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Loud And Clear

November 10, 2021 by Tim

Or perhaps I’m just reading too much into the subtext…

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3 years ago

‘Mass effect Will continue Please love us again (or EA will hurt us)’ There, shorter hehe. Wonder how microtransactions will enter into This?

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

Mass Effect 3 was the first non-sports game from EA to introduce loot boxes, so I definitely expect some kind of scumbaggery to rear its ugly head.

3 years ago

Except the loot boxes in ME3’s multiplayer were very fair, easy to farm and had a built in safety blanket that allowed you to very easily work the numbers in your favor over time. If you had a Krogan Vanguard you could solo on Gold in under 5 minutes, netting you 45k credits without using boosters. Using boosters, on a booster weekend got you anywhere between 4x and 8x that much, literally for just pressing Biotic Charge then Heavy melee, back and forth over and over. Yes, there are a lot of different weapons, but you can only get any… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Kenju
3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

I didn’t go for everything in the game but with a reasonable amount of messing around in multiplayer I basically agree it was a decent system that didn’t go so far as to make you feel like you had to buy them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

I….didn’t GO for everything…I just played a lot with my friends…like, seriously, a LOT lol

Mass Effect 3 | N7 HQ | Overview – RGZ04Archer [Playstation 3]

So many fond memories 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Sure, but the game would’ve been better with a linear, non-randomized unlocking method. It was pay to win as well, as weapons closer to X meant they were stronger, and lighter.I’d have preferred the ability to unlock my preferred loadouts, then work on everything else after.

3 years ago

Mass Effect Online
Nightclubs with aliens to “seduce” and a shooting range that changes background?

3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Lets be honest, I’d probably buy it…

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
3 years ago
Reply to  Shep

I backed Subverse, so I would play the original one ^_^

3 years ago

lol they gonna mess this up too
that’s what happens when you let go of the core team members that made your successful IP

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool


3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Bethesda woke up to that strategy, Fallout Miami threatened to become a bigger hype than the original Fallout 4, so they hired away one of the core team directors ” because your work is obviously so good” and the original project collapsed, it has restarted but pretty much from scratch, and is now years later than planned.
And then did the same thing with Fallout London with probably similar results, a mixed message to the supposedly approved mod community.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

If there was any Fallout Miami before Fallout 4 then it sure as hell didn’t get any hype. I was following Fallout religously back then and I don’t remember any Fallout Miami that predated Fallout 4. Fallout Miami became known only after Fallout 4 release, when it was announced as Fallout 4 mod. And why wouldn’t Bethesda hire talented modders? It’s the best for the company and for the modders. And for the gamers as well, because it improves the games. If the mod projects are so unstable that a single person leaving destabilizes them, then the projects wouldn’t deliver… Read more »

3 years ago

I remember the days when the name “Bioware” meant insta-preorder, and a pretty serious look at the digital deluxe options. Those days are long gone. I hope they don’t screw this up, but I refuse to get my hopes up.

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
3 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

Nowadays nothing deserves preorder

3 years ago
3 years ago

At this point, I’d just settle for them making a game of any quality level that didn’t involve employee abuse.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

Okay. I don’t know why I’m meant to care or want this. BioWare screwed up the Shepard trilogy starting with #2. Andromeda was a dumpster fire that I don’t want to go back to. What do they think this franchise has to offer that I should be excited about now? Everyone who made Mass Effect 1 the interesting game that it was are long gone.

Just stop struggling and let EA kill you quickly, BioWare. You’re already dead anyway. You’re already a husk of what you used to be before the acquisition.

3 years ago

Lol, Mass Effect 2 screwed up the trilogy? Just because they moved on from the “Oh shit, that’s right we’re making a sci-fi RPG shooter, not just a Dragon Age Origins with guns.” doesn’t mean they screwed it up.
There’s a reason why ME2 (and arguably even 3) aged immensely better than ME1 ever did.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I’d argue that while the gameplay did improve, the story of 2 and 3 was weak compared to the original.

I’m kinda hoping the new Mass Effect will be called “Mass Effect: Alternate”
Set in an alternate universe, and a completely new story not connected to the previous ones at all. You know, just using the game name to protect them from the potential disaster a new I.P. can be.

