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New Deal, p1

November 30, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

Ethan should come back to him with a thesaurus.

he who rages
he who rages
4 years ago
Reply to  Vandril

sure, but first he needs a dictionary to look up the word so that he can find a thesaurus 😀

4 years ago

You have to love this version of Zecke

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

“See, the thing is, we’re trying to persuade you to not want to murder every human on the planet.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I think he will find that amusing, that humanity is pretty much doing his work for him.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

On the plus point, he might see how effective we are with killing each and just being generally stupid that he might feel his mission is futile and we will most likely murder each other at a faster rate then he could accomplish himself.

Then hit with robot depression as he realize he has no real purpose they can then convince him that he could torment humans more by protecting them and making them last longer … for his own amusement offcourse.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zanquis

….or maybe Zeke is actually the mastermind behind social networks and it’s all part of his plan to speed up mass murdering.

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

Zeke… twenty… twenty
… ? Make… Humanity… Great…. Again…? ?

Stephen M. Schaefer
Stephen M. Schaefer
4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

See also: The Fifth Element, The Abyss, etc

4 years ago

Lucas: “Are you sure kicking you in the ass with your own foot is off the table?”

4 years ago

Ah, the vocabulary flexing instantly shows a man/robot of culture. Just ignore me while I’m googling what those actually mean.

4 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Exactly my thought. I knew most of them already, but “rebarbative” got me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Drew

I managed to catch “something repellent” out of even that word because I vaguely recognized the root but even I had to look up the exact definition. was glad to see I’d at least gotten the gist of the insult.

I’ll have to keep that word in my back pocket to pull out the next time I feel like messing with someone.

4 years ago

Guest network only with a VERY strict DNS filer

4 years ago

Zeke would make a terrifying loan shark…….

4 years ago

Scott isn’t going to like this idea

4 years ago

Lets be honest here…how many of us just contributed to google asking what ‘rebarbative” means?

Note…I have a very large vocabulary and that one took me completely by surprise.

4 years ago
Reply to  chris

I haven’t. I used duckduckgo instead. 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  HelloWorld


Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
4 years ago

oooh, clever girl.

4 years ago

“We can call it the Red New Deal!”

4 years ago

I mean, they could just let him use the computer, not literally plug in a wifi dongle into his skull or anything.

4 years ago

The plot thickens…

4 years ago

Sure expose the robot to the entirety of human existence all at once. After all that worked out great with Ultron.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mr_Meng

Ultron was burdened with knowing from his Chitauri days what Thanos is up to and correctly concluded that Earth wasn’t prepared to fight him. As in, Ultron’s extinction event was meant to be the first step in raising an anti-Thanos army to prevent the Snappening; not to defend his methods, but Ultron was actually very loyal to the protection of Earth. Zeke at least claims to detest humans and would most likely be destroyed long before he could cause anything close to a planet-wide disaster.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

I just look at that back stockroom and wonder how many people didn’t get their copy of Bugsnax because it formed a necessary part of the X1’s Throne of Terror.

he who rages
he who rages
4 years ago

I had to google and learned many new words 🙂

4 years ago

I don’t think they’re taking advantage of Ethan’s ability enough here. Let the robot rip off his arm/leg/whatever, then beat him to death with it. Ethan returns no worse for wear, and the pact is settled.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

But the pain is real. Yeah he might just come back each time, but the pain is what he continually has to deal with.

4 years ago

could be dangerous as hell, he is programming and the idea of him remotely hiring someone to make him a new body to jump to via upload is there, but could also be a great idea, the moment he visits steam and sees the insanity humanity makes he will want to play it all.

second option does get into how is he getting the money for it.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
4 years ago

I mean, I don’t think it’s really been said how absolutely terrible an idea this is. I’m not even talking about his “understanding of humanity” which is already broken. He’s a program and once he has wifi access he is free. I know Scott is supposed to be mega extra computer hacker dude but sooner or later Zeke will get through and that’s it. I’m not convinced he will ever not be a murder-bot. I DO believe he has free will and I believe he wants to murder.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

From X1’s perspective, he IS free. He knows nothing of the deadswitch still being active, and stays there for his own reasons – some being fear of the outside, some being access to video games, and possibly a desire to have an alliance of sorts with others. Scott isn’t holding him there; Scott instead just has the ‘kill’ button, if he decides he doesn’t want to stay. The difference is huge.

Though yeah, it is still a terrible idea.

4 years ago

I’m relieved he can’t just crack the wifi. A hopeful sign for their civilisation

4 years ago

Could it be Zeke is playing double agent? That he is actually still working for his master and he wants to contact him over WiFi to reveal their hidden identities, which the master didn’t actually knew about?