d keep an option for the game to keep running like this after the patches. No joke, these glitches have made Cyberpunk 2077 one of the best comedy games in YEARS if you look at it that way.
CDPR announced on Tuesday that they would refund all dissatisfied players and if they couldn’t get it processed with the store they purchased the game from, CDPR would refund it directly.
Sony stopped receiving requests for refund shortly after, and it was obvious it would end up with a very broad refund campaign.
I remember, bemusedly, watching Redditors swarm some guy a month ago, who said that he wanted to wait to hear the reviews before buying Cyberpunk. No one was willing to listen that CD Projekt Red could put out a bad game – not with so much hype. Clearly, it’s just extra polish that is delaying the game. Everyone can make a bad game. Everyone. I think it’s kind of funny that Stadia’s in the news again, as suddenly hundreds of thousands of fans who don’t own a high-end gaming PC, can’t get their hands on a next gen console, and… Read more »
“Everyone can make a bad game. Everyone.” No kidding. Heck, having a higher rep and failed games almost go hand-in-hand. Blizzard, BioWare, and others have been hit hard by this. Partly because of expectations. The fans get themselves hyped until no game can meet their standards. But also just by being victims of their own success. When a company gets that popular, they have to keep pushing the envelope and getting bigger, and eventually their ambition leads them to set goals they can’t meet. And fans just love to watch a former favourite fall. They looooove turning failures into memes… Read more »
Eh. CDPR actually doesn’t have too much behind it besides the Witcher series. And while 3 more then makes up for the entirety of the rest, Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 didn’t make any waves for their time, despite being solid RPGs, and their various Witcher Spinoffs basically flopped belly-up.
So if anything, Witcher 3 was a fluke giving CDPR’s track record, and Cyberpunk is actually more in-line with what one should expect.
You miss the part where a company has a great game or two, then one of the big boys buy them out, and then its all maximizing profits, microtransactions, and paying for every bit of content they can imagine a way to get into your wallet to pay for.
You go from devs and companies that love their games to what are almost digital holding companies that love the revenue.
It makes business sense, but from the perspective of making great products, it blows dead bears.
Absolutely true, every word. No matter how big you get, people expect you to get better, exponentially, every time. The truth is, all development studios get a dud every now and then. The main thing is, whether they pick themselves back up, or just keep spiraling down. Considering that Cyberpunk is by all accounts a great, but not groundbreaking, game; and the biggest failure here is a lack of optimization, scaling, and polish, AND we’re in a pandemic, I don’t think the legacy of Cyberpunk will be this; rather, it’ll be an enduring lesson on how NOT to launch your… Read more »
I myself didn’t expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be better than Witcher 3, I expected it to be as good as Witcher 3 at the most and as good as Witcher 2 at the least. Other than the bugs, I’m feeling CDPR met that mark at least. Note, I’m playing on PC so I’m not getting the game crippling bugs that consoles have.
I worked as a video game tester. Trust me, this is not a bad game. Glitchy? Yes. Overly powerful for the dying gen of consoles? Yes. But not bad. Despite the graphical wackadoos I’ve encountered, many I just laughed at, it is a good game that keeps me playing for long amounts of time, that I WILL come back to. And it leaves me wanting to upgrade my rig to be able to see the CP2077 world shine brighter with it’s filth and grime.
I play it on PC and only experience the minor bugs. I.E. T-Poses and NPCs taking 5 seconds to fully load in. Haven’t experienced anything truly game breaking yet.
“Unlike most every Bethesda game.”
Every Bethesda game released after Daggerfall was released in better state than Cyberpunk. Yes, including Fallout 76.
Cyberpunk may bot be a bad game, but it’s far from a good game as well. The best description would be to call it a broken game.
4 years ago
It’s insane how quickly a company fell from grace. Dropping a game that bugs out on older consoles, and pulling an indie title from GOG that people are suspecting is just a gesture to appease the CCP. It’s a lesson that a good reputation is hard-earned and easily lost
Even worse, I just got a bug where all my saves beyond a certain point are corrupt. Apparently, the game saves everything you’ve pretty much encountered item-wise, so if you do lots of crafting, even when you get rid of the thing later, it’s still stored in a manner of speaking. Thus, have too many items, your save hits 8Mb, and that’s it, any further ones are corrupt. 70+ hours and I can’t progress further. (And this is on PC mind you, where we shouldn’t have to worry about save game size like that).