Last edited 3 years ago by SpinelesS
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I would argue ME2 was the best of the trilogy.

Hell, I’d be willing to say ME2 was probably the best game for that entire generation of consoles. Great story, awesome characters, amazing graphics (for the time) a badass soundtrack, and all around it really felt like you were part of something, that everything you did mattered.

…then ME3 happened, with its three different colors of vanilla frosting….

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Back in my day, we only had two colors of frosting and we *liked it*. Or at least tolerated it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

The three colour shifted endings didn’t really bother me. I spent 20 hours playing, so the final 3-minute cut scene was 0.15% of my experience. I spent more time in total going through extra security on the Normandy than looking at said explosions. The whining over the ending is just, well, whining. Having wildly different cinematics would only matter if people finished the game two or more times. But half to a third of players never finish the ME3. (Seriously. The Legend trophy is at 50.77% on the PSN.) The number of people who replay all three games with different… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DJWG

The issue with the ending is all throughout ME1 and ME2 it was repeatedly hammered over and over that ‘every choice matters’ and between the first two games there were over 500 separate data flags. There were characters and entire missions in ME2 that you could only get based on what you did in ME1. But when it came to ME3, very little of what you did in the first two games had any impact, to the point that they released the extended cut because they were going to loose a rather large lawsuit over false advertisement. If you did… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

It wasn’t a lawsuit. It was a complaint against EA in the Better Business Bureau in the UK. And BioWare won. If you did everything ‘wrong’ in the first two games, you could still get all three of the same endings just by playing a few hours of multiplayer mode, since in the end that was all your actions in the first two games amounted to, bonus points towards a final number check. I’m not sure how fun it would be to lose the final game because you did everything wrong in a different game. And, really, how many people… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

ME2 is better gameplay-wise and character-wise. But the story is a mess. It feels like a spinoff or a prequel, forcibly shoved into Shepard’s story. We go from fighting Reapers to investigating missing colonists. Sure, the Collectors end up having connection to Reapers but it feels like a stunt to tell us “We kinda forgot about the Reapers so now here’s some Reapers connection”. The game would have much better centered around the Geth civil war – which is directly affecting the Reaper plot – and the Collectors being a B story. Don’t also forget how much ME2 leaned into… Read more »

Brett Stratton
Brett Stratton
3 years ago

I disagree about Andromeda. Yes, the launch was an absolute nightmare, but if you play it now it’s actually pretty good. Still a couple bugs here and there, but those you can ignore pretty easily.

The thing is Bioware makes great games. The problem is EA is the one who dictates how rushed it is. EA cares bout their shareholders, not their consumers. They made that crystal clear over the years. Someone else needs to buy them off so Bioware can be saved from this abusive relationship.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brett Stratton

“My dad is dead….”
*smiles obliviously*

3 years ago

somehow I can’t unsee a giant a-hole with some brownish… stuff.. pouring out from it…

3 years ago
Reply to  snark

I saw the same thing.

3 years ago
Reply to  snark

Had the same thought.

Michael Delaney
Michael Delaney
3 years ago

I am scared of a desperate Bioware, in an effort to save the studio they added lootboxes to Star Wars the Old Republic. They made EA’s first successful lootbox game and got them addicted.

After all one of the reasons Anthem failed was cause they made a promise not to add them and that hamstringed their budget and future revenue.

3 years ago

I was under the impression SWTOR was already a dumpster fire with the way they had organized their Freemium system in the first place.

How do you make that worse?

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
Brett Stratton
Brett Stratton
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

I play and they been making fixes gradually. With each expansion, they upgrade the F2P part so it’s easier to manage. If you abuse the Cartel Coin system, you can actually get the same benefits as the subscribers since some upgrades are permanent to the account, not the character.

SWTOR is doing fine, but it’s been relegated as a background MMO like Runescape. To me, a “dead MMO” is when the plug is scheduled to be pulled or IS pulled. SWTOR is in no danger of that.

3 years ago

I’ve been curious, but did they fix that whole thing in Andromeda where everyone looks and walks like a mentally gone individual that crapped themselves?

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
Brett Stratton
Brett Stratton
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Yes. They walk like normal people now and their facial expressions are a LOOOOOT better. Most of the problems overall are fixed, except a couple minor ones, but they can be ignored easily.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Yes actually, with all the hotfixes and updates Andromeda is a perfectly serviceable and playable game. Mechanically and graphically it is pretty much perfect.

