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February 7, 2022 by Tim

Streaming a bit of work, then maybe some Sifu.

Everyone have their surprised Pikachu faces ready?

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3 years ago

seriously, a big part of the pc gaming community has machines that can run the latest games (and a nice portion of it will play on average settings and be happy with it)
but for those who play games on a toaster that can barely run Freecell, what made them think they could afford an internet connection that could handle cloud gaming?

it’s like metaverse, good try but VR gaming is far from being there

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I would argue that VR gaming absolutely is there. The issue is the price.

But yeah, this service is very similar to Amazon’s Luna. Good price for one subscription, but not many great games.

Want good games? Pay more than 3x as much ?

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
3 years ago

Sony’s VR was the only one that managed to avoid the pricing issue. It even revitalized the Move controllers from the PS3 era, reducing costs even further. Unfortunately, the Sony issue came down to the smaller library and oft-lesser quality of the games.

3 years ago
Reply to  Duane E Naulls

As an avid VRChat player with full body tracking: The quest 2 is also in acceptable range for price imo. (300 dollars) Good headset, easy to use, standalone so it’s basically a headset and console in one, and with the option to hook it up to a PC. The major problem with it is that facebook owns it, and collects all your data on it. (even to the point of tracking your controller movement and a certain amount of camera data.) As for a metaverse: You’d need for everyone to full body to make it feel anything close to an… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Sanquin
Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Sanquin

Agree with all of the above, especially with the “Facebook is trying to make ‘Metaverse’ essentially just a sterilized controlled VR chat” bit. But that’s just Facebook. Third party VR titles are the lifeblood of the Quest 2, and the fact that you can use it for Steam/PCVR, Sidequest, and App Lab titles in addition to official store, really make it nice. And the fact that Quest 2 is the best selling headset by a wide margin, means anything that can port to Q2, will. The weakness right now is that non-PCVR is still a bit limited in scope, so… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Sanquin

I have the Quest 2, and my only complaint is the abysmal battery life and the fact that it drains while it’s not even turned on. IDK what electrical engineer fucked up there, but I can leave it off for a day and it’s dead.

william scott
william scott
3 years ago
Reply to  Alcor

put the quest 2 into pc link cable mode and its never an issue.

A different Tim
A different Tim
3 years ago
Reply to  Alcor

Do you actually turn it *off*, or just leave it in standby by taking it off?

william scott
william scott
3 years ago

nah VR the hardware is 90% there but the actual games are not. they all short gimmicks and nothing AAA in VR as yet.

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I actually disagree with you here. Stadia is a failure, but not because the demand for cloud gaming is not there. Geforce Now thrives wonderfully! The problem with Stadia has been the weak lineup, the walled garden (not being able to use your Steam library) and the bad press.

Personally, I’ve been playing PC games via Geforce Now exclusively for the last year or so – without issues!

Tyler Provick
Tyler Provick
3 years ago
Reply to  mjt

When I looked at whether to get Geforce Now or Stadia it wasn’t a fair comparison. If you have a service that lets me use my existing Steam and Epic games from before my computer got too old then I’m going to prefer that over one that doesn’t. It’s very simple math.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I mean, the tech WAS there. As long as you had a decent ping, you had extremely low latency. The issue was that at some point Google realized that it wasn’t enough to just have the best streaming service; if they wanted to attract people to the service, they actually had to invest heavily in content, above and beyond what they already had. And they just weren’t going to do that. So goodbye SG&E, which was not only developing exclusive experiences, but working through other studios to bring in exclusive games. The structure just didn’t make sense, IMO. Paying full… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The tech wasn’t there, and frankly never will be there, because the latency is variable. Gaming with variable latency will never feel good. It will never be possible to remove the variable latency from cloud gaming. Therefore cloud gaming will never be good.

3 years ago

Cloud is just (someone else’s) server

3 years ago

This guy is correct and all the bandwagon downvotes are incorrect. Its very easy to take for granted the vast network of switches and routers and cables and DNS servers that powers the Internet; but it’s already relatively fragile and strained as it is. Plus, as a popular adage says, networking is fundamentally unreliable. Many things can go wrong. Many people simultaneously switching from gaming in their own computers to gaming in some cloud server in North Virginia or whatever would further strain those networks, plus no matter how good it is, it will never ever be as good as… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

My problem with Stadia is that I have to buy games from them AND still pay a subscription to play. With GeForce Now, I play games I already own on Steam, and there’s a free account type to try it out.

3 years ago
Reply to  wnstnchng

Stadia has a free tier, so once you own a game you can play whenever you want with no lines like you have with GeForce. With Stadia you pay for games, with GeFroce you pay to play them.