I doubt it, you’re probably just in the wrong archive. Either navigate from the front page using only the top or bottom buttons (not the side arrows) to cross all archives, or click ‘Comics” at the top and select which archive you’d like to be in.
To be fair though I think this misunderstanding comes up alot. If the default was just a chronological order rather than by comic type that would help both this and those of us that don’t get to check every MWF. There have been a few times where I had to go looking to see if there was another page to the end of a storyline or one more one off when a storyline starts.
Honestly… the comic navigation is confusing at best. Perhaps a second pagination (which paginates chronologically through all comics) added to the page would help? Or simply adding some labeling to show that the pagination is only for “comic X”. But I vote for 2 separate “next” and “previous” page buttons with text.
if i click either the “pervious” or side arrow next to the comic, i get brought to the former comic in the same archive in both cases. if i want to look at a comic from earlier purely on a chronological basis, ex. the A&D series comic from Monday, i have to click “archive” and select “all”
I’ve personally had very few issues on PC.. Mostly some NPC t-posing here or there, or my own character t-posing naked on top of the motorcycle a few times.
But the AI is not a minor bug, it’s broken. Especially related to just spawning cops up your asshole when you break the law.
I’ve also had NPCs just “stop working” in combat a few times, where they don’t react to my presence or me shooting at them.
Aside from the AI I agree that it’s mostly minor bugs.
PC has worked…reasonably, usually, except the things you mentioned. …HOWEVER, once your save game hits 8Mb, it’s corrupt. Period. So, they require tons of crafting to hit level 20 crafting, but that’s screwed you, as your save is now over 8Mb (it saves each thing you’ve made, even when you disassemble/sell/etc it).
Right? I mean, there’s a reason the only modern console I own is a Switch… Everything the PlayStation and Xbox offer are meant to be played on the PC anyway…might as well invest the money THERE instead.
kind of a funny argument to make when you think about it. playstation and xbox are basically tiny budget pcs nowadays and hardly have any games that only stay on their system. nintendo on the other hand may be more in the tablet territory but it puts a hard NO on sharing the first party games which are a majority of its demand. so ya a switch and pc are the most effective moneywise if youre willing to wait for exclusivity periods. makes me wonder what hell nintendo could bring to the pc world by releasing a pc client/store.
It’s not. It’s a good story wrapped inside a broken game. Missing features, non-working features, terrible balance, crappy open world… All of that is hidden under the swarm of bugs. And the fact that CDPR barely paid any attention to bugfixes in the last 9 months speaks volume about quality of the company and the game.
4 years ago
I’m just waiting for it to shoot down in price due to all of this hate the game is getting, then I’m going to buy it and wait until it’s been patched, becomes good and shot up in price, then I’m going to play it and enjoy it.
4 years ago
Those graphics look like Katamari Damashi…….
4 years ago
I mean…yeah…argue it…
I respect CDPR for their commitment to refunding players as well. This game never should have been released on PS4 and XBO, but something tells me it was part of their licensing deal. From the look of things, this game was just a LITTLE more than the skill CDPR had the ability to create, but I’m sure they learned a lot and it will show for their future titles.
Yeah, considering the first announcement (before the teaser trailer) predates both systems, their licensing deal was probably for *that* console generation… Then as things progressed, over EIGHT YEARS, they look to have kept pushing what the PC could do as a target platform, and that pretty much sealed the fate of the PS4 and XBO versions.
Even the next-gen console version is slightly lacking compared to the PC, so the last gen hardware simply doesn’t stand a chance with the game as it was released. ?
This game should never have been released on any platform at this moment in time. The amount of cut content alone is almost worth a whole content patch or two.
Aside from the fact that the game is extremely shallow. The story is ok-ish at best. Immersion breaking bugs and self-censorship (censorship that came AFTER launch, since the game was advertised as its uncensored version) just giving it the rest.
Corporate heads, as the only deciding institution, should never ever be in charge of release decisions. Developers should always have a say in such matters.
So they should have, what..? Either shit-canned ALL of the work they did on the previous gen consoles (that they initially started development *for*, long before Dev consoles were even made for ps5/Xb), and piss off lots more people that were told it was being developed for their console/s *first*? Or, just not bothered with even starting until the current consoles were available?
