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Infinite Sadness

September 25, 2017 by Tim

Hahaha, holy shit.

Promised vs Delivered.

I almost pre-ordered for this (and the statues), because I’m a sucker for all things Marvel. Dodged a bullet there.

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James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Wow, what a difference. And what a waste of money given you didn’t even got the shiny stones. Aren’t two of those actually the same color of blue? Man, what an asshole move.

7 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

You’re RIGHT! There’s suppose to be a green one and there are two blue! ..what the hell man, they don’t even look the same as the preview.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Wow, that’s…. What happened to the high quality collectors stuff of old?

6 years ago
Reply to  James

what happened is people still bought it regardless of quality

Killah Zillah
Killah Zillah
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

WOW. At least the lil’ baskets of easter eggs at Dollar Store can let you REMOVE the eggs from the basket of ripped up green paper. This took extra effort to make something worse
than cheap, it’s like they wanted to insult you.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim


And I thought Halo Reach’s statue and not actually Tod Mcfarlin figures thing was bad.

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

How come nobody has burned their company down yet? Or at least throw shit at their frontdoor? XD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Turns out amassing rabbit poop is harder than one would have expected

7 years ago

and this is why I piss all over the collector editions of every games ever

7 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’ve been buying every collecter’s edition of Blizzard games since Wrath of the Lich King. I always feel like it’s worth it – really, I’m after those art books. They’re beautiful.

I even went so far as to head over to eBay to get the two WoW boxes I was missing (the first two, before I decided to buy all the CEs). Just the boxes, mind you – I didn’t spend stupid amounts of money getting sealed mint condition boxes with goodies. Just wanted to complete the set.

But for the most part, I totally agree that they’re worthless.

7 years ago
Reply to  P2Mc28

Of collectors editions I have bought, Blizzard ones are totally worth it, but also TERA online and FF14:ARR had pretty solid set on collectors box (art book ofc included), witcher enchanted edition also included reprint of novel game is based on

(and while game was medicore, duke nukem forever included mini bust of duke)

6 years ago
Reply to  P2Mc28

In a word, they are worthless. And nice profile pic

7 years ago
Reply to  foducool

This is unfair – there are a lot of REALLY nice collector’s editions that still come out and are worth the money. Just off the top of my head; Any of the Blizzard Collector’s Editions, including Overwatch (hell, the Game + Music CD are worth the cost alone, much less the other goodies in their CE’s) Deus Ex (Both Revolution and Divided) Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Skyrim Fallout 4 Shadows of Valentia Breath of the Wild Etc. Hell, you’ve got some real nice DVD/Blu-Ray Collector’s too, like the Monster Musume set. Throwing all CEs off the cliff just because of… Read more »

Stephen Nagy
Stephen Nagy
7 years ago

This is why I just tend to buy the digital copies anymore. Fuck collector’s editions, just give me my damn game.

7 years ago

People have won lawsuits over smaller advertising lies.

Vincent Price
Vincent Price
7 years ago

By Arcadia, this is some bullshit.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

I thought it was Arcadion, but let all the paths to true enlightenment through gaming go by whichever names they request. 🙂
That was probably the 4th silliest thing I’ve said in my life.

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago

Even the box changed; there’s no metal-like weathering or glossy surfaces. It’s like Capcom realized mid-way through production that it was too expensive to make and skimped on it.

7 years ago

I’ve seen better fake gems from the dollar store..

7 years ago
Reply to  Lurker

I HAVE better fake gems from a dollar store.

7 years ago

It’s almost like the preview is in 4k with full render. The real thing is just a render on Windows 98.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ricky

So much this.

7 years ago

This is the same thing that happened with the avengers collectors edition movie box.

Promised awesome and was complete garbage.

John Lujan
John Lujan
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I have that set, and was very disapointed with it. The case itself was a LOT less than it was advertised at for the preorders (although they did get the crap sued out of them for using a real breifcase design without permission of the manufacturer, so I gave them a pass on the design). The quality of the case was too flimsy for the price of the set, and the dvd sleeves for the movies are just cardboard, a design that is horrible about scratching discs.