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I have a nice fast internet connection, wit nice and low latency. I’ve never had issues playing online games, including FPSs. My GPU isn’t the most modern, and a free trial for Stadia came up, thought I’d give it a look. Stadia glitched *routinely*. I tried playing several games on it. They looked gorgeous, but the glitches were crippling. It’s impossible to play a racing game when every 30 seconds or so you’d have a stutter. At least half the time the stutter would occur and I’d find myself crashed against the barrier because it hasn’t even kept my direction… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

In Canada, a few telecomms pretty much have an internet monopoly so the price here is really high compared to the USA. If you can afford years of fast internet, you can afford a high end gaming PC.

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Sony’s VR proves otherwise. The only reason it’s not picking up more steam is because of new headset and controllers coming out before the end of this year.

3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

As a gamer who has waited thirty years for VR in my living room, I can tell you that it arguably is ‘there’. It has plenty left to polish, but electric cars have been around since before internal combustion engines were even a thing, and look how long it took them to see a practical revival that has arguably been a revolution. Ever since being locked into a VR pod in the nineties with a pair of cathode-ray tubes strapped to my face, I dreamed of the day that it might become affordable technology, and what additional wonders it might… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Gwalchgwyn
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Because most people who try to play games on said toaster don’t really understand how computers work, nor how to get a faster one. They also don’t often understand the difference between computer speed and internet speed. Heck, I have clients where they’ll get a message on their monitor that says “No connection” and then call their ISP because they think that means the internet is down. (It means the monitor isn’t getting a video signal from the computer.) This is why techs like me exist, and I’m happy to help. But way too many companies make weird assumptions about… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Swiftbow
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Internet is hella cheap in russia, but then again, stadia is not a thing here, only nvidia cloud thingy

3 years ago

Been playing on it since the start. It runs good but right now there’s no game for me left I’m interested in.
The good thing is that you don’t have to invest in hardware. Esp since getting a ps5 is impossible without paying a skalper.

D Griffin
D Griffin
3 years ago

I’m waiting on them to just go ahead and off Gmail.

Blair Stewart
Blair Stewart
3 years ago
Reply to  D Griffin

This thought literally keeps me up at night. If it ever happened.. I don’t even know what I would do.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blair Stewart

Same here! I’ve had my email since the mid-90’s when you had to get invited to the beta. =(

3 years ago
Reply to  Brenton

Mid-2000s, but yeah. Mid-90s was Yahoo and Hotmail.

D Griffin
D Griffin
3 years ago
Reply to  Rockie

Yee-up. I’ve had my Gmail since 2005 and my OG Hotmail account since the Indian dude owned it.

Robin Sizemore
Robin Sizemore
3 years ago
Reply to  D Griffin

I’m not particularly worried about them offing Gmail, but I will admit that their tendency to cancel products that I’m using stopped me from buying into Stadia. I (now) play with Xbox Game Pass Cloud Streaming and Nvidia GeForce Now. I would’ve happily tried Stadia, if I didn’t immediately think I’d be buying games from them only to have the service disappear pretty soon.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

It’s like… these multi-billion dollar companies didn’t once realize that the people who WERE interested in buying games… already had ways of playing them.

And that the people who weren’t interested, weren’t suddenly going to spend hundreds a year.

Or that the industry is maybe TRICKY to understand, and little things like exclusive content matter.


Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
grizz kid
grizz kid
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

While I normally agree with most of your posts, as a father, grad student, and poor, I haven’t played a new PC game since PUBG, and even that suffered on my toaster lol. Stadia was a great idea for people in my circumstances, and I was part of the beta, but the games were never there to keep me wanting to pay for the service.

3 years ago
Reply to  grizz kid

I expect Xbox’s Game Pass to expand into this sphere more and more, it already does some cloud gaming. With the huge catalog and cross platform application of it, it has the potential to truly be something valuable.MS has the servers.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  grizz kid

*I* jumped on when I was a father, grad student, and poor (and now just a father and poor). I also jumped onto the Switch around the same time. My biggest crunch was time, second was cash, both appealed for convenience. Switch ended up getting almost all my cash, Stadia almost none. I honestly think that Switch got far more of the ‘lapsed gamer dad’ audience than Stadia ever did, between the portability, marketing, and the “catch up on all the games you missed the last decade” appeal. But after Stadia gave you a *taste* of gaming, you didn’t have… Read more »

grizz kid
grizz kid
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Oh I absolutely agree on you on all of this.

Orose Khan
Orose Khan
3 years ago

I can only assume the Encanto reference is because your boys keep singing the songs at home XD

3 years ago
Reply to  Orose Khan

mine do…

3 years ago
Reply to  Orose Khan

Thank you. Being way behind on the Disney movie train, I had no idea what this comic was about.

3 years ago
Reply to  Freddie

Same. I knew if I waited until this morning I would read a comment that explained it!

Marty Hartwick
Marty Hartwick
3 years ago
Reply to  Orose Khan

Thank you! I had no clue what this comic was about lol.

3 years ago

What surprises me slightly more is that there is STILL a good amount of people that are on that wagon even now and pretend like nothing is wrong.