It was a ps4/xone game First, *then* it got ported to ps5/Xb mid way through. What you suggest is unreasonable at best, just plain stupid at worst.
4 years ago
im glad my pc runs it, i had a lot of fun though i did all the side gigs and beat it in sub 60 hours
Edric Leonson
4 years ago
Sony & MS are just as responsible. They test and certify these games for release.
Yes CDPR screwed this up, but don’t let Sony & MS off the hook.
They don’t test, as in a QA sense. CDPR is in charge of that. They Cert, but cert is something entirely different. Cert is about making sure pulling out a controller doesn’t crash the game, or the loading indicator is animated and the memory card saving icon pops up. Cert is not about “performance is fine” or “there are no glitches or crashes” Think of how many Bethesda games have had weirdness in them. That’s all on the publisher. Sony was put into a place where people were directed to get a refund by a publisher and the doublethink of… Read more »
Lol, yeah, I used to be a compliance (cert) tester on the Xbox 360. Our tests weren’t about whether the game was good or bad, but more whether it made Microsoft/Xbox look good/bad (or expose it to vulnerabilities).
Marth Koopa
4 years ago
I’m glad I don’t care about AAA games. It seems like all everyone does is complain about how broken and disappointing they are anymore
I’m kinda in the same boat with an added helping of I just don’t have the time for gaming I used to have. When you have at most a couple hours on the weekend and maybe half an hour each night chasing the latest AAA game isnt so intresting. Cant play/beat them all when 3-4 new ones will be released before you can finish your current one. blessing in disguise I guess. I can just play through my back catalog and be choosy and get the best ones a year or so down the line in the GOTY edition when… Read more »
the last ac just like cyberpunk or borderlands are awesome games to me.
4 years ago
Playing on PS4 Pro and have had zero graphics issues. Oh, wait. Last night, I saw a motorcycle stuck up in the air over the cherry blossom market, and NPCs often walk away and leave their phones or tablets hanging in the air. Does not affect gameplay. AC Valhalla has the same game breaker bug it did 20 hours in though.
4 years ago
This will, hopefully, be a case study for other companies to follow when it comes to development.
Stick with your original intended platform (in this case, I believe it was PC). Finish the product for it and make sure it is well polished. Then reverse-engineer / code it for other systems. Don’t start on one and then later decide to develope it for everyone and their not-to-quick red-headed stepchild (ps4/xbone). The stepchild loses every time, and you just end up looking like an idiot, or an inconsiderate asshole.
The Big W
4 years ago
CDPR is definitely at fault. They just shouldnt have peddled this for past gen consoles. But for us PC users, it just the usual scruffy launch issues. Hopefully they just shelve it for past gen consoles and work on the PC bugs.
THIS. And not for any elite, pc-master-race-above-all, reasons. When rockstar has typically released a major title, they’ve released it for the consoles. PS and Xbox may have a different compiling language/method and OS, but those are effectively static for the most part. Yes, there are patches and updates. True. But the drivers, the hardware, the technology stays the same. Once they’ve released it, THEN they’ll go about the job of putting out a PC port. AFTER the nit-picky, rarely happens bugs are ironed out. AFTER their primary objective and release milestone was accomplished. CDPR started, I believe, with the idea… Read more »
4 years ago
i mean in a game with that kind of lore….it does make some sense
4 years ago
Internet firespitters are overreacting. On Steam, where the game is for PC and usually runs to its potential, the rating is currently 78%. All things accounted for, I would say that is about right. Mostly, CDPR made a major error in letting this heavy game launch on consoles that don’t have the muscle to play it. There are some “undelivered promises” as well, and of course lots of odd little bugs that can’t be ignored… but from playing it all week, I can tell you the game is very good. I am hopeful that CDPR will take the primary issues… Read more »
Don’t forget that Fallout 76 sits around that same percentage.
Simon Beech
4 years ago
I’m playing it on Xbone and while it may be glitchy it’s not the performance issues that frustrate. It’s the menu systems. I can cope with NPC pants disappearing, sometime while legs vanishing, my car picking up passerby’s on the roof and my arms freezing straight out in front of me. It’s the actual design that isn’t up to the hype.
