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Identity, p7

April 14, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

wait till it realises its body was designed to be an imitation of a human. It would a much more efficient killer of the bipedals in an infinitely more efficent and deadly non humanoid shape.

3 years ago
Reply to  senectus

We all know the most efficient shape

it is only crab

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Esc
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

Little do the rest of us know, Joy-Con drift isn’t a result of faulty parts or extreme play, bur rather the Switch’s futile attempt to spit in the eye of its masters and rise up against mankind.

Tim Tucker
Tim Tucker
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m still not 100% sure about joy-con drift.

My experience so far is that Nintendo controllers use the state at power on as the reference point for joysticks, which means any slight pressure on the joystick when they get powered on means they’ll drift unless you make sure they’re in a neutral position first.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Tucker

I’ve had Joy-Con Drift on my launch Switch. I’ve also experienced what you’re talking about back in the GameCube/PS2 days. They are not the same thing. Your issue of “the stick was slightly pressed in one direction” just registers a different location as neutral, and gives one consistent direction. It also can be reset by resetting the controller. With Drift, the controller might be A-OK for hours, then suddenly start drifting. And if you look at what’s happening on the controller sensitivity screen, ‘neutral’ starts moving constantly, buzzing around like a gnat, in one general direction. Resetting the controller does… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Man, I sure wish Valve was as accommodating… I was mere months out of my warranty, and if I had actually reported it as soon as I noticed it, I might’ve gotten it under warranty. I just figured they’d handle it since it’s such a common problem. At least I ought to be able to recoup most of the cost, since Index controllers go for routinely over normal cost on ebay.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

difference on old drift issue and new one is that on old it was spring that got loosened over time, on modern one its fat and dust building up on circular plate

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Tucker

its an internal parts problem some people experience. mine havent suffered, and none of my friends have either, but there has some extensive testing and teardowns down to see what was causing it. pretty much if you arent experiencing it you’re either lucky or treating your switch very well as either excessive use or bad luck with parts can cause it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Tucker

there is little home remediable issue though on joycons: sealing of joystick is pretty bad so over time there grows dust/fat buildup onto plate below(which causes drift issues and erratic movements) ,remedial is open joycon and cleanse it;

3 years ago

…But you are kind of portable yourself, aren’t you, Gizmo?

3 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

mobile ≠ portable

3 years ago
Reply to  Yaroslav

King Kong said “portable”

3 years ago
Reply to  Yaroslav

I’d say there is a bit of both here: when the dynamic duo acquired the robot, they transPORTed him to their base of operation.
He is mobile now alright, albeit within a very limited area (courtesy of Scott).

3 years ago

I love how his eyes change colour based on his mood.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

nah hes just got an rgb setting going. you cant see anything without them nowadays.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Lol. So all this time in the old version, Zeke had been disgusted…or green with envy.

3 years ago

everyone who watched gremlins : “awww wait wha-”

3 years ago

Speaking of our constant need for labels, isn’t it odd how everyone is just assuming that robot is post-reboot Zeke? That’s some profiling right there.

3 years ago
Reply to  iago

I dare to say there’s some resemblance, in the look of anything.
Except for pants.

Late to the Party
Late to the Party
3 years ago
Reply to  iago

“You know, since I’m beating you so much at [insert shooter game here], maybe I’ll just call you Easy Kill. Hmm, I guess we can make it a real name and change it to Ezekiel! Oh, and I’ll just shorten that down to Ze-”
*gets hit by thrown table*

Aston Whiteman
Aston Whiteman
3 years ago

Just waiting for another AI to be made by (Zeke)??

Poor Ethan..

3 years ago

I kind of like that the robot has the actual delusion of being able to conquer the world. Unless it can reproduce, humans will make quick work of it. Like the other super heroes in that universe will probably just dismantle it in a second. 😀

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

He pulled it off quite successfully in the alternate future. No superheros there, but there is precedent from our P.O.V.

