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September 5, 2022 by Tim

Back to school time.

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2 years ago

That graveyard probably has.
“gaming til the morning”
“party all night”
“eat what i want, when i want”
and “careless living” buried there aswell. =P

2 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

“money” …
(hard to calculate the “died” date though… actually never with me for any meaningfully prolonged period of time)

2 years ago
Reply to  snark

Every 10th day of the month or something 😉

2 years ago

The joy of Autistic/ADHD/Anxiety disorder-child parenthood. Sleep? Summer? Winter? Thank fuck she’s finally back at school, more time for coffee!

2 years ago

Eh. No kids here, but my job doesn’t magically change during the summer months. I get up the same time in July as I do in March or whatever. Must be nice having a job where you can get up later if you want to.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubble181

Yeah, it is, he posted sitting in his chair with a fresh cup of coffee, reading his daily comics.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubble181

Yeah it fuckin is!

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubble181

Yeah it definitely is.

I have the great combo of a work without a fixed schedule (as long as I do my 40 hours in a week, it’s ok), and work from home half of the days.

On WFH days, no commute, no time wasted on picking an outfit, and I can skip the shower. That can easily save 1h-2h of sleep.

But what about the weekend days or your days off ? Do you work 365/365 days ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gargl

tbh I’m good waking up early and only working 35h/week, the basic full time here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubble181

Fully remote job ftw! It’s so nice not to have to get up super early just to waste time on the commute. I’m not going back to a full office job ever again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubble181

You do have summer vacation, tho. Maybe not for the whole summer, or maybe not even in the summertime, but it would be this period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Popsicle

Or not. I have friends who tend to work 60+ hours a week and holidays aren’t a thing. It’s not as such for the money, but rather the desperate need for sufficient mental health professionals. If they were working private practice, they’d have about 200 (capped by their choice) patients. In the public system, about 500 patients and almost always phone for emergencies (which happen often).

And I’ve known other people on contract who had no allowance for time off over a several year contract.

So don’t just assume everyone has an ability to have a vacation.

2 years ago

We all feel you! By summer ;(

2 years ago

I’ll add it to the list of reasons to not have children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

You realize children are who will take care of you later in life and pay for all the things you want from the government right?

So maybe don’t poo poo people having kids.

My kids are work but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Without a family, life is pretty pointless. Part of why so many adults are struggling to find meaningful lives.

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

Kids are also not obligated to take care of you later in life.

Don’t have kids just off the expectation that they’re gonna look after you in the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

Way to go and crap on people who can’t actually have a family (Not everyone can simply ‘adopt’). Someone doesn’t want a family, that is their choice. Someone wants a family, that is their choice. Don’t go thinking your superiour just because you wanted/can have kids. “Without a family, life is pretty pointless.” Screw that. I am not going to make up with drug/alcohol addicted pedophile supporters or money grabbng A holes ‘just to have a family’ because ‘life is pointless without them’. Sometimes you’re better off without a family then with one. One of the best choices I made… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

He didn’t say he has anything against people who have children. He didn’t even say he himself doesn’t have/want any children. He just said he would “add it to the list of reasons to not have children” I have a 9 and a 6 year old and I have a huge list of reasons why not to have children. I could as easily make a list of why to have them. I love em to bits. I work in a supermarket and I have a huge list of reasons why not to work in a supermarket. So maybe don’t poo… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

nah i’m pretty good here but thanks for speaking for everyone i guess

The Legacy
The Legacy
2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

Your kids aren’t obligated to take care of you, either. If you can’t get your personal affairs in order for your elder years, that means you’re putting a lot of trust in people to do it for you. You’re also assuming that your kids will even like you by then (not saying that they do or don’t, but things can change in an instant). You’re also assuming that they won’t die in early death due to an accident or illness, or end up disabled themselves due to reasons outside of their control. If you see kids as an investment for… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

My kid gets up earlier than the rest of us because she has to be up 0600 to be on the bus by about 0630 to get to school for 0730. If she wants to shower in the morning, maybe 0530. Part of that is her choice (return to in person schooling vs. virtual with zero commute time). But she didn’t win the lottery with school start times. Some in the boards start as late as 0900 but hers is 0800. I love my kids too, but I’m not going to throw shade on those without kids. Having kids you… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by TomB
2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

you should be glad your parents didn’t have that attitude or you wouldn’t be here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

well, that’s the dumbest reason. My job force me to wake up wayyyyy more than my kids. Should I not get a job?

2 years ago
Reply to  leduk

(damn I forgot how the internet community was… as dumb as edgy teenagers when it comes to kids)

2 years ago

Oh, you have kids who sleep in, must be nice..

