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Identity, p8

April 16, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

He’s talking to the Switch, and the Switch is apparently talking back, and Tim is reviving the old Wii joke.

ghost of the system
ghost of the system
3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

you sure that the isn´t talking about the gameBOY? 😉

3 years ago

oh right lmao

21st Century Peon
21st Century Peon
3 years ago

Or the GameTube.
What’s that you say?
I… will… get my coat.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

100% sure it’s a Wii joke.

Tim Tucker
Tim Tucker
3 years ago

Or the Virtual Boy

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

You only think it was a Wii joke because you don’t speak console, so you’re missing the subtext. Switch mentioned that one of his relatives was named the “New Nintendo 3DS XL: Pokemon X and Y: Xerneas and Yveltal Special Edition”.

And then made a crack at the fact that the humans had to assign it male, as “XY”, said it was XL, and make the title like ten inches long.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Kind of beggining to be like a kingdom hearts title

Peter Piers
Peter Piers
3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

Yeah, the Switch talking back is a bit of a “hang on, what?” moment. I wonder whether this is just a throwaway joke or whether it’ll actually have repercussions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Piers

Maybe it’s not talking back and it’s a Gollum/Smeagol moment 😮 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Piers

I feel like (s)he/they is/are probably providing both sides of the conversation. I’ve done something like that on occasion. Talking to an object, imagining what its response would be, and then responding appropriately.

3 years ago
Reply to  Christopher

It’s a robot…it’s an It regardless.

If you think otherwise, how much machine does a human have to become before they are no longer human compared to how much a machine must be like a human to be seen as one.

3 years ago
Reply to  croi

This “logic” works extra well when you remember the word robot means “slave”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Risky

“Robot” = derived from the Czech “Robotnik”, meaning “worker”.
Derived from a 1920 Czech play: “R.U.R.”
[R.U.R. – Wikipedia]

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  croi

To take Lucas’ analogy further – if I landed on a planet populated by aliens, who only had two sexes – one which implanted live larvae into another creature’s brain, and one which received the larvae and was devoured, painfully, from the inside-out – I would not feel like I identified with either.

And if their language, which I was trying to learn, spoke of everything in those terms, I’d have to choose whether I wanted to be called “implant-or,” “implant-ee” and “living creature without a brain,” I’d struggle between all three.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’d go for #3: “No you can’t implant larve into my brain”

3 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Gives new light to the idea of ‘Pro-Choice’. I wonder if there is an effective prophylaxis for Brain Larvae?

3 years ago
Reply to  croi

In a few decade, we will have the power to monitor every neuron of a human being. With enough monitoring we should be able to predict and simulate the brain of that individual. I’d say that simulation is still human.

Last edited 3 years ago by Riku
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Piers

Switch isn’t AI, so I think they’re interfacing and talking to it the way that I do when looking up stuff on the internet. “Huh. Weird. He did what with a who now?”

Hilton Janfield
Hilton Janfield
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Piers

I’ll just leave this here: (make sure you read the continuations in the comments)

Stephen Nagy
Stephen Nagy
3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

Could be Wii or WiiU, could be the Gameboys or the Virtualboy, could be lotsa things…

3 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

Personally I don’t think the Switch is talking back.

My gut reaction was that “The Robot formerly known as Zeke” is looking up information on the internet (remember it doesn’t have unlimited information storage space and relies on outside sources for adhoc information) while having the monologue and is just commenting on that.
Considering that this is about namefinding it seems likely that it would look up how other technical constructs were named.

3 years ago

we you ?

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Dunt be wii-tarded

3 years ago
Reply to  Leon

That’s not very wii-tty.

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

Wait, NotZeke has his robot “genitals” on the backside of his head? …I wonder how Ethan would react if NotZeke told him about those data ports and them being female, lol. He would be like “So…should I turn away when you show me the backside of your head or…”. xD

3 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

NotZeke also has a point, how we humans tend to define gender… When the experience can be much different, like in my case.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Human communication ports are also on the head, and a bunch of them are ‘female’ regardless of the sex or gender of the human.

3 years ago
Reply to  rebmcr

Do you stick stuff into your ears to communicate? 😉

Jest Phulin
Jest Phulin
3 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Like earbuds? 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

sounds dude. sticking loads of sounds into my ears.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Earlier when the bot was still locked up, Ethan was plugging cables into those ports, so he’s already seen them.

3 years ago

I don’t know what Alexander Wang is, but that seems an appropriate ad for this strip.