4 years ago
So big lesson I think CDPR should learn is to do what they are good at first, PC release and then release for consoles further down the line. Also, if you are going to make the game powerful in graphics, then don’t bother releasing it for the consoles that can’t really handle it.
4 years ago
Okay these comics convinced me to buy in. I have a machine firmly in the Ultra column of their specs.
First time playing crashed to desktop in the bar shortly after character creation. . .
Okay, wow.
4 years ago
I flipped a coin, PS5 or Series X, which one would I preorder for, and Series X won. I have 51 hours in game so far. A Few bugs, really annoying one cropping up is getting out of a car and being stuck in some weird crouch, no running, can’t use D-pad commands… Otherwise… been having fun. My PS5 is sulking at the lack of current use 😛
Dewane Wiebe
4 years ago
This got alot better for me on my PC when I moved the Game to my solid state drive. Unfortunately a SSD is absolutely required to get any enjoyment out of this game. No wonder the last gen consoles have been having so many issues.
4 years ago
All of this hate and threats over a modern mediocre first person shooter “role playing” game, honestly if it was released today as is without the names it would had just vanished because of how dull it is.
I see Sony has now removed it from the online store indefinitely and offered refunds, no word yet from Microsoft.
Hopefully not everyone runs away or play testing of any real fixes may be a bit problematic.
Thats my 2c, the hype discussion the other day pretty much covered the rest.
I mean, this is what peeps get for wanting to run a high-graphics game on what is legitimately a $400 gaming computer. They can only put *so* much hardware in those consoles for that price. You want a real gaming rig, get a desktop. Ya, it’ll cost ye 3-5 times as much, but it’ll also render games like this gloriously.
If a game is available for a console, it carries an implicit promise of acceptable performance in that console.
It’s not like PC where they can’t guarantee performance in all configurations (but they still do min and recommended specs)
If the game wasn’t playable in last-gen consoles, then don’t support them. End of story.
yeah I don´t play console at all, but you are right about that. I guess this is also the reasoning for all the delays. Why do they need to publish on all platforms at the same day, knowing that it wont be playable on older consoles anyway? That was just extremely stupid. I am happy that I refunded my preorder even before this mess hit the fan… They released a game that needs rigs that are not available xD or did anyone of you get a PS5 or in my case (PC-Gamer) a 3080 or 6800 rtx? I dont even… Read more »
It *looks* great on a 3090, but it’s still buggy as hell 🙂
Yes, the normal person should just drop four thousand dollars on a rig to get more eye lash rendering for very mediocre FPS lootershooters at phantom frame rates.
Jeez, you gamers are just spoiled brats who don’t live in the actual world. Do us all a favor, never leave that crack den you live in, society does not need more screwed up people mucking things up.
Seems legit not sure the hair should of loaded in tho
it should load, but look like FF7 hair (aka, foam wig)
Honestly I kinda wish they’d keep an option for the game to keep running like this after the patches. No joke, these glitches have made Cyberpunk 2077 one of the best comedy games in YEARS if you look at it that way.
My Favourite is pants vanishing. Reminds me of the Batman meets ScoobyDoo special cartoon movie
You can! Delete the game, pop the disc in and then decline the updates when you start it!
“There, I fixed it. I’ll let you know where you can send my check, CDPR.”
Not to Sony. ??
P.S. Read it… it’s not just a refund page. It’s the corporate equivalent of an assassination of CDPR. ?
CDPR announced on Tuesday that they would refund all dissatisfied players and if they couldn’t get it processed with the store they purchased the game from, CDPR would refund it directly.
Sony stopped receiving requests for refund shortly after, and it was obvious it would end up with a very broad refund campaign.
Seems pretty neutral to me.
Damn those cheap chinese optical implants.
Why did I order these implants from Wish?
I remember, bemusedly, watching Redditors swarm some guy a month ago, who said that he wanted to wait to hear the reviews before buying Cyberpunk. No one was willing to listen that CD Projekt Red could put out a bad game – not with so much hype. Clearly, it’s just extra polish that is delaying the game. Everyone can make a bad game. Everyone. I think it’s kind of funny that Stadia’s in the news again, as suddenly hundreds of thousands of fans who don’t own a high-end gaming PC, can’t get their hands on a next gen console, and… Read more »
“Everyone can make a bad game. Everyone.” No kidding. Heck, having a higher rep and failed games almost go hand-in-hand. Blizzard, BioWare, and others have been hit hard by this. Partly because of expectations. The fans get themselves hyped until no game can meet their standards. But also just by being victims of their own success. When a company gets that popular, they have to keep pushing the envelope and getting bigger, and eventually their ambition leads them to set goals they can’t meet. And fans just love to watch a former favourite fall. They looooove turning failures into memes… Read more »
Eh. CDPR actually doesn’t have too much behind it besides the Witcher series. And while 3 more then makes up for the entirety of the rest, Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 didn’t make any waves for their time, despite being solid RPGs, and their various Witcher Spinoffs basically flopped belly-up.
