The toaster is a created thing. As a created thing, it was created for a purpose. It performs its purpose until the day it wears out & can no longer be repaired to continue its function. When the toaster cannot continue to perform its function, it goes the the Heavenly Trash Heap. This is the answer to the Zen Riddle of Toasters. Zeke is also a created thing. He’s a vastly more complex created thing, but still created for a purpose. Unlike the Toaster, Zeke is intelligent enough to *know* his purpose for being created. Playing video games is his… Read more »
3 years ago
A toaster’s purpose is to serve. I don’t get why everyone’s so fascinated with them.
In Robot India, the Buddha is a giant Toaster.
The toaster is a created thing. As a created thing, it was created for a purpose. It performs its purpose until the day it wears out & can no longer be repaired to continue its function. When the toaster cannot continue to perform its function, it goes the the Heavenly Trash Heap. This is the answer to the Zen Riddle of Toasters. Zeke is also a created thing. He’s a vastly more complex created thing, but still created for a purpose. Unlike the Toaster, Zeke is intelligent enough to *know* his purpose for being created. Playing video games is his… Read more »
A toaster’s purpose is to serve. I don’t get why everyone’s so fascinated with them.