7 years ago

I bought it and actually liked it…but that’s just me.

7 years ago

Still less painful than the Ghost Rider movies

7 years ago
Reply to  Brent

“I said ‘Yaaaay’ not ‘aw, my dreams have been [expletive] on again.”
-Ethan on Iron Man 2

7 years ago

heh. Anyone remember the ‘batman origins’ pre-release? that ‘awsome’ joker infront of a table with light up screens’ vs the.. well, broken POS we got?

Yes, I was one of the origins pre-orderers.. is there a support group for them 😀

7 years ago
Reply to  Kaelin

I actually still like the statue – sure the screens aren’t as ‘cool’ as advertised but I dig the pose.

Now the Arkham Asylum batarang…that was a hunk of shit

7 years ago

That is shitty one is a cool looking box of gems. The other is a glowing box of Easter candy and not even good Easter candy. I hope fans do go after them and get their money back.

7 years ago

Most Collector’s Editions are okay – not “double the price” good, but they’re at least not worth bashing.

This, however . . . this is turtle shit.

7 years ago
Reply to  Diamond655

No not even. This is fecal matter from a dying diseased cricket. Not even one of the crickets you make flour out of, a random garden variety cricket with no use but lizard feed. Just dying, starving diseased cricket fecal matter.

7 years ago
Reply to  Him.

If that fecal matter and the turtle shit got married and had four kids, and then those kids got married and had kids with pigeon shit, that’s what this would be. Not even just one type of shit. Various pieces of feces mixed together, you can’t tell where the pigeon shit starts and where the turtle-cricket dung ends. It’s disgusting even by shit’s standards.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

The problem is that the guy in charge of making this box waited too long after Easter, and both Amazon and Dollar Tree ran out of the translucent gem-cut eggs and had to substitute..

I’m being serious. There are bags of eggs that sell for about a buck for six, that look far better than these.

That’s what happens when you decide to wait for the after-Easter clearance sale, dude.

As for me, I’ve got cardboard, paint, styrofoam, LEDs, and black felt. When next Easter rolls around, I’m going to make my own set. It’ll look much better.

7 years ago

That looks like a Chinese bootleg. Anyone want to preorder Marble Vs Capcon?

7 years ago
Reply to  Vee

Marble vs Capcon? What a rip off.
Marmot vs Comicon, now THAT is a great game. 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I prefer Super Fun Video Game Fighters vs American Pig Dog Comic Book Guys.

There is some real depth to Colonel Capitalism’s story

7 years ago

Wow, makes me glad I stopped buying collector’s editions of games like 10 years ago.

7 years ago

Only S.E I tend to spring for now are the Ubisoft ones – the statues in those are good quality and look great on my shelf (I have all the AC’s, WD 1 & 2 and FarCry 4)

7 years ago

You can buy 6 60mm colored glass spheres for $60-$70 individually as aconsumer. there is no excuse for this crap.

if you’re interested:

6 years ago
Reply to  Glass

But buying all those is more expensive than the eggs right?

Andrew Roberds
Andrew Roberds
7 years ago

The last really good collectors edition I got was for New Vegas. I also got the one for Fallout 4, but, the New Vegas one is still best, imho.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

The last “collectors edition” I got was for Lunar 2 for PS1. And that wasn’t *really* a collectors edition; they just threw in a bunch of cool stuff in a box. I miss those days.

Javier Aguirre
Javier Aguirre
7 years ago

I feel like eating skittles

7 years ago

I’m so glad I only do pre-order when it offers stuff like maps and artbooks, never been burned on those so far. Just got Divinity Original 2, kickstarter edition with artbook, got a statue with it and I don’t recall that being part of the kickstarter ^^.

7 years ago

The only collector’s edition I got was for Soul Calibur IV. I actually got some pretty nice stuff, including a tournament bracket (with Sharpie), a Large T-shirt (which was meant to be the prize), a comic book, and one other thing, don’t recall what it was. Everything came with the game in a tin box.

6 years ago
Reply to  AdderTude

They gave you the game without putting it in a case to separate it from the other stuff? How could they!