The problem is the story is still tissue paper thin, poorly developed, and the cast is weaker than watered down alcohol free beer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Does Feebee still look like a mutant blue raccoon?

'Drew Bergy
'Drew Bergy
3 years ago

More like “Mass Defect”, amirite?

3 years ago

It’s the only thing BioWare has made that I have truly enjoyed, and finished. I didn’t even hate Andromada.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hydrohead

I liked Andromeda, I just hated the ploy of making it appear to have Story DLC then dropping it

3 years ago

Ah, I can’t wait to see the ‘Live Service’ Mass Effect game with half a story, poorly implemented multiplayer and glorious microtransactions.

The tragedy of Bioware.

3 years ago

The thing that bugs me about this is that they insist upon “Continuing” Mass Effect. They could set a game to happen in the years during Shepard’s death between the start and main story of ME2, and yet instead they decide to tack something onto the end and act like its more of the trilogy? It ain’t made by the same people. It probably ain’t gonna even feel like it’s made by the same people. They’re gonna make the same repeated mistakes they did in Andromeda all the while trying to jam the success of the trilogy into one over-padded… Read more »

Brett Stratton
Brett Stratton
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

Andromeda is for the new generation. I take no pleasure in writing this, but the video game industry has always been to cater to modern audiences, not the veterans. This is true for ANY developer, sadly. What makes it worse is that there are too many in our age group who’ve adopted a grandpa line of thinking: “Back in mah day, things were better. They should bring back them good ol’ days insteada puttin’ in these newfangled idears.” I’m half-kidding around, but if you read the comments complaining about it, it DOES fall in line with that. Again it hurts… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Brett Stratton

If the new is actually any good from an objective game design perspective, yes you would be right. Out with old, in with new. When it isn’t good from an objective standpoint, then no, this argument falls apart. I’m not saying the things I like are better. But a half finished game isn’t “In with the new” game design. It’s a half finished game; and that’s bad game design.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

I agree they should do something new but trying to tack it between set games with a time line is it technically can’t be anything epic. If in the X years Shep was dead, another big monster of an event happened, why did no one ever make note of it? Its a bit like the DC fault with the second Wonder woman film. In Justice league, WW was stated as being unknown and basically forgotten as a hidden secret, yet in the second film WW is not in any way discreet with her abilities and stops a Global world event…… Read more »

Brett Stratton
Brett Stratton
3 years ago

The (Or EA will hurt us) should be all the indicator one needs for another company to buy out Bioware and save them. They make phenomenal games, but the problem is they have to do it by EA’s standards. Just imagine if they could work for someone else. We’d actually have a completed and bug-free game from the START. Oh, to dream….

3 years ago
Reply to  Brett Stratton

I’d rather just look for new studios with new IPs, that may or may not have some of the old developers. Though I do have to admit that having a big budget is certainly useful.

3 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Congrats, you’re thinking the exact same thoughts as EA, especially when they’re giving yet another studio the axe.

“Why save this one tarnished thing with all the old pedigree? Why polish it back to its old days when another studio would do?”

Last edited 3 years ago by wkz
3 years ago
Reply to  wkz

Even though I have a friend who went there, and then found out how craptacular that experience has been, I still wouldn’t support them again. It’s not ‘hey the new stuff is awful’ (half baked likely, weak story quite possibly, buggy or microtransaction hell… certainly not unlikey) and it isn’t ‘they should just do better things like we used to get’ (KOTOR and KOTOR II were a bit of a mess to be fair). Really, my objections boild down to: a) Microtransactions I can’t afford. b) Grinding and farming are the two things I hate most profoundly (and thank god… Read more »

3 years ago

Mass Effect: Because We Still Have Aliens to Fuck

Last edited 3 years ago by Leon
3 years ago

I don’t know if I’d say they “fucked up everything they’ve tried since” because Dragon Age Inquisition was pretty solid (and is really only bad in comparison to The Witcher III and even CD Projekt Red can’t replicate that magic). Yeah, Anthem sucked. That’s one. They fucked up that one. Meanwhile, they had some other great DA stuff in the works, but EA forced them to cancel it to turn DA4 into a Service game (and then cancelled those after Anthem so they had to restart). Mass Effect Andromeda was relentlessly mediocre, but that doesn’t count because that was an… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DJWG
3 years ago
Reply to  DJWG