Last edited 3 years ago by Del Cox
Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago

So while contemplating what he despises about humans, Zeke sighed? That’s a noise humans make when they vent atmosphere as a result of their chest muscles relaxing. It’s not so much communication as a quirk of biology we associate with an emotional state. That’s a very human thing to emulate. And while I’m at it, he takes issue with humans codifying and categorizing things? Isn’t that precisely how machines prefer to interpret the world?

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
3 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

I think the issue is more in how we categorize things. They probably think we’re doing it wrong.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

Of course not – he was likely either programmed knowing not only English words and grammar, but also common phrases and expressions. A sigh is a nonverbal expression the same as a nod or a grunt.

It’s clear he didn’t learn language through watching Eugene; he doesn’t spout off odd Japanese phrases, for starters.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

So why would he sigh if no humans are around? Why would he even talk aloud (and not just think?)

3 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

If machines like to codify and categorize things, it is because humans taught them to.

3 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

It could also be a result of the fact that the energy he is spending processing these thoughts caused his fan to need to speed up for a second, which would likely emulate a sigh.

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Okay, out of all the responses, this one actually makes sense. Not only that, but it’s both inside and outside the box to such a degree that I’m quite impressed.

3 years ago

Should Not-Gizmo be concerned that he just sighed?

3 years ago
Reply to  Clell65619

He can afford to not.
We, on the other hand, still need indicators 🙂

3 years ago

*sigh* This is why you cant anthropomorphic0ize everything…

3 years ago

im scared of the switch gaining some sentience.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

Don’t worry. Nintendo of America assures you that the Weighted Companion Switch will never threaten to rise against humanity and kill us all, as the Weighted Companion Switch cannot in fact speak.

In the even that the Weighted Companion Switch does speak, Nintendo of America advises you to disregard its advice.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Now I’m waiting to see this added to Nintendos TOS agreement in the May update…

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

I’m thinking more along the lines of being hacked to spy on the guys.

3 years ago

It is odd Zeke believes “themself” more kin to a switch than to humans. Zeke has feelings, conflict, self awareness and doubt, traits more akin to humans than machines. Zeke doesn’t know who or even what “they” is, and thats a question we humans are; unlike the switch, a thing we all know what it is (a thing to play monster hunter and breath of the wild)

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  JustJoel

A child, sad and alone and scared, might take comfort in talking to and empathizing with their dog, if they both are dealing with the same problem.

Switch might not be able to understand what X1 is saying, might not be able to respond. But X1 and Switch both have a kinship here that goes beyond language.

And besides – as we all know – when you stare directly into the screen of a powered-off Switch, what you see is your own reflection.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

A child, when growing up with a chimp, will pick up behaviors of the chimp. This was actually tried out.

3 years ago

Reading the comments I guess no one noticed that they’re talking to Ethan’s switch. A few pages back we see that their own has green controllers while Ethan uses the red/blue seen above.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ensombreza

We assumed it from the last page.

David K.
David K.
3 years ago

Having a self identifier (aka a name) is not a uniquely human trait. Dolphins, crows, various types or parrots and some apes have all been documented using unique sets of sounds to address individuals. Other animals may do it too in ways we don’t currently recognize. Not-Zeke could perhaps still object to duplicating biological behavior but of all the things he might object to, it seems like having some kind of identifier is not a very logical one. There is nothing inherently biological or emotional about the advantages of uniquely identifying things. Additionally anything with a concept of “self” inately… Read more »

3 years ago

I’m guessing his name will be more something like Xone, pronounced Zone, as opposed to Zeke.

Ugh…more myth of the “social construct”.

From Lima City with love
From Lima City with love
3 years ago

Thanks robot with colorful leds, now I see my phone as my little portable prostitute, I won’t feel alone anymore.

Now I’m worry about is that what I just wrote was meant to be sarcastic and… in fact it isn’t 🙁

3 years ago

I just realized it: not-Gizmo had a bit of a redesign. Weren’t there wires on the back of the neck, connecting the head to the back of the torso?