Surprises me slightly…ever so slightly.

I mean you find people that will defend any kind of bs out there, but still…
The way they set it up, they way they (not) addressed certain issues and google’s overall track record… oof

Vivek Wilson
Vivek Wilson
3 years ago

I thought the idea had merit. A newbie gamer wouldn’t have to splurge cash on gaming hardware if he’s able to stream straight to a simple laptop. Even a veteran won’t need to upgrade hardware as technology outdates their current rig. The two factor’s that were an issue were: The need to buy every game, instead of a simple subscription service along with linking existing libraries (Steam, XBOB, PSN, Origin, whatever). Google has a habit of dropping ideas if they don’t pan put quickly, instead of supporting them for all adopters until they eventually leave. Folks who actually bought Stadia… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Vivek Wilson

Number two seems like the biggest problem to me. The one unique benefit of Stadia is (supposed to be) the lack of requirements, but needing constant high-quality internet at all times arguably feels like a harder requirement than just needing a good pc.

3 years ago

Now, I have not seen this movie, so I was signing this to the Chiquita Banana song in my head. It translated surprisingly well.

3 years ago

Is the fact that you made the one without any powers Nintendo some kind of dig?
Hilarious either way.

Lord Forrest
Lord Forrest
3 years ago
Reply to  Shrek

No,no,no. She had powers the whole time. Her power was “The Power of MUSICAL”.

That’s musical pronounced the way the teacher in High School Musical said it.

Carbonated Milk
Carbonated Milk
3 years ago
Reply to  Shrek

I think its because nintendo is starting to cloud stream some ports for switch, which I think idotic

3 years ago

I keep seeing ads for “Gaming Phones” and “Gaming Phone controllers” – usually playing games you under no circumstances would want to play on a 5 inch screen – and It’s been amusing to see the attempt to keep pushing this.

At least with Google you’d think they’d come to the conclusion it’d be time to revive their 7 inch form Tablet for this. I miss my Nexus 7 and it’d be fantastic for something along the lines of streamed games instead of a phone.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago

Despite all of Google’s promises that they wouldn’t kill Stadia, this is not surprising.

3 years ago

Tia Pepa: “we don’t talk about Bruno”
Also Tia Pepa: *talks at length about Bruno*

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben

We sing

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Pepa is by definition a hot mess so that tracks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben


3 years ago

Something tells I need to do a lot of search to find out what this comic is about.

John Smith
John Smith
3 years ago

I tried Stadia and it worked better than I expected. Main problem besides the lack of games is the sheer lack of value. At first glance, it seems like since there’s no hardware cost, it must be super worth it right? Well, all the games launched at the same MSRP as on PC/consoles, with far fewer sales. And if you look at the consoles, they last about 6-7 years on average. Let’s say 6 years for a conservative comparison. Their launch prices in 2020 ranged between $300 and $500. Divided over 6 years, the $300 Series S costs slightly over… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  John Smith

TLDR; If they’re trying to get you to subscribe to a service what they don’t want is for you to think about how much you’d have to use it to get your money’s worth.

It’s the Gym Membership model just for video games.

3 years ago

i got one that hooks to the tv and a controler for buying cyberpunk when it was still new honestly if you live in a area with good net its not that bad mostly used its subcription games before i cancled it

3 years ago

I went ahead and got the stadia trial when they offered me a couple months for free. It was OK but didnt really have any benifit for me. My gameing laptop is portable enough if I really want to play games away from home. If I want even more portable? well the steam deck will probably do a better job than streaming to my phone ever could.

3 years ago

Anyone else remember the Sega Channel

Jacob Bielski
Jacob Bielski
3 years ago

It’s a little weird; the eyes on these characters are not only proportionally smaller than how they are in the movie, they feel smaller than how the main human cast are drawn in CAD.

So whose verse should this be sung along to, Bruno’s? Also, would it be kosher if a I posted this on the Encanto Reddit? (Obviously I would leave a credit and link). Or you could go ahead and put there yourself, I don’t know if you have a Reddit account or what.

3 years ago

i never get the hype with disney songs … but a song litterly based on lying i really dont get
we dont do this
proceeds to immediatly do it

3 years ago

Kind of love that Nintendo is Mirabel.

3 years ago

Lol lol lol…. We don’t talk about gooogle lol lol..

3 years ago

Everyone, for context: this is based on a song from the movie Encanto, called “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.”

3 years ago

I played Stadia specifically for Cyberpunk. I have a crap computer and as part of buying Cyberpunk I got the Stadia hardware for free. Never had any problems playing that one game, but there was never any reason for me to buy anything else because the library wasn’t there. A resounding “meh” for me.

william scott
william scott
3 years ago

so funny going to stadia twitter and their community acts like nothing is wrong rofl. they worst than wow players ignoring their universe collapsing out form under them.