2 years ago
Reply to  Cynon

I guess it depends on the age and on their behavior. When I was grown up enough but still a kid, we would just quietly go to the kitchen and have breakfast with my brothers while watching cartoons on the TV. No need to wake up the parents for that, and it was actually better that way since we would get more TV time. No idea if other kids are doing the same, but since I’ve recently become a parent myself, I’m really looking forward to the time when my kiddo will be able to do the same and let… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Gargl

For me, it took a few years. Starting from the age of around 6 or 7 they would wake me up only to announce that they were going to have breakfast. Turning 9 and 10 this year they not only make themselves breakfast, but they will also clean up after. Oh they joy you find in everydaythings as a parent!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gargl

That sleep in generally comes when they move out, you have a short period of missing them then the long relax back into ‘my time’… until they start dumping the grandkids on you for before school care or long weekends.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gargl

Yeah the creep downstairs to watch morning cartoons. The joy of Saturday when there were so many more to watch and parents slept longer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gargl

Yes, this. My mother was a sleep-in type, and I wasn’t too many years old before I recognized that silence = freedom. I would often just stroll right out the door, go climb trees and swim at the beach, still only 8 a.m. or so. I could also play more games or watch more tv, pretty much anything as long as I didn’t wake mom with the racket.

Aaron Corr
Aaron Corr
2 years ago

I haven’t slept in for almost 16 months. Our toddler wakes up between 5-6 am practially every morning… the one time we got to sleep till 9, we were certain he must be dead

2 years ago
Reply to  Aaron Corr

What time do you put him down for the night? Ours usually sleeps from about 10:30 to 8ish (sometimes 9)

2 years ago

I’m guessing “rest in peace” would be inappropriate in these circumstances … but oh so desired.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tony

More like PIR: Peace In Rest.

2 years ago

At first I though it was a grave of a relative or a pet. XD

2 years ago

I haven’t slept in since I had children. Even on the weekends.

You could always home school.

2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

Sleeping in after I got children is getting up at 8am instead of 6am.

The Legacy
The Legacy
2 years ago
Reply to  FITSniper

Homeschooling is a terrible idea. I can’t tell you the number of people I know who were homeschooled and don’t know how to socialize because they were never around their peers.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

There are many opportunities for homeschoolers to socialize. They are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities at the school. There are homeschool groups that meet regularly to teach advanced subjects and socialize. There are churches and civic groups (Boy Scouts/4H) and sports leagues. The problem that I’ve seen with homeschooled kids who aren’t socialized are 90% kids who wouldn’t have thrived in a traditional school environment – either they’re too advanced and would be bored to death in school, or they have attention/learning issues that would have had them falling further and further behind. Then there are the disciplinary issue… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  The Legacy

you are 100% right, idk what kind of idiot downvoted you. Homeschooling is a very bad idea.

2 years ago

Well, it’s Labor Day today, so that makes for a good breather, right?

2 years ago

ROFL. I lost it at the “shush this is your fault”
Cant say I can relate though. I’m up at 4:45 every day for work. cant even really sleep in on the weekends as my internal clock is nagging me outa bed by 5 if I try to sleep in.

Ashe Frost
Ashe Frost
2 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

“just stubbornly cling to the pillow and continue snoozing until 6” thats my try, sometime its works till 6:30 but then terror goat 1 (age 12) meets/wakes terror goat 2 (6, fresh in school) and then meetin of the braindead (plus my 16 year old son) at 7 in our kitchen, incl. MDK and breakfast (not sure whats first)

edit: typos

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashe Frost
Ashe Frost
Ashe Frost
2 years ago

I like the new schoolyear, from 7 to 2 my home office is silent. only the keyboard and a slow sip at my coffee *happynoisesofrelaxingworker*

2 years ago

I love antinatalistic comics 😀

2 years ago

I have a 3 year old and twin 5 months, sleeping in is long departed and won’t be resurrected for probably 10 years

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
2 years ago

I was expecting the punchline to be some game getting an update that killed all the fun

2 years ago

Weirdly, because of the late start policy my district has for middle and high school, our required wake up time is actually later than we get up naturally anyway. That natural rise time was forged in the black abyss of rising before dawn in the winter; in the time before this late start policy. Not really sure if I’ve won here, or have just adapted.

2 years ago

One word: Homeschool. My kids and I are all not morning people. We sleep until 0900 most mornings and school from 1100-1500 with a lunch and chores break in the middle. My stress levels and anxiety have never been so low and my kids love all the free time being spent actually playing instead of lining up in halls and walking from class to class.

2 years ago

you’re lucky, dont complain!

2 years ago

As a former high school special education teacher (for seven years) I definitely feel the other side of this. I left the profession last year and since then I haven’t had any Sundays dreading going to work or dealing with endless paperwork and parents who just seem to think that we’re going to magically take their 15 year old who has a 2nd grade reading level and get them caught up in a couple months.

2 years ago

“When you get into highschool, you’ll begin to understand.”

-The John-
-The John-
2 years ago

My dudes.. School begins on August 5th here in Tucson Az.
None of your Labor day rituals have ever applied here. /whimper

2 years ago

Ah yes, guilt-tripping the kids. A true classic (?