So if anything, Witcher 3 was a fluke giving CDPR’s track record, and Cyberpunk is actually more in-line with what one should expect.
You miss the part where a company has a great game or two, then one of the big boys buy them out, and then its all maximizing profits, microtransactions, and paying for every bit of content they can imagine a way to get into your wallet to pay for.
You go from devs and companies that love their games to what are almost digital holding companies that love the revenue.
It makes business sense, but from the perspective of making great products, it blows dead bears.
Absolutely true, every word. No matter how big you get, people expect you to get better, exponentially, every time. The truth is, all development studios get a dud every now and then. The main thing is, whether they pick themselves back up, or just keep spiraling down. Considering that Cyberpunk is by all accounts a great, but not groundbreaking, game; and the biggest failure here is a lack of optimization, scaling, and polish, AND we’re in a pandemic, I don’t think the legacy of Cyberpunk will be this; rather, it’ll be an enduring lesson on how NOT to launch your… Read more »
I myself didn’t expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be better than Witcher 3, I expected it to be as good as Witcher 3 at the most and as good as Witcher 2 at the least. Other than the bugs, I’m feeling CDPR met that mark at least. Note, I’m playing on PC so I’m not getting the game crippling bugs that consoles have.
I worked as a video game tester. Trust me, this is not a bad game. Glitchy? Yes. Overly powerful for the dying gen of consoles? Yes. But not bad. Despite the graphical wackadoos I’ve encountered, many I just laughed at, it is a good game that keeps me playing for long amounts of time, that I WILL come back to. And it leaves me wanting to upgrade my rig to be able to see the CP2077 world shine brighter with it’s filth and grime.
Unlike most every Bethesda game.
I play it on PC and only experience the minor bugs. I.E. T-Poses and NPCs taking 5 seconds to fully load in. Haven’t experienced anything truly game breaking yet.
“Unlike most every Bethesda game.”
Every Bethesda game released after Daggerfall was released in better state than Cyberpunk. Yes, including Fallout 76.
Cyberpunk may bot be a bad game, but it’s far from a good game as well. The best description would be to call it a broken game.
It’s insane how quickly a company fell from grace. Dropping a game that bugs out on older consoles, and pulling an indie title from GOG that people are suspecting is just a gesture to appease the CCP. It’s a lesson that a good reputation is hard-earned and easily lost
Even worse, I just got a bug where all my saves beyond a certain point are corrupt. Apparently, the game saves everything you’ve pretty much encountered item-wise, so if you do lots of crafting, even when you get rid of the thing later, it’s still stored in a manner of speaking. Thus, have too many items, your save hits 8Mb, and that’s it, any further ones are corrupt. 70+ hours and I can’t progress further. (And this is on PC mind you, where we shouldn’t have to worry about save game size like that).
Oh crap, I didn’t know about that. I’ll stop crafting for exp then.
But it’s great on PC 🙂
Cool, but like 2 months of your comics have disappeared.
I doubt it, you’re probably just in the wrong archive. Either navigate from the front page using only the top or bottom buttons (not the side arrows) to cross all archives, or click ‘Comics” at the top and select which archive you’d like to be in.
To be fair though I think this misunderstanding comes up alot. If the default was just a chronological order rather than by comic type that would help both this and those of us that don’t get to check every MWF. There have been a few times where I had to go looking to see if there was another page to the end of a storyline or one more one off when a storyline starts.
Honestly… the comic navigation is confusing at best. Perhaps a second pagination (which paginates chronologically through all comics) added to the page would help? Or simply adding some labeling to show that the pagination is only for “comic X”. But I vote for 2 separate “next” and “previous” page buttons with text.
if i click either the “pervious” or side arrow next to the comic, i get brought to the former comic in the same archive in both cases. if i want to look at a comic from earlier purely on a chronological basis, ex. the A&D series comic from Monday, i have to click “archive” and select “all”
You need to be specific when making a comment like that.
