That ain’t no pirate’s hook you’ve been playing your games with there, bub…
2 years ago
I’m like Ned Flanders in the tax episode when it comes to doing my taxes. First thing I do on January 1st is log into ADP and start filling out my forms.
2 years ago
Hello, I just barely moved out of my parents house, and am now an adult.
How do I pay taxes. I barely understand how I did it this last year, and I’m not sure how I’m doing it this year.
Pay a couple of bucks and have a professional do it… or just copy and paste the numbers on the IRS web site.
1 year ago
If Lilah wants to be audited and possibly go to jail, then she should absolutely have Ethan do their taxes.
In the real world, she should be keeping Ethan as far away from their taxes as possible. Give him a new game at tax season if that’s what it takes to keep him away from them.
That one n00b
2 months ago
But think of all the games you can buy with your tax retu- wait, you own your own business? Yeah, you’re paying through your nose. No new games for several months.
That ain’t no pirate’s hook you’ve been playing your games with there, bub…
I’m like Ned Flanders in the tax episode when it comes to doing my taxes. First thing I do on January 1st is log into ADP and start filling out my forms.
Hello, I just barely moved out of my parents house, and am now an adult.
How do I pay taxes. I barely understand how I did it this last year, and I’m not sure how I’m doing it this year.
Pay a couple of bucks and have a professional do it… or just copy and paste the numbers on the IRS web site.
If Lilah wants to be audited and possibly go to jail, then she should absolutely have Ethan do their taxes.
In the real world, she should be keeping Ethan as far away from their taxes as possible. Give him a new game at tax season if that’s what it takes to keep him away from them.
But think of all the games you can buy with your tax retu- wait, you own your own business? Yeah, you’re paying through your nose. No new games for several months.