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Not You

November 12, 2021 by Tim

I have applied to a lot of alpha/beta/stress tests over the years, but Elden Ring might be the first time I’ve gotten an email letting me know I didn’t get in. Usually you just… y’know, don’t get in.

I can’t decide if giving me a heads up feels like a welcome courtesy, or an emphatic and targeted pronouncement of my unworthiness. Like it wasn’t enough that I didn’t make the cut, they had to make sure I knew it, in my soul, unequivocally and without question. ?

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3 years ago

When I read the title I heard Tywinn Lannister.

3 years ago

That’s just consistency. FromSoftware is very fair to the players – when you die in their games, the whole screen makes sure you haven’t missed that crucial fact.

3 years ago

feels like getting an answer from your first choice university

3 years ago

Well, at least they sent flowers.

3 years ago

I’d rather know I didn’t get picked, then wonder if I did but something happened to the email.

3 years ago
Reply to  JMcMillen

So you’d rather always think you screwed up by missing the email?

3 years ago
Reply to  Helldemon

Try again. I said I’d rather know (i.e. receive a rejection email), then to not hear anything at all.

It’s like what MRD says below about interviewing for a job and then never hearing anything back.

In this day and age it’s almost trivial to send out an email or text to candidates that weren’t chosen. It’s just a basic courtesy that lets people know they weren’t chosen and can move on to other things.

3 years ago
Reply to  JMcMillen

English isn’t my native language so my apologies up front if I’m wrong 😉

But isn’t Helldemon just nitpicking about the word “then” in your sentence and that it should be “than”?
“Then” here meaning “and afterwards” and “than” meaning “instead of”

Edric Leonson
Edric Leonson
3 years ago

I can relate, I had a similar reaction when I saw the rejection email. I was like “I woulda been fine just not getting a code”.

3 years ago

Ever go to a job interview and never hear back from them? Yeah, I HATE that. It’s way worse than not getting into an alpha/beta but, you know, it still is nice to actually get a response. Even if it isn’t what you’re hoping for.
I hope they continue with this practice. It is a kindness that is often forgotten about.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Having a person call each and every applicant could be very time consuming and waste man hours. But we have email and text messages nowadays so we could easily just get copy/pasted messages sent to us nowadays so I think it would be doable now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Whenever I turn someone down for a job I always call the other interviewees. (I only ever interview 5-6 people admittedly) I try to tell them why in a respectful way and answer any questions they have about how they could do better. We’ve often hired the rejected in future jobs they were better suited for.

3 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey
Whenever I turn someone down for a job I always call the other interviewees.

I can imagine:

  • you: candidate A is not good enough, lets call the others
  • *calling candidate B*
  • you: hello, I’m calling to tell you we haven’t hired candidate A. Do you have any questions regarding this? Like “why we think they suck” perhaps? Or how you can be even better than them?

Yes, that’s very respectful indeed 😉

One question though, do you also call the ones you already rejected, or just the ones still in the fight?


3 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey

Yeah, it makes sense if it’s only a small amount of people but I imagine if it’s like 20+ people would be pretty tedious to do, especially when you explain why you didn’t hire than and answer any questions they have.

3 years ago
Reply to  robloughrey

Thank you! That’s a kindness that far too many places don’t extend to people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

I can understand that to some degree, but they are basically leaving people hanging for weeks or possibly months. I got a call back from a company 1.5 years AFTER the original interview. “Hey! We have an opening that you’d be perfect for!’ “I’m sorry. Who is this?” “We’re calling from [company]. You had an interview her last year!” “Oh. I’ve already taken a job elsewhere.” “Well, maybe we can talk about you coming over here!” “No. To be blunt, I had written you guys off a long time ago. No one called to tell me that I hadn’t gotten… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

But having them in the office and doing an interview isn’t? What you just wrote is rude, disrespectful and just plain wrong on so many levels, I have no words! You put out an ad for a job and you get 100 applications. After filtering them out, you’re left with 10. What’s the problem sending out a template saying “Thank you for applying for position X. We reviewed your application and we’re afraid your skills and experience would not be the best match for this position. Please review our job listings and feel free to apply for another position if… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

I can’t upvote this enough! Even a mass message is better than nothing!

3 years ago

I didn’t even get a rejection email….

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphus

Same. I wonder if I remembered to sign up. I definitely went to their site once upon a time, it is in my browser history. Ah well.

3 years ago

Of course you know what this means… TP their lawn.

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
3 years ago

Am I the only one that after watching that Elder RIng is just DS4 in disguise, have lost interest in the game? I was waiting for something new, like they did with Sekiro or Bloodborne, not another iteration of the same game in disguise.

3 years ago

It’s a FROMsoft game. I love them all, even if they run together at times. Playing Demons Souls for the first time really drove that home for me. I’m looking forward to Elden Ring. It seems like Breath of the Wild for Souls fans, and I love both those things.

Christian Le Blanc
Christian Le Blanc
3 years ago

I got the rejection Email as well. It did sting a little more considering how many people did get accepted so far.

3 years ago

The only thing missing is for Elden Ring to play All Out Of Love on a boombox, but in the neighbor’s yard

3 years ago
Reply to  santa_fae

Wow, can you imagine if a game beta not only offered the rejection notices, but also got humorous with it like embedding that kind of song in the email or something.

That would be gold imo

3 years ago

The crying face emoji in the news article came through like 12x bigger than the text in the RSS feed and I felt this is something everyone should know.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

3 years ago

The one Beta I did get into was ESO and Jesus was that a shitshow.

Still is by my reckoning.

3 years ago

Only ever got into one closed beta before (granted i haven’t tried a whole lot). SWtOR. Though 4 iterations of it.

But no real bonus perks for us after live, or even when they went F2P. :/

3 years ago

I’d reply “I didn’t really want in anyway! ?”

3 years ago

When I see that name I imagine how they came up with it as:
“Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings… Elder Rings? No, Elden Rings! It’s perfect!”

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
3 years ago

I didn’t even get a rejection email… and I’ve been supporting From Software since Armored Core 1. WTF FROM

3 years ago

Personally I’d rather have the definitive ‘you didn’t make it’ notification. I’ve applied to too many jobs that didn’t tell me, but I’d spend the energy hoping anyway instead of moving on, and that mindset’s more or less permanent.

Jason Doege
Jason Doege
3 years ago

Some people prefer closure to hope.

3 years ago

When you watch lps from people who are endlessly praising the gameplay and graphics of games that are, in reality, mediocre at best, this is why. They know the companies are aware of them and they prioritise passes and early play to suck-ups with no morals who will praise a game. They need to brand their channel so we know who owns them.

3 years ago

makes me remember te good old times of the world of warcraft beta test. waiting the mail of invitation that never comes, and waiting for antoher week. In fact it’s fair to tell people not to wait for nothing.

3 years ago

I absolutely hate not being informed that something I applied to has declined me. I prefer to know definitively rather than being left waiting until it becomes completely apparent.

3 years ago

The lore looks good but it’s probably the souls-like gameplay that will prevent me from trying that game.