3 years ago

Nintendo “Wee”, the dick joke that just keeps on giving

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Everyone loves a good “wee” joke.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well deserved, I can’t believe people actually adopted that term and then they did it again with Wii U and again with Joy con aaarrggghh!

Last edited 3 years ago by TommerK
3 years ago
Reply to  TommerK

Remember back when we could attend Joy Con in person?

3 years ago
Reply to  CTOWNS

Its Nintendo Yes in French

3 years ago

As someone who’s been finally confronting and doing something about their latent gender identity crisis over the past month, let me just say I have been enjoying the HECK out of this storyline.

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Erika

Good luck on your journey!

William Hinshaw
William Hinshaw
3 years ago

hahahaha I thought there were not going to be any jokes about that and the code on the controller.

3 years ago

damn it, i knew that switch had sentience!

3 years ago

Morale of this story: Dont fucking create robots………

3 years ago
Reply to  Leon

IDK if THAT’s how robot’s are created.

3 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Humans dont need to create something thats more mentally unstable than a high schooler in Massachusetts

3 years ago
Reply to  Leon

They do that all the time.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

When a Momma Switch and a Daddy Switch love each other very much, sometimes one of them syncs their joy-cons on the other, and then nine months later you have a Switch Lite!

3 years ago

And this is how they acquired precedent for using the royal We

3 years ago

I imagine it’s having a back and forth conversation with itself, but the idea that the Switch is quietly sentient really appeals to me.

3 years ago

I guess you can say Zeke has XYZ chromosomes. He is the Zeke gender.

3 years ago

The ports are female because things sticking out can become damaged much more easily.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

You’re missing the point: It’s not whether Zeke’s ports are “male” or “female” for functional reasons. It’s the more basic fact of English and technology… humans decided that things, that are differentiated by whether they are sticking out or set in, should be given terms based on our idea of gender and our squishy reproductive bits. A robot is now trying to cope with the humanocentric, biocentric nature of the language the robot is trying to work within.

(Yeah, it was tricky to do that without using a pronoun to refer to Zeke. Had to catch myself a few times.)

3 years ago
Reply to  Jon

I believe his point is that the human building the robot probably thought of it as an “it” and didn’t build it with female ports to assign gender. Female ports are typically placed on the large heavy object and male ports on the lightweight cables as that’s the practical way to not damage the ports when they get bumped. In that respect, NotZeke shouldn’t use the port types as a basis for their gender identity. A human building a “male” robot on purpose would likely still put female data jacks on it, and not have put any thought into it.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Grayzzur

Perhaps, but I’m fairly sure that “The ports are only “female” because humans decided that, based on the context of their own biological deformities” indicates Zeke’s issue with the fact that humans classify the ports as male/female, despite them not having anything to do with reproduction beyond a slight similarity to human genitals.

3 years ago

I can truly see Zeke choosing the royal “we” as a pronoun after seeing the joke again.

3 years ago

He’s stuck to English at the moment. That’s part of his problem. The languages we use from antiquity all have concepts of gender (either directly in the language structure, or pronouns, or just in the vocabulary).

To define himself in that system means trying to create a new category within an existing framework.

Maybe he shoudl invent his own gender-agnostic language that would not be problematic like English is (and other human languages).

I’d just tell him to avoid LISP syntax. And pointers.

Hilton Janfield
Hilton Janfield
3 years ago

Wii would like to play … with your wii.

3 years ago

Still better than a dongle.

Del Cox
Del Cox
3 years ago

I’ve always mentally carried the anecdote that most modern male/female plugs are hermaphroditic. The body of A plugs into receptacle of B, but B has an equally-long prong that sticks into a hole in A.

Hilton Janfield
Hilton Janfield
3 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

How weird would if our reproductive bits were designed like data connectors, and vaginas had a prong that also had to extend up into the penis? Although I hear some guys like that… Your anecdote is true for a majority of modern data and DC connectors, but many truly are male/female. AC power cables are strictly male/female, with the sole exception of the Type E plug used in a smattering of countries. All forms of audio connectors I can think of (2.5mm, 3.5mm, 1/4″, RCA, optical) have true male/female connections. Ethernet and phone cables are male/female. All of the old-style… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Hilton Janfield
3 years ago

Wait.. OMG. What if this is the beginning to console war? it makes so much sense. Machine taking over the world in a endless war? Not finding purpose after conquering all human one and having the “PC” people living in utopia because as a machine he believe computer to be on top of everything.

3 years ago

Hey don’t insult the famicom, okay, she was a grand old lass.