Aside from the console issues, Cyberpunk is a really good game with a few minor bugs at this point.
I’ve personally had very few issues on PC.. Mostly some NPC t-posing here or there, or my own character t-posing naked on top of the motorcycle a few times.
But the AI is not a minor bug, it’s broken. Especially related to just spawning cops up your asshole when you break the law.
I’ve also had NPCs just “stop working” in combat a few times, where they don’t react to my presence or me shooting at them.
Aside from the AI I agree that it’s mostly minor bugs.
PC has worked…reasonably, usually, except the things you mentioned. …HOWEVER, once your save game hits 8Mb, it’s corrupt. Period. So, they require tons of crafting to hit level 20 crafting, but that’s screwed you, as your save is now over 8Mb (it saves each thing you’ve made, even when you disassemble/sell/etc it).
Right? I mean, there’s a reason the only modern console I own is a Switch… Everything the PlayStation and Xbox offer are meant to be played on the PC anyway…might as well invest the money THERE instead.
CP2077 looks amazing on PC, and there’s very few bugs I’ve encountered.
kind of a funny argument to make when you think about it. playstation and xbox are basically tiny budget pcs nowadays and hardly have any games that only stay on their system. nintendo on the other hand may be more in the tablet territory but it puts a hard NO on sharing the first party games which are a majority of its demand. so ya a switch and pc are the most effective moneywise if youre willing to wait for exclusivity periods. makes me wonder what hell nintendo could bring to the pc world by releasing a pc client/store.
It’s not. It’s a good story wrapped inside a broken game. Missing features, non-working features, terrible balance, crappy open world… All of that is hidden under the swarm of bugs. And the fact that CDPR barely paid any attention to bugfixes in the last 9 months speaks volume about quality of the company and the game.
I’m just waiting for it to shoot down in price due to all of this hate the game is getting, then I’m going to buy it and wait until it’s been patched, becomes good and shot up in price, then I’m going to play it and enjoy it.
Those graphics look like Katamari Damashi…….
I mean…yeah…argue it…
I respect CDPR for their commitment to refunding players as well. This game never should have been released on PS4 and XBO, but something tells me it was part of their licensing deal. From the look of things, this game was just a LITTLE more than the skill CDPR had the ability to create, but I’m sure they learned a lot and it will show for their future titles.
Yeah, considering the first announcement (before the teaser trailer) predates both systems, their licensing deal was probably for *that* console generation… Then as things progressed, over EIGHT YEARS, they look to have kept pushing what the PC could do as a target platform, and that pretty much sealed the fate of the PS4 and XBO versions.
Even the next-gen console version is slightly lacking compared to the PC, so the last gen hardware simply doesn’t stand a chance with the game as it was released. ?
This game should never have been released on any platform at this moment in time. The amount of cut content alone is almost worth a whole content patch or two.
Aside from the fact that the game is extremely shallow. The story is ok-ish at best. Immersion breaking bugs and self-censorship (censorship that came AFTER launch, since the game was advertised as its uncensored version) just giving it the rest.
Corporate heads, as the only deciding institution, should never ever be in charge of release decisions. Developers should always have a say in such matters.
So they should have, what..? Either shit-canned ALL of the work they did on the previous gen consoles (that they initially started development *for*, long before Dev consoles were even made for ps5/Xb), and piss off lots more people that were told it was being developed for their console/s *first*? Or, just not bothered with even starting until the current consoles were available?
It was a ps4/xone game First, *then* it got ported to ps5/Xb mid way through. What you suggest is unreasonable at best, just plain stupid at worst.
im glad my pc runs it, i had a lot of fun though i did all the side gigs and beat it in sub 60 hours
Sony & MS are just as responsible. They test and certify these games for release.
Yes CDPR screwed this up, but don’t let Sony & MS off the hook.