That line of thinking in SW got us the prequels. And then the schizoid sequals to the original movies. I mean, if even Lucas can blow something that badly (and I’ll blame the Mouse who are the EA of media, and I worked on contract with them at one point for a while), then anyone can. In that vein, Rogue One is may be the best non-original trilogy movie. But it was not being screwed up by too many hands and fear of doing anything new and perhaps interesting. All the big companies do so many focus groups on every… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DJWG

Oh no, a rational comment. Get to cover, there are fanboys and haters out there who are both coming for you now.

3 years ago

Is is just me or the the image look like something else? Cause if it does it is really crappy.

Dances with Sheep
Dances with Sheep
3 years ago

I want to believe…

3 years ago

Mass Effect Blitz: Rhythm-based fireworks in your choice of 3 colors, but it doesn’t matter if you do the right things in the end.

Romantic Heretic
Romantic Heretic
3 years ago

Maybe do another Jade Empire.

My favourite BioWare game.

3 years ago

indoctrination theory > RGB lighting

3 years ago

Two words.

Super Reapers.

3 years ago

As long as they don’t resurrect Commander Shepard.

I like Shepard, but his/her story is done with, galaxy saved. Where do you go from that? There’s nothing you could do that wouldn’t seem “less”.

Also I’m not a fan of sticking to one character all the time. For a few games? Sure. Forever? No.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

If the trailer seems to show Liara/some Asari picking up some N7 wreckage – I’d hope for a full game playing as a race other than the Humans. That could be interesting to me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randalf

And herein lies the problem. There’ll be just as many people out there ready to throw their toys out of the pram if Shepard *doesn’t* come back. This was a BAD idea. I hope to be proven wrong, but I have the distinct feeling the reception is going to be like watching an old friend get torn apart.

3 years ago

I didn’t play Andromeda until well after release (and with the benefit of a few mods and fixes on top of the official ones) and I quite honestly loved it. The whole scenario of building up the new colonies and fixing the planets genuinely felt like it mattered, while the combat and movement system was extremely satisfying and tons of fun (the battles against Remnant Architects were extremely exciting if you were only just strong enough). The only other ME game I played was the 360 original. I never played the sequels as I was holding out for the enhanced… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Meatballs21
3 years ago

They could always pull a Bethesda and just release a new but not really edition of the same core games every few years like Skyrim does

3 years ago

Until such time as they retcon the e ding of ME3, no, I will never forgive or love them again.

3 years ago

Hot take but I never liked bioware or never understood the praise they got.

3 years ago

Mass Effect: Desperation

3 years ago
Reply to  Ziveron

Make it Mass Effect: Desperation Syndrome so the abbreviation can be ME:DS

3 years ago

What writers even remain from that time?

3 years ago

Nice to see it’s doomed already (‘:
People have already made up their minds that it will be bad so of course they’ll find flaws that “prove” their point. The absolute vitriol around MEA was astounding and I expect no different here. I don’t think I’ll bother playing this until I know how badly it’s gonna get dragged, I can’t be arsed getting into another story that gets abandoned because of internet temper tantrums.

3 years ago

Just finished the legendary trilogy and remembered why I loved mass effect so much. Then started Andromeda… Sad, sad times. I feel like they took all the great elements, interesting story, well thought out characters, and threw that out the window. Then added more of the stuff I disliked, so many pointless grab this and take it to this person side missions, the mako! Was it because they lost Drew as a writer?

Last edited 3 years ago by D-Unit
3 years ago

Also, the commenters on this page seem like a reasonable group. I just finished the trilogy again. Legendary edition. I love it so much. Back to Andromeda making no sense. If the milky way Galaxy is being reset every 50,000 years by the reapers but the Andromeda Galaxy is not; wouldn’t they be more advanced? Not being reset constantly and all. Shouldn’t they be the more advanced ones? And shouldn’t they be the ones coming to us? Not us going to them. I’m pretty sure if you have two contestants on supermarket sweep and you keep taking the groceries out… Read more »

3 years ago

andromeda didnt deserve all the hate it got.