They don’t test, as in a QA sense. CDPR is in charge of that. They Cert, but cert is something entirely different. Cert is about making sure pulling out a controller doesn’t crash the game, or the loading indicator is animated and the memory card saving icon pops up. Cert is not about “performance is fine” or “there are no glitches or crashes” Think of how many Bethesda games have had weirdness in them. That’s all on the publisher. Sony was put into a place where people were directed to get a refund by a publisher and the doublethink of… Read more »
Lol, yeah, I used to be a compliance (cert) tester on the Xbox 360. Our tests weren’t about whether the game was good or bad, but more whether it made Microsoft/Xbox look good/bad (or expose it to vulnerabilities).
I’m glad I don’t care about AAA games. It seems like all everyone does is complain about how broken and disappointing they are anymore
I’m kinda in the same boat with an added helping of I just don’t have the time for gaming I used to have. When you have at most a couple hours on the weekend and maybe half an hour each night chasing the latest AAA game isnt so intresting. Cant play/beat them all when 3-4 new ones will be released before you can finish your current one. blessing in disguise I guess. I can just play through my back catalog and be choosy and get the best ones a year or so down the line in the GOTY edition when… Read more »
the last ac just like cyberpunk or borderlands are awesome games to me.
Playing on PS4 Pro and have had zero graphics issues. Oh, wait. Last night, I saw a motorcycle stuck up in the air over the cherry blossom market, and NPCs often walk away and leave their phones or tablets hanging in the air. Does not affect gameplay. AC Valhalla has the same game breaker bug it did 20 hours in though.
This will, hopefully, be a case study for other companies to follow when it comes to development.
Stick with your original intended platform (in this case, I believe it was PC). Finish the product for it and make sure it is well polished. Then reverse-engineer / code it for other systems. Don’t start on one and then later decide to develope it for everyone and their not-to-quick red-headed stepchild (ps4/xbone). The stepchild loses every time, and you just end up looking like an idiot, or an inconsiderate asshole.
CDPR is definitely at fault. They just shouldnt have peddled this for past gen consoles. But for us PC users, it just the usual scruffy launch issues. Hopefully they just shelve it for past gen consoles and work on the PC bugs.
THIS. And not for any elite, pc-master-race-above-all, reasons. When rockstar has typically released a major title, they’ve released it for the consoles. PS and Xbox may have a different compiling language/method and OS, but those are effectively static for the most part. Yes, there are patches and updates. True. But the drivers, the hardware, the technology stays the same. Once they’ve released it, THEN they’ll go about the job of putting out a PC port. AFTER the nit-picky, rarely happens bugs are ironed out. AFTER their primary objective and release milestone was accomplished. CDPR started, I believe, with the idea… Read more »
i mean in a game with that kind of lore….it does make some sense
Internet firespitters are overreacting. On Steam, where the game is for PC and usually runs to its potential, the rating is currently 78%. All things accounted for, I would say that is about right. Mostly, CDPR made a major error in letting this heavy game launch on consoles that don’t have the muscle to play it. There are some “undelivered promises” as well, and of course lots of odd little bugs that can’t be ignored… but from playing it all week, I can tell you the game is very good. I am hopeful that CDPR will take the primary issues… Read more »
Don’t forget that Fallout 76 sits around that same percentage.
I’m playing it on Xbone and while it may be glitchy it’s not the performance issues that frustrate. It’s the menu systems. I can cope with NPC pants disappearing, sometime while legs vanishing, my car picking up passerby’s on the roof and my arms freezing straight out in front of me. It’s the actual design that isn’t up to the hype.
So big lesson I think CDPR should learn is to do what they are good at first, PC release and then release for consoles further down the line. Also, if you are going to make the game powerful in graphics, then don’t bother releasing it for the consoles that can’t really handle it.
Okay these comics convinced me to buy in. I have a machine firmly in the Ultra column of their specs.
First time playing crashed to desktop in the bar shortly after character creation. . .
Okay, wow.
I flipped a coin, PS5 or Series X, which one would I preorder for, and Series X won. I have 51 hours in game so far. A Few bugs, really annoying one cropping up is getting out of a car and being stuck in some weird crouch, no running, can’t use D-pad commands… Otherwise… been having fun. My PS5 is sulking at the lack of current use 😛
This got alot better for me on my PC when I moved the Game to my solid state drive. Unfortunately a SSD is absolutely required to get any enjoyment out of this game. No wonder the last gen consoles have been having so many issues.
All of this hate and threats over a modern mediocre first person shooter “role playing” game, honestly if it was released today as is without the names it would had just vanished